Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)

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Name Size
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Bergland - The National Uncanny; Indian Ghosts and American Subjects (2000).epub 389 KB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Niebuhr - Lincoln’s Bishop; a President, a Priest, and the Fate of 300 Dakota Sioux Warriors (2014).epub 599 KB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Child - Holding Our World Together; Ojibwe Women and the Survival of Community (2012).epub 794 KB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Blackhawk - Violence Over the Land; Indians and Empires in the Early American West (2006).pdf 1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Niezen - Defending the Land; Sovereignty and Forest Life in James Bay Cree Society, 2e (2009).pdf 1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Nerburn - Chief Joseph & the Flight of the Nez Perce (2005).epub 1.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Estes - Our History Is the Future; Standing Rock versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance (2019).epub 1.3 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Wickman - The Tree That Bends; Discourse, Power, and the Survival of the Maskoki People (1999).pdf 1.5 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Kessler-Mata - American Indians and the Trouble with Sovereignty; Structuring Self-Determination through Federalism (2017).pdf 1.5 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Pitts & Westmoreland (Eds.) - Beyond Bergson; Examining Race and Colonialism Through the Writings of Henri Bergson (2019).pdf 1.5 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Utley - Sitting Bull; the Life and Times of an American Patriot (2014).epub 1.6 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Deloria - Red Earth, White Lies; Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact (1997).epub 1.8 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Saxine - Properties of Empire; Indians, Colonists, and Land Speculators on the New England Frontier (2019).epub 1.8 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Jackson - A Century of Dishonor; A Sketch of The United States Government’s Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes (1885).pdf 1.8 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Harness - Bitterroot; a Salish Memoir of Transracial Adoption (2018).epub 1.8 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Joseph - Indigenous Relations; Insights, Tips & Suggestions to Make Reconciliation a Reality (2019).epub 2 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Gilio-Whitaker - As Long as Grass Grows; the Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock (2019).epub 2.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Johnston - Voices of Cherokee Women (2013).epub 2.5 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Kelm & Smith - Talking Back to the Indian Act; Critical Readings in Settler Colonial Histories (2018).epub 2.7 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Swain - Oka; a Political Crisis and Its Legacy (2010).epub 2.9 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Caison - Red States; Indigeneity, Settler Colonialism, and Southern Studies (2018).pdf 3.9 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Lee - Masters of the Middle Waters; Indian Nations and Colonial Ambitions along the Mississippi (2019).pdf 4.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/D’Souza - Moral Ecologies Histories of Conservation, Dispossession and Resistance (2019).epub 5.5 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Krasowski - No Surrender; the Land Remains Indigenous (2019).epub 5.8 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Methot - Legacy; Trauma, Story, and Indigenous Healing (2019).epub 7.3 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Martinez - Documents of American Indian Removal (2019).pdf 8.5 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Newman - Allegories of Encounter; Colonial Literacy and Indian Captivities (2019).pdf 9.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Morales - Fantasy Island; Colonialism, Exploitation, and the Betrayal of Puerto Rico (2019).epub 13 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Nesvig - Promiscuous Power; an Unorthodox History of New Spain (2018).pdf 14 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Fixico (Ed.) - Indian Treaties in the United States; An Encyclopedia and Documents Collection (2018).pdf 15 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/McDermott et al (Eds.) - All Because of a Mormon Cow; Historical Accounts of the Grattan Massacre, 1854-1855 (2018).pdf 16.2 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Schneider - The Occupation of Havana; War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World (2018).epub 16.7 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Perdue - The Cherokee Removal; A Brief History with Documents, 3e (2016).pdf 17.6 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Ostler - Surviving Genocide; Native Nations and the United States from the American Revolution to Bleeding Kansas (2019).epub 28.6 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14)/Childs - Invading America; the English Assault on the New World, 1497-1630 (2012).epub 50.8 MB
Name Size Peers
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 72 (... in Asia, Australia 19) Application 310.9 MB 11
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 65 (.. in Asia, Australia 17) Application 420.9 MB 5
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 71 Ebook 218.4 MB 3
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 70 (... in Africa 16) Application 266.6 MB 7
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 51 Application 269.5 MB 7
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 48 (.. in the Americas 16) Application 235.6 MB 4
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 45 (.. in the Americas 15) Application 857.7 MB 81
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 46 (.. in Asia, Australia 11) Application 306.8 MB 25
Sins Against Nature - Sex and Archives in Colonial New Spain Application 28.6 MB 10
Sins of Colonialism - Slavery, Prostitution and Venereal Diseases Application 224.3 MB 8
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 44 (.. in Africa 10) Application 223.7 MB 8
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 22 (.. in the Middle East 3) Application 236.6 MB 8
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 35 (.. in the Americas 12) Application 421.5 MB 7
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 12 (.. in the Americas 4) Application 230.7 MB 7
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 25 (.. in the Americas 8) Application 280.8 MB 7
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 7 (.. in the Americas2) Application 220.1 MB 7
Sins of Colonialism - Spreading Alcohol and Drugs Addictions in the Colonies Application 183.9 MB 6
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 19 (.. in the Americas 6) Application 217.3 MB 6
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 42 (.. in the Americas 14) Ebook 247.6 MB 6
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 16 (.. in the Americas 5) Application 234.7 MB 6
