Size: 81.7 GB
Magnet link

Name Size
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Adam Baldwin - Blind XSS - Audio.m4b 7.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Aditya K Sood and Richard J Enbody - Botnets Die Hard - Owned and Operated - Audio.m4b 16.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Alberto Garcia Illera - How to Hack All the Transport Networks of a Country - Audio.m4b 23.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Alexander Minozhenko - How to Hack VMware vCenter Server in 60 Seconds - Audio.m4b 3.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Amber Lyon and Panel - Anonymous and the Online Fight for Justice - Audio.m4b 13.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Anch and Omega - The Darknet of Things Building Sensor Networks That Do Your Bidding - Audio.m4b 13.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Andrew King - Detecting Reflective Injection - Audio.m4b 7.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Ang Cui - Embedded Device Firmware Vulnerability Hunting Using FRAK the Firmware Reverse Analysis Konsole - Audio.m4b 6.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Bankston Blaze and Granick - Should the Wall of Sheep Be Illegal - Audio.m4b 12.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Ben Toews and Scott Behrens - Rapid Blind SQL Injection Exploitation with BBQSQL - Audio.m4b 12.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Bitweasil - Cryptohaze Cloud Cracking - Audio.m4b 11.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Blakdayz and Panel - Connected Chaos Evolving the DCG and Hackspace Communication Landscape - Audio.m4b 15.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Bob Pan - APK File Infection on an Android System - Audio.m4b 4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Branco Oakley and Bratus - Overwriting the Exception Handling Cache PointerDwarf Oriented Programming - Audio.m4b 14.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Bruce Schneier - Bruce Schneier Answers Your Questions - Audio.m4b 13.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Charlie Miller - Dont Stand So Close To Me An Analysis of the NFC Attack Surface - Audio.m4b 14.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Chema Alonso and Manu The Sur - Owning Bad Guys And Mafia With Javascript Botnets - Audio.m4b 11.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Chris Anderson - Drones - Audio.m4b 14.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Chris Conley - Bad and Sometimes Good Tech Policy Its Not Just a DC Thing - Audio.m4b 6.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Chris Sumner and Randall Wald - Can Twitter Really Help Expose Psychopath Killers Traits - Audio.m4b 13.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Chris Tarnovsky - Attacking TPM Part 2 A Look at the ST19WP18 TPM Device - Audio.m4b 14.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Christian Dameff and Jeff Tully - Hacking Humanity Human Augmentation and You - Audio.m4b 14.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Closing Ceremonies - Audio.m4b 33.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Conti Shay and Hartzog - Life Inside a Skinner Box Confronting our Future of Automated Law Enforcement - Audio.m4b 13.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Cory Docotorow - Beyond the War on General Purpose Computing Whats Inside the Box - Audio.m4b 14.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Cutaway - Looking Into The Eye Of The Meter - Audio.m4b 14.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - DT Jericho and Russ Rogers - DC RECOGNIZE Awards - Audio.m4b 12.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - DT and LosT - Welcome and Making the DEF CON 20 - Badge - Audio.m4b 13.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Dan AltF4 Petro - Network Anti-Reconnaissance Messing with Nmap Through Smoke and Mirrors - Audio.m4b 6.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Dan Griffin - Hacking Measured Boot and UEFI - Audio.m4b 13.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Dan Kaminsky - Black Ops - Audio.m4b 17.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Dan Zulla - Improving Web Vulnerability Scanning - Audio.m4b 16.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Darkred - Not-So-Limited Warranty Target Attacks on Warranties for Fun and Profit - Audio.m4b 2.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Dave Brown - DIY Electric Car - Audio.m4b 12.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Dave Kennedy and Dave DeSimone - Owning One to Rule Them All - Audio.m4b 11.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - David Maloney - Weaponizing the Windows API with Metasploits Railgun - Audio.m4b 10 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - David Mortman and Panel - DEF CON Comedy Jam V V for Vendetta - Audio.m4b 30.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Eddie Lee - NFC Hacking The Easy Way - Audio.m4b 9.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Elie Bursztein and Patrick Samy - Fuzzing Online Games - Audio.m4b 10.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Etemadieh Heres Rosenberg and Dwenger - Hacking the Google TV - Audio.m4b 14 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - FX and Greg - Hacking Redacted Routers - Audio.m4b 9.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Fergus Noble and Colin Beighley - Making Sense of Static - New Tools for Hacking GPS - Audio.m4b 13.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Francis Brown and Rob Ragan - Tenacious Diggity Skinny Dippin in a Sea of Bing - Audio.m4b 13.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Gail Thackeray and Dead Addict - Before During and After - Audio.m4b 6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Gavin Baucom and Smith - Post-Exploitation Nirvana Launching OpenDLP Agents over Meterpreter Sessions - Audio.m4b 11.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - General Keith B Alexander - Shared Values Shared Responsibility - Audio.m4b 14.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - James Kirk - An Inside Look Into Defense Industrial Base Technical Security Controls - Audio.m4b 14.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jason A Novak and Andrea London - SQL ReInjector - Automated Exfiltrated Data Identification - Audio.m4b 9.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jason Scott - DEF CON Documentary Trailer - Audio.m4b 6.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jayson E Street - How to Channel Your Inner Henry Rollins - Audio.m4b 4.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jeff Bryner - KinectasploitV2 Kinect Meets 20 Security Tools - Audio.m4b 8.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jim Christy and Panel - Meet the Feds 1 - Law Enforcement - Audio.m4b 14.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jim Christy and Panel - Meet the Feds 2 - Policy - Audio.m4b 14.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jim Rennie and Jennifer Granick - MegaUpload Guilty or Not Guilty - Audio.m4b 14.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Joe Grand and Zoz - More Projects of Prototype This - Audio.m4b 15.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - John Floren - Hellaphone Replacing the Java in Android - Audio.m4b 11.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Jonathan Brossard - Hardware Backdooring is Practical - Audio.m4b 14 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Josh Brashars - Exploit Archaeology Raiders of the Lost Payphones - Audio.m4b 14.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Josh Thomas and Jeff Robble - Off-Grid Communications with Android Meshing the Mobile World - Audio.m4b 14.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Joshua Corman and Panel - World War 3 dot 0 Chaos Control and the Battle for the Net - Audio.m4b 13.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Katy Levinson - Robots Youre Doing It Wrong 2 - Audio.m4b 13.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Kenneth Geers - The Art of Cyberwar - Audio.m4b 13.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Kevin Poulsen - Kevin Poulsen Answers Your Questions - Audio.m4b 16.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Kurt Opsahl and Panel - Meet the EFF - Audio.m4b 14.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Lai Miu Wong and Chung - DDoS Black and White Kungfu Revealed - Audio.m4b 17 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Linda C Butler - The Open Cyber Challenge Platform - Audio.m4b 6.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Marcia Hofmann - Crypto and the Cops the Law of Key Disclosure and Forced Decryption - Audio.m4b 13.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Mark Weatherford - The Christopher Columbus Rule and DHS - Audio.m4b 14 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Marlinspike Hulton and Ray - Defeating PPTP VPNs and WPA2 Enterprise with MS-CHAPv2 - Audio.m4b 8.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Martin Gallo - Uncovering SAP Vulnerabilities Reversing and Breaking the Diag Protocol - Audio.m4b 12.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Matthew Duggan - Not So Super Notes How Well Does US Dollar Note Security Prevent Counterfeiting - Audio.m4b 7.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Matthew Toussain and Christopher Shields - Subterfuge The Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack Framework - Audio.m4b 12.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Michael Coppola - Owning the Network Adventures in Router Rootkits - Audio.m4b 15.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Michael Perklin - Anti-Forensics and Anti-Anti-Forensics Attacks - Audio.m4b 14.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Michael Robinson and Chris Taylor - Spy vs Spy Spying on Mobile Device Spyware - Audio.m4b 14.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Mickey Shkatov and ToKohlenberg - We Have You the Gadgets - Audio.m4b 12.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Nadeem Douba - Sploitego - Maltegos Local Partner in Crime - Audio.m4b 8.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Nick Galbreath - New Techniques in SQLi Obfuscation SQL never before used in SQLi - Audio.m4b 5.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Ostrom Feinauer and Borskey - The End of the PSTN As You Know It - Audio.m4b 14.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Panel - The Making of DEF CON 20 - - Audio.m4b 14.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Paul Vixie and Andrew Fried - The DCWG Debriefing - How the FBI Grabbed a Bot and Saved the Internet - Audio.m4b 12.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Paul Wilson - The Art Of The Con - Audio.m4b 13.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Peter Hannay - Exchanging Demands - Audio.m4b 12.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Phil Polstra - Bypassing Endpoint Security for 20 Dollars or Less - Audio.m4b 12.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Priest and Panel - Q and A with the Men and Women in Black - Audio.m4b 15.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Raphael Mudge - Cortana Rise of the Automated Red Team - Audio.m4b 14.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Rebecca Shapiro and Sergey Bratus - Programming Weird Machines with ELF Metadata - Audio.m4b 13.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - RenderMan - Hacker and Airplanes No Good Can Come Of This - Audio.m4b 15.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Richard Thieme - Twenty Years Back Twenty Years Ahead The Arc of DEF CON Past and Future - Audio.m4b 14.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Robert Deaton - DivaShark - Monitor your Flow - Audio.m4b 7.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Robert Portvliet and Brad Antoniewicz - The Safety Dance - Wardriving the Public Safety Band - Audio.m4b 14.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Ryan Holeman - Passive Bluetooth Monitoring in Scapy - Audio.m4b 6.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Ryan Reynolds and Jonathan Claudius - Stamp Out Hash Corruption Crack All The Things - Audio.m4b 11.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Sandy Clark and Matt Blaze - SIGINT and Traffic Analysis for the Rest of Us - Audio.m4b 14.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Sergio Valderrama and Carlos Rodriguez - Scylla Because Theres no Patch for Human Stupidity - Audio.m4b 4.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Shawn Henry - Changing the Security Paradigm Taking Back Your Network and Bringing Pain to the Adversary - Audio.m4b 13.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Thomas Cannon - Into the Droid Gaining Access to Android User Data - Audio.m4b 13.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Thor - Socialized Data Using Social Media as a Cyber Mule - Audio.m4b 10.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Tim Maletic and Christopher Pogue - OPFOR 4Ever - Audio.m4b 15 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Tobias Fiddler and Bluzmanis - Safes and Containers Insecurity Design Excellence - Audio.m4b 15.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Tom Perrine - Creating an A1 Security Kernel in the 1980s - Audio.m4b 14.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Viss - Drinking From the Caffeine Firehose We Know as Shodan - Audio.m4b 6.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Wesley McGrew - SCADA HMI and Microsoft Bob Modern Authentication Flaws With a 90s Flavor - Audio.m4b 13 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Xeno Kovah and Corey Kallenberg - No More Hooks Detection of Code Integrity Attacks - Audio.m4b 14.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Zachary Cutlip - SQL Injection to MIPS Overflows Rooting SOHO Routers - Audio.m4b 10.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - Zack Fasel - Owned in 60 Seconds From Network Guest to Windows Domain Admin - Audio.m4b 10.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - atlas - sub ghz or bust - Audio.m4b 12.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 audio/DEF CON 20 - esden dotAero misterj and cifo - The Paparazzi Platform Flexible Open-Source UAS Software and Hardware - Audio.m4b 9.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 ctf/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference CTF - BinJitsu - Capture the Flag complete packet capture.rar 43.6 GB
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary 1080p 118 KB
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary 720p x264.mp4 4.6 GB
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Broke For Free/Broke For Free - 01 - Nothing Like Captain Crunch.mp3 12.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Broke For Free/Broke For Free - 02 - Calm The Fuck Down.mp3 10.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Broke For Free/Broke For Free - 05 - Hella.mp3 10.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Broke For Free/Broke For Free - 08 - Living In Reverse.mp3 8.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Chris Zabriskie/Chris Zabriskie - 01 - The Dark Glow of the Mountains.mp3 24.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Chris Zabriskie/Chris Zabriskie - 02 - Readers Do You Read.mp3 12.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Chris Zabriskie/Chris Zabriskie - 03 - Out of the Skies Under the Earth.mp3 14.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Chris Zabriskie/Chris Zabriskie - 04 - Is That You or Are You You.mp3 12 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Chris Zabriskie/Chris Zabriskie - 05 - What True Self Feels Bogus Lets Watch Jason X.mp3 14.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Chris Zabriskie/Chris Zabriskie - 07 - Virtues Inherited Vices Passed On.mp3 14.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Others/General Fuzz - eye heart knot.mp3 5.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Others/General Fuzz - starry.mp3 4.6 MB
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Others/Pierlo - 10 - Barbarian.mp3 10.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Others/Tony Longworth - 04 - Nzambi.mp3 7 MB
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Others/Wake - 72 - Steppin.mp3 3.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Revolution Void/Revolution Void - 02 - Effects of Elevation Citizen.mp3 16.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Revolution Void/Revolution Void - 02 - Time Flux.mp3 9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Revolution Void/Revolution Void - 04 - Tree Tenants.mp3 11 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Revolution Void/Revolution Void - 07 - How Exciting.mp3 9.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/The Insider/The Insider - 01 - A Difficult Subject.mp3 10.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/The Insider/The Insider - 02 - The Insider Theme.mp3 5.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/The Insider/The Insider - 03 - Time to Move and Motivate.mp3 11.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/The Insider/The Insider - 07 - Interstellar Export.mp3 9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - 01 Faith in Machines (Doggie mix).mp3 6.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - 02 Kiruna (original mix).mp3 6.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - 03 Reminiscing (Partition 36 remix).mp3 10.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - 04 Twilight (Jenn Hatedream's 1995 Carefully Selected mix).mp3 9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - 05 Amit Dub.mp3 3.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - 06 Iridescent Pool of Floating Plasma.mp3 7.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - 07 Faith in Machines (Pumping mix).mp3 6.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Faith in Machines EP - cover.png 2.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 01 Secrets (Grooving mix).mp3 2.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 02 Faith in Machines (Chipped mix).mp3 6.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 03 Sid Standing Alone.mp3 6.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 04 Reminiscing (Sunshine mix).mp3 3.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 05 Secrets (Penetrating mix).mp3 6.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 06 Mainframe.mp3 17.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 07 Matrix Unfolding.mp3 15.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 08 At Peace.mp3 4.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 09 Chrome.mp3 5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Music for Hacking - 10 Kiruna.mp3 5.8 MB
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Secrets EP - 01 Secrets (Perfectly Natural mix).mp3 4.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Secrets EP - 02 Dub Metal Acid.mp3 7.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Secrets EP - 03 Ice Palace.mp3 3.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Secrets EP - 04 Secrets (OITO mix).mp3 7.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON 20 Documentary soundtrack/Zoe Blade/Zoe Blade - Secrets EP - cover.png 2.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON Documentary Bonus Clips HEVC/DEF CON 20 Documentary Bonus Clips - A Toast.mp4 3.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON Documentary Bonus Clips HEVC/DEF CON 20 Documentary Bonus Clips - A Top Qualitty Production.mp4 8.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON Documentary Bonus Clips HEVC/DEF CON 20 Documentary Bonus Clips - Alexis Park Home Improvement.mp4 4.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON Documentary Bonus Clips HEVC/DEF CON 20 Documentary Bonus Clips - Another Vegas Story.mp4 3.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON Documentary Bonus Clips HEVC/DEF CON 20 Documentary Bonus Clips - Ballad of the Goon.mp4 13.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 documentary/DEF CON Documentary Bonus Clips HEVC/DEF CON 20 Documentary Bonus Clips - Barkode and Bloodkode.mp4 10.2 MB
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DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/DEF CON 20 - m0nk-Off-Grid-communications-with-Android.pdf 1.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Darkred/ 3 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Douba/ 1.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Hannay/ 3 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Holeman/ 947 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Kirk/ 4.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Novak-London/ 3 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Reynolds/ 640 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Svetlana-Gaivoronski/ 2.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 presentations/Toews-Behrens/ 96 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 program.pdf 30 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - ALL Short Story Contest 2012.txt 142 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Contest - Winners.txt 238 B
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Contest Entry - Where the Eye Lacks Message By Luna Lindsey.txt 16 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Entry - Egalitarian Deceit 8-11.txt 43 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Entry - Legacy Hardware by Firmwarez.txt 5 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Entry - Recruitment by Hannah.txt 12 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Entry - Standard Deviation by Episkipoe.txt 6 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Entry - The Rise of the Automators by Matt Joyce.txt 15 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Entry - The Unseen by follower.txt 3 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Winners - A Silent, Private Place By Davien.txt 10 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Winners - DEF CON - The Beginning of the End By Siobhan Morrison.txt 16 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 short story contest/DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference - Short Story Winners - DEF CON UNBOUND By John McNabb.txt 30 KB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Adam Baldwin - Blind XSS - Slides.mp4 30.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Aditya K Sood and Richard J Enbody - Botnets Die Hard - Owned and Operated - Slides.mp4 67.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Alberto Garcia Illera - How to Hack All the Transport Networks of a Country - Slides.mp4 94.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Alexander Minozhenko - How to Hack VMware vCenter Server in 60 Seconds - Slides.mp4 13.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Amber Lyon and Panel - Anonymous and the Online Fight for Justice - Slides.mp4 59.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Anch and Omega - The Darknet of Things Building Sensor Networks That Do Your Bidding - Slides.mp4 54.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Andrew King - Detecting Reflective Injection - Slides.mp4 30.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Bankston Blaze and Granick - Should the Wall of Sheep Be Illegal - Slides.mp4 127.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Ben Toews and Scott Behrens - Rapid Blind SQL Injection Exploitation with BBQSQL - Slides.mp4 51.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Bitweasil - Cryptohaze Cloud Cracking - Slides.mp4 41.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Blakdayz and Panel - Connected Chaos Evolving the DCG and Hackspace Communication Landscape - Slides.mp4 52.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Bob Pan - APK File Infection on an Android System - Slides.mp4 14 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Branco Oakley and Bratus - Overwriting the Exception Handling Cache PointerDwarf Oriented Programming - Slides.mp4 58.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Bruce Schneier - Bruce Schneier Answers Your Questions - Slides.mp4 102.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Charlie Miller - Dont Stand So Close To Me An Analysis of the NFC Attack Surface - Slides.mp4 64.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Chema Alonso and Manu The Sur - Owning Bad Guys And Mafia With Javascript Botnets - Slides.mp4 59.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Chris Anderson - Drones - Slides.mp4 142.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Chris Conley - Bad and Sometimes Good Tech Policy Its Not Just a DC Thing - Slides.mp4 23.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Chris Sumner and Randall Wald - Can Twitter Really Help Expose Psychopath Killers Traits - Slides.mp4 50.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Chris Tarnovsky - Attacking TPM Part 2 A Look at the ST19WP18 TPM Device - Video.mp4 42.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Christian Dameff and Jeff Tully - Hacking Humanity Human Augmentation and You - Slides.mp4 53.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Closing Ceremonies - Slides.mp4 133.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Conti Shay and Hartzog - Life Inside a Skinner Box Confronting our Future of Automated Law Enforcement - Slides.mp4 50.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Cory Docotorow - Beyond the War on General Purpose Computing Whats Inside the Box - Slides.mp4 63.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Cutaway - Looking Into The Eye Of The Meter - Slides.mp4 55.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - DT Jericho and Russ Rogers - DC RECOGNIZE Awards - Slides.mp4 52.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - DT and LosT - Welcome and Making the DEF CON 20 - Badge - Slides.mp4 50.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Dan AltF4 Petro - Network Anti-Reconnaissance Messing with Nmap Through Smoke and Mirrors - Slides.mp4 25.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Dan Griffin - Hacking Measured Boot and UEFI - Slides.mp4 48.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Dan Kaminsky - Black Ops - Slides.mp4 71.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Dan Zulla - Improving Web Vulnerability Scanning - Slides.mp4 62.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Darkred - Not-So-Limited Warranty Target Attacks on Warranties for Fun and Profit - Slides.mp4 10.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Dave Brown - DIY Electric Car - Slides.mp4 87.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Dave Kennedy and Dave DeSimone - Owning One to Rule Them All - Slides.mp4 50.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - David Maloney - Weaponizing the Windows API with Metasploits Railgun - Slides.mp4 44.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - David Mortman and Panel - DEF CON Comedy Jam V V for Vendetta - Slides.mp4 116.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Eddie Lee - NFC Hacking The Easy Way - Slides.mp4 37.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Elie Bursztein and Patrick Samy - Fuzzing Online Games - Slides.mp4 38.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Etemadieh Heres Rosenberg and Dwenger - Hacking the Google TV - Slides.mp4 57.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - FX and Greg - Hacking Redacted Routers - Slides.mp4 36.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Fergus Noble and Colin Beighley - Making Sense of Static - New Tools for Hacking GPS - Slides.mp4 53 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Francis Brown and Rob Ragan - Tenacious Diggity Skinny Dippin in a Sea of Bing - Slides.mp4 54.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Gail Thackeray and Dead Addict - Before During and After - Slides.mp4 50.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Gavin Baucom and Smith - Post-Exploitation Nirvana Launching OpenDLP Agents over Meterpreter Sessions - Slides.mp4 47.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - General Keith B Alexander - Shared Values Shared Responsibility - Slides.mp4 53.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - James Kirk - An Inside Look Into Defense Industrial Base Technical Security Controls - Slides.mp4 52.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jason A Novak and Andrea London - SQL ReInjector - Automated Exfiltrated Data Identification - Slides.mp4 43.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jason Scott - DEF CON Documentary Trailer - Slides.mp4 41.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jayson E Street - How to Channel Your Inner Henry Rollins - Slides.mp4 18.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jeff Bryner - KinectasploitV2 Kinect Meets 20 Security Tools - Slides.mp4 65.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jim Christy and Panel - Meet the Feds 1 - Law Enforcement - Slides.mp4 147.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jim Christy and Panel - Meet the Feds 2 - Policy - Slides.mp4 141.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jim Rennie and Jennifer Granick - MegaUpload Guilty or Not Guilty - Slides.mp4 51.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Joe Grand and Zoz - More Projects of Prototype This - Slides.mp4 65.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - John Floren - Hellaphone Replacing the Java in Android - Slides.mp4 39.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Jonathan Brossard - Hardware Backdooring is Practical - Slides.mp4 55.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Josh Brashars - Exploit Archaeology Raiders of the Lost Payphones - Slides.mp4 54.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Josh Thomas and Jeff Robble - Off-Grid Communications with Android Meshing the Mobile World - Slides.mp4 54 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Joshua Corman and Panel - World War 3 dot 0 Chaos Control and the Battle for the Net - Slides.mp4 52.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Katy Levinson - Robots Youre Doing It Wrong 2 - Slides.mp4 53.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Kenneth Geers - The Art of Cyberwar - Slides.mp4 56.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Kevin Poulsen - Kevin Poulsen Answers Your Questions - Slides.mp4 135.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Kurt Opsahl and Panel - Meet the EFF - Slides.mp4 50.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Lai Miu Wong and Chung - DDoS Black and White Kungfu Revealed - Slides.mp4 70 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Linda C Butler - The Open Cyber Challenge Platform - Slides.mp4 40.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Marcia Hofmann - Crypto and the Cops the Law of Key Disclosure and Forced Decryption - Slides.mp4 50.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Mark Weatherford - The Christopher Columbus Rule and DHS - Slides.mp4 93 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Marlinspike Hulton and Ray - Defeating PPTP VPNs and WPA2 Enterprise with MS-CHAPv2 - Slides.mp4 32.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Martin Gallo - Uncovering SAP Vulnerabilities Reversing and Breaking the Diag Protocol - Slides.mp4 45.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Matthew Duggan - Not So Super Notes How Well Does US Dollar Note Security Prevent Counterfeiting - Slides.mp4 25.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Matthew Toussain and Christopher Shields - Subterfuge The Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack Framework - Slides.mp4 46.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Michael Coppola - Owning the Network Adventures in Router Rootkits - Slides.mp4 61.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Michael Perklin - Anti-Forensics and Anti-Anti-Forensics Attacks - Slides.mp4 61.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Michael Robinson and Chris Taylor - Spy vs Spy Spying on Mobile Device Spyware - Slides.mp4 55.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Mickey Shkatov and ToKohlenberg - We Have You the Gadgets - Slides.mp4 46.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Nadeem Douba - Sploitego - Maltegos Local Partner in Crime - Slides.mp4 33.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Nick Galbreath - New Techniques in SQLi Obfuscation SQL never before used in SQLi - Slides.mp4 22.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Ostrom Feinauer and Borskey - The End of the PSTN As You Know It - Slides.mp4 55.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Panel - The Making of DEF CON 20 - - Slides.mp4 159.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Paul Vixie and Andrew Fried - The DCWG Debriefing - How the FBI Grabbed a Bot and Saved the Internet - Slides.mp4 53.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Paul Wilson - The Art Of The Con - Slides.mp4 49.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Peter Hannay - Exchanging Demands - Slides.mp4 47.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Phil Polstra - Bypassing Endpoint Security for 20 Dollars or Less - Slides.mp4 54.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Priest and Panel - Q and A with the Men and Women in Black - Slides.mp4 152.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Raphael Mudge - Cortana Rise of the Automated Red Team - Slides.mp4 53.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Rebecca Shapiro and Sergey Bratus - Programming Weird Machines with ELF Metadata - Slides.mp4 52.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - RenderMan - Hacker and Airplanes No Good Can Come Of This - Slides.mp4 61.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Richard Thieme - Twenty Years Back Twenty Years Ahead The Arc of DEF CON Past and Future - Slides.mp4 129 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Robert Deaton - DivaShark - Monitor your Flow - Slides.mp4 29.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Robert Portvliet and Brad Antoniewicz - The Safety Dance - Wardriving the Public Safety Band - Slides.mp4 57.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Ryan Holeman - Passive Bluetooth Monitoring in Scapy - Slides.mp4 30 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Ryan Reynolds and Jonathan Claudius - Stamp Out Hash Corruption Crack All The Things - Slides.mp4 44.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Sandy Clark and Matt Blaze - SIGINT and Traffic Analysis for the Rest of Us - Slides.mp4 54.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Sergio Valderrama and Carlos Rodriguez - Scylla Because Theres no Patch for Human Stupidity - Slides.mp4 17.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Thomas Cannon - Into the Droid Gaining Access to Android User Data - Slides.mp4 48.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Thor - Socialized Data Using Social Media as a Cyber Mule - Slides.mp4 43.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Tim Maletic and Christopher Pogue - OPFOR 4Ever - Slides.mp4 54.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Tobias Fiddler and Bluzmanis - Safes and Containers Insecurity Design Excellence - Slides.mp4 68.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Tom Perrine - Creating an A1 Security Kernel in the 1980s - Slides.mp4 51.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Viss - Drinking From the Caffeine Firehose We Know as Shodan - Slides.mp4 25.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Wesley McGrew - SCADA HMI and Microsoft Bob Modern Authentication Flaws With a 90s Flavor - Slides.mp4 51.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Xeno Kovah and Corey Kallenberg - No More Hooks Detection of Code Integrity Attacks - Slides.mp4 53.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Zachary Cutlip - SQL Injection to MIPS Overflows Rooting SOHO Routers - Slides.mp4 45.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - Zack Fasel - Owned in 60 Seconds From Network Guest to Windows Domain Admin - Slides.mp4 40.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - atlas - sub ghz or bust - Slides.mp4 47.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 slides/DEF CON 20 - esden dotAero misterj and cifo - The Paparazzi Platform Flexible Open-Source UAS Software and Hardware - Slides.mp4 36.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Adam Baldwin - Blind XSS - Video and Slides.mp4 36.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Aditya K Sood and Richard J Enbody - Botnets Die Hard - Owned and Operated - Video and Slides.mp4 98.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Alberto Garcia Illera - How to Hack All the Transport Networks of a Country - Video and Slides.mp4 135.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Alexander Minozhenko - How to Hack VMware vCenter Server in 60 Seconds - Video and Slides.mp4 17.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Amber Lyon and Panel - Anonymous and the Online Fight for Justice - Video and Slides.mp4 83 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Andrew King - Detecting Reflective Injection - Video and Slides.mp4 30.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Bankston Blaze and Granick - Should the Wall of Sheep Be Illegal - Video and Slides.mp4 88 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Ben Toews and Scott Behrens - Rapid Blind SQL Injection Exploitation with BBQSQL - Video and Slides.mp4 66 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Bitweasil - Cryptohaze Cloud Cracking - Video and Slides.mp4 59.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Bob Pan - APK File Infection on an Android System - Video and Slides.mp4 18.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Bruce Schneier - Bruce Schneier Answers Your Questions - Video and Slides.mp4 67.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Charlie Miller - Dont Stand So Close To Me An Analysis of the NFC Attack Surface - Video and Slides.mp4 75.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Chema Alonso and Manu The Sur - Owning Bad Guys And Mafia With Javascript Botnets - Video and Slides.mp4 62.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Chris Anderson - Drones - Video and Slides.mp4 160.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Chris Conley - Bad and Sometimes Good Tech Policy Its Not Just a DC Thing - Video and Slides.mp4 35.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Chris Tarnovsky - Attacking TPM Part 2 A Look at the ST19WP18 TPM Device - Video and Slides.mp4 68.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Christian Dameff and Jeff Tully - Hacking Humanity Human Augmentation and You - Video and Slides.mp4 63.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Closing Ceremonies - Video and Slides.mp4 324.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Cory Docotorow - Beyond the War on General Purpose Computing Whats Inside the Box - Video and Slides.mp4 79.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Cutaway - Looking Into The Eye Of The Meter - Video and Slides.mp4 88.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - DT Jericho and Russ Rogers - DC RECOGNIZE Awards - Video and Slides.mp4 64.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - DT and LosT - Welcome and Making the DEF CON 20 - Badge - Video and Slides.mp4 64.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Dan Griffin - Hacking Measured Boot and UEFI - Video and Slides.mp4 63 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Dan Kaminsky - Black Ops - Video and Slides.mp4 118.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Dan Zulla - Improving Web Vulnerability Scanning - Video and Slides.mp4 74.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Darkred - Not-So-Limited Warranty Target Attacks on Warranties for Fun and Profit - Video and Slides.mp4 11.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Dave Brown - DIY Electric Car - Video and Slides.mp4 98 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Dave Kennedy and Dave DeSimone - Owning One to Rule Them All - Video and Slides.mp4 80.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - David Maloney - Weaponizing the Windows API with Metasploits Railgun - Video and Slides.mp4 55.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - David Mortman and Panel - DEF CON Comedy Jam V V for Vendetta - Video and Slides.mp4 144.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Eddie Lee - NFC Hacking The Easy Way - Video and Slides.mp4 39.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Elie Bursztein and Patrick Samy - Fuzzing Online Games - Video and Slides.mp4 41.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Etemadieh Heres Rosenberg and Dwenger - Hacking the Google TV - Video and Slides.mp4 67 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - FX and Greg - Hacking Redacted Routers - Video and Slides.mp4 38.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - FX and Greg - Hacking [Redacted] Routers - Slides.mp4 47.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Francis Brown and Rob Ragan - Tenacious Diggity Skinny Dippin in a Sea of Bing - Video and Slides.mp4 63.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Gail Thackeray and Dead Addict - Before During and After - Video and Slides.mp4 34.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - General Keith Alexander - Shared Values Shared Responsibility - Slides.mp4 70 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - General Keith B Alexander - Shared Values Shared Responsibility - Video and Slides.mp4 84 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Jason Scott - DEF CON Documentary Trailer - Video and Slides.mp4 49.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Jayson E Street - How to Channel Your Inner Henry Rollins - Video and Slides.mp4 23.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Jeff Bryner - KinectasploitV2 Kinect Meets 20 Security Tools - Video and Slides.mp4 70.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Jim Christy and Panel - Meet the Feds 1 - Law Enforcement - Video and Slides.mp4 102.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Jim Christy and Panel - Meet the Feds 2 - Policy - Video and Slides.mp4 95.7 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Jim Rennie and Jennifer Granick - MegaUpload Guilty or Not Guilty - Video and Slides.mp4 68.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Joe Grand and Zoz - More Projects of Prototype This - Video and Slides.mp4 108.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - John Floren - Hellaphone Replacing the Java in Android - Video and Slides.mp4 38.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Jonathan Brossard - Hardware Backdooring is Practical - Video and Slides.mp4 63.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Josh Brashars - Exploit Archaeology Raiders of the Lost Payphones - Video and Slides.mp4 65.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Katy Levinson - Robots Youre Doing It Wrong 2 - Video and Slides.mp4 79.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Kenneth Geers - The Art of Cyberwar - Video and Slides.mp4 77.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Kevin Poulsen - Kevin Poulsen Answers Your Questions - Video and Slides.mp4 111 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Kurt Opsahl and Panel - Meet the EFF - Video and Slides.mp4 68.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Linda C Butler - The Open Cyber Challenge Platform - Video and Slides.mp4 30.9 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Mark Weatherford - The Christopher Columbus Rule and DHS - Video and Slides.mp4 61.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Marlinspike Hulton and Ray - Defeating PPTP VPNs and WPA2 Enterprise with MS-CHAPv2 - Video and Slides.mp4 51.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Michael Coppola - Owning the Network Adventures in Router Rootkits - Video and Slides.mp4 85 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Michael Perklin - Anti-Forensics and Anti-Anti-Forensics Attacks - Video and Slides.mp4 74.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Michael Robinson and Chris Taylor - Spy vs Spy Spying on Mobile Device Spyware - Video and Slides.mp4 64.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Mickey Shkatov and ToKohlenberg - We Have You the Gadgets - Video and Slides.mp4 56.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Nadeem Douba - Sploitego - Maltegos Local Partner in Crime - Video and Slides.mp4 40.8 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Nick Galbreath - New Techniques in SQLi Obfuscation SQL never before used in SQLi - Video and Slides.mp4 33.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Ostrom Feinauer and Borskey - The End of the PSTN As You Know It - Video and Slides.mp4 88.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Panel - Closing Ceremonies.mp4 343.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Panel - The Making of DEF CON 20 - - Video and Slides.mp4 110.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Paul Wilson - The Art Of The Con - Video and Slides.mp4 62.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Peter Hannay - Exchanging Demands - Video and Slides.mp4 58.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Phil Polstra - Bypassing Endpoint Security for 20 Dollars or Less - Video and Slides.mp4 59.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Priest and Panel - Q and A with the Men and Women in Black - Video and Slides.mp4 104.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Raphael Mudge - Cortana Rise of the Automated Red Team - Video and Slides.mp4 64 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Rebecca Shapiro and Sergey Bratus - Programming Weird Machines with ELF Metadata - Video and Slides.mp4 80.4 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - RenderMan - Hacker and Airplanes No Good Can Come Of This - Video and Slides.mp4 68.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Robert Deaton - DivaShark - Monitor your Flow - Video and Slides.mp4 30 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Ryan Holeman - Passive Bluetooth Monitoring in Scapy - Video and Slides.mp4 35.5 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Sandy Clark and Matt Blaze - SIGINT and Traffic Analysis for the Rest of Us - Video and Slides.mp4 62.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Thomas Cannon - Into the Droid Gaining Access to Android User Data - Video and Slides.mp4 48.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Thor - Socialized Data Using Social Media as a Cyber Mule - Video and Slides.mp4 45.3 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Tim Maletic and Christopher Pogue - OPFOR 4Ever - Video and Slides.mp4 83.6 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Tobias Fiddler and Bluzmanis - Safes and Containers Insecurity Design Excellence - Video and Slides.mp4 70.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Tom Perrine - Creating an A1 Security Kernel in the 1980s - Video and Slides.mp4 37.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Viss - Drinking From the Caffeine Firehose We Know as Shodan - Video and Slides.mp4 37.2 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Xeno Kovah and Corey Kallenberg - No More Hooks Detection of Code Integrity Attacks - Video and Slides.mp4 62 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - Zack Fasel - Owned in 60 Seconds - Slides.mp4 54.1 MB
DEF CON 20/DEF CON 20 video and slides/DEF CON 20 - atlas - sub ghz or bust - Video and Slides.mp4 92.4 MB
Name Size Peers
DEF CON 29 Application 377.4 GB 4
DEF CON 16 Video 9.3 GB 8
DEF CON 20 Application 69.7 GB 8
DEF CON 3 343 MB 7
DEF CON 31 Video 46.1 GB 4
DEF CON 14 Video 10.3 GB 3
DEF CON 32 Image 63.5 GB 0
DEF CON 24 Application 96.1 GB 0
DEF CON 21 Application 92.3 GB 0
DEF CON 29 - Cory Doctorow - Privacy Without Monopoly 1080p.mp4 Video 503.3 MB 9
DEF CON 16 video x265 Video 5.1 GB 3
DEF CON Conference Programs Application 830.7 MB 3
DEF CON 7 video Video 3.5 GB 2
DEF CON 11 music Audio 404.3 MB 2
DEF CON 15 7 GB 0
DEF CON 29 Application 376.8 GB 0
DEF CON 28 Application 47.6 GB 106
DEF CON 28 Application 190.4 GB 59
DEF CON 26 Audio 99.4 GB 16
DEF CON 18 ctf Application 3.6 GB 16
