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lit_guide_pdf/Against Democracy and Equality - Tomislav Sunic & Alain de Benoist & Paul Gottfried/Against Democracy and Equality - Tomislav Sunic & Alain de Benoist & Paul Gottfried.jpg 44 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Against Democracy and Equality - Tomislav Sunic & Alain de Benoist & Paul Gottfried/Against Democracy and Equality - Tomislav Sunic & Alain de Benoist & Paul Gottfried.pdf 1.9 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Alternative, The - Oswald Mosley/Alternative, The - Oswald Mosley.jpg 31 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Alternative, The - Oswald Mosley/Alternative, The - Oswald Mosley.pdf 14 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Biocentric Worldview, The - Ludwig Klages & Joseph D. Pryce/Biocentric Worldview, The - Ludwig Klages & Joseph D. Pryce.jpg 105 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Biocentric Worldview, The - Ludwig Klages & Joseph D. Pryce/Biocentric Worldview, The - Ludwig Klages & Joseph D. Pryce.pdf 1.3 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Bostonians, Vol/Bostonians, Vol. I, The - Henry James.jpg 20 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Bostonians, Vol/Bostonians, Vol. I, The - Henry James.pdf 1.4 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Bostonians, Vol/Bostonians, Vol. II (Of II), The - Henry James.jpg 18 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Bostonians, Vol/Bostonians, Vol. II (Of II), The - Henry James.pdf 1.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Buddenbrooks_ The Decline of a Family - Thomas Mann/Buddenbrooks_ The Decline of a Family - Thomas Mann.jpg 49 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Buddenbrooks_ The Decline of a Family - Thomas Mann/Buddenbrooks_ The Decline of a Family - Thomas Mann.pdf 4.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Camp of the Saints, The - Jean Raspail/Camp of the Saints, The - Jean Raspail.jpg 29 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Camp of the Saints, The - Jean Raspail/Camp of the Saints, The - Jean Raspail.pdf 2.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Chosen, The - Aaron Posner & Chaim Potok/Chosen, The - Aaron Posner & Chaim Potok.jpg 21 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Chosen, The - Aaron Posner & Chaim Potok/Chosen, The - Aaron Posner & Chaim Potok.pdf 1.7 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, The - Jacob Burckhardt/Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, The - Jacob Burckhardt.jpg 17 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, The - Jacob Burckhardt/Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, The - Jacob Burckhardt.pdf 2.4 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Closing of the American Mind - Allan Bloom/Closing of the American Mind - Allan Bloom.jpg 36 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Closing of the American Mind - Allan Bloom/Closing of the American Mind - Allan Bloom.pdf 3.3 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Collected Poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987, The - Octavio Paz/Collected Poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987, The - Octavio Paz.jpg 28 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Collected Poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987, The - Octavio Paz/Collected Poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987, The - Octavio Paz.pdf 331 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Complete Short Stories, The - Saki/Complete Short Stories, The - Saki.jpg 34 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Complete Short Stories, The - Saki/Complete Short Stories, The - Saki.pdf 3.6 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated) - Rudyard Kipling/Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated) - Rudyard Kipling.jpg 29 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated) - Rudyard Kipling/Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated) - Rudyard Kipling.pdf 70.9 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima/Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima.jpg 50 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima/Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima.pdf 1.1 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Constitution of Liberty, The - Friedrich August Hayek/Constitution of Liberty, The - Friedrich August Hayek.jpg 23 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Constitution of Liberty, The - Friedrich August Hayek/Constitution of Liberty, The - Friedrich August Hayek.pdf 6.7 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Death of the West_ How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, The - Patrick J/Death of the West_ How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, The - Patrick J. Buchanan.jpg 46 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Death of the West_ How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, The - Patrick J/Death of the West_ How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, The - Patrick J. Buchanan.pdf 2.4 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Decline of the West_ The Complete Edition, The - Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler/Decline of the West_ The Complete Edition, The - Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler.jpg 18 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Decline of the West_ The Complete Edition, The - Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler/Decline of the West_ The Complete Edition, The - Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler.pdf 7.7 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Defence of Aristocracy_ A Text Book for Tories, A - Hardpress & Ludovici Anthony Mario 1882/Defence of Aristocracy_ A Text Book for Tories, A - Hardpress & Ludovici Anthony Mario 1882.jpg 46 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Defence of Aristocracy_ A Text Book for Tories, A - Hardpress & Ludovici Anthony Mario 1882/Defence of Aristocracy_ A Text Book for Tories, A - Hardpress & Ludovici Anthony Mario 1882.pdf 2.8 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Essay on Man; In Four Epistles to H/Essay on Man; In Four Epistles to H. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, An - Alexander Pope.jpg 44 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Essay on Man; In Four Epistles to H/Essay on Man; In Four Epistles to H. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, An - Alexander Pope.pdf 1017 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism, and Socialism Considered in Their Fundamental Principles - Juan Donoso Cortes (marques de Valdegamas)/Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism, and Socialism Considered in Their Fundamental Principles - Juan Donoso Cortes (marques de Valdegamas).jpg 79 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism, and Socialism Considered in Their Fundamental Principles - Juan Donoso Cortes (marques de Valdegamas)/Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism, and Socialism Considered in Their Fundamental Principles - Juan Donoso Cortes (marques de Valdegamas).pdf 2.1 MB
lit_guide_pdf/For My Legionaries_ The Iron Guard - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu/For My Legionaries_ The Iron Guard - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.jpg 8 KB
lit_guide_pdf/For My Legionaries_ The Iron Guard - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu/For My Legionaries_ The Iron Guard - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.pdf 2.2 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Fourth Political Theory, The - Alexander Dugin/Fourth Political Theory, The - Alexander Dugin.jpg 30 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Fourth Political Theory, The - Alexander Dugin/Fourth Political Theory, The - Alexander Dugin.pdf 1.8 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi), The - Hermann Hesse/Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi), The - Hermann Hesse.jpg 39 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi), The - Hermann Hesse/Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi), The - Hermann Hesse.pdf 2.9 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Glass Bees, The - Ernst Junger & Bruce Sterling/Glass Bees, The - Ernst Junger & Bruce Sterling.jpg 52 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Glass Bees, The - Ernst Junger & Bruce Sterling/Glass Bees, The - Ernst Junger & Bruce Sterling.pdf 8.2 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Growth of the Soil - Hamsun Knut/Growth of the Soil - Hamsun Knut.jpg 15 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Growth of the Soil - Hamsun Knut/Growth of the Soil - Hamsun Knut.pdf 2.2 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Harrison Bergeron - Kurt Vonnegut/Harrison Bergeron - Kurt Vonnegut.jpg 96 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Harrison Bergeron - Kurt Vonnegut/Harrison Bergeron - Kurt Vonnegut.pdf 50 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Heretics - Chesterton G K/Heretics - Chesterton G K.jpg 31 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Heretics - Chesterton G K/Heretics - Chesterton G K.pdf 1.1 MB
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lit_guide_pdf/Industrial Society and Its Future - The Unabomber & Theodore John Kaczynski/Industrial Society and Its Future - The Unabomber & Theodore John Kaczynski.pdf 756 KB
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lit_guide_pdf/Into the Darkness_ A Sympathetic Report From Hitler's Wartime Reich - Lothrop Stoddard/Into the Darkness_ A Sympathetic Report From Hitler's Wartime Reich - Lothrop Stoddard.pdf 1.7 MB
lit_guide_pdf/It Cannot Be Stormed - Ernst von Salomon & Martin H/It Cannot Be Stormed - Ernst von Salomon & Martin H. Ggkvist.jpg 37 KB
lit_guide_pdf/It Cannot Be Stormed - Ernst von Salomon & Martin H/It Cannot Be Stormed - Ernst von Salomon & Martin H. Ggkvist.pdf 2 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes/Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes.jpg 54 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes/Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes.pdf 4.4 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Magic Mountain, The - Thomas Mann & H/Magic Mountain, The - Thomas Mann & H. T. Lowe-Porter.jpg 40 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Magic Mountain, The - Thomas Mann & H/Magic Mountain, The - Thomas Mann & H. T. Lowe-Porter.pdf 5.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Manifesto for a European Renaissance - Alain de Benoist & Charles Champetier/Manifesto for a European Renaissance - Alain de Benoist & Charles Champetier.jpg 32 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Manifesto for a European Renaissance - Alain de Benoist & Charles Champetier/Manifesto for a European Renaissance - Alain de Benoist & Charles Champetier.pdf 426 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Men Among the Ruins_ Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist - Julius Evola/Men Among the Ruins_ Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist - Julius Evola.jpg 45 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Men Among the Ruins_ Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist - Julius Evola/Men Among the Ruins_ Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist - Julius Evola.pdf 1.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Mencken Chrestomathy - H/Mencken Chrestomathy - H. L. Mencken.jpg 120 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Mencken Chrestomathy - H/Mencken Chrestomathy - H. L. Mencken.pdf 4.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Pisan Cantos, The - Ezra Pound/Pisan Cantos, The - Ezra Pound.jpg 28 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Pisan Cantos, The - Ezra Pound/Pisan Cantos, The - Ezra Pound.pdf 578 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Plato_ 'The Republic' - Plato & G/Plato_ 'The Republic' - Plato & G. R. F. Ferrari & Tom Griffith.jpg 22 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Plato_ 'The Republic' - Plato & G/Plato_ 'The Republic' - Plato & G. R. F. Ferrari & Tom Griffith.pdf 3.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Poems of William Blake, The - William Blake/Poems of William Blake, The - William Blake.jpg 43 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Poems of William Blake, The - William Blake/Poems of William Blake, The - William Blake.pdf 282 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Popular Government_ Four Essays - Sir Henry Sumner Maine/Popular Government_ Four Essays - Sir Henry Sumner Maine.jpg 6 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Popular Government_ Four Essays - Sir Henry Sumner Maine/Popular Government_ Four Essays - Sir Henry Sumner Maine.pdf 9.1 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Possessed, The - Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Constance Garnett/Possessed, The - Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Constance Garnett.jpg 78 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Possessed, The - Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Constance Garnett/Possessed, The - Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Constance Garnett.pdf 4 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Reflections on Violence - Georges Sorel & Hardpress/Reflections on Violence - Georges Sorel & Hardpress.jpg 42 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Reflections on Violence - Georges Sorel & Hardpress/Reflections on Violence - Georges Sorel & Hardpress.pdf 2.1 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke & L/Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke & L. G. Mitchell.jpg 61 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke & L/Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke & L. G. Mitchell.pdf 1.7 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times, The - Rene Guenon/Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times, The - Rene Guenon.jpg 17 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times, The - Rene Guenon/Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times, The - Rene Guenon.pdf 4.4 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Revolt of the Masses, The - Jose Ortega Y Gasset/Revolt of the Masses, The - Jose Ortega Y Gasset.jpg 22 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Revolt of the Masses, The - Jose Ortega Y Gasset/Revolt of the Masses, The - Jose Ortega Y Gasset.pdf 339 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Ride the Tiger_ A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul - Julius Evola/Ride the Tiger_ A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul - Julius Evola.jpg 44 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Ride the Tiger_ A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul - Julius Evola/Ride the Tiger_ A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul - Julius Evola.pdf 9.3 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Secret Agent, The - Conrad, Joseph/Secret Agent, The - Conrad, Joseph.jpg 43 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Secret Agent, The - Conrad, Joseph/Secret Agent, The - Conrad, Joseph.pdf 1.7 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Starship Troopers - Robert Anson Heinlein/Starship Troopers - Robert Anson Heinlein.jpg 43 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Starship Troopers - Robert Anson Heinlein/Starship Troopers - Robert Anson Heinlein.pdf 1.4 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger & Michael Hofmann/Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger & Michael Hofmann.jpg 28 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger & Michael Hofmann/Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger & Michael Hofmann.pdf 1.9 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Tarr - P[ercy]/Tarr - P[ercy]. Wyndham [1882 - 1957]. Lewis.jpg 73 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Tarr - P[ercy]/Tarr - P[ercy]. Wyndham [1882 - 1957]. Lewis.pdf 23.1 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Thomas Carlyle on Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History - Thomas Carlyle/Thomas Carlyle on Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History - Thomas Carlyle.jpg 17 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Thomas Carlyle on Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History - Thomas Carlyle/Thomas Carlyle on Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History - Thomas Carlyle.pdf 1.5 MB
lit_guide_pdf/Why We Fight - Guillaume Faye/Why We Fight - Guillaume Faye.jpg 39 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Why We Fight - Guillaume Faye/Why We Fight - Guillaume Faye.pdf 167 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Women in Love (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) - D/Women in Love (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) - D. H. Lawrence.jpg 22 KB
lit_guide_pdf/Women in Love (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) - D/Women in Love (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) - D. H. Lawrence.pdf 3.7 MB
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