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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Late Middle Ages (Audio)/8296_20.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Late Middle Ages (Audio)/Late Middle Ages.PDF |
625 KB |
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12.8 MB |
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12 MB |
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12.5 MB |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Legacies of Great Economists (Audio)/L07.10 - The Socialist Calculation Debate.mp3 |
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40.3 MB |
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40 MB |
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45 MB |
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40.4 MB |
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38.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Life of the Mind - An Introduction to Psychology (Audio)/The Life of the Mind Guidebook.pdf |
1.3 MB |
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22.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/02 - Paul and the First Christian Missionaries.mp3 |
21.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/03 - The Early Martyrs.mp3 |
21.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/04 - St. Antony, the First Monk.mp3 |
21.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/05 - The Desert Fathers and Mothers.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/06 - Augustine.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/07 - St. Patrick and the Conversion of Ireland.mp3 |
21 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/08 - St. Benedict and His Rule.mp3 |
21.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/09 - Leo IX, Gregory VII, and Church Reform.mp3 |
21.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/10 - Bernard of Clairvaux and Monastic Reform.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/11 - Francis of Assisi.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/12 - Clare of Assisi.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/13 - Catherine of Siena.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/14 - Bernardino of Siena.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/15 - John Hus and the Hussites.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/16 - Thomas More.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/17 - Martin Luther.mp3 |
21.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/18 - John Wesley and the Origins of Methodism.mp3 |
21.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/19 - The Monks of Mount Athos.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/20 - Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Maximilian Kolbe.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/21 - Damien of Molokai and Teresa of Calcutta.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/22 - From Slavery to Martin Luther King.mp3 |
21.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/23 - Gustavo Gutierrez and Liberation Theology.mp3 |
21.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/24 - Defining the Christian Life.mp3 |
21.3 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Lives of Great Christians (Audio)/Lives of Great Christians.pdf |
492 KB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/01 - Love, Vengeance and the Nature of Emotion.mp3 |
30.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/02 - Love and Plato's Symposium.mp3 |
30.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/03 - Wild Justice - The Nature and Legitimacy of Vengeance.mp3 |
32.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/04 - Emotions and Feelings - From Aristotle to James.mp3 |
30.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/05 - Emotions, Intentionality and Behavior.mp3 |
29.3 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/06 - Emotions and Choice - Emotions and Existentialism.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/07 - Emotions and Meaning.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/08 - The World(s) of Emotion.mp3 |
30.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion (Audio)/Guidebook.pdf |
648 KB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/01. Definitions, Boundaries, and Goals.mp3 |
22.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/02. Homer I—Introduction to Epic and Iliad.mp3 |
18.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/03. Homer II—Iliad, The Wrath of Achilles.mp3 |
22.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/04. Homer III—Iliad, The Return of Achilles.mp3 |
20.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/05. Homer IV—Odyssey, Introduction and Prelude.mp3 |
20.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/06. Homer V—Odyssey, The Adventures.mp3 |
21.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/07. Homer VI—Odyssey, Reintegration.mp3 |
21.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/08. Hesiod—Theogony and Works and Days.mp3 |
21.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/09. Homeric Hymns.mp3 |
20.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/10. Lyric Poetry I—Archilochus and Solon.mp3 |
19.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/11. Lyric Poetry II—Sappho and Alcaeus.mp3 |
20.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/12. Tragedy—Contexts and Conventions.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/13. Aeschylus I—Persians.mp3 |
22.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/14. Aeschylus II—Agamemnon.mp3 |
21.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/15. Aeschylus III—Libation Bearers and Eumenides.mp3 |
22.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/16. Sophocles I—Ajax and Philoctetes.mp3 |
21.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/17. Sophocles II—Oedipus the King.mp3 |
20.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/18. Sophocles III—Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/19. Euripides I—Electra, Orestes, Trojan Women.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/20. Euripides II—Medea and Hippolytus.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/21. Euripides III—The Bacchae.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/22. Aristophanes I—Introduction to Old Comedy.mp3 |
21.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/23. Aristophanes II—Acharnians and Lysistrata.mp3 |
20.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/24. Aristophanes III—The Frogs and The Clouds.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/25. Herodotus I—Introduction to History.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/26. Herodotus II—The Persian Wars.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/27. Thucydides I—The Peloponnesian War.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/28. Thucydides II—Books 1–5.mp3 |
21 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/29. Thucydides III—Books 6–7.mp3 |
21.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/30. Plato I—The Philosopher as Literary Author.mp3 |
21 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/31. Plato II—Symposium.mp3 |
21.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/32. Plato III—Phaedrus.mp3 |
21.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/33. Rhetoric and Oratory.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/34. Hellenistic Poetry I—Callimachus and Theocritus.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/35. Hellenistic Poetry II—Apollonius.mp3 |
21.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/36. Looking Back and Looking Forward.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature (Audio)/Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature.PDF |
1.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/01 The Brothers Grimm & Fairy Tale Psychology.mp3 |
15.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/02 Propp, Structure, and Cultural Identity.mp3 |
13.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/03 Hoffmann & The Theory Of The Fantistic.mp3 |
14.3 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/04 Poe - Genres & Degrees Of The Fantastic.mp3 |
14.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/05 Lewis Carroll - Puzzles, Language & Audience.mp3 |
14.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/06 H.G. Wells - We Are All Talking Animals.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/07 Franz Kafka - Dashed Fantasies.mp3 |
14 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/08 - Woolf -- Fantastic Feminism and Periods of Art.mp3 |
20.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/09 Robbe-Grillet - Experimental Fiction & Myth.mp3 |
14.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/10 Tolkien & Mass Production Of The Fantastic.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/11 Children's Literature & The Fantastic.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/12 Postmodernism & The Fantastic.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/13 Defining Science Fiction.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/14 Mary Shelley - Grandmother Of Science Fiction.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/15 Hawthorne, Poe & The Eden Complex.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/16 Jules Verne & The Robinsonade.mp3 |
14.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/17 Wells - Industrialization Of The Fantastic.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/18 The History Of Utopia.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/19 Science Fiction And Religion.mp3 |
14.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/20 Pulp Fiction, Bradbury & the American Myth.mp3 |
14.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/21 Heinlein - He Mapped The Future.mp3 |
14.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/22 Asimov & Clarke - Cousins In Utopia.mp3 |
14.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/23 Ursula K LeGuin - Transhuman Anthropologist.mp3 |
14.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/24 Cyberpunk, Postmodernism, and Beyond.mp3 |
15 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind_ Literature's Most Imaginative Works (Audio)/Masterpieces of the Imaginitive Mind.pdf |
45.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_01.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_02.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_03.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_04.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_05.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_06.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_07.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_08.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_09.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_10.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_11.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_12.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_13.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_14.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_15.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_16.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_17.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_18.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_19.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_20.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_21.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_22.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_23.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature (Audio)/2539_24.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/Introduction.avi |
20 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L01 - Describing Data and Inferring Meaning.avi |
149.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L02 - Data and Distributions - Getting the Picture.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L03 - Inference - How Close - How Confident.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L04 - Describing Dispersion or Measuring Spread.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L05 - Models of Distributions - Shapely Families.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L06 - The Bell Curve.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L07 - Correlation and Regression - Moving Together.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L08 - Probability - Workhorse for Inference.avi |
149.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L09 - Samples - The Few, The Chosen.avi |
150 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L10 - Hypothesis Testing - Innocent Until.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L11 - Confidence Intervals - How Close - How Sure.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L12 - Design of Experiments - Thinking Ahead.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L13 - Law - You're the Jury.avi |
150 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L14 - Democracy and Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.avi |
150 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L15 - Election Problems and Engine Failure.avi |
150 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L16 - Sports - Who's the Best of All Time.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L17 - Risk - War and Insurance.avi |
150 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L18 - Real Estate - Accounting for Value.avi |
150 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L19 - Misleading, Distorting, and Lying.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L20 - Social Science - Parsing Personalities.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L21 - Quack Medicine, Good Hospitals, and Dieting.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L22 - Economics - One Way to Find Fraud.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L23 - Science - Mendel's Too-Good Peas.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/L24 - Statistics Everywhere.avi |
149.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/TTC - Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear Guidebook.pdf |
54.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Meaning From Data - Statistics Made Clear (Video)/TTC - Meaning From Data.sfv |
4 KB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/01-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.01 The Economic Approach to Public Policy.mp3 |
23.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/02-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.02 Assessing the American Economy.mp3 |
19.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/03-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.03 Economists' Views of the Future.mp3 |
20.3 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/04-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.04 Productivity and Productivity Growth.mp3 |
23.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/05-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.05 Inflation.mp3 |
20 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/06-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.06 Unemployment.mp3 |
18.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/07-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.07 Economic Inequality.mp3 |
21.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/08-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.08 International Trade and Outsourcing.mp3 |
21 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/09-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.09 Trade Imbalances and Saving.mp3 |
19.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/10-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.10 Government Budget Deficits.mp3 |
21.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/11-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.11 Taxes and the Income Tax Code.mp3 |
20.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/12-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.12 Social Security.mp3 |
22.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/13-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.13 An Aging Population and the Birth Dearth.mp3 |
22.5 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/14-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.14 Health Care.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/15-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.15 Energy.mp3 |
21.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/16-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.16 Pollution.mp3 |
19.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/17-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.17 Global Climate Change.mp3 |
23 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/18-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.18 Low Wages and the Minimum Wage.mp3 |
19.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/19-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.19 Poverty and Families.mp3 |
21.9 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/20-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.20 Pay Gaps by Sex and Race.mp3 |
22.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/21-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.21 Immigration.mp3 |
21.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/22-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.22 Labor Unions.mp3 |
20.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/23-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.23 Underperforming Schools.mp3 |
22.3 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/24-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.24 The High Cost of Higher Education.mp3 |
20.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/25-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.25 Wal-Mart.mp3 |
21.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/26-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.26 Corporate Greed, Fraud, and Mismanagement.mp3 |
20.8 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/27-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.27 Conspicuous Consumption.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/28-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.28 Mail Delivery.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/29-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.29 Organ Shortages.mp3 |
19.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/30-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.30 Baseball.mp3 |
20.1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/31-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.31 Terrorism.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/32-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.32 Helping Poor Countries.mp3 |
21.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/33-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.33 Urban Sprawl.mp3 |
21.6 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/34-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.34 Gambling.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/35-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.35 Overeating.mp3 |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/36-Prof. Robert Whaples-Lect.36 Concluding Thoughts.mp3 |
20.4 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Modern Economic Issues (Audio)/Modern Economic Issues.pdf |
1 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/00--Louvre(Brettell-2006-TTC.pdf |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/01 Palace to Museum The Stoy of the Louvre.avi |
316 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/02 Leonardo and the Origins of the Collection.avi |
300 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/03 Italian Renaissance and Baroque Painting.avi |
318.7 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/04 Spanish School of Painting.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/05 Rubens and Flemish Painting Early German.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/06 Rembrandt Vermeer and Dutch Painting.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/07 De La Tour, le Nain, and 17th Century Painting .avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/08 Claude and Poussin French painters in Rome.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/09 Watteau and Chardin.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/10 Boucher Fragonard and the Rococo in France.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/11 Jacques Louis David and His School.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Louvre (Video)/12 Delacroix and Ingres The Great Dialect.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/01_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/02_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/03_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/04_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/05_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/06_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/07_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/08_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/09_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/10_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/11_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/12_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/13_METROPOL.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/14_METROPOL.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/15_METROPOL.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/16_METROPOL.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/17_METROPOL.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/18_METROPOL.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/19_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/20_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/21_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/22_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/23_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/24_NY_METRO.avi |
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All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Museum Masterpieces_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Video)/Richard Brettell - Musem Masterpieces - Metropolitan Museum of Art.pdf |
6.2 MB |
All TTC (The Teaching Company) Lectures Addendum Six/Torrent downloaded from |
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