Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]

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Name Size
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/5.Finding Patterns and Structures in Unlabeled Data/25.Review of Getting Better Test Sample Results by Measuring Model Performance.mp4 22.4 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/1.Enter the Machine Learning World!/02.Setting Up Your Machine Learning Environment.mp4 20.6 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/1.Enter the Machine Learning World!/03.Exploring Types of Machine Learning.mp4 6.2 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/1.Enter the Machine Learning World!/04.Using Scikit-learn for Machine Learning.mp4 14.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/1.Enter the Machine Learning World!/05.Assignment – Train Your First Pre-built Machine Learning Model.mp4 2.3 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/2.Build Your First Predicting Model/06.Supervised Learning Algorithm.mp4 3.9 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/2.Build Your First Predicting Model/07.Architecture of a Machine Learning System.mp4 5.9 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/2.Build Your First Predicting Model/08.Machine Learning Model and Its Components.mp4 6.8 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/2.Build Your First Predicting Model/09.Linear Regression.mp4 3.4 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/2.Build Your First Predicting Model/10.Predicting Weight Using Linear Regression.mp4 16.5 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/2.Build Your First Predicting Model/11.Assignment – Predicting Energy Output of a Power Plant.mp4 3.3 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/3.Image Classification Using Supervised Learning/12.Review of Predicting Energy Output of a Power Plant.mp4 19.8 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/3.Image Classification Using Supervised Learning/13.Logistic Regression.mp4 9 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/3.Image Classification Using Supervised Learning/14.Classifying Images Using Logistic Regression.mp4 12.3 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/3.Image Classification Using Supervised Learning/15.Support Vector Machines.mp4 3.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/3.Image Classification Using Supervised Learning/16.Kernels in a SVM.mp4 2.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/3.Image Classification Using Supervised Learning/17.Classifying Images Using Support Vector Machines.mp4 10.5 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/3.Image Classification Using Supervised Learning/18.Assignment – Start Image Classifying Using Support Vector Machines.mp4 5.9 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/4.Improving Model Accuracy/19.Review of Classifying Images Using Support Vector Machines.mp4 16.4 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/4.Improving Model Accuracy/20.Model Evaluation.mp4 5.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/4.Improving Model Accuracy/21.Better Measures than Accuracy.mp4 8.5 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/4.Improving Model Accuracy/22.Understanding the Results.mp4 4.6 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/4.Improving Model Accuracy/23.Improving the Models.mp4 4.9 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/4.Improving Model Accuracy/24.Assignment – Getting Better Test Sample Results by Measuring Model Performance.mp4 3.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/1.Enter the Machine Learning World!/01.The Course Overview.mp4 3.6 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/5.Finding Patterns and Structures in Unlabeled Data/26.Unsupervised Learning.mp4 3.5 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/5.Finding Patterns and Structures in Unlabeled Data/27.Clustering.mp4 4.5 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/5.Finding Patterns and Structures in Unlabeled Data/28.K-means Clustering.mp4 3.9 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/5.Finding Patterns and Structures in Unlabeled Data/29.Determining the Number of Clusters.mp4 2.5 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/5.Finding Patterns and Structures in Unlabeled Data/30.Assignment – Write Your Own Clustering Implementation for Customer Segmentation.mp4 3.6 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/6.Sentiment Analysis Using Neural Networks/31.Review of Clustering Customers Together.mp4 20.8 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/6.Sentiment Analysis Using Neural Networks/32.Why Neural Network.mp4 5.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/6.Sentiment Analysis Using Neural Networks/33.Parts of a Neural Network.mp4 6.2 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/6.Sentiment Analysis Using Neural Networks/34.Working of a Neural Network.mp4 4.5 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/6.Sentiment Analysis Using Neural Networks/35.Improving the Network.mp4 3.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/6.Sentiment Analysis Using Neural Networks/36.Assignment – Build a Sentiment Analyzer Based on Social Network Using ANN.mp4 5.4 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/7.Mastering Kaggle Titanic Competition Using Random Forest/37.Review of Building a Sentiment Analyser ANN.mp4 20.3 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/7.Mastering Kaggle Titanic Competition Using Random Forest/38.Decision Trees.mp4 5.1 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/7.Mastering Kaggle Titanic Competition Using Random Forest/39.Working of a Decision Tree.mp4 5.3 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/7.Mastering Kaggle Titanic Competition Using Random Forest/40.Techniques to Further Improve a Model.mp4 3 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/7.Mastering Kaggle Titanic Competition Using Random Forest/41.Random Forest as an Improved Machine Learning Approach.mp4 3 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/7.Mastering Kaggle Titanic Competition Using Random Forest/42.Weekend Task – Solving Titanic Problem Using Random Forest.mp4 3.4 MB
Python Machine Learning in 7 Days [Video]/Exercise Files/ 5.2 MB
Name Size Peers
Computer Programming And Cyber Security for Beginners - Python Machine Learning, SQL, Linux, Hacking Ebook 745 KB 38
Narayanan P. Data Engineering for Machine Learning Pipelines. From Python...2024 Application 33 MB 24
Machine Learning & Data Science with Python, Kaggle & Pandas Video 9.1 GB 24
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Flux J. Machine Learning Mathematics in Python 2024 Application 8.9 MB 19
Liu Yuxi (Hayden) - Python Machine Learning By Example, 3rd Edition (Expert Insight) + Code - 2020 Application 91.2 MB 12
Linkedin Learning Machine Learning With Python-K-Means Clustering Video 164.1 MB 11
Theobald O. Machine Learning with Python 2024 Application 5.4 MB 8
Debugging Machine Learning Models with Python - Ali Madaniх[2023].pdf Application 12.9 MB 8
[ ] Udemy - Learn and Implement Machine Learning Projects using Python Video 3.4 GB 7
Bartz E. Online Machine Learning. A Practical Guide..Examples in Python 2024 PDF Application 15.9 MB 6
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[ ] Udemy - Learn Data Mining and Machine Learning with Python Video 3.2 GB 3
Machine Learning With Python Programming - 2023 A Beginners Guide Ebook 5.3 MB 3
Active Machine Learning with Python Ebook 8.7 MB 3
Karasan A.Machine Learning for Financial Risk Manag. Python 2022 Application 7.1 MB 3
Python Machine Learning - Everything You Should Know About Python Machine Learning Including Scikit Application 2.4 MB 2
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