Size: 7 GB
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Name Size
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Aaron Higbee - Hack Your Car for Boost - Audio.m4b 10.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Aaron Peterson - Pen-Testing Wi-fi - Audio.m4b 4.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Agent X - 44 Lines About 22 Things That Keep Me Up - Audio.m4b 4.8 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Alexander Muentz - Protecting your IT Infrastructure from legal Attacks - Audio.m4b 11.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Alfred Ortega - OpenBSD - Remote Exploit and Another IPv6 Vulns - Audio.m4b 10.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Atlas - Remedial Heap Overflows - Audio.m4b 13.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Barisani - Injecting RDS - TMC Traffic Information Signals - Audio.m4b 12.8 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Benjamin Kurtz - Functional Fuzzing with Funk - Audio.m4b 11.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Brendan OConnor - Greater than 1 - Audio.m4b 12.8 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Brett Neilson - Being in the Know - Audio.m4b 10.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Broward Horne - Click Fraud Detection with practical Memetics - Audio.m4b 9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Potter - Dirty Secrets of the Security industry - Audio.m4b 10.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Schneier - Q and A with Bruce Schneier - Audio.m4b 11.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Charlie Miller - How Smart is Intelligent Fuzzing - Audio.m4b 4.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Church of Wi-Fi - Wireless Extravaganza - Audio.m4b 11.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Closing Ceremonies - Audio.m4b 25.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Crispin Cowan - Securing Linux Application with APPArmor - Audio.m4b 10.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By DJ Capelis - Virtualization - Enough Holes to Work Vegas - Audio.m4b 10.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Damian Gomez - Intelligent Debugging - Audio.m4b 6.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dan Hubbard - HoneyJax - Audio.m4b 10.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dan Kaminsky - Black Ops 2007 - Audio.m4b 12.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Danny OBrian - Digital Rights Worldwide - Audio.m4b 10 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dave Josephsen - Homeless Vikings - Audio.m4b 10.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Byrne - Intranet Invasion with Anti-DNS Pinning - Audio.m4b 10.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Hulton - Faster Pwning Assured - Audio.m4b 5.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Smith - Cool Stuff Learned Competing in DC3 Digital Challenge - Audio.m4b 11 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By DeMott Enbody and Punch - Revolutionizing Grey-box Attack Surface - Audio.m4b 10.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dead Addict - Picking Up the Zero Day - Audio.m4b 10.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dirro and Kollberg - Trojans a Reality Check - Audio.m4b 11.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Doug Mohney - Next Wireless Frontier - TV White Spaces - Audio.m4b 9.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dror Shalev - A Crazy Toaster - Audio.m4b 9.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Druid - Real - Time Steganography with RTP - Audio.m4b 11.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Edward Lee - Comparing App Sec Tools - Audio.m4b 4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Eriksson and Panel - Kernel Wars - Audio.m4b 11.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Evans and Grothoff - Routing in the Dark - Audio.m4b 4.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Gadi Evron - Estonia and Information Warfare - Audio.m4b 12.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Gadi Evron - Webserver Botnets - Audio.m4b 9.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ganesh Devarajan - Unraveling SCADA Protocols Using Sulley Fuzzer - Audio.m4b 10 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Geers - Greetz from room 101 - Audio.m4b 11.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Granick - Disclosure and Intellectual Property Law - 2006-2007 - Audio.m4b 11.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Greg Conti - Satellite Imagery Analysis - Audio.m4b 9.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Greg Hoglund - Virtual World Real Hacking - Audio.m4b 12.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ian Harris - Interstate - A Stateful Protocol Fuzzer for SIP - Audio.m4b 4.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jacob West - How I Learned to Stop Fuzzing - Audio.m4b 9.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Janne Lindquist - IPv6 - is Bad for Privacy - Audio.m4b 4.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jason Scott - The Edge of Forever - Making Computer History - Audio.m4b 23.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jesse DAguanno - LAN Protocol Attacks PT1 - Audio.m4b 11.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joe Grand - Making the DEF CON Badge - Audio.m4b 8.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By John Benson - Bridging the Gap Between Technology and the Law - Audio.m4b 10.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By John Heasman - Hacking the Extensible Firmware Interface - Audio.m4b 10.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Johnny Long - No-Tech Hacking - Audio.m4b 13.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By KN Gopinath - Multipot - Audio.m4b 7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By King Tuna - Hacking EVDO - Audio.m4b 6.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Luiz Eduardo - The Hacker Society Around the Corp World - Audio.m4b 9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Lukas Grunwald - Security by Politics - Audio.m4b 9.8 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Luke Jennings One Token to Rule Them All - Audio.m4b 8.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Major Malfunction - Aliens Cloned my Sheep - Audio.m4b 11.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Martyn Ruks - MQ Jumping - Audio.m4b 11.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mathewson - Social Attacks On Anonymity Networks - Audio.m4b 11.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mathewson - Technical Changes Since You Last Heard About TOR - Audio.m4b 11.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Matt Richard - Beyond Vuln Scanning - Audio.m4b 10.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Meer and Slaviero - Its All About the Timing - Audio.m4b 11.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Shearer - The Church of Wi-Fi Presents - Hacking Iraq - Audio.m4b 11.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Shrenk - The EXE Image Exploit - Audio.m4b 9.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mike Perry - Securing the TOR Network - Audio.m4b 17.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Moore and Valsmith - Tactical Exploitation - Audio.m4b 10.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Murray and Chuvakin - The Science of Social Engineering - NLP - Audio.m4b 10.8 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Murray and Kushner - Creating and Managing your Security Career - Audio.m4b 10.8 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ne0nRa1n and Joe Grand - Hack Your Brain With Video Games - Audio.m4b 9.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ofir Arkin - kNAC - Audio.m4b 14.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Oskar Sandberg - Network Mathematics - Why is it a Small World - Audio.m4b 11.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Palmer and Stamos - Breaking Forensics Software - Audio.m4b 12 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Anti-Spyware Coalition - Audio.m4b 11.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Ask the EFF - Audio.m4b 24.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Boomstick Fu - Audio.m4b 11.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Disclosure Panel - Audio.m4b 11 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Internet Wars 2007 - Audio.m4b 16.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Meet the Feds - Audio.m4b 9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Meet the VCs - Audio.m4b 12.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Self Publishing in the Underground - Audio.m4b 10.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Patrik Karlsson - SQL Injection - Audio.m4b 9.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Paul Ziegler - Multiplatform Malware Within the NET Framework - Audio.m4b 9.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Peck and Feinstein - CaffeineMonkey - Audio.m4b 10.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Peter Berghammer - A Journalists Prospective on Sec Research - Audio.m4b 12.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Peter Gutmann - Commercial Malware Industry - Audio.m4b 12.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Phillip Zimmerman - Z-Phone - Audio.m4b 11.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Pilgrim - How to Be a Wi-Fi Ninja - Audio.m4b 9.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Plet - Stealing Identity Management Systems - Audio.m4b 9.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Quist and Valsmith - Covert Debugging - Audio.m4b 10.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Raff and Amit - The Inherent Insecurity of Widgets - Gadgets - Audio.m4b 11.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rich Murphey - Windows Vista Log Forensics - Audio.m4b 10.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Richard Theime - Hacking UFOlogy - Audio.m4b 12 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rick Deacon - Hacking Social Lives - Myspace - Audio.m4b 7.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ricky Hill - GeoLocation of Wi-fi Access Points - Audio.m4b 10.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rios and McFeters - Biting the Hand That Feeds You - Audio.m4b 10.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert - Stoudt - When Tapes Go Missing - Audio.m4b 7.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert Clark - Computer and Internet Security Law - Audio.m4b 12.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Roger Dingledine - Tor and Blocking - Resistance - Audio.m4b 24.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sager - Vulns and the Information Assurance Directorate - Audio.m4b 10.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sam Bowne - Teaching Hacking at College - Audio.m4b 6.3 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Schuyler Towne - Locksport - An Emerging Subculture - Audio.m4b 11.7 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Scott Moulton - Re-Animating Drives Advanced Data Recover - Audio.m4b 9.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sean Bodmer - Analyzing Intrusions and Intruders - Audio.m4b 11.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sergey Bratus - Entropy-Based Data Organization Tricks - Audio.m4b 11.1 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Shawn Moyer - Unsmashing the Stack - Overflows and Counter-measures - Audio.m4b 13 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Squidly1 - Thinking Outside the Console Box - Audio.m4b 12.8 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Steve Dunker - Everything about Police Procedure in 50 mins - Audio.m4b 11.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Steve Orrin - The SOA-XML Threat Model - Audio.m4b 11.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Steve Topletz - Portable Privacy - Audio.m4b 12.4 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Stracener and Luck - Hacking the EULA - Audio.m4b 11.2 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By Subere - Fingerprinting and Cracking Java Obfuscated Code - Audio.m4b 6.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By geoffrey - The Completion Backward Principle - Audio.m4b 12.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 audio/DEF CON 15 Hacking Conference Presentation By nonsequitor and Ab3nd - Hardware Hacking For Software Geeks - Audio.m4b 10.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/DEF CON 15 - grand-bom.pdf 65 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/DEF CON 15 - grand-ode_to_defcon_badge.pdf 19 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/DEF CON 15 - grand-pcb-2.0.pdf 1.6 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/DEF CON 15 - grand-schematic-2.1.pdf 60 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/DEF CON 15 - grand_assembly_drawing.pdf 3.9 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/DEF CON 15 - grand-3002.pdf 138 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/DEF CON 15 - grand-hsmghsy-cxxx.pdf 321 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/DEF CON 15 - grand-max3316e-max3319e.pdf 190 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/DEF CON 15 - grand-mc13191.pdf 334 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/DEF CON 15 - grand-mm74hc595.pdf 121 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/DEF CON 15 - grand-mma7260q.pdf 232 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/DEF CON 15 - grand-sp6200_6201.pdf 479 KB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/Freescale MC9S08/DEF CON 15 - grand-hcs08qrug.pdf 1.5 MB
DEF CON 15/DEF CON 15 badge/Data Sheets/Freescale MC9S08/DEF CON 15 - grand-mc9s08qg8.pdf 3.1 MB
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Name Size Peers
DEF CON 29 Application 377.4 GB 4
DEF CON 16 Video 9.3 GB 8
DEF CON 20 Application 69.7 GB 8
DEF CON 3 343 MB 7
DEF CON 31 Video 46.1 GB 4
DEF CON 14 Video 10.3 GB 3
DEF CON 32 Image 63.5 GB 0
DEF CON 24 Application 96.1 GB 0
DEF CON 21 Application 92.3 GB 0
DEF CON 29 - Cory Doctorow - Privacy Without Monopoly 1080p.mp4 Video 503.3 MB 9
DEF CON 16 video x265 Video 5.1 GB 3
DEF CON Conference Programs Application 830.7 MB 3
DEF CON 7 video Video 3.5 GB 2
DEF CON 11 music Audio 404.3 MB 2
DEF CON 15 7 GB 0
DEF CON 29 Application 376.8 GB 0
DEF CON 28 Application 47.6 GB 106
DEF CON 28 Application 190.4 GB 59
DEF CON 26 Audio 99.4 GB 16
DEF CON 18 ctf Application 3.6 GB 16
