DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 art/DEF CON 17 HQ |
392.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 art/DEF CON 17 Loop.mpg |
32.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Adam Savage - Failure - Audio.m4b |
10.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Alek Amrani - Session Donation - Audio.m4b |
7.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Andrea Barisani and Daniele Bianco - Sniffing Keystrockes with Lasers and Voltmeters - Audio.m4b |
8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Antione Gademer and Corentin Cheron - Low cost Spying Quadrotor for Global Security - Audio.m4b |
6.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ava Latrope - eXercise in Messaging and Presence Pwnage - Audio.m4b |
8.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Beth Noid and Nick Farr - Robot Shark Laser What Hackerspaces Do - Audio.m4b |
9.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bosse Eriksson- Runtime Kernel Patching on Mac OS X - Audio.m4b |
8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Brandon Dixon - Attacking SMS its no longer your BFF - Audio.m4b |
7.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Potter and Logan Lodge - Fragging Game Servers -Audio.m4b |
8.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Schneier - Question and Answer Session - Audio.m4b |
8.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Charlie Vedaa and Anonymous - Proxy Prank o Matic - Audio.m4b |
8.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chema Alonso and Jose Palazon - Tactical Fingerprinting Using Metadata Hidden Info and Lost Data - Audio.m4b |
15.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chris Gates and Mario Ceballos - Breaking the Unbreakable Oracle with Metasploit - Audio.m4b |
7.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chris Paget - RFID Mythbusting - Audio.m4b |
7.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Christopher Mooney and James Luedke - Subverting the World of Warcraft - Audio.m4b |
10 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Christopher Soghoian - Manipulation and Abuse of the Consumer Credit Reporting - Audio.m4b |
7.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Cody Pollet and George Louthan - Hack like the Movie Stars - Audio.m4b |
7.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Cough - Confidence Game Theater - Audio.m4b |
7.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Da Beave and JFalcon - AAPL Automated Analog Telephone Logging - Audio.m4b |
7.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dan Kaminsky - Something about Network Security - Audio.m4b |
11.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Daniel Raygoza - Automated Malware Similarity - Audio.m4b |
7.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Danny Quist and Lorie Liebrock - Reverse Engineering by Crayon - Audio.m4b |
9.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dark Tangent - Closing Ceremonies - Audio.m4b |
21.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dark Tangent and Joe Grand - Welcome and Badge Hacking Talk - Audio.m4b |
8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Datagram - Lockpicking Forensics - Audio.m4b |
20 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Mortman and Panel - Defcon Security Jam 2 The Fails Keep on Coming - Audio.m4b |
43.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Rook - The Security Risks of Web 2.0 - Audio.m4b |
20.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dead Addict - Defcon 1 A Personal Account - Audio.m4b |
10.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dead Addict - Defcon 1 A Personal Audio.m4b |
10.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dead Addict - Unfair Use Speculations on the Future of Privacy.m4b |
18.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Digividual - Sharepoint 2007 Knowledge Network Exposed - Audio.m4b |
7.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Digividual - Socailly Owned in the Cloud - Audio.m4b |
6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dmitri Alperovitch - Preparing for Cyber War - Audio.m4b |
23.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dominic Spill Michael Ossmann and Mark Steward - Bluetooth Smells like Chicken - Audio.m4b |
9.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Douglas C Merrill - Is that you Baby or Just a Bridge in the Sky - Audio.m4b |
14 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Edward Zaborowski - Doppleganger The Webs Evil Twin - Audio.m4b |
6.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Efrain Torres - Metasploit Goes Web - Audio.m4b |
4.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Efstratios Gavas - Asymetric Defense How to fight off the NSA Red Team - Audio.m4b |
4.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Egypt - Automatic Browser Fingerprinting and Exploitation with Metasploit - Audio.m4b |
8.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Endgrain Dan Kaminsky and Tiffany Rad - Hello My Name is hostname - Audio.m4b |
7.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Erez Metula - Managed Code Rootkits Hooking into Runtime Enviroments - Audio.m4b |
18.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By FX - Router Exploitation - Audio.m4b |
9.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Fred Von Lohman and Jennifer Granick - Jailbreaking and the Law of Reversing - Audio.m4b |
18.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Goldy and Pierce - Intro to WiMAX Hacking - Audio.m4b |
7.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Grant Jordan - Stealing Profits from Stock Market Spammers - Audio.m4b |
20.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Gregory Fleischer - Attacking Tor and the Application Layer - Audio.m4b |
18.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Haroon Meer and Marco Slaviero - Clobbering the Cloud - Audio.m4b |
22.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Iftach Ian Amit - Down the Rabbit Hole Uncovering a Criminal Server - Audio.m4b |
17.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Itzik Kotler and Tomer Bitton - The Day of the Updates - Audio.m4b |
15.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By James Myrcurial Arlen and Tiffany Rad - Your Mind Legal Status Rights and Securing Yourself - Audio.m4b |
9.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jason Schlesinger - Cloud Security in Map Reduce - Audio.m4b |
5.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jason Scott - That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars - Audio.m4b |
6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jay Beale and Justin Searle - The Middler 2.0 Its Not Just for Web Apps Anymore -Audio.m4b |
23.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jayson E Street - Bag Full of Rock Dispelling the Myths and Discussing the Facts of Global Cyber Warfare - Audio.m4b |
16.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jeff Yestrumskas and Matt Flick - Cross Site Scripting Anonymous Browser 2.0 - Audio.m4b |
7.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jennifer Granick - The Year in Computer Crime Cases - Audio.m4b |
9.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jhind - Catching DNS Tunnels with AI - Audio.m4b |
19.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jim Rennie - So you got Arrested in Vegas -Audio.m4b |
7.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joe Grand Jake Appelbaum and Chirs Tarnovsky - Smart Parking Meters - Audio.m4b |
10 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joe Grand and Zoz - The Projects of Prototype This - Audio.m4b |
8.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joey Calca and Ryan Anguiano - Hadoop Apaches Open Source Implementation of Googles MapReduce Framework - Audio.m4b |
15.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Johnny Long - Three Point Oh - Audio.m4b |
7.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jon R Kibler and Mike Cooper - Hack The Textbook - Audio.m4b |
8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jon Rose - Deblaze A Remote Method Enumeration Tool for Flex Servers - Audio.m4b |
8.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joseph McCray - Advanced SQL Injection - Audio.m4b |
18.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Josh Marks and Rob Rehrig - Hacking the Wiimote and WiiFit to help the Disabled - Audio.m4b |
4.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joshua Abraham and Robert Hansen - Unmasking You - Audio.m4b |
7.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By KC Phreakmonkey Budd and Taylor Dr Kaos Banks - Old Skool Brought Back A 1964 Modem Demo - Audio.m4b |
20.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kenshoto - WarGamez Redux - Audio.m4b |
8.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kevin Estis - Hacking the Apple TV - Audio.m4b |
11.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kevin Johnson and Panel - Injectable Exploits Two New Tools for Pwning Web Apps and Browsers - Audio.m4b |
16.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Lee Kushner and Mike Murray - Effective Information Security Career Planning - Audio.m4b |
10.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Luiz effffn Eduardo - 30k Look at WiFi - Audio.m4b |
19.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By MD Sohail Ahmad and Prabhash Dhyani - WiFish Finder Who Will Bite the Bait - Audio.m4b |
8.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Marc Weber Tobias and Panel - Invisible Access Electronic Access Control Audit Trails and High Security - Audio.m4b |
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DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mark Ryan Del Moral Talabis - Dangerous Minds The Art of Guerrilla Data Mining - Audio.m4b |
16.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Matt Richard and Steven Adair - 0-day gh0stnet and the Inside Story of the Adobe JBIG2 Vulnerability - Audio.m4b |
16.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Brooks and David Aslanian - BitTorrent Hacks - Audio.m4b |
12.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael L Davis - Who Invented the Proximity Card - Audio.m4b |
10.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Ligh and Matthew Richard - Making Fun of your Malware - Audio.m4b |
8.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Schrenk - Screen Scraper Tricks Extracting Data from Difficult Websites - Audio.m4b |
17.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mike Bailey and Russ McRee - CSRF Yeah it Still Works - Audio.m4b |
15.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mike Zusman - Criminal Charges Not Pursued Hacking PKI - Audio.m4b |
7.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Moxie Marilinspike - More Tricks for Defeating SSL- Audio.m4b |
9.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Muhaimin Dzulfakar - Advanced MySQL Exploitation - Audio.m4b |
6.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ne0nRa1n and Keith Biddulph - Hacking Sleep How to Build Your Very Own Sleep Lab - Audio.m4b |
8.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Nicholas Percoco and Jibran Ilyas - Malware Freak Show - Audio.m4b |
9.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Nick Harbour - Win at Reversing Tracing and Sandboxing Through Inline Hooling - Audio.m4b |
17.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Ask The EFF The Year in Digital Civil Liberties - Audio.m4b |
35.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - DEFCON 101 - Audio.m4b |
18.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Hardare Black Magic Building Devices with FPGAs - Audio.m4b |
31.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Meet the Feds - Audio.m4b |
22.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - MetaSploit Panel - Audio.m4b |
34.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Paul F Renda - Injecting EMP into Digital Devices - Audio.m4b |
22.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Pedro hkm Joaquin - Attacks Against 2wire Residential Gateway Routers - Audio.m4b |
6.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Peter Gutmann - The Psychology of Security Unusability - Audio.m4b |
18.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Pratap Prabhu and Yingbo Song - Smashing the Stack with Hydra -Audio.m4b |
9.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Psifertx - Matimum CTF Getting the most out of Capture the Flag - Audio.m4b |
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DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rafael Dominiguez Vega - USB Attacks Fun with Plug and 0wn - Slides.m4b |
14.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Richard Thieme - Hacking Biohacking and the Future of Humanity - Audio.m4b |
9.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Richard Thieme - Hacking UFOlogy 102 The Implications of UFOs for Life the Universe and Everything - Audio.m4b |
25.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ricky Lawshae - Picking Electronic Locks using TCP Sequence Prediction - Audio.m4b |
2.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Righter Kunkel - Air Traffic Control Insecurity and ADS B - Audio.m4b |
22.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rob Degulielmo - Con Kung Fu Defending Yourself - Audio.m4b |
4.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert Clark - Computer and Internet Security Law A Year in Review 2008 - 2009 - Audio.m4b |
22.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert Lentz - Perspective of the DoD CSO - Audio.m4b |
9.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Roberto Suggi Liverani and Nick Freeman - Abusing Firefox Addons - Audio.m4b |
15 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rod Beckstrom - Beckstroms Law A Model for Valuing Networks and Security - Audio.m4b |
17.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Roger Dingledine - Why Tor is Slow and What We Are Doing About It - Audio.m4b |
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DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By RogueClown - Hackerspaces The Legal Bases - Audio.m4b |
8.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sam Bowne - Hijacking Web 2.0 Sites with SSLstrip Hands on Training - Audio.m4b |
14.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sandy Mouse Clark and Edw0rd -De Gustibus or Hacking your Tastebuds - Audio.m4b |
23.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Scott Moulton - RAID Recovery Recover Your PORN By Sight and Sound - Audio.m4b |
19.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sean Boyce - Design and Implementation of a Quantum True number Generator - Audio.m4b |
6.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sean Taylor - Binary Obfuscation from the Top Down Obfuscating Executables Without Writing Assembly - Audio.m4b |
17.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Shawn Moyer and Nathan Hamiel - Weaponizing the Web New Attacks on User Generated Content - Audio.m4b |
21.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sherri Davidoff - Death of Anonymous Travel - Audio.m4b |
38.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sho Ho - FOE Feeding Controversial News to Censored Countries - Audio.m4b |
18.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Stephen Afterburn Janansky and Nick Waite - Hardware Trojans Infiltrating the Faraday Cage - Audio.m4b |
7.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Steve and Kristie Dunker - Personal Disaster Prepardness - Audio.m4b |
13.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Summit Siddharth - The Making of the Second SQL Injection Worm - Audio.m4b |
8.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Thomas Holt and Panel - Identifying Exploring and Predicting Threats in the Russian Hacker Community - Audio.m4b |
19.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Thomas Wilhelm - Hacking with the iPod Touch - Audio.m4b |
17.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tom Eston and Kevin Johnson - Social Zombies Your Friends want to Eat Your Brains - Audio.m4b |
7.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tony Flick - Hacking the Smart Grid - Audio.m4b |
7.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tottenkoph - Good Vibrations Hacking Motion Sickness on the Cheap - Audio.m4b |
3.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Travis Goodspeed - An Open JTAG Debugger - Audio.m4b |
17.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Travis Goodspeed - Locally Exploiting Wireless Sensors - Audio.m4b |
10 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tyler Pitchford - Search and Seizure Explained - Audio.m4b |
9.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Valsmith Colin Ames and David Kerb - MetaPhish - Audio.m4b |
12.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Videoman - Hacking with GNURadio - Audio.m4b |
9.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Zulu Meet - PLA Information Warfare Development Timeline and Nodal Analysis - Audio.m4b |
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DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 audio/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By etd - Dradis Framework Sharing Information Will Get You Root - Audio.m4b |
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81 KB |
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172 KB |
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109 KB |
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1 MB |
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516 KB |
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586 KB |
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773 KB |
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72 KB |
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411 KB |
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627 KB |
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59 KB |
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197 KB |
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316 KB |
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130 KB |
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474 KB |
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15 KB |
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2 MB |
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139 KB |
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591 KB |
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1.9 MB |
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108 KB |
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31 KB |
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136 KB |
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556 KB |
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13 MB |
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865 KB |
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888 KB |
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374 KB |
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4.7 MB |
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1.5 MB |
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852 KB |
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95 KB |
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1005 B |
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6.1 MB |
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399 KB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Alek Amrani - Session Donation - Slides.mp4 |
15.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Andrea Barisani and Daniele Bianco - Sniffing Keystrockes with Lasers and Voltmeters - Slides.mp4 |
33.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Antione Gademer and Corentin Cheron - Low cost Spying Quadrotor for Global Security Applications - Slides.mp4 |
28.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ava Latrope - eXercise in Messaging and Presence Pwnage - Slides.mp4 |
15.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Beth Noid and Nick Farr - Robot Shark Laser What Hackerspaces Do - Slides.mp4 |
35.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bosse Eriksson- Runtime Kernel Patching on Mac OS X - Slides.mp4 |
16.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Brandon Dixon - Attacking SMS its no longer your BFF - Slides.mp4 |
15.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Potter and Logan Lodge - Fragging Game Servers - Slides.mp4 |
25.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Schneier - Question and Answer Session - Slides.mp4 |
85.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Charlie Vedaa and Anonymous - Proxy Prank o Matic - Slides.mp4 |
19.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chema Alonso and Jose Palazon - Tactical Fingerprinting Using Metadata Hidden Info and Lost Data - Slides.mp4 |
34.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chris Gates and Mario Ceballos - Breaking the Unbreakable Oracle with Metasploit - Slides.mp4 |
19.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chris Paget - RFID Mythbusting - Slides.mp4 |
27.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Christopher Mooney and James Luedke - Subverting the World of Warcraft API - Slides.mp4 |
38.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Christopher Soghoian - Manipulation and Abuse of the Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies - Slides.mp4 |
14.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Cody Pollet and George Louthan - Hack like the Movie Stars A Big Screen Multi Touch Network Monitor - Slides.mp4 |
23 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Da Beave and JFalcon - AAPL Automated Analog Telephone Logging - Slides.mp4 |
15.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dan Kaminsky - Something about Network Security - Slides.mp4 |
57.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Daniel Raygoza - Automated Malware Similarity Analysis - Slides.mp4 |
17.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Danny Quist and Lorie Liebrock - Reverse Engineering by Crayon - Slides.mp4 |
38 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dark Tangent - Closing Ceremonies - Slides.mp4 |
201.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dark Tangent and Joe Grand - Welcome and Badge Hacking Talk - Slides.mp4 |
31.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Datagram - Lockpicking Forensics - Slides.mp4 |
36.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Mortman and Panel - Defcon Security Jam 2 The Fails Keep on Coming - Slides.mp4 |
62.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Rook - The Security Risks of Web 2.0 - Slides.mp4 |
57 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dead Addict - Unfair Use Speculations on the Future of Privacy - Video.mp4 |
74.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dead Addict - Defcon 1 A Personal Account - Slides.mp4 |
32.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Digividual - Sharepoint 2007 Knowledge Network Exposed - Slides.mp4 |
15.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Digividual - Socailly Owned in the Cloud - Slides.mp4 |
11.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dominic Spill Michael Ossmann and Mark Steward - Bluetooth Smells like Chicken - Slides.mp4 |
39 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Douglas C Merrill - Is that you Baby or Just a Bridge in the Sky - Slides.mp4 |
18.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Edward Zaborowski - Doppleganger The Webs Evil Twin - Slides.mp4 |
12.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Efrain Torres - Metasploit Goes Web - Slides.mp4 |
11.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Efstratios Gavas - Asymetric Defense How to fight off the NSA Red Team - Slides.mp4 |
10.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Egypt - Automatic Browser Fingerprinting and Exploitation with Metasploit - Slides.mp4 |
20.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Endgrain Dan Kaminsky and Tiffany Rad - Hello My Name is hostname - Slides.mp4 |
28 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Erez Metula - Managed Code Rootkits Hooking into Runtime Enviroments - Slides.mp4 |
31.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By FX - Router Exploitation - Slides.mp4 |
36.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Fred Von Lohman and Jennifer Granick - Jailbreaking and the Law of Reversing - Slides.mp4 |
32 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Goldy and Pierce - Intro to WiMAX Hacking - Slides.mp4 |
27.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Grant Jordan - Stealing Profits from Stock Market Spammers - Slides.mp4 |
41 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Gregory Fleischer - Attacking Tor and the Application Layer - Slides.mp4 |
34.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Haroon Meer and Marco Slaviero - Clobbering the Cloud - Slides.mp4 |
48.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Iftach Ian Amit - Down the Rabbit Hole Uncovering a Criminal Server - Slides.mp4 |
40 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By James Myrcurial Arlen and Tiffany Rad - Your Mind Legal Status Rights and Securing Yourself - Slides.mp4 |
20.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jason Schlesinger - Cloud Security in Map Reduce - Slides.mp4 |
11.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jason Scott - That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars - Slides.mp4 |
14.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jay Beale and Justin Searle - The Middler 2.0 Its Not Just for Web Apps Anymore - Slides.mp4 |
58 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jayson E Street - Bag Full of Rock Dispelling the Myths and Discussing the Facts of Global Cyber Warfare - Slides.mp4 |
20.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jeff Yestrumskas and Matt Flick - Cross Site Scripting Anonymous Browser 2.0 - Slides.mp4 |
14.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jennifer Granick - The year in Computer Crime Cases - Slides.mp4 |
36.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jhind - Catching DNS Tunnels with AI - Slides.mp4 |
52.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jim Rennie - So you got Arrested in Vegas - Slides.mp4 |
46.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joe Grand Jake Appelbaum and Chirs Tarnovsky - Smart Parking Meters -Slides.mp4 |
36.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joe Grand and Zoz - The Projects of Prototype This - Slides.mp4 |
35.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joe Grand and Zoz - The Projects of Prototype This - Video and Slides.mp4 |
66.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joey Calca and Ryan Anguiano - Hadoop Apaches Open Source Implementation of Googles MapReduce Framework- Slides.mp4 |
35.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Johnny Long - Three Point Oh - Slides.mp4 |
20.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jon R Kibler and Mike Cooper - Hack The Textbook - Slides.mp4 |
20.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jon Rose - Deblaze A Remote Method Enumeration Tool for Flex Servers - Slides.mp4 |
26.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joseph McCray - Advanced SQL Injection - Slides.mp4 |
32.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Josh Marks and Rob Rehrig - Hacking the Wiimote and WiiFit to help the Disabled - Slides.mp4 |
11.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joshua Abraham and Robert Hansen - Unmasking You - Slides.mp4 |
27.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By KC Phreakmonkey Budd and Taylor Dr Kaos Banks - Old Skool Brought Back A 1964 Modem Demo - Slides.mp4 |
37.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kenshoto - WarGamez Redux - Slides.mp4 |
19.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kevin Estis - Hacking the Apple TV - Slides.mp4 |
47.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kevin Johnson and Panel - Injectable Exploits Two New Tools for Pwning Web Apps and Browsers - Slides.mp4 |
44.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Lee Kushner and Mike Murray - Effective Information Security Career Planning - Slides.mp4 |
40 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Luiz effffn Eduardo - 30k Look at WiFi - Slides.mp4 |
34.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By MD Sohail Ahmad and Prabhash Dhyani - WiFish Finder Who Will Bite the Bait - Slides.mp4 |
17.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Marc Weber Tobias and Panel - Invisible Access Electronic Access Control Audit Trails and High Security - Slides.mp4 |
47.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mark Ryan Del Moral Talabis - Dangerous Minds The Art of Guerrilla Data Mining - Slides.mp4 |
22.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Matt Richard and Steven Adair - 0-day gh0stnet and the Inside Story of the Adobe JBIG2 Vulnerability - Slides.mp4 |
32.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Brooks and David Aslanian - BitTorrent Hacks - Slides.mp4 |
24.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael L Davis - Who Invented the Proximity Card - Slides.mp4 |
23.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Ligh and Matthew Richard - Making Fun of your Malware - Slides.mp4 |
34.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Schrenk - Screen Scraper Tricks Extracting Data from Difficult Websites - Slides.mp4 |
24.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mike Bailey and Russ McRee - CSRF Yeah it Still Works - Slides.mp4 |
38.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mike Zusman - Criminal Charges Not Pursued Hacking PKI - Slides.mp4 |
27.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Moxie Marilinspike - More Tricks for Defeating - Slides.mp4 |
36.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Muhaimin Dzulfakar - Advanced MySQL Exploitation - Slides.mp4 |
14.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ne0nRa1n and Keith Biddulph - Hacking Sleep How to Build Your Very Own Sleep Lab - Slides.mp4 |
20.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Nicholas Percoco and Jibran Ilyas - Malware Freak Show - Video and Slides.mp4 |
60.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Nicholas Percoco and Jibran Ilyas - Malware Freak Show -Slides.mp4 |
40.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Nick Harbour - Win at Reversing Tracing and Sandboxing Through Inline Hooling - Slides.mp4 |
23.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - DEFCON 101 - Slides.mp4 |
118.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Hardare Black Magic Building Devices with FPGAs - Slides.mp4 |
136.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Meet the Feds - Video.mp4 |
123.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - MetaSploit Panel - Slides.mp4 |
82.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Paul F Renda - Injecting EMP into Digital Devices - Slides.mp4 |
52.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Pedro hkm Joaquini - Attacks Against 2wire Residential Gateway Routers - Slides.mp4 |
15.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Peter Gutmann - The Psychology of Security Unusability - Slides.mp4 |
48.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Pratap Prabhu and Yingbo Song - Smashing the Stack with Hydra - Slides.mp4 |
20.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Psifertx - Matimum CTF Getting the most out of Capture the Flag - Slides.mp4 |
19.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rafael Dominiguez Vega - USB Attacks Fun with Plug and 0wn - Slides.mp4 |
25.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Richard Thieme - Hacking Biohacking and the Future of Humanity - Slides.mp4 |
62.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ricky Lawshae - Picking Electronic Locks using TCP Sequence Prediction - Slides.mp4 |
9.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Righter Kunkel - Air Traffic Control Insecurity and ADS B - Slides.mp4 |
38.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rob Degulielmo - Con Kung Fu Defending Yourself - Slides.mp4 |
15.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert Clark - Computer and Internet Security Law A Year in Review 2008 - 2009 - Slides.mp4 |
42.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert Lentz - Perspective of the DoD CSO - Slides.mp4 |
23.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Roberto Suggi Liverani and Nick Freeman - Abusing Firefox Addons - Slides.mp4 |
38.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rod Beckstrom - Beckstroms Law A Model for Valuing Networks and Security - Slides.mp4 |
30.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Roger Dingledine - Why Tor is Slow and What We Are Doing About It - Slides.mp4 |
34.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By RogueClown - Hackerspaces The Legal Bases - Slides.mp4 |
33.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sam Bowne - Hijacking Web 2.0 Sites with SSLstrip Hands on Training - Slides.mp4 |
38.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sandy Mouse Clark and Edw0rd -De Gustibus or Hacking your Tastebuds - Slides.mp4 |
37.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Scott Moulton - RAID Recovery Recover Your PORN By Sight and Sound - Slides.mp4 |
47.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sean Boyce - Design and Implementation of a Quantum True number Generator - Slides.mp4 |
12.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sean Taylor - Binary Obfuscation from the Top Down Obfuscating Executables Without Writing Assembly - Slides.mp4 |
33 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Shawn Moyer and Nathan Hamiel - Weaponizing the Web New Attacks on User Generated Content - Slides.mp4 |
53.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sherri Davidoff - Death of Anonymous Travel - Slides.mp4 |
102.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sho Ho - FOE Feeding Controversial News to Censored Countries - Slides.mp4 |
21.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Stephen Afterburn Janansky and Nick Waite - Hardware Trojans Infiltrating the Faraday Cage - Slides.mp4 |
16.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Steve and Kristie Dunker - Personal Disaster Prepardness - Slides.mp4 |
15.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Summit Siddharth - The Making of the Second SQL Injection Worm - Slides.mp4 |
17 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Thomas Holt and Panel - Identifying Exploring and Predicting Threats in the Russian Hacker Community - Slides.mp4 |
24.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Thomas Wilhelm - Hacking with the iPod Touch - Slides.mp4 |
36.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tom Eston and Kevin Johnson - Social Zombies Your Friends want to Eat Your Brains - Slides.mp4 |
18.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tony Flick - Hacking the Smart Grid - Slides.mp4 |
13.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tottenkoph - Good Vibrations Hacking Motion Sickness on the Cheap - Slides.mp4 |
9.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Travis Goodspeed - An Open JTAG Debugger - Slides.mp4 |
28.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Travis Goodspeed - Locally Exploiting Wireless Sensors - Slides.mp4 |
23.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tyler Pitchford - Search and Seizure Explained - Slides.mp4 |
37.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Valsmith Colin Ames and David Kerb - MetaPhish - Slides.mp4 |
34.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Videoman - Hacking with GNURadio - Slides.mp4 |
49.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Zulu Meet - PLA Information Warfare Development Timeline and Nodal Analysis - Slides.mp4 |
30.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By etd - Dradis Framework Sharing Information Will Get You Root - Slides.mp4 |
17.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 hacking conference presentation by Jason Ostrom and Arjun Sambamoorthy - Advancing Video Application Attacks - slides.mp4 |
45.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 hacking conference presentation by Joe Grand Chris Tarnovsky and Jake Appelbaum - Smart Parking Meter Implementations - slides.mp4 |
36.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 slides/DEFCON 17 hacking conference presentation by Moxie Marlinspike - More Tricks for Defeating SSL - slides.mp4 |
36.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Alek Amrani - Session Donation - Video and Slides.mp4 |
20.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Andrea Barisani and Daniele Bianco - Sniffing Keystrockes with Lasers and Voltmeters - Video and Slides.mp4 |
54.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ava Latrope - eXercise in Messaging and Presence Pwnage - Video and Slides.mp4 |
22.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Beth Noid and Nick Farr - Robot Shark Laser What Hackerspaces Do - Video and Slides.mp4 |
58 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bosse Eriksson- Runtime Kernel Patching on Mac OS X - Video and Slides.mp4 |
20.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Brandon dixon - Attacking SMS its no longer your BFF - Video and Slides.mp4 |
18.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Potter and Logan Lodge - Fragging Game Servers - Video and Slides.mp4 |
54 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Bruce Schneier - Question and Answer Session - Video and Slides.mp4 |
90.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Charlie Vedaa and Anonymous - Proxy Prank o Matic - Video and Slides.mp4 |
30.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chris Gates and Mario Ceballos - Breaking the Unbreakable Oracle with Metasploit - Video and Slides.mp4 |
43.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Chris Paget - RFID Mythbusting - Video and Slides.mp4 |
44.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Christopher Mooney and James Luedke - Subverting the World of Warcraft API - Video and Slides.mp4 |
75.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Da Beave and JFalcon - AAPL Automated Analog Telephone Logging - Video and Slides.mp4 |
25.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dan Kaminsky - Something about Network Security -Video and Slides.mp4 |
85.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Daniel Raygoza - Automated Malware Similarity Analysis - Video and Slides.mp4 |
19.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Danny Quist and Lorie Liebrock - Reverse Engineering by Crayon -Video and Slides.mp4 |
75.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dark Tangent - Closing Ceremonies - Video and Slides.mp4 |
300.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dark Tangent and Joe Grand - Welcome and Badge Hacking Talk - Video and Slides.mp4 |
57.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Datagram - Lockpicking Forensics - Video and Slides.mp4 |
55 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Mortman and Panel - Defcon Security Jam 2 The Fails Keep on Coming - Video and Slides.mp4 |
131.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By David Rook - The Security Risks of Web 2.0 - Video and Slides.mp4 |
67.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dead Addict - Defcon 1 A Personal Account - Video and Slides.mp4 |
48.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Digividual - Sharepoint 2007 Knowledge Network Exposed - Video and Slides.mp4 |
23.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Digividual - Socailly Owned in the Cloud - Video and Slides.mp4 |
14.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dominic Spill Michael Ossmann and Mark Steward - Bluetooth Smells like Chicken - Video and Slides.mp4 |
61.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Douglas C Merrill - Is that you Baby or Just a Bridge in the Sky - Video and Slides.mp4 |
61.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Edward Zaborowski - Doppleganger The Webs Evil Twin - Video and Slides.mp4 |
17.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Efrain Torres - Metasploit Goes Web - Video and Slides.mp4 |
25.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Efstratios Gavas - Asymetric Defense How to fight off the NSA Red Team - Video and Slides.mp4 |
25.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Egypt - Automatic Browser Fingerprinting and Exploitation with Metasploit - Video and Slides.mp4 |
41.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Endgrain Dan Kaminsky and Tiffany Rad - Hello My Name is hostname - Video and Slides.mp4 |
44.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Erez Metula - Managed Code Rootkits Hooking into Runtime Enviroments - Video and Slides.mp4 |
59.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By FX - Router Exploitation - Video and Slides.mp4 |
55.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Fred Von Lohman and Jennifer Granick - Jailbreaking and the Law of Reversing - Video and Slides.mp4 |
46 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Goldy and Pierce - Intro to WiMAX Hacking - Video and Slides.mp4 |
45.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Grant Jordan - Stealing Profits from Stock Market Spammers - Video and Slides.mp4 |
59.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Gregory Fleischer - Attacking Tor and the Application Layer - Video and Slides.mp4 |
44.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Haroon Meer and Marco Slaviero - Clobbering the Cloud - Video And Slides.mp4 |
64.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Iftach Ian Amit - Down the Rabbit Hole Uncovering a Criminal Server - Video and Slides.mp4 |
81.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Itzik Kotler and Tomer Bitton - The Day of the Updates - Video and Slides.mp4 |
45.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jason Schlesinger - Cloud Security in Map Reduce - Video and Slides.mp4 |
16.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jason Scott - That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars - Video and Slides.mp4 |
34.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jay Beale and Justin Searle - The Middler 2.0 Its Not Just for Web Apps Anymore - Video and Slides.mp4 |
78.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jeff Yestrumskas and Matt Flick - Cross Site Scripting Anonymous Browser 2.0 - Video and Slides.mp4 |
19.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jennifer Granick - The year in Computer Crime Cases - Video and Slides.mp4 |
58.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jhind - Catching DNS Tunnels with AI - Video and Slides.mp4 |
86.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jim Rennie - So you got Arrested in Vegas - Video and Slides.mp4 |
46.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joe Grand Jake Appelbaum and Chirs Tarnovsky - Smart Parking Meters -Video and Slides.mp4 |
67 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Johnny Long - Three Point Oh - Video and Slides.mp4 |
43.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jon R Kibler and Mike Cooper - Hack The Textbook - Video and Slides.mp4 |
23.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Jon Rose - Deblaze A Remote Method Enumeration Tool for Flex Servers - Video and Slides.mp4 |
32.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joseph McCray - Advanced SQL Injection - Video and Slides.mp4 |
53.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Josh Marks and Rob Rehrig - Hacking the Wiimote and WiiFit to help the Disabled - Video and Slides.mp4 |
32.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Joshua Abraham and Robert Hansen - Unmasking You - Video and Slides.mp4 |
42.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kenshoto - WarGamez Redux - Video and Slides.mp4 |
47.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Kevin Estis - Hacking the Apple TV - Video and Slides.mp4 |
57.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Lee Kushner and Mike Murray - Effective Information Security Career Planning - Video and Slides.mp4 |
73.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Luiz effffn Eduardo - 30k Look at WiFi - Video and Slides.mp4 |
53.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By MD Sohail Ahmad and Prabhash Dhyani - WiFish Finder Who Will Bite the Bait - Video and Slides.mp4 |
24.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mark Ryan Del Moral Talabis - Dangerous Minds The Art of Guerrilla Data Mining - Video and Slides.mp4 |
50.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Brooks and David Aslanian - BitTorrent Hacks - Video and Slides.mp4 |
35.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael L Davis - Who Invented the Proximity Card - Video and Slides.mp4 |
28 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Ligh and Matthew Richard - Making Fun of your Malware - Video and Slides.mp4 |
46.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Michael Schrenk - Screen Scraper Tricks Extracting Data from Difficult Websites - Video and Slides.mp4 |
48.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mike Bailey and Russ McRee - CSRF Yeah it Still Works - Video and Slides.mp4 |
67.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Mike Zusman - Criminal Charges Not Pursued Hacking PKI - Video and Slides.mp4 |
45 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Moxie Marilinspike - More Tricks for Defeating - Video and Slides.mp4 |
61.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Muhaimin Dzulfakar - Advanced MySQL Exploitation - Video and Slides.mp4 |
20.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ne0nRa1n and Keith Biddulph - Hacking Sleep How to Build Your Very Own Sleep Lab - Video and Slides.mp4 |
54.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Nick Harbour - Win at Reversing Tracing and Sandboxing Through Inline Hooling - Video and Slides.mp4 |
55.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - DEFCON 101 - Video and Slides.mp4 |
115.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Hardare Black Magic Building Devices with FPGAs - Video and Slides.mp4 |
157.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Paul F Renda - Injecting EMP into Digital Devices - Video and Slides.mp4 |
82.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Pedro hkm Joaquini - Attacks Against 2wire Residential Gateway Routers - Video and Slides.mp4 |
20 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Pratap Prabhu and Yingbo Song - Smashing the Stack with Hydra - Video and Slides.mp4 |
24.9 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Psifertx - Matimum CTF Getting the most out of Capture the Flag - Video and Slides.mp4 |
43.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rafael Dominiguez Vega - USB Attacks Fun with Plug and 0wn - Video and Slides.mp4 |
42.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Richard Thieme - Hacking Biohacking and the Future of Humanity - Video and Slides.mp4 |
75.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Ricky Lawshae - Picking Electronic Locks using TCP Sequence Prediction - Video and Slides.mp4 |
12.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Righter Kunkel - Air Traffic Control Insecurity and ADS B - Video and Slides.mp4 |
57.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rob Degulielmo - Con Kung Fu Defending Yourself - Video and Slides.mp4 |
21.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert Clark - Computer and Internet Security Law A Year in Review 2008 - 2009 - Video and Slides.mp4 |
69.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Robert Lentz - Perspective of the DoD CSO - Video and Slides.mp4 |
56.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Roberto Suggi Liverani and Nick Freeman - Abusing Firefox Addons - Video and Slides.mp4 |
55 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Rod Beckstrom - Beckstroms Law A Model for Valuing Networks and Security - Video and Slides.mp4 |
64.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Roger Dingledine - Why Tor is Slow and What We Are Doing About It - Video and Slides.mp4 |
55.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By RogueClown - Hackerspaces The Legal Bases - Video and Slides.mp4 |
49.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sam Bowne - Hijacking Web 2.0 Sites with SSLstrip Hands on Training - Video and Slides.mp4 |
49.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sandy Mouse Clark and Edw0rd -De Gustibus or Hacking your Tastebuds - Video and Slides.mp4 |
124.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Scott Moulton - RAID Recovery Recover Your PORN By Sight and Sound - Video and Slides.mp4 |
64.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sean Boyce - Design and Implementation of a Quantum True number Generator - Video and Slides.mp4 |
20.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sherri Davidoff - Death of Anonymous Travel - Video and Slides.mp4 |
194.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Sho Ho - FOE Feeding Controversial News to Censored Countries - Video and Slides.mp4 |
42.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Steve and Kristie Dunker - Personal Disaster Prepardness - Video and Slides.mp4 |
30.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Summit Siddharth - The Making of the Second SQL Injection Worm - Video and Slides.mp4 |
24.4 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Thomas Wilhelm - Hacking with the iPod Touch - Video and Slides.mp4 |
51.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tom Eston and Kevin Johnson - Social Zombies Your Friends want to Eat Your Brains - Video and Slides.mp4 |
48.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tony Flick - Hacking the Smart Grid - Video and Slides.mp4 |
19.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tottenkoph - Good Vibrations Hacking Motion Sickness on the Cheap - Video and Slides.mp4 |
16.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Travis Goodspeed - An Open JTAG Debugger - Video and Slides.mp4 |
50.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Travis Goodspeed - Locally Exploiting Wireless Sensors - Video and Slides.mp4 |
55.8 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Tyler Pitchford - Search and Seizure Explained - Video and Slides.mp4 |
58.7 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Valsmith Colin Ames and David Kerb - MetaPhish - Video and Slides.mp4 |
72.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Videoman - Hacking with GNURadio - Video and Slides.mp4 |
78.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Zulu Meet - PLA Information Warfare Development Timeline and Nodal Analysis - Video and Slides.mp4 |
76.6 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By etd - Dradis Framework Sharing Information Will Get You Root - Video and Slides.mp4 |
30.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 hacking conference presentation by Joe Grand Chris Tarnovsky and Jake Appelbaum - Smart Parking Meter Implementations - video and slides.mp4 |
67 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video and slides/DEFCON 17 hacking conference presentation by Moxie Marlinspike - More Tricks for Defeating SSL - video and slides.mp4 |
61.2 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Cough - Confidence Game Theater - Video.mp4 |
79.3 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - Ask The EFF The Year in Digital Civil Liberties - Video.mp4 |
132.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Panel - MetaSploit Panel - Video and Slides.mp4 |
218.1 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video/DEFCON 17 Hacking Conference Presentation By Richard Thieme - Hacking UFOlogy 102 The Implications of UFOs for Life the Universe and Everything - Video.mp4 |
94.5 MB |
DEF CON 17/DEF CON 17 video/DEFCON 17 hacking conference presentation by Adam Savage - Failure - video.mp4 |
97.1 MB |