Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD

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Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/mp3tag.txt 16 KB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/81cSud2FX7L._SL1500_ - Copy.jpg 89 KB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/24 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ IV. Recitativo (Soprano) _Und der Herr_.mp3 819 KB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/13 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ VI. Recitativo (Basso) _Es ist nichts Verdammliches_.mp3 1.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/10 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ III. Recitativo (Alto) _Die Wohnung ist bereit_.mp3 1.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/11 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ XI. Recitativo (Basso) _Wer nur in Jesu bleibt_.mp3 1.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/04 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ IV. Recitativo (Tenore) _Gott stürzet und erhöhet_.mp3 1.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/06 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ VI. Recitativo (Soprano) _Indes schenkt Gott ein gut Gewissen_.mp3 1.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/28 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ VIII. Recitativo (Alto) _Der Vater hat ihm ja_.mp3 1.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/02 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ II. Choral (Coro) _Das hat er alles uns getan_.mp3 1.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/15 - Cantata, BWV 95 _Christus, der ist mein Leben__ IV. Recitativo (Tenore) _Ach, könnte mir doch bald_.mp3 1.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/19 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ VIII. Recitativo (Alto) _Zuletzt! Da du uns, Herr_.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/09 - Cantata, BWV 134 _Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß__ I. Recitativo (Alto, Tenore) _Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum_.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/13 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ XIII. Recitativo (Tenore) _O Armut, der kein Reichtum gleicht!_.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/30 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ X. Recitativo (Soprano) _Er will mir neben sich_.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/11 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ IV. Recitativo (Basso) _Wer aber hört_.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/03 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ III. Recitativo (Alto) _Geh, Welt! behalte nur das Deine_.mp3 1.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/03 - Cantata, BWV 12 _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen__ III. Arioso (Alto) _Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal_.mp3 1.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/20 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ XIII. Recitativo (Tenore) _So soll die Christenheit_.mp3 1.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/17 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ VI. Recitativo (Soprano) _Nun, wir erkennen es_.mp3 1.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/09 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ IX. Recitativo (Alto) _Nur eines kränkt_.mp3 1.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/20 - Cantata, BWV 124 _Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht__ II. Recitativo (Tenor) _Solange sich_.mp3 1.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/26 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ VI. Recitativo (Basso) _Es kommt der Helden Held_.mp3 1.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/04 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ IV. Choral (Coro) _Was frag ich nach der Welt_.mp3 1.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/22 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ II. Recitativo (Tenore) _Es will der Höchste_.mp3 1.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/05 - Cantata, BWV 137 _Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren__ V. Choral (Coro) _Lobe den Herren_.mp3 1.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/20 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ IX. Choral (Coro) _Hilf deinem Volk, Herr Jesu Christ_.mp3 1.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/12 - Cantata, BWV 127 _Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott__ V. Choral (Coro) _Ach Herr, vergib all unsre Schuld_.mp3 1.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/07 - Cantata, BWV 101 _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott__ VII. Choral (Coro) _Leit uns mit deiner rechten Hand_.mp3 1.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/16 - Cantata, BWV 105 _Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht__ II. Recitativo (Alto) _Mein Gott, verwirf mich nicht_.mp3 1.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/07 - Cantata, BWV 12 _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen__ VII. Choral (Coro)_ _Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan_.mp3 1.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/15 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ VIII. Choral (Coro) _Kein Menschenkind hier auf der Erd_.mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/24 - Cantata, BWV 124 _Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht__ VI. Choral (Coro) _Jesum laß ich nicht von mir_.mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/16 - Die Himmel Erzählen Die Ehre Gottes, BWV 76_ IX. Recitativo (Basso)_ Gott segne noch die treue Schar.mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/18 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ XI. Recitativo (Alto) _Ich fühle schon im Geist_.mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/02 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ II. Recitativo (Basso) _Was hilft des Purpurs Majestät_.mp3 2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/22 - Cantata, BWV 124 _Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht__ IV. Recitativo (Basso) _Doch ach!_.mp3 2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/18 - Cantata, BWV 95 _Christus, der ist mein Leben__ VII. Choral (Coro) _Weil du vom Tod erstanden bist_.mp3 2.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/28 - Cantata, BWV 10 _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren__ VII. Choral (Coro) _Lob und Preis sei Gott dem Vater_.mp3 2.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/09 - Cantata, BWV 25 _Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe__ IV. Recitativo (Soprano) _O Jesu, lieber Meister_.mp3 2.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/05 - Cantata, BWV 71 _Gott ist mein König__ V. Aria (Alto) _Durch mächtige Kraft_.mp3 2.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/11 - Cantata, BWV 25 _Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe__ VI. Choral (Coro) _Ich will alle meine Tage_.mp3 2.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/24 - Cantata, BWV 10 _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren__ III. Recitativo (Tenore) _Des Höchsten Güt und Treu_.mp3 2.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/13 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ II. Recitativo (Tenore) _Gesegnet Land, glückselge Stadt_.mp3 2.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/06 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ VI. Recitativo (Basso) _Der Himmel bleibet mir gewiß_.mp3 2.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/17 - Cantata, BWV 95 _Christus, der ist mein Leben__ VI. Recitativo (Basso) _Denn ich weiß dies_.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/08 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ VIII. Choral (Coro) _Gute Nacht, o Wesen_.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/20 - Cantata, BWV 177 _Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ__ V. Choral (Coro) _Ich lieg im Streit und widerstreb_.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/25 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ VII. Recitativo (Soprano, Basso) _Ach Jesu, meine Ruh_.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/09 - Cantata, BWV 127 _Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott__ II. Recitativo (Tenore) _Wenn alles sich zur letzten Zeit_.mp3 2.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/17 - Cantata, BWV 59 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ III. Choral (Coro) _Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott_.mp3 2.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/09 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ II. Recitativo (Tenore) _So läßt sich Gott_.mp3 2.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/07 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ VII. Choral (Coro) _Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan_.mp3 2.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/07 - Cantata, BWV 25 _Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe__ II. Recitativo (Tenore) _Die ganze Welt ist nur ein Hospital_.mp3 3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/22 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ IV. Recitativo (Tenore) _Wie hast du dich, mein Gott_.mp3 3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/13 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ VI. Recitativo (Alto) _Du hast uns, Herr_.mp3 3.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/18 - Cantata, BWV 105 _Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht__ IV. Recitativo (Basso) _Wohl aber dem_.mp3 3.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/01 - Cantata, BWV 71 _Gott ist mein König__ I. Coro _Gott ist mein König_.mp3 3.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/26 - Cantata, BWV 10 _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren__ V. Aria (Duetto_ Alto, Tenore) _Er denket der Barmherzigkeit_.mp3 3.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/14 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ XIV. Choral (Coro) _Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan_.mp3 3.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/16 - Cantata, BWV 59 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ II. Recitativo (Soprano) _O, was sind das vor Ehren_.mp3 3.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/13 - Cantata, BWV 134 _Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß__ V. Recitativo (Alto, Tenore) _Doch wirke selbst den Dank_.mp3 3.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/27 - Cantata, BWV 10 _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren__ VI. Recitativo (Tenore) _Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten_.mp3 3.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/20 - Cantata, BWV 105 _Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht__ VI. Choral (Coro) _Nun, ich weiß, du wirst mir stillen_.mp3 3.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/15 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ IV. Recitativo (Basso) _So herrlich stehst du, liebe Stadt_.mp3 3.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/03 - Cantata, BWV 71 _Gott ist mein König__ III. Coro _Dein alter sei wie deine Jugend_.mp3 3.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/05 - Cantata, BWV 12 _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen__ V. Aria (Basso) _Ich folge Christo nach_.mp3 3.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/14 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ VII. Choral (Coro) _Es woll uns Gott_.mp3 4.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/05 - Cantata, BWV 101 _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott__ V. Recitativo, Choral (Tenore) _Die Sünd hat uns verderbet sehr_.mp3 4.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/11 - Cantata, BWV 134 _Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß__ III. Recitativo (Alto, Tenore) _Wohl dir, Gott hat an dich gedacht_.mp3 4.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/21 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ XIV. Choral (Coro)_ _Es danke, Gott, und lobe dich_.mp3 4.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/25 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ V. Aria (Soprano) _Mein Jesus hat nunmehr_.mp3 4.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/08 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ VIII. Sinfonia.mp3 4.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/10 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ X. Aria (Alto) _Jesus macht mich geistlich reich_.mp3 4.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/03 - Cantata, BWV 101 _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott__ III. Recitativo, Choral (Soprano) _Ach! Herr Gott_.mp3 4.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/01 - Cantata, BWV 12 _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen__ I. Sinfonia.mp3 4.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/23 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ III. Aria (Tenore) _Ja tausendmal tausend_.mp3 4.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/15 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ VIII. Sinfonia.mp3 4.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/31 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ XI. Choral (Coro) _Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ_.mp3 4.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/14 - Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben, BWV 95_ II. Recitativo (Soprano)_ Nun, falsche Welt.mp3 4.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/01 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ I. Coro _Sehet, welch eine Liebe_.mp3 5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/17 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ X. Aria (Tenore) _Hasse nur, hasse mich recht_.mp3 5.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/09 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ II. Aria (Soprano) _Komm, komm, mein Herze_.mp3 5.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/19 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ I. Sinfonia.mp3 5.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/25 - Cantata, BWV 10 _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren__ IV. Aria (Basso) _Gewaltige stößt Gott vom Stuhl_.mp3 5.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/06 - Cantata, BWV 71 _Gott ist mein König__ VI. Coro _Du wollest dem Feinde nicht geben_.mp3 5.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/04 - Cantata, BWV 71 _Gott ist mein König__ IV. Arioso (Basso) _Tag und Nacht ist dein_.mp3 5.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/27 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ VII. Aria (Basso) _Er ists, der ganz allein_.mp3 5.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/28 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ X. Aria (Tenore) _Erfreue dich, Seele_.mp3 5.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/04 - Cantata, BWV 137 _Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren__ IV. Aria (Tenore) _Lobe den Herren, der deinen_.mp3 5.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/15 - Cantata, BWV 59 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ I. Duetto (Soprano, Basso) _Wer mich liebet_.mp3 5.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/29 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ XI. Coro_ (Soprano, Alto, Tenore, Basso) _Das Lamm, das erwürget ist_.mp3 5.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/08 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ I. Coro _Wer mich liebet_.mp3 5.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/20 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ II. Coro _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis_.mp3 5.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/07 - Cantata, BWV 71 _Gott ist mein König__ VII. Choral (Coro) _Das neue Regiment_.mp3 5.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/10 - Cantata, BWV 25 _Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe__ V. Aria (Soprano)_ _Öffne meinen schlechten Liedern_.mp3 5.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/29 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ IX. Aria (Alto) _Ich sehe schon im Geist_.mp3 5.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/18 - Cantata, BWV 59 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ IV. Aria (Basso) _Die Welt mit allen Königreichen_.mp3 6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/19 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ XII. Aria (Alto) _Liebt, ihr Christen, in der Tat!_.mp3 6.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/16 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ V. Aria (Alto) _Die Obrigkeit ist Gottes Gabe_.mp3 6.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/21 - Cantata, BWV 124 _Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht__ III. Aria (Tenore) _Und wenn der harte Todesschlag_.mp3 6.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/01 - Cantata, BWV 137 _Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren__ I. Coro _Lobe den Herren_.mp3 6.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/02 - Cantata, BWV 101 _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott__ II. Aria (Tenore) _Handle nicht nach deinen Rechten_.mp3 6.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/12 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ V. Aria (Basso) _Fahr hin, abgöttische Zunft!_.mp3 6.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/11 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ IV. Aria (Basso) _Ich gehe hin_.mp3 6.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/24 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ VI. Coro_ (Soprano, Alto, Tenore, Basso) _Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele_.mp3 6.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/21 - Cantata, BWV 43 _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen__ I. Coro _Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen_.mp3 6.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/08 - Cantata, BWV 25 _Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe__ III. Aria (Basso) _Ach, wo hol ich Armer Rat_.mp3 6.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/03 - Cantata, BWV 137 _Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren__ III. Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Basso) _Lobe den Herren, der künstlich_.mp3 6.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/02 - Cantata, BWV 137 _Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren__ II. Aria (Alto) _Lobe den Herren, der alles_.mp3 6.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/19 - Cantata, BWV 124 _Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht__ I. Coro _Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht_.mp3 6.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/14 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ III. Aria (Tenore) _Wohl dir, du Volk der Linden_.mp3 6.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/22 - Cantata, BWV 10 _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren__ I. Coro _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren_.mp3 6.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/21 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ III. Aria (Soprano) _Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not_.mp3 7.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/12 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ XII. Aria (Basso) _Mein Herze gläubt und liebt_.mp3 7.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/02 - Cantata, BWV 71 _Gott ist mein König__ II. Aria (Soprano, Tenore) _Ich bin nun achtzig Jahr_.mp3 7.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/11 - Cantata, BWV 127 _Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott__ IV. Recitativo & Aria (Basso) _Wenn einstens die Posaunen schallen_.mp3 7.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/06 - Cantata, BWV 12 _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen__ VI. Aria (Tenore)_ _Sei getreu, alle Pein_.mp3 7.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/04 - Cantata, BWV 101 _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott__ IV. Aria (Basso) _Warum willst du so zornig sein_.mp3 7.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/23 - Cantata, BWV 124 _Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht__ V. Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Alto) _Entziehe dich eilends_.mp3 7.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/13 - Cantata, BWV 95 _Christus, der ist mein Leben__ I. Coro (Recitativo_ Tenore) _Christus, der ist mein Leben_.mp3 7.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/06 - Cantata, BWV 25 _Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe__ I. Coro _Es ist nichts Gesundes_.mp3 8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/01 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ I. Coro _Die Elenden sollen essen_.mp3 8.2 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/19 - Cantata, BWV 177 _Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ__ IV. Aria (Tenore) _Laß mich kein Lust noch Furcht_.mp3 8.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/26 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ VIII. Duetto (Soprano, Basso) _Komm, mein Jesu_.mp3 8.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/05 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ V. Aria (Soprano) _Ich nehme mein Leiden_.mp3 8.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/27 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ IX. Coro_ (Soprano, Alto, Tenore, Basso) _Sei nun wieder zufrieden_.mp3 8.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/10 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ III. Aria (Soprano) _Hört, ihr Völker_.mp3 8.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/08 - Cantata, BWV 76 _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes__ I. Coro_ (Soprano, Alto, Tenore, Basso) _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes_.mp3 8.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/23 - Cantata, BWV 21 _Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis__ V. Aria (Tenore) _Bäche von gesalznen Zähren_.mp3 9.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/08 - Cantata, BWV 127 _Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott__ I. Coro _Herr Jesu Christ_.mp3 9.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/12 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ I. Coro _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn_.mp3 9.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/17 - Cantata, BWV 177 _Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ__ II. Aria (Alto) _Ich bitt noch mehr_.mp3 9.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/12 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ V. Aria (Tenore) _Kommt, eilet, stimmet_.mp3 9.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/18 - Cantata, BWV 177 _Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ__ III. Aria (Soprano) _Verleih, daß ich aus Herzensgrund_.mp3 10.3 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-20_ Cantatas BWV 75, 59, 21/03 - Cantata, BWV 75 _Die Elenden sollen essen__ III. Aria (Tenore) _Mein Jesus soll mein alles sein_.mp3 10.4 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/14 - Cantata, BWV 74 _Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten__ VII. Aria (Alto) _Nichts kann mich erretten_.mp3 10.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/01 - Cantata, BWV 101 _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott__ I. Coro _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott_.mp3 10.6 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/17 - Cantata, BWV 105 _Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht__ III. Aria (Soprano) _Wir zittern und wanken_.mp3 10.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/15 - Cantata, BWV 105 _Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht__ I. Coro _Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht_.mp3 10.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-19_ Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119, 43/18 - Cantata, BWV 119 _Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn__ VII. Coro _Der Herr hat Guts an uns getan_.mp3 10.8 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/02 - Cantata, BWV 12 _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen__ II. Coro _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen_.mp3 10.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/06 - Cantata, BWV 101 _Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott__ VI. Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Alto) _Gedenk an Jesu bittern Tod_.mp3 10.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/19 - Cantata, BWV 105 _Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht__ V. Aria (Tenore) _Kann ich nur Jesum_.mp3 11.1 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/07 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ VII. Aria (Alto) _Von der Welt verlang ich nichts_.mp3 11.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/10 - Cantata, BWV 134 _Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß__ II. Aria (Tenore) _Auf, Gläubige, singet_.mp3 11.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-23_ Cantatas BWV 71, 76, 10/23 - Cantata, BWV 10 _Meine Seel erhebt den Herren__ II. Aria (Soprano) _Herr, der du stark_.mp3 11.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/05 - Cantata, BWV 64 _Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget__ V. Aria (Soprano) _Was die Welt in sich hält_.mp3 11.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/04 - Cantata, BWV 12 _Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen__ IV. Aria (Alto) _Kreuz und Krone sind verbunden_.mp3 11.7 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/10 - Cantata, BWV 127 _Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott__ III. Aria (Soprano) _Die Seele ruht in Jesu Händen_.mp3 12.5 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-21_ Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95, 124/16 - Cantata, BWV 95 _Christus, der ist mein Leben__ V. Aria (Tenore) _Ach, schlage doch bald_.mp3 13 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-22_ Cantatas BWV 12, 74, 177/16 - Cantata, BWV 177 _Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ__ I. Coro _Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ_.mp3 13.9 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/14 - Cantata, BWV 134 _Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß__ VI. Coro _Erschallet, ihr Himmel_.mp3 14 MB
Bach 09 Cantatas BWV137,25,119,43,75,59,21,101,127,95,124,12,74,177,71,76,10,64,134,105 6CD/Bach 4-24_ Cantatas BWV 64, 134, 105/12 - Cantata, BWV 134 _Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß__ IV. Aria (Duetto_ Alto, Tenore) _Wir danken, wir preisen_.mp3 15.1 MB
Name Size Peers
Gli Angeli Genève, Stephan MacLeod - J.S. Bach Cantatas for Bass BWV 56-82-158-203 (2022) [24-96] Audio 1.2 GB 5
Oxford Bach Soloists - J. S. Bach_ Cantatas - 2024 - FLAC (24bit-96kHz) Audio 1.1 GB 4
Münchener Bach-Orchester & Karl Richter - J.S. Bach - Cantatas - Sundays After Trinity, Vol.2 (2018) [24-96] Audio 6.7 GB 3
Oxford Bach Soloists - J. S. Bach Cantatas (2024) [24Bit-96kHz] FLAC Audio 1.1 GB 2
Christoph Prégardien - Bach & Telemann Cantatas for Baritone (2018) [24-48] Audio 729.1 MB 6
Bach - Ich habe genug. Cantatas BWV 32, 82 & 106 - Dunedin Consort (2021) [24-96] Audio 1.2 GB 6
Solo Cantatas for Alto, Solo Cantatas for Bass, German Cantatas before Bach - Philippe Herreweghe Audio 742.2 MB 5
La Chapelle Royale, Collegium Vocale Gent & Philippe Herreweghe - Bach Cantatas for Bass (Remastered) (2023) [24-48] Audio 575.4 MB 4
The RIAS Bach Cantatas Project - 2012 - WEB FLAC Audio 1.9 GB 3
Bach Collegium Japan Choir And Orchestra, Masaaki Suzuki - Bach - Cantatas, Vol.55 (2014) [24-96] Audio 887.4 MB 1
W.F.Bach - Cantatas - Rheinische Kantorei, Das Kleine Konzert, Hermann Max - 2011 Audio 464.6 MB 5
Bach - Cantata No. 140, No. 4 - Choir and Orchestra Of The Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska - Vinyl 1950ish Audio 214 MB 4
J.S. Bach - Sacred Masterpieces and Cantatas (Gardiner) - 2010 5.1 GB 4
[ ] Tears into Wine - J. S. Bach's Cantata 21 in its Musical and Theological Application 19 MB 1
Gloria in excelsis Deo - Bach's sacred cantatas - Bach Collegium Japan, Masaaki Suzuki - 2017 Video 6.2 GB 1
JS Bach - BWV0081-BWV0085 - Cantata - [FLAC] Audio 468.2 MB 1
Christoph Spering - Bach - Praise - Cantatas BWV 26, 41, 95, 115, 137, 140 (2020) [24-48] Audio 1.2 GB 15
J.S. Bach - Ich elender Mensch - Leipzig Cantatas (Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe) [2013] [24-96] Audio 1.2 GB 14
BACH J.S. - Complete Cantatas (CC 72350) (2009) (320) Audio 10.1 GB 13
