Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections

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Name Size
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 01 Welcome and Course Overview.mp4 16 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 02 Module Overview.mp4 5.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 03 Introducing the Sample - The Geek Clothing Company.mp4 16.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 04 Making the Queue Multithreaded.mp4 21.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 05 Fixing the Code with ConcurrentQueue_T_.mp4 12.5 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 06 Why Did Queue_T_.EnQueue() Fail.mp4 17.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 07 Atomic Methods.mp4 8.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 08 Why Locks Aren't Always So Great.mp4 13.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 09 Concurrent Collections Don't Always Block Threads.mp4 14.1 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 10 Concurrent Collections and Race Conditions.mp4 11.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 11 What Concurrent Collections Are There.mp4 12.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 12 IProducerConsumerCollection_T_ and BlockingCollection_T_.mp4 6.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 13 Partitioner_T_ and OrderablePartitioner_T_.mp4 13.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/01 Introducing the Concurrent Collections/01 14 Module Summary.mp4 5.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 01 Module Overview.mp4 12 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 02 Basic Dictionary Operations.mp4 12.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 03 Converting to ConcurrentDictionary.mp4 11 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 04 Why Is ConcurrentDictionary.Add() Hidden.mp4 12.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 05 Some Thread-friendly Methods.mp4 7.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 06 The TryXXX Pattern and TryGetValue().mp4 11.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 07 The TryAdd() Method.mp4 6.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 08 The TryRemove() Method.mp4 4.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 09 The TryUpdate() Method.mp4 16.9 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 10 The Problem with TryUpdate().mp4 12.5 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 11 The AddOrUpdate() Method.mp4 15.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 12 Beware Race Conditions!.mp4 7.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 13 Do Each Operation in One Method Call!.mp4 15.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 14 The GetOrAdd() Method.mp4 17.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/02 Introducing ConcurrentDictionary/02 15 Module Summary.mp4 6.9 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 01 Module Overview.mp4 6.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 02 Introducing the BuyAndSell Sample.mp4 14.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 03 The Buy-sell Algorithm.mp4 24.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 04 Using AddOrUpdate() to Update the Concurrent Dictionary.mp4 14.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 05 Using Interlocked.Add() to Update the Total.mp4 1.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 06 Thread-safe ... But No Locks!.mp4 8.5 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 07 Why Can't We Use TryUpdate().mp4 6.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 08 Conditionally Updating the Concurrent Dictionary.mp4 10.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 09 Conditional Logic in AddOrUpdate() - Using a Lambda.mp4 12.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 10 The Problem of Side-effects.mp4 11.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 11 AddOrUpdate() - Avoiding Conditional Logic.mp4 18 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 12 Summing ConcurrentDictionary Values Using Linq.mp4 12.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 13 Using GetOrAdd() to Display Values.mp4 5.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 14 Let's Stress-test the Demo!.mp4 9.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/03 Concurrent Dictionary Demo/03 15 Module Summary.mp4 6.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 01 Module Overview.mp4 9.1 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 02 A Queue Refresher.mp4 10.5 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 03 Introducing ConcurrentQueue_T_.mp4 14.1 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 04 ConcurrentStack_T_.mp4 9.5 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 05 ConcurrentBag_T_ - What Is It.mp4 16.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 06 What Is a Producer-consumer Scenario.mp4 14.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 07 The IProducerConsumerCollection_T_ Interface.mp4 17.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/04 The Producer-Consumer Collections - Queues, Stacks and Bags/04 08 Module Summary.mp4 4.9 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 01 Module Overview.mp4 4.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 02 Introducing the SalesBonuses Sample.mp4 12.1 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 03 Logging Trades to the To-do Queue.mp4 7.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 04 Enqueuing to the Concurrent Queue.mp4 6.1 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 05 The Consumer Loop - Monitoring the Concurrent Queue.mp4 10.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 06 The Main Program Flow.mp4 8.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 07 Calculating Bonuses.mp4 17.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 08 The Problem of Polling.mp4 4.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 09 Introducing the Blocking Collection.mp4 9.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 10 Using BlockingCollection_T_.Take() to Avoid Polling.mp4 15.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 11 BlockingCollection_T_ and IProducerConsumerCollection_T_.mp4 8.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 12 BlockingCollection_T_ Additional Features.mp4 5.5 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/05 Producer-consumer and BlockingCollection Demo/05 13 Module Summary.mp4 4.7 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 01 Module Overview.mp4 6.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 02 Concurrent Collections and Performance.mp4 20.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 03 Benchmarking ConcurrentDictionary with Multiple Threads.mp4 19.6 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 04 Access Shared State Sparingly.mp4 17.4 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 05 ConcurrentDictionary Uses Fine-grained Locking.mp4 9.2 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 06 Count, IsEmpty, Etc. Perform Badly on ConcurrentDictionary.mp4 10.1 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 07 Avoid Relying on the State of Concurrent Collections.mp4 8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 08 Enumerating While Modifying a Standard Collection.mp4 12.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 09 Enumerating While Modifying a Concurrent Collection.mp4 13.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 10 When Do You Need Concurrent Collections.mp4 15.5 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 11 Module Summary.mp4 7.3 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 12 Thanks to the ModelsтАж.mp4 7.8 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/06 Some Concurrent Collections Best Practices/06 13 Course Summary.mp4 7.1 MB
Pluralsight - C# Concurrent Collections/Exercise 8.5 MB
