Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori

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Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Montale, abc.flac 145.8 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Mondadori 1976/05.flac 48.4 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Mondadori 1976/08.flac 32.3 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Mondadori 1976/11.flac 32.2 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Mondadori 1976/10.flac 29.4 MB
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Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Mondadori 1976/01.flac 19.7 MB
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Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Mondadori 1976/02.flac 14.9 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Mondadori 1976/03.flac 6.5 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/02.jpg 1.7 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/01.jpg 1 MB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Eugenio Montale - Le occasioni (1928-39) [solo poesie] Einaudi.pdf 854 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Eugenio Montale - Le occasioni (1928-39) [con commento critico di D. Isella] Einaudi.pdf 783 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/03.jpg 751 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/[[]]-Voice_of_The_Poet_Series_D__6739922.5334.torrent 176 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/City of words 2010.pdf 123 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/T.S.Eliot-The Wasteland-1-Eliot&Speaight.torrent 71 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The_Romantic_Poets_(10_CDs_lossless)-(( 70 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/ 46 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/ 46 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Getting Shakespeare, Shelley, Auden, Graves and Tennyson.pdf 46 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley 5-VincentPrice.torrent 46 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Montale.jpg 44 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Tyrone_Power_Reading_the_Poetry_of_Byron.8610091.TPB.torrent 42 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 11 - Miscellany.torrent 33 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Yeats - 2 - A Yeatsian Miscellany.torrent 33 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Samuel Johnson - 'The Vanity of Human Wishes' - Penguin Audiobooks.torrent 32 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Modern Greek Poetry - Seferis, Cavafy & Ritsos.torrent 31 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Donne - 3 - Penguin Audiobooks.torrent 30 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of Byron - 1 - John Hannah.torrent 30 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of John Keats - 1 - SamuelWestetalia.torrent 28 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Epic of Gilgamesh -2- Stephen Mitchell - Rec.Bks.torrent 28 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Auden - 2 - Collection.torrent 28 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 9 - Idylls of the KIng.torrent 28 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley - 2 - Penguin Audiobook.torrent 28 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley - 1 - Samuel West.torrent 27 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Yeats - 3 - Jim Norton et alia, Naxos.torrent 27 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of John Keats - 5 - Eve of St Agnes, bbc.torrent 27 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of John Keats - 3 - Ralph Richardson.torrent 27 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley 4-2ndMisc-Renewed.torrent 26 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 8 - Maud - Joseph Millson.torrent 26 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Rilke - 1 - Duino Elegies - Gert Westphal.torrent 26 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Eliot-Four Quartets - 5 - PaulScofieldetalia.torrent 26 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/William Wordsworth - 2 - John Rowe.torrent 25 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of John Keats - 4 - Lamia - Joseph&Emmerson,bbc2010.torrent 25 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/William Shakespeare - 2 - A Midsummer Night's Dream - Caedmon, 1966.torrent 25 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/William Shakespeare - 1 - Julius Caesar - Argo, 1972.torrent 24 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of Byron - 2 - Gabriel Woolf.torrent 24 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/William Blake - 1 - Songs of Innocence & Experience - Nicol Williamson.torrent 24 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of John Keats - 2 - MarkRylance.torrent 24 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 3 - Enoch Arden - Andrew Sachs and Erik Rhodes.torrent 24 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Alexander Pope - 1 - The Rape of the Lock - Penguin Audiobooks.torrent 24 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins - 1 - Cyril Cusack et alia.torrent 23 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Eugenio Montale - Poesie - 1 - Rugginenti.torrent 23 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Milton - Paradise Lost - Argo, Part One.torrent 23 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Donne - 2 - read by Corin and Vanessa Redgrave.torrent 23 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Eliot - Four Quartets et alia - TedHughes.torrent 23 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/William Wordsworth - 1 - Ian McKellen reads from The Prelude.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 7 - The Tennyson Society.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The_Epic_of_Gilgamesh_-_1_-_Penguin_Audiobooks_-_Pasco.7730008.TPB.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Eliot - Four Quartets - 6 - Ralph Fiennes.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Coleridge - 4 - Christabel, Kubla Khan and other poems.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 5 - Sea Poems.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/(( 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 6 - Thorndike and Casson.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry Of Coleridge - 5 - Rime of the Ancient Mariner.torrent 22 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Milton - Comus, A Masque - Argo.torrent 21 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Yeats - 1 - Cyril Cusack & Siobhan McKenna.torrent 21 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/T.S.Eliot-MurderintheCathedral-Argo.torrent 21 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins - 2 - Paul Scofield.torrent 20 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/T.S.Eliot-The Wasteland-3-Scofield&Tomlinson.torrent 20 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Milton - Paradise Lost - Argo, Part Two.torrent 20 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/[]the.poetry.of.tennyson.1.penguin.audiobooks.torrent 20 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Milton - Paradise Lost - Argo, Part Five.torrent 19 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley 6-3rdMisc.torrent 19 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Milton - Paradise Lost - Argo, Part Three.torrent 19 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 10 - Michael Pennington.torrent 19 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/T.S.Eliot - The Waste Land - 4 - TedHughes.torrent 19 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Milton - Paradise Lost - Argo, Part Four.torrent 18 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Tennyson - 4 - In Memoriam - David Bamber.torrent 18 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Coleridge - 3 - Burton&Lynch.torrent 18 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The_Idylls_of_the_King_-_Alfred_Lord_Tennyson__(BBC_2013).8700788.TPB (1).torrent 18 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley - 8 - Woolf&Shanks.torrent 18 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Milton - Paradise Lost - Argo, Part Six.torrent 18 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of John Milton read by Anthony Quayle.torrent 17 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/T.S.Eliot - The Wasteland - 2 - Guinness&Shaw.torrent 17 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Coleridge 2 - Richardson&Peacock.torrent 17 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Coleridge - 1 - IanMcKellen.torrent 17 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Eliot-Four Quartets et alia-Speaight.torrent 16 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Auden - 3 - W.H.Auden.torrent 16 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/John Donne - 1 - Love Poems read by Richard burton.torrent 16 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley 7-Scott et alia.torrent 15 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Eliot-FourQuartetsetalia 2 - AlecGuinness.torrent 15 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/T.S.Eliot - The Waste Land - A Synopsis of Critical Commentary, December, 2013.torrent 15 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Auden - 1 - JamesFenton.torrent 15 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/Eliot-FourQuartetsetalia-T.S.Eliot.torrent 14 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/The Poetry of Shelley 3 - 1st Miscellany.torrent 14 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/('s_'Paradise_Lost'_6739922.5334.torrent 14 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/Current Poetry Torrents - March, 2014/BBC R3 - Paradise Lost - Milton - Grogrom[].torrent 13 KB
Eugenio Montale - Poesia - 2 - Mondadori/montale_R400.jpg 13 KB
