Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek First Contact - Magic Carpet Ride.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Theme - Star Trek First Contact.mp3 |
5 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek - Insurrection.mp3 |
2.8 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek IV Soundtrack - Main Theme.mp3 |
2.4 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek Voyager - Main Title (Extended).mp3 |
2.2 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek Deep Space Nine Theme.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Fight Music.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG Theme.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek, First Contact Soundtrack - 13 - Orbison, Roy - Ooby Dooby.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Theme Song.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Communicator sound then Data - Captain we are being Hailed.wav |
509 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Materialization.mp3 |
479 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Transporter Materialization.mp3 |
244 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Answering Machine Message.mp3 |
190 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Phaser Firing Switch.mp3 |
144 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Startup.wav |
136 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Autoshutdown sequence in progress. Defensive systems offline.wav |
127 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Input algorithm not accepted.wav |
113 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Deactivation of command function overrides requires Alpha-2 clearance.wav |
106 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Computer thinking a lot.wav |
98 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - WORKING - with associated beeps and clicks.wav |
97 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Scotty - I just cant do it captain I dont have the power.wav |
94 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Now Establishing Data Links... Systems Online.wav |
90 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Coming out of Warp Sound.WAV |
90 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Accessing files.wav |
86 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Holodeck Door-Cargo Bay Door Opening.wav |
81 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Alpha-2 clearance recognized, please enter security code.wav |
77 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Engineering background noise.wav |
76 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Direction unclear please repeat request.wav |
69 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Library computer is temporarily offline.wav |
67 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Q - Appearing Sound.wav |
66 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Define parameters of program.wav |
62 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/STar Trek TNG - Computer - Access restricted to level one security clearance.wav |
61 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Holodeck Arch Sound.WAV |
60 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Please specify how you would like to proceed sir.WAV |
60 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Emergency Power Engaged.wav |
59 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - 1 Minute to Auto-Destruct.wav |
57 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Command Functions are Off-Line.WAV |
57 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Worf - hailing freq. open sir.wav |
55 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Please input command codes.wav |
54 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Communicator sound then Data - Captain we are being Hailed.mp3 |
52 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Another assorted beeps ack.wav |
48 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Automatic defense proceedures initiated.wav |
48 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Accessing Library Computer Data.wav |
47 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Analisys Verified.wav |
46 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Affirmative 2.wav |
46 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - That proceedure is not recommended.wav |
45 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Comm Badge activate.wav |
45 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Enter authorization code.wav |
42 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Initiating Shutdown Sequence.wav |
42 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Kirk - Prepare to attack - All Hands to Battle Stations.WAV |
38 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Data - Good night captain, sleep well sir.wav |
36 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - SPECIFY.WAV |
36 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - READY-2.WAV |
35 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Worf - It is a good day to die.wav |
35 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Computer sound 46.wav |
35 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Holodeck Computer - That Program is already in use.wav |
34 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Requested Function will require 2 hours to complete.wav |
34 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - PHOTON Launching Sound.WAV |
34 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Identification confirmed.wav |
31 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Affirmative 1.wav |
31 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Autoshutdown sequence in progress.wav |
30 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Picard - Computer Status Report.wav |
28 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Personel Records.wav |
28 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Lock on complete.wav |
27 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Unable to Comply.wav |
27 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek_The Motion Picture - Kobiashi Maru Simulator - Warning we have entered Neutral Zone.WAV |
24 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Communications.wav |
24 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - transfer complete.wav |
24 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Working.wav |
22 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Holodeck Program Complete.WAV |
22 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Access Denied.wav |
22 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Get attention recognized.wav |
18 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - NASTY ERROR sound.wav |
18 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Deactivation Complete.wav |
15 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - intercom.wav |
15 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Another Get attention responce.wav |
14 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Computer sound 44.wav |
14 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - enhancement.wav |
14 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - computer-03.wav |
12 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - McCoy - Hes Dead Jim.wav |
12 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - computer-05.wav |
12 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Misc. Sound 1.wav |
11 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Picard - Make it so.wav |
11 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Doors.wav |
11 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - Communicator Opening Sound.wav |
10 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - redalert.wav |
10 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Beep.wav |
8 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TNG - Computer - Computer thinking-short.wav |
8 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - doors.wav |
8 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - McCoy - Jim.wav |
7 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - computer-working.wav |
7 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - computer-06.wav |
6 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - computer-04.wav |
5 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - computer-01.wav |
4 KB |
Star Trek Sound clips/Star Trek TOS - computer-02.wav |
3 KB |