DEF CON 25 video and slides

Size: 15.5 GB
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Name Size
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Vulc@n and Panel - The Last CTF Talk You’ll Ever Need - AMA with 20 years of DEF CON CTF.mp4 474.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Alvaro Munoz and Alexandr Mirosh - Friday the 13th JSON 45 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Andrea Matwyshyn and Panel - Panel- Meet The 94 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Andy Robbins and Will Schroeder - Designing Active Directory DACL Backdoors.mp4 181.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Andy Robbins and Will Schroeder - Designing Active Directory DACL 58 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Artem Kondratenko - Cisco Catalyst Exploitation.mp4 168.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Artem Kondratenko - Cisco Catalyst 37 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Avi Bashan and Slava Makkaveev - Everything you wanted to know about Android packers.mp4 117 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Avi Bashan and Slava Makkaveev - Everything you wanted to know about Android 29 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Ayoul3 - Dealing the perfect hand - Shuffling memory blocks on z 62 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Ayoul3 - Dealing the perfect hand - Shuffling memory blocks on zOS.mp4 186.4 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Caleb Madrigal - Controlling IoT devices with crafted radio signals.mp4 137.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Caleb Madrigal - Controlling IoT devices with crafted radio 37 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Chaosdata - Ghost in the Droid- Possessing Android Applications with ParaSpectre.mp4 63.4 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Chaosdata - Ghost in the Droid- Possessing Android Applications with 26 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Cheng - The spear to break the security wall of S7CommPlus.mp4 61.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Cheng - The spear to break the security wall of 8 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Chris Sumner - Rage Against the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine.mp4 183.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Chris Sumner - Rage Against the Weaponized AI Propaganda 52 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Chris Thompson - MS Just Gave the Blue Team Tactical Nukes.mp4 199.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Chris Thompson - MS Just Gave the Blue Team Tactical 53 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Christopher Domas - Breaking the x86 Instruction Set .mp4 169.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Christopher Domas - Breaking the x86 Instruction Set .srt 62 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Cooper Quintin and Kashmir Hill - The Internet Already Knows I'm Pregnant.mp4 136.4 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Cooper Quintin and Kashmir Hill - The Internet Already Knows I'm 46 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Cory Doctorow - BIGNUM steps forward and TRUMPNUM steps back how can we tell if we're winning.mp4 187.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Cory Doctorow - BIGNUM steps forward, TRUMPNUM steps back how can we tell if we're 56 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Damien Cauquil - Weaponizing the BBC Micro Bit.mp4 142.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Damien Cauquil - Weaponizing the BBC Micro 34 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dan Petro and Ben Morris - Weaponizing Machine Learning- Humanity Was Overrated Anyway.mp4 151.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dan Petro and Ben Morris - Weaponizing Machine Learning- Humanity Was Overrated 60 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Daniel Bohannon and Lee Holmes - Revoke-Obfuscation- PowerShell Obfuscation Detection Using Science.mp4 169.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Daniel Bohannon, Lee Holmes - Revoke-Obfuscation- PowerShell Obfuscation Detection Using 61 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - David Robinson - Using GPS Spoofing to control time .mp4 149.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - David Robinson - Using GPS Spoofing to control time .srt 39 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dennis Maldonado - Real-time RFID Cloning in the Field.mp4 86 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dennis Maldonado - Real-time RFID Cloning in the 27 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Denton Gentry - I Know What You Are by the Smell of Your Wifi.mp4 65.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Denton Gentry - I Know What You Are by the Smell of Your 22 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dimitry Snezhkov - Abusing Webhooks for Command and Control.mp4 85.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dimitry Snezhkov - Abusing Webhooks for Command and 24 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dor Azouri - BITSInject.mp4 81.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Dor Azouri - 20 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Duncan Woodbury and Nicholas Haltmeyer - Linux-Stack Based V2X Framework- All You Need to Hack Connected Vehicles.mp4 182.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Duncan Woodbury and Nicholas Haltmeyer - Linux-Stack Based V2X Framework- All You Need to Hack Connected 49 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Elie Bursztein - How we created the first SHA-1 collision and what it means for hash security.mp4 115.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Elie Bursztein - How we created the first SHA-1 collision and what it means for hash 48 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Francis Brown and David Latimer - Game of Drones - Putting the Emerging Drone Defense Market to the Test.mp4 162.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Francis Brown and David Latimer - Game of Drones - Putting the Emerging Drone Defense Market to the 58 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gabriel Ryan - The Black Art of Wireless Post Exploitation.mp4 185.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gabriel Ryan - The Black Art of Wireless Post 69 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Garry Kasparov - The Brain's Last Stand.mp4 200.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Garry Kasparov - The Brain's Last 55 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gerald Steere - Sean Metcalf - Hacking the Cloud.mp4 154.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gerald Steere - Sean Metcalf - Hacking the 56 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gil Cohen - Call the plumber - you have a leak in your (named) 38 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gil Cohen - Call the plumber - you have a leak in your named pipe.mp4 158.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gus Fritschie and Evan Teitelman - Backdooring the Lottery and Other Security Tales in Gaming.mp4 144.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Gus Fritschie and Evan Teitelman - Backdooring the Lottery and Other Security Tales in 46 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Hanno Bock - Abusing Certificate Transparency Logs.mp4 90.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Hanno Bock - Abusing Certificate Transparency 32 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Haoqi Shan and Jian Yuan - Man in the NFC.mp4 141.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Haoqi Shan, Jian Yuan - Man in the 32 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - HighWiz and Malware Unicorn and Niki7a and Roamer and Wiseacre and Shaggy - DEF CON 101 Panel.mp4 474.4 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - HighWiz and Malware Unicorn and Niki7a and Roamer and Wiseacre and Shaggy - DEF CON 101 124 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Hyrum Anderson - Evading next-gen AV using artificial intelligence.mp4 53.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Hyrum Anderson - Evading next-gen AV using artificial 22 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Ilja van Sprundel -  Are all BSDs are created equally_ A survey of BSD kernel vulnerabilities.mp4 203.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Ilja van Sprundel -  Are all BSDs are created equally_ A survey of BSD kernel 61 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Inbar Raz and Eden Schochat - From One Country - One Floppy to Startup Nation.mp4 122.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Inbar Raz and Eden Schochat - From One Country - One Floppy to Startup 54 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Itzik Kotler and Amit Klein - The Adventures of AV and the Leaky Sandbox.mp4 147.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Itzik Kotler and Amit Klein - The Adventures of AV and the Leaky 40 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - James Langevin and Will Hurd - DC to DEF CON- Q&A with Congressmen.mp4 163.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - James Langevin and Will Hurd - DC to DEF CON- Q&A with 53 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jason Haddix - Introducing HUNT- Data Driven Web Hacking & Manual Testing.mp4 100.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jason Haddix - Introducing HUNT- Data Driven Web Hacking & Manual 37 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jason Hernandez and Sam Richards and Jerod MacDonald-Evoy - Tracking Spies in the Skies.mp4 150.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jason Hernandez and Sam Richards, Jerod MacDonald-Evoy - Tracking Spies in the 48 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jason Staggs - Breaking Wind- Adventures in Hacking Wind Farm Control Networks.mp4 97.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jeff Moss and Panel - Panel - DEF CON Groups.mp4 215.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jeff Moss and Panel - Panel - DEF CON 66 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jim Nitterauer - DNS - Devious Name Services - Destroying Privacy & Anonymity Without Your Consent.mp4 166.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jim Nitterauer - DNS - Devious Name Services - Destroying Privacy & Anonymity Without Your 48 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Joe Fitzpatrick and Michael Leibowitz - How to roll your own counterfeit hardware security devices.mp4 173.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Joe Rozner - Wiping out CSRF.mp4 179.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Joe Rozner - Wiping out 52 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - John Sotos - Genetic Diseases to Guide Digital Hacks of the Human Genome.mp4 173 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - John Sotos - Genetic Diseases to Guide Digital Hacks of the Human 56 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jon Medina - Where are the SDN Security Talks-.mp4 168.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jon Medina - Where are the SDN Security 50 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Josh Datko and Chris Quartier - Breaking Bitcoin Hardware Wallets.mp4 74.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Josh Datko and Chris Quartier - Breaking Bitcoin Hardware 24 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - JoSh Pitts - Teaching Old Shellcode New Tricks.mp4 94.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - JoSh Pitts - Teaching Old Shellcode New 34 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Josh Schwartz and John Cramb - MEATPISTOL and A Modular Malware Implant Framework.mp4 154.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Josh Schwartz and John Cramb - MEATPISTOL, A Modular Malware Implant 48 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Joson Staggs - Breaking Wind- Adventures in Hacking Wind Farm Control 34 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Jow Fitzpatrick and Michael Leibowitz - How to roll your own counterfeit hardware security 59 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - K2 - UnFucking Forensics - Active - Passive memory hacking - debugging.mp4 54.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - K2 - UnFucking Forensics - Active - Passive memory hacking - 17 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Konstantinos Karagiannis - Hacking Smart Contracts.mp4 162.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Konstantinos Karagiannis - Hacking Smart 51 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Lee Holmes - Get-$pwnd- Attacking Battle-Hardened Windows Server.mp4 91 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Lee Holmes - Get-$pwnd- Attacking Battle-Hardened Windows 26 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Luke Young - There’s no place like 127001 - Achieving reliable DNS rebinding in modern browsers.mp4 173.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Luke Young - There’s no place like 127001 - Achieving reliable DNS rebinding in modern 49 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Manfred - Twenty Years of MMORPG Hacking- Better Graphics and Same Exploits.mp4 152 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Manfred - Twenty Years of MMORPG Hacking- Better Graphics, Same 44 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Marc Newlin and Logan Lamb and Chris Grayson - CableTap- Wirelessly Tapping Your Home Network.mp4 172.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Marc Newlin and Logan Lamb and Chris Grayson - CableTap- Wirelessly Tapping Your Home 57 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Marina Simakov and Igal Gofman - Gaining persistency by abusing advanced authentication mechanisms.mp4 164.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Marina Simakov and Igal Gofman - Gaining persistency by abusing advanced authentication 48 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Mark Williams and Rob Stanley - If You Give a Mouse a Microchip.mp4 118.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Mark Williams and Rob Stanley - If You Give a Mouse a 35 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Joyce - Amateur Digital Archeology.mp4 174 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Joyce - Amateur Digital 61 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Knight - Radio Exploitation 101.mp4 137 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Knight - Radio Exploitation 49 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Suiche - Porosity- A Decompiler For Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts Bytecode.mp4 136.4 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Suiche - Porosity- A Decompiler For Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts 39 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Wixey - See no evil and hear no evil - Hacking invisibly and silently with light and sound.mp4 183.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Matt Wixey - See no evil, hear no evil - Hacking invisibly and silently with light and 50 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Max Bazaliy - Jailbreaking Apple Watch.mp4 154.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Max Bazaliy - Jailbreaking Apple 38 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Mickey Shkatov and Jesse Michael and Oleksandr Bazhaniuk - Driving down the rabbit hole.mp4 126.4 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Mickey Shkatov and Jesse Michael and Oleksandr Bazhaniuk - Driving down the rabbit 38 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Mikhail Sosonkin - Hacking travel routers like it's 1999.mp4 81.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Mikhail Sosonkin - Hacking travel routers like it's 23 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Min Zheng and Xiangyu Liu - macOS iOS Kernel Debugging and Heap Feng 23 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Min Zheng and Xiangyu Liu - macOS-iOS Kernel Debugging and Heap Feng Shui.mp4 109.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Morten Schenk - Taking Windows 10 Kernel Exploitation to the next level.mp4 125.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Morten Schenk - Taking Windows 10 Kernel Exploitation to the next 36 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Mr. Sean Kanuck - Hacking Democracy- A Socratic 53 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Nathan Seidle - Open Source Safe Cracking Robots - Combinations Under 1 Hour.mp4 118.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Nathan Seidle - Open Source Safe Cracking Robots - Combinations Under 1 32 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Nick Cano - XenoScan- Scanning Memory Like a Boss.mp4 138.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Nick Cano - XenoScan- Scanning Memory Like a 48 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Octane - Untrustworthy Hardware and How to Fix It.mp4 57.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Octane - Untrustworthy Hardware and How to Fix 26 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Omar Eissa - Attacking Autonomic Networks.mp4 156.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Omar Eissa - Attacking Autonomic 39 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Orange Tsai - A New Era of SSRF - Exploiting URL Parser in Trending Programming Languages.mp4 157.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Orange Tsai - A New Era of SSRF - Exploiting URL Parser in Trending Programming 33 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Patrick DeSantis - From Box to Backdoor.mp4 123.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Patrick DeSantis - From Box to 37 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Patrick Wardle - Death By 1000 Installers; on macOS, it's all broken!.srt 59 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Patrick Wardle - Death By 1000 Installers_ on macOS and it's all broken!.mp4 163.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Patrick Wardle - Offensive Malware Analysis- Dissecting OSX - FruitFly.mp4 85.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Patrick Wardle - Offensive Malware Analysis- Dissecting OSX - 28 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Peyton Engel - Learning about Government Surveillance Software You Can't Ever See.mp4 75.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Peyton Engel - Learning about Government Surveillance Software You Can't Ever 26 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Philip Tully and Michael T Raggo - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words and Literally.mp4 156.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Philip Tully and Michael T. Raggo - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, 60 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Plore - Popping a Smart Gun.mp4 110.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Plore - Popping a Smart 49 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Professor Plum - Digital Vengeance- Exploiting the Most Notorious C&C Toolkits.mp4 106.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Professor Plum - Digital Vengeance- Exploiting the Most Notorious C&C 44 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Redezem - PEIMA Using Power Laws to address Denial of Service Attacks.mp4 80.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Redezem - PEIMA Using Power Laws to address Denial of Service 26 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Richard Thieme - When Privacy Goes Poof! Why It's Gone and Never Coming Back - 57 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Richard Thieme - When Privacy Goes Poof! Why It's Gone and Never Coming Back.mp4 163.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Roger Dingledine - Next-Generation Tor Onion Services.mp4 157.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Roger Dingledine - Next-Generation Tor Onion 58 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Romain Coltel and Yves Le Provost - WSUSpendu- How to hang WSUS clients.mp4 68.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Romain Coltel and Yves Le Provost - WSUSpendu- How to hang WSUS 17 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Ryan Baxendale - Microservices and FaaS for Offensive Security.mp4 98.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Ryan Baxendale - Microservices and FaaS for Offensive 28 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Saif El-Sherei - Demystifying Windows Kernel Exploitation by Abusing GDI Objects.mp4 185.8 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Saif El-Sherei - Demystifying Windows Kernel Exploitation by Abusing GDI 51 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Salvador Mendoza - Exploiting 0ld Mag-stripe information with New technology.mp4 66.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Salvador Mendoza - Exploiting 0ld Mag-stripe information with New 16 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Sarah Zatko - CITL and the Digital Standard - A Year Later.mp4 159.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Sarah Zatko - CITL and the Digital Standard - A Year 41 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Scott Behrens and Jeremy Heffner - Starting the Avalanche - Application DoS In Microservice Architectures.mp4 160.4 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Scott Behrens and Jeremy Heffner - Starting the Avalanche - Application DoS In Microservice 56 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Sean Dillon and Zach Harding - Koadic C3 - Windows COM Command & Control Framework.mp4 132.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Sean Dillon and Zach Harding - Koadic C3 - Windows COM Command & Control 49 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Snide Owen - Phone system testing and other fun tricks.mp4 157.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Snide Owen - Phone system testing and other fun 44 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - spaceB0x - Exploiting Continuous Integration (CI) and Automated Build system.mp4 148.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - spaceB0x - Exploiting Continuous Integration (CI) and Automated Build 51 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Steinthor Bjarnason and Jason Jones - The call is coming from inside the house.mp4 124.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Steinthor Bjarnason, Jason Jones - The call is coming from inside the 40 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Stephan Huber and Siegfried Rasthofer - Bypassing Android Password Manager Without Root.mp4 114.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Stephan Huber and Siegfried Rasthofer - Bypassing Android Password Manager Without 46 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Svea Owen and Andreas Dewes - Dark Data.mp4 164.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Svea Owen and Andreas Dewes - Dark 40 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Tess Schrodinger - Total Recall- Implanting Passwords in Cognitive Memory.mp4 162.6 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Tess Schrodinger - Total Recall- Implanting Passwords in Cognitive 45 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - The Dark Tangent - Welcome to DEF CON 25.mp4 64.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - The Dark Tangent - Welcome to DEF CON 18 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - The Dark Tangent and Def Con Goons - DEF CON Closing Ceremonies.mp4 349.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - The Dark Tangent and Def Con Goons - DEF CON Closing 84 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Thomas Mathew and Dhia Mahjoub - Malicious CDNs.mp4 178.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Thomas Mathew and Dhia Mahjoub - Malicious 56 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Tomer Cohen - Game of Chromes- Owning the Web with Zombie Chrome Extensions.mp4 131.3 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Tomer Cohen - Game of Chromes- Owning the Web with Zombie Chrome 29 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Trey Forgety - Inside the Meet Desai Attack - Defending Distributed Targets from Distributed Attacks.mp4 154 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Trey Forgety - Inside the “Meet Desai” Attack - Defending Distributed Targets from Distributed 55 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - trixr4skids - DOOMed Point of Sale Systems.mp4 137 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - trixr4skids - DOOMed Point of Sale 50 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Vasilios Mavroudis and Dan Cvrcek - Trojan-tolerant Hardware & Supply Chain Security in Practice.mp4 85.1 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Vasilios Mavroudis and Dan Cvrcek - Trojan-tolerant Hardware & Supply Chain Security in 41 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Alvaro Munoz and Alexandr Mirosh - Friday the 13th JSON attacks.mp4 127.5 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Vulc@n and Panel - The Last CTF Talk You’ll Ever Need - AMA with 20 years of DEF CON 160 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Weston Hecker - Opt Out or Deauth Trying !- Anti-Tracking Bots Radios and Keystroke Injection.mp4 156 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Weston Hecker - Opt Out or Deauth Trying !- Anti-Tracking Bots Radios and Keystroke 53 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Whitney Merrill and Terrell McSweeny - Tick and Tick and Tick.Boom You're Dead - Tech and the FTC.mp4 176 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Whitney Merrill and Terrell McSweeny - Tick, Tick, Tick.Boom You're Dead - Tech and the 53 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - William Knowles - Persisting with Microsoft Office- Abusing Extensibility Options.mp4 75.2 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - William Knowles - Persisting with Microsoft Office- Abusing Extensibility 24 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - XlogicX - Assembly Language is Too High Level.mp4 188.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - XlogicX - Assembly Language is Too High 61 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Yan Shoshitaishvili - 25 Years of Program Analysis.mp4 193.9 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Yan Shoshitaishvili - 25 Years of Program 54 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Yuwue Zheng and Lin Huang -  Ghost Telephonist Impersonates You Through LTE CSFB.mp4 150.7 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Yuwue Zheng and Lin Huang -  Ghost Telephonist Impersonates You Through LTE 27 KB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Zenofex and 0x00string and CJ_000 and Maximus64 - All Your Things Are Belong To Us.mp4 171 MB
DEF CON 25 video and slides/DEF CON 25 Conference - Zenofex and 0x00string and CJ_000 and Maximus64 - All Your Things Are Belong To 68 KB
Name Size Peers
DEF CON 29 Application 377.4 GB 4
DEF CON 16 Video 9.3 GB 8
DEF CON 20 Application 69.7 GB 8
DEF CON 3 343 MB 7
DEF CON 31 Video 46.1 GB 4
DEF CON 14 Video 10.3 GB 3
DEF CON 32 Image 63.5 GB 0
DEF CON 24 Application 96.1 GB 0
DEF CON 21 Application 92.3 GB 0
DEF CON 29 - Cory Doctorow - Privacy Without Monopoly 1080p.mp4 Video 503.3 MB 9
DEF CON 16 video x265 Video 5.1 GB 3
DEF CON Conference Programs Application 830.7 MB 3
DEF CON 7 video Video 3.5 GB 2
DEF CON 11 music Audio 404.3 MB 2
DEF CON 15 7 GB 0
DEF CON 29 Application 376.8 GB 0
DEF CON 28 Application 47.6 GB 106
DEF CON 28 Application 190.4 GB 59
DEF CON 26 Audio 99.4 GB 16
DEF CON 18 ctf Application 3.6 GB 16
