[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide

Size: 4.3 GB
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Name Size
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_1._What_is_Next.js__What_is_Server-Side_Rendering_.mp4 70.3 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_10._Dynamic_Pages_with_Query_Parameters.mp4 41.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_11._Cleaner_Urls_without_Query_Params.mp4 29.5 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_12._Deploying_our_App_as_a_Static_Site_to_Now.mp4 45.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_13._Intro_to_Hacker_News_Clone.mp4 6.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_14._Init_Hacker_Next_Project.mp4 15.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_15._Handling_Errors_with_Built-in_Error_Page_and_Try__Catch.mp4 47.5 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_16._Styling_the_News_Stories.mp4 51.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_17._Adding_Layout_Component,_Head_Component_for_SEO.mp4 44 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_18._Fetching_Next_Page_of_Stories,_Adding_Pagination_with_Query_Params.mp4 49 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_19._Building_the_Individual_Story_Page.mp4 46 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_2._Tools_Required_for_this_Course.mp4 8.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_21._Using_Next_Router_to_Add_a_Back_Button.mp4 29.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_22._Generating_a_Web_App_Manifest_to_our_Project_(Optional).mp4 80.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_23._Making_our_App_Run_Offline_with_Service_Workers_(Optional).mp4 133.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_24._Deploying_Hacker_Next_and_Performing_a_Lighthouse_Audit.mp4 68.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_25._Intro_to_User_Authentication_Project.mp4 7.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_26._Init_Project,_Create_Express_Server.mp4 19.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_27._Using_the_getRequestHandler,_Adding_Nodemon.mp4 20.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_28._Create_Login_Form,_Handle_Post_Request_on_Server.mp4 71.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_29._Authenticating_Users_with_Signed_Cookies.mp4 96.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_3._Setting_up_Portfolio_Project.mp4 31 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_30._Fetching_a_User's_Profile_upon_Login.mp4 67.3 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_31._Displaying__Handling_Errors_upon_Login.mp4 47.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_32._Creating_a_Layout_Component__Navigation.mp4 36.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_33._Persisting_User_Session_with_Custom_Document_Page.mp4 73.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_34._Persisting_User_Sessions_on_the_Client_and_Server.mp4 64.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_35._Logging_out_Users,_Clearing_Cookies.mp4 36.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_36._Creating_Protected_Routes__Route_Guards.mp4 47.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_37._Deploying_our_Cookie_Auth_App.mp4 10.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_38._Demo_of_our_Social_Media_App.mp4 37.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_39._Git_Clone_and_Install_Project_Dependencies.mp4 7.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_4._Next_Links,_Serving_Static_Images.mp4 28.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_40._Add_our_MongoDB__MLab_Database.mp4 21 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_41._Installing_the_Postman_Desktop_App.mp4 12.5 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_42._Overview_of_Server_Code.mp4 87.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_43._Validate_Signup_and_Signup.mp4 70.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_44._Signin_with_Passport.mp4 26.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_45._Signout_and_checkAuth_Middleware.mp4 21.5 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_46._Get_All_Users.mp4 25.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_47._Using_Router.param()_to_Get__Delete_User.mp4 68.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_48._Getting_the_Authenticated_User's_Data.mp4 27.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_49._Getting_the_User's_Profile.mp4 21.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_5._Components_in_Next,_CSS_with_Styled_JSX.mp4 46.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_50._Following_Users.mp4 54.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_51._Unfollowing_Users.mp4 16.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_52._Getting_a_User_Feed.mp4 26.5 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_53._Updating_Users__Uploading_and_Resizing_Avatars.mp4 92.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_54._Adding_Posts__Uploading_and_Resizing_Post_Images.mp4 86.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_55._Getting_Posts_By_User__Getting_User's_Post_Feed.mp4 45.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_56._Liking_and_Unliking_our_Posts.mp4 40.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_57._Adding_and_Removing_Comments_to_our_Posts.mp4 49.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_58._Deleting_Posts.mp4 46 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_59._Moving_onto_our_Client,_Generating_an_App_Color_Palette.mp4 74.3 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_6._Next_Router,_NProgress_for_Route_Loading_State.mp4 27.5 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_60._Building_the_Navbar_Component.mp4 31.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_61._Creating_Active_Link_Component__Prefetching_Pages.mp4 47.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_62._Basic_Functionality_for_our_Signup_Page.mp4 69.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_63._Creating_Error_Snackbar_and_Success_Dialog_in_Signup.mp4 91.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_64._Building_Signin_Form__Ability_to_Signin.mp4 54.3 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_65._Toggling_Auth__UnAuth_Navigation_and_Implementing_Protected_Routes.mp4 48.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_66._Adding_Next_NProgress_to_Display_Loading_State.mp4 23.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_67._Creating_Custom_Routes_with_Express.mp4 30.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_68._Displaying_User_Profiles_on_the_Profile_Page.mp4 86.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_69._Follow__Unfollow_Users_from_Profile_Page.mp4 71.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_7._Custom_Document_Page.mp4 41.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_70._Deleting_Auth_Users_from_Profile_Page.mp4 83.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_71._Create_Edit_Profile_Page,_Populate_Form_with_Auth_User_Data.mp4 84.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_72._Updating_our_User_with_the_Edit_Profile_Form.mp4 62.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_73._Showing_Error_and_Success_for_Editing_the_User.mp4 60.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_74._Creating_a_Splash_Page_for_UnAuth_Users.mp4 35.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_75._Building_Index_Layout_and_User_Feed.mp4 117.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_76._Updating_State_with_NewPost.mp4 81.7 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_77._Adding_Posts_from_NewPost_Component.mp4 58.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_78._Displaying_Posts_in_the_Post_Component.mp4 83.3 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_79._Deleting_Posts,_Removing_them_from_UI.mp4 52.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_8._Fetching_Data_with_getInitialProps.mp4 67 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_80._Liking__Unliking_Posts.mp4 53.8 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_81._Displaying_Like__Unlike_Status_in_UI.mp4 45.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_82._Using_Pure_Components.mp4 33.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_83._Scaffolding_Comments_Component.mp4 61.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_84._Adding_and_Displaying_Comments.mp4 76.3 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_85._Deleting_Comments.mp4 36.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_86._Displaying_User_Posts_on_Profile_Page.mp4 63 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_87._Adding_Post_Feed_Functionality_to_our_Profile_Page.mp4 39.4 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_88._Displaying_Following__Followers_in_Profile_Page.mp4 43.2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_89._Formatting_Times__Dates_with_Date-Fns.mp4 8.9 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_9._Custom_Error_Page.mp4 36.6 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/Lesson_90._Deploying_our_Social_Media_App.mp4 39.1 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/ 2 MB
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/[CourseClub.NET].url 123 B
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/[FCS Forum].url 133 B
[] Udemy - Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide/[].url 127 B
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