Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep

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Name Size
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/1 - Welcome/1 - Introduction to the Microsoft Exam 70-534 Prep Course.mp4 46.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/1 - Welcome/2 - Course Requirements.mp4 11.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/1 - Welcome/3 - Overview of Linux Academy Features.mp4 131.3 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/1 - Overview of ARM Networking.mp4 2.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/2 - Traffic Manager.mp4 54.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/3 - Demo Traffic Manager.mp4 136 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/4 - Load Balancer and Application Gateway.mp4 76.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/5 - Demo Load Balancer.mp4 79.6 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/6 - Static IP reservation.mp4 36.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/7 - Network Security Groups and User Defined Routes.mp4 79.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/8 - Demo Network Security Groups.mp4 54.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/2 - Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking/9 - VPNs and ExpressRoute.mp4 46.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/1 - Introduction to Securing Resources.mp4 9.6 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/10 - Demo Azure Active Directory B2C.mp4 137.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/11 - Role-Based Access Control.mp4 47.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/12 - Demo RBAC.mp4 66 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/13 - Data Encryption and Best Practices.mp4 53.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/14 - Monitoring.mp4 13.3 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/15 - Demo Monitoring.mp4 72.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/2 - Azure Active Directory Overview.mp4 20.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/3 - Azure AD Graph API.mp4 14.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/4 - Demo Create an Azure AD App.mp4 54.3 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/5 - Demo Obtain OAuth Request Tokens Via REST.mp4 23.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/6 - Demo Query Azure AD Graph API.mp4 32.4 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/7 - OAuth and OpenID Connect.mp4 65.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/8 - SAML and WS-Federation.mp4 28.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/3 - Secure Resources/9 - Azure Active Directory B2C and B2B.mp4 54.4 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/1 - Table Storage.mp4 44.6 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/2 - Demo Table Storage.mp4 115.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/3 - Azure SQL Database.mp4 64.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/4 - DocumentDB.mp4 68.6 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/5 - Demo DocumentDB.mp4 70.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/6 - Blob Storage.mp4 42.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/7 - MongoDB and MySQL.mp4 7.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/8 - Content Delivery Networks.mp4 19.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/4 - Design an Application Storage and Data Access Strategy/9 - Storage Access Control.mp4 62.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/1 - High Performance Computing Overview.mp4 24.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/10 - Azure Functions.mp4 26.6 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/11 - Demo Functions.mp4 214.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/12 - App Service.mp4 40 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/2 - Azure Batch.mp4 15.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/3 - Scheduler.mp4 11.3 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/4 - Demo Scheduler.mp4 89.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/5 - Message Queues Overview.mp4 65.4 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/6 - Service Bus and Storage Queues.mp4 23 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/7 - Demo Service Bus.mp4 94.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/8 - Advanced Services.mp4 30.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/5 - Design Advanced Applications/9 - Web Jobs.mp4 12.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/6 - Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps/1 - Web and API Apps.mp4 31.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/6 - Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps/2 - Demo Web App Settings.mp4 96.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/6 - Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps/3 - Web App and API App High Availability.mp4 11.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/6 - Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps/4 - Demo Web App High Availability.mp4 39.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/6 - Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps/5 - Mobile Apps.mp4 19.3 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/6 - Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps/6 - Demo Mobile App.mp4 81 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/6 - Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps/7 - Notification Hubs.mp4 11.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/1 - Availability Sets.mp4 41.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/10 - StorSimple and System Center Data Protection Manager.mp4 20.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/2 - Application Insights.mp4 32.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/3 - Demo Application Insights.mp4 123.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/4 - Open Source Monitoring Tools.mp4 9.4 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/5 - PowerShell Overview.mp4 17.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/6 - Orchestration With Chef, Puppet, Automation and DSC.mp4 20.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/7 - Hyper-V Replica and Site Recovery.mp4 25.9 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/8 - Azure Backup.mp4 17.2 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/7 - Design a Management, Monitoring, and Business Continuity Strategy/9 - Demo Azure Backup.mp4 59.6 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/8 - Architect an Azure Compute Infrastructure/1 - ARM Virtual Machines.mp4 32 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/8 - Architect an Azure Compute Infrastructure/2 - VM Scale Sets.mp4 9.4 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/8 - Architect an Azure Compute Infrastructure/3 - Demo Scale Sets.mp4 31.7 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/8 - Architect an Azure Compute Infrastructure/4 - ARM Templates.mp4 66.5 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/8 - Architect an Azure Compute Infrastructure/5 - Demo ARM Templates.mp4 88.8 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/9 - Course Completion/1 - Wrap Up and Next Steps.mp4 13.3 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/70534-sg.pdf 588 KB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/70534-slides.pdf 5.1 MB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/70534-storage-casestudy.pdf 221 KB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/advancedapps-casestudy.pdf 228 KB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/arm-case-study.pdf 229 KB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/final-exam-azure-cs.pdf 230 KB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/management-cn-azure.pdf 233 KB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/secure-resources-cs.pdf 228 KB
Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-534 Prep/webapp-cs-azure.pdf 213 KB
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[ ] Lynda - Exam Tips - Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303).zip Application 147.8 MB 12
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