Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/01. Ambrosian Chant (Rep. of Milan, 5th Cent.)_ Lucernarium_ Paravi lucernam Christo meo.mp3 |
6.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/02. Ambrosian Chant (Rep. of Milan, 5th Cent.)_ Ingressa_ Lux fulgebit hodie super nos.mp3 |
2.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/03. Ambrosian Chant (Rep. of Milan, 5th Cent.)_ Psalmellus_ Tecum principium in die virtutis tue.mp3 |
14.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/04. Old Roman Chant (Byzantine, 7th-8th Cent.)_ Introït_ Resurrexi.mp3 |
10.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/05. Old Roman Chant (Byzantine, 7th-8th Cent.)_ Offertoire_ Terra tremuit.mp3 |
13.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/06. Old Roman Chant (Byzantine, 7th-8th Cent.)_ Alleluia.mp3 |
6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/07. Benevetian Chant (7th-9th Cent.)_ Introït_ Maria vidit angelum (tutti).mp3 |
13.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/08. Mozarabic Chant (7th-11th Cent.)_ Invocation sacerdotale d'introduction_ Per gloriam nominis tui.mp3 |
2.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/09. Mozarabic Chant (7th-11th Cent.)_ Gloria in excelsis Deo.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/10. Mozarabic Chant (7th-11th Cent.)_ Ad confractionem panis_ Qui venit ad me non esuriet.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/11. Mozarabic Chant (7th-11th Cent.)_ Prêtre_ Humiliate vos ad benedictionem!.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/12. Mozarabic Chant (7th-11th Cent.)_ Ad accedentes_ Gustate et videte.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/13. Old Roman Chant (6th-13th Cent.)_ Ad processionem Kyrie.mp3 |
7.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/14. Old Roman Chant (6th-13th Cent.)_ Alleluia - Versus O kyrios evasileosen, Versus Ke gar estereosen.mp3 |
7.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/Ensemble Organum (Marcel Pérès) - HM Sacred Music (Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians).accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/Ensemble Organum (Marcel Pérès) - HM Sacred Music (Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians).cue |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/Ensemble Organum (Marcel Pérès) - HM Sacred Music (Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians).log |
8 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians/Ensemble Organum (Marcel Pérès) - HM Sacred Music (Disc 01 - Chants of the Early Christians).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/01. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Universi qui te expectant.mp3 |
3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/02. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Introit_ Requiem Aeternam.mp3 |
2.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/03. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Kyrie eleison.mp3 |
2.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/04. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Graduel_ Requiem aeternam.mp3 |
4.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/05. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Trait_ Absolve, Domine.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/06. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Sequence_ Dies irae.mp3 |
8.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/07. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Offertoire_ Domine Jesu Christe.mp3 |
5.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/08. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Sanctus.mp3 |
1023 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/09. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Agnus Dei.mp3 |
1.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/10. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Communion_ Lux aeterna.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/11. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Repons_ Libera me.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/12. The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant_ Antienne_ In paradisum.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/13. Mass from the Year 1000_ Agnus dei_ Omnipotens eterne.mp3 |
4.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/14. Mass from the Year 1000_ Communion tropee_ Corpus quod nunc _ Psallite Domino.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/15. Mass from the Year 1000_ Hymne_ Cives clestis patrie.mp3 |
7.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/16. Codex Calixtinus, Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela (c. 1150)_ Invitatoire_ Regem regum dominum.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/17. Codex Calixtinus, Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela (c. 1150)_ Repons_ Iacobe servorum.mp3 |
3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/18. Codex Calixtinus, Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela (c. 1150)_ Offertoire_ Ascendens Ihesus in montem.mp3 |
5.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/19. Cistercian Chant (12th Cent.)_ In timore De.mp3 |
8.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/20. Cistercian Chant (12th Cent.)_ Testamentum eternum.mp3 |
7.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/21. Cistercian Chant (12th Cent.)_ Dedit Dominus confessionem sancto suo.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/22. Magnus Liber Organi (12th Cent.)_ Anonyme_ Natus est rex.mp3 |
7.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/23. Magnus Liber Organi (12th Cent.)_ Adam de St. Victor_ In natale.mp3 |
7.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant).accurip |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant).cue |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant).log |
12 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 02 - A Millennium of Gregorian Chant).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/01. 12th-Cent. Polyphony in Aquitaine_ Domine labia mea aperies - Deus in adjutorium meum.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/02. 12th-Cent. Polyphony in Aquitaine_ Versus 'O primus homo coruit'.mp3 |
7.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/03. 12th-Cent. Polyphony in Aquitaine_ Resonemus hoc natali.mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/04. The Notre Dame School, Mass for Noël_ I. Introït tropé _ Puer natus est.mp3 |
7.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/05. The Notre Dame School, Mass for Noël_ II. Kyrie.mp3 |
3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/06. The Notre Dame School_ Propter veritatem.mp3 |
9.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/07. The Notre Dame School_ Graduel_ Viderunt omnes - Notum fecit Dominus.mp3 |
15.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/08. Hockets from Bramburg Manuscript (13th Cent.)_ In seculum 'Longum'.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/09. Hockets from Bramburg Manuscript (13th Cent.)_ In seculum 'Viellatoris'.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/10. Hockets from Bramburg Manuscript (13th Cent.)_ In seculum 'Breve'.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/11. Hockets from Bramburg Manuscript (13th Cent.)_ In seculum 'D’Amiens longum'.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/12. 13th-Cent. Marian Songs_ Ave maria gracia plena.mp3 |
3.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/13. 13th-Cent. Marian Songs_ Pia mater gratie.mp3 |
3.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/14. 13th-Cent. Marian Songs_ Ave nobilis venerabilis.mp3 |
5.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/15. Gradual Eleanor of Brittany (13-14th Cent.)_ Kyrie_ Orbis factor.mp3 |
7.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/16. An English Ladymass (13th-14th Cent.)_ Kyrie_ Kyria christifera.mp3 |
5.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/17. An English Ladymass (13th-14th Cent.)_ Gloria.mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/18. An English Ladymass (13th-14th Cent.)_ Sanctus - Benedictus.mp3 |
2.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/19. An English Ladymass (13th-14th Cent.)_ Agnus Dei_ Virtute numinis.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300).accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300).cue |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300).log |
9 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 03 - The Birth of Polyphony 1100-1300).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/01. Ancients_ Anon. (School of Perotinus)_ Virgo flagellatur.mp3 |
8.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/02. Ancients_ Perotinus_ Mors.mp3 |
2.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/03. 14th-Cent. England_ Campanis cum cymbalis.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/04. 14th-Cent. England_ Worldes blisse have good day.mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/05. 14th-Cent. England_ Valde mane diluculo.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/06. 14th-Cent. England_ Ovet mundus letabundus.mp3 |
5.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/07. New_Pre-Renaissance_ Guillaume Dufay_ Ave Regina coelorum.mp3 |
9.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/08. New_Pre-Renaissance_ John Dunstable_ Salve scema sanctitatis.mp3 |
9.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/09. New_Pre-Renaissance_ John Plummer_ Anna Mater Matris Christi.mp3 |
8.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/10. Renaissance_ Josquin Desprez_ Salve Regina.mp3 |
5.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/11. Renaissance_ Clement Janequin_ Congregati sunt.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/12. Renaissance_ William Byrd_ Cantiones sacrae.mp3 |
7.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/13. Renaissance_ William Byrd_ Tribuationem et dolorem.mp3 |
5.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/14. Renaissance_ William Byrd_ Ecce quomodo moritur justus.mp3 |
7.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/15. Renaissance_ Hans Leo Hassler_ Ad Dominum.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance).cue |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance).log |
8 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 04 - Polyphonic Motet from Ars Antiqua to Renaissance).m3u |
854 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/01. Guillaume de Machaut_ Messe de Notre Dame_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
8.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/02. Guillaume de Machaut_ Messe de Notre Dame_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/03. Guillaume de Machaut_ Messe de Notre Dame_ III. Credo.mp3 |
8.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/04. Guillaume de Machaut_ Messe de Notre Dame_ IV. Sanctus.mp3 |
5.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/05. Guillaume de Machaut_ Messe de Notre Dame_ V. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
4.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/06. Guillaume de Machaut_ Messe de Notre Dame_ VI. Ite Missa est.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/07. Josquin Desprez_ Missa Pange lingua_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
3.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/08. Josquin Desprez_ Missa Pange lingua_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
6.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/09. Josquin Desprez_ Missa Pange lingua_ III. Credo.mp3 |
9.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/10. Josquin Desprez_ Missa Pange lingua_ IV. O Salutaris.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/11. Josquin Desprez_ Missa Pange lingua_ V. Agnus.mp3 |
9.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/12. Clément Janequin_ Messe 'La Bataille'_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
4.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/13. Clément Janequin_ Messe 'La Bataille'_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
5.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/14. Clément Janequin_ Messe 'La Bataille'_ III. Credo.mp3 |
8.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/15. Clément Janequin_ Messe 'La Bataille'_ IV. Sanctus.mp3 |
5.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/16. Clément Janequin_ Messe 'La Bataille'_ V. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
6.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).cue |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).log |
8 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 05 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).m3u |
968 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/01. Roland de Lassus_ Missa 'Tous les regretz'_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/02. Roland de Lassus_ Missa 'Tous les regretz'_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
6.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/03. Roland de Lassus_ Missa 'Tous les regretz'_ III. Credo.mp3 |
10.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/04. Roland de Lassus_ Missa 'Tous les regretz'_ IV. Sanctus.mp3 |
4.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/05. Roland de Lassus_ Missa 'Tous les regretz'_ V. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/06. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina_ Missa 'Viri Galilaei'_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
5.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/07. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina_ Missa 'Viri Galilaei'_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
6.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/08. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina_ Missa 'Viri Galilaei'_ III. Credo.mp3 |
10.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/09. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina_ Missa 'Viri Galilaei'_ IV. Sanctus.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/10. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina_ Missa 'Viri Galilaei'_ V. Benedictus.mp3 |
2.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/11. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina_ Missa 'Viri Galilaei'_ VI. Agnus Dei I.mp3 |
2.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/12. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina_ Missa 'Viri Galilaei'_ VII. Agnus Dei II.mp3 |
2.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/13. William Byrd_ Mass for 4 Voices_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/14. William Byrd_ Mass for 4 Voices_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/15. William Byrd_ Mass for 4 Voices_ III. Credo.mp3 |
9.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/16. William Byrd_ Mass for 4 Voices_ IV. Sanctus.mp3 |
2.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/17. William Byrd_ Mass for 4 Voices_ V. Benedictus.mp3 |
1.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/18. William Byrd_ Mass for 4 Voices_ VI. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).cue |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).log |
9 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 06 - Polyphonic Mass, Middle-Ages to Renaissance ).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/01. GM - Henry Dumont_ Memorare.mp3 |
11.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/02. GM - Jean-Baptiste Lully_ Dies Irae.mp3 |
27 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/03. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ I. Simphonie - Super flumina.mp3 |
5.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/04. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ II. In Salicibus.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/05. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ III. Quia illic interrogaverunt nos.mp3 |
923 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/06. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ IV. Hymnum cantate nobis.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/07. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ V. Si oblitus fuero tui.mp3 |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/08. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ VI. Adhaereat lingua mea.mp3 |
3.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/09. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ VII. Memore esto, Domine.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/10. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ VIII. Filia Babilonis misera [soli].mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/11. GM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Super flumina Babilonis_ IX. Filia Babilonis misera [choeur].mp3 |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/12. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ I. Prelude.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/13. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ II. Te Deum laudamus.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/14. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ III. Te aeternum Patrem.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/15. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ IV. Per te orbem terrarum.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/16. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ V. Tu devicto mortis arculeo.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/17. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ VI. Te ergo quaesumus.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/18. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ VII. Aertuna fac cum sanctis tuis.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/19. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ VIII. Dignare Domine.mp3 |
2.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/20. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ IX. Fiat misericordia tua Domine.mp3 |
2.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/21. GM - Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Te Deum_ X. In te Domine speravi.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/22. PM - Jean-Baptiste Lully_ Ave coeli.mp3 |
4.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/23. PM - Michel-Richard Delalande_ Miserator et misercors.mp3 |
8.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/Various - HM Sacred Music (Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet').accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/Various - HM Sacred Music (Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet').cue |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/Various - HM Sacred Music (Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet').log |
12 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet'/Various - HM Sacred Music (Disc 07 - The French 'Petit Motet' and 'Grand Motet').m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/01. Tiburtio Massaino_ Musica super Threnos_ Lectio Prima.mp3 |
6.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/02. Tiburtio Massaino_ Musica super Threnos_ Lectio Secunda.mp3 |
7.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/03. Tiburtio Massaino_ Musica super Threnos_ Lectio Tertia.mp3 |
9.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/04. Roland de Lassus_ Lamentationes Hieremiae_ Lamentatio prima.mp3 |
10.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/05. Roland de Lassus_ Lamentationes Hieremiae_ Lamentatio Secunda.mp3 |
9.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/06. Roland de Lassus_ Lamentationes Hieremiae_ Lamentatio Tertia.mp3 |
9.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/07. Marc-Antoine Charpentier_ Lecons de Tenebres du Mercredy Sainct_ Seconde Lecon.mp3 |
21.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/08. Francois Couperin_ Lecons de Tenebres_ Troisieme Lecon.mp3 |
17.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/09. Ernst Krenek_ Hieremie prophetae Lamentationes_ Lectio secunda.mp3 |
11.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae).accurip |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae).cue |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae).log |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 08 - Lamentations and Tenebrae).m3u |
626 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/01. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Deus In Adjutorium.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/02. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Antiphona - Dixit Dominus (Psalmus 109).mp3 |
11.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/03. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Nigra Sum (Concerto).mp3 |
4.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/04. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Laudate Pueri (Psalmus 112).mp3 |
9.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/05. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Pulchra Es (Concerto).mp3 |
5.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/06. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Antiphona - Laetatus Sum (Psalmus 121).mp3 |
9.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/07. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Duo Seraphim (Concerto).mp3 |
7.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/08. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Antiphona - Nisi Dominus (Psalmus 126).mp3 |
8.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/09. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Audi Coelum (Concerto).mp3 |
10.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/10. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Antiphona - Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum (Psalmus 147).mp3 |
6.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/11. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Sonata Sopra 'Sancta Maria, Ora Pro Nobis'.mp3 |
9.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/12. Vespro Della Beata Vergine_ Ave Maris Stella (Hymnus, Anon. XIe Siecle).mp3 |
9.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/Claudio Montiverdi [dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/Claudio Montiverdi [dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers).cue |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/Claudio Montiverdi [dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers).log |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers/Claudio Montiverdi [dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 09 - Baroque Vespers).m3u |
838 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/01. Vespro Della Beata Vergine [II]_ Antiphona - Magnificat.mp3 |
24.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/02. Vespro Solenne (1639)_ Dixit secondo.mp3 |
11.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/03. Vespro Solenne (1639)_ Confitebor tibi Domine.mp3 |
11.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/04. Vespro Solenne (1639)_ Beatus vir.mp3 |
11.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/05. Vespro Solenne (1639)_ Laudate pueri.mp3 |
12.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/06. Vespro Solenne (1639)_ Lauda Jerusalem.mp3 |
16.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/07. Vespro Solenne (1639)_ _ Magnificat.mp3 |
14 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers).accurip |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers).cue |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers).log |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 10 - Baroque Vespers).m3u |
348 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/01. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Introduzzione all'Oratorio_ Spiritoso.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/01.00. (HTOA).mp3 |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/02. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Introduzzione all'Oratorio_ Adagio.mp3 |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/03. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Introduzzione all'Oratorio_ Allegro.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/04. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Figli miseri figli'.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/05. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Mi balena ancor sul ciglio'.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/06. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Di Serpe ingannator perfida frode.mp3 |
934 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/07. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Caro sposo, prole amata'.mp3 |
9.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/08. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Genitori adorati'.mp3 |
1013 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/09. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Dalla mandra un puro agnello'.mp3 |
7.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/10. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Padre questa d'Abel forz'è che sia'.mp3 |
551 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/11. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Della Terra i frutti primi'.mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/12. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Figli cessin le gare'.mp3 |
785 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/13. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Più dei doni il cor devoto'.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/14. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Disposto o figli è il sacrificio'.mp3 |
1.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/15. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Sommo Dio nel mio peccato'.mp3 |
7.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/16. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Miei Genitori, oh come dritta ascende'.mp3 |
728 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/17. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Dio pietoso ogni mio armento'.mp3 |
5.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/18. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Figli balena il Ciel d'alto splendore'.mp3 |
723 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/19. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ Sinfonia [I].mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/20. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Prima imagine mia, prima fattura'.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/21. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'L'olocausto del tu Abelle'.mp3 |
6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/22. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Ne' tuoi figli, e nipoti'.mp3 |
865 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/23. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Udiste, udiste, o figli'.mp3 |
448 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/24. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Aderite'.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/25. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ Sinfonia [II].mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/26. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Cain, che fai, che pensi_'.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/27. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Poche lagrime dolenti'.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/28. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'D'ucciderlo risolvo; il core affretta'.mp3 |
304 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/29. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Mascheratevi o miei sdegni'.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/30. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Ecco il fratello; anzi il nemico'.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/31. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'La fraterna amica pace'.mp3 |
5.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/32. Cain overo Il primo omicidio_ Parte prima_ 'Sempre l'amor fraterno è un ben sincero'.mp3 |
660 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 11 - Great Oratorios).accurip |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 11 - Great Oratorios).cue |
10 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 11 - Great Oratorios).log |
16 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 11 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 11 - Great Oratorios).m3u |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/01. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Fermiam qui Abelle il passo'.mp3 |
1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/01.00. (HTOA).mp3 |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/02. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Perché mormora il ruscello'.mp3 |
5.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/03. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Ti risponde il ruscelletto'.mp3 |
5.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/04. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Or se braman posar la fronda, e'l rio'.mp3 |
1.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/05. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Più non so trattenr l'imipeto interno'.mp3 |
636 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/06. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ Andante e staccato.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/07. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Cain dov'è il fratello_ Abel dov'è_'.mp3 |
844 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/08. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Or di strage fraterna il suolo asperso'.mp3 |
769 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/09. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Come mostro spaventevole'.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/10. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Signor se mi dai bando'.mp3 |
993 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/11. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'O preservami per mia pena'.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/12. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Vattene non temer; tu non morrai'.mp3 |
854 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/13. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Vuò il castigo, non voglio la morte'.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/14. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'O ch'io mora vivendo'.mp3 |
503 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/15. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Bramo insieme, e morte, e vita'.mp3 |
4.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/16. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Codardo nell'ardire, e nel timore'.mp3 |
1.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/17. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Nel poter il Nume imita'.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/18. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Oh consigli d'Inferno onde soggiace'.mp3 |
1000 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/19. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Miei genitori, adio'.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/20. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Mio sposo al cor mi sento'.mp3 |
8.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/21. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Miei genitori amati'.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/22. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Non piangete il figlio ucciso'.mp3 |
3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/23. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Ferma del figlio mio voce gradita'.mp3 |
946 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/24. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Madre tenera, et amante'.mp3 |
8.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/25. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Sin che spoglia mortale'.mp3 |
797 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/26. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Padre misero, e dolente'.mp3 |
6.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/27. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Spirto del figlio mio, questi son sensi'.mp3 |
2.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/28. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Piango la prole esangue'.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/29. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Adam prole tu chiedi, e prole avrai'.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/30. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'L'innocenza paccando perdeste'.mp3 |
8.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/31. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Udii Signor della Divina Idea'.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/32. Cain overo Il primo omicidio [II]_ 'Contenti'.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 12 - Great Oratorios).accurip |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 12 - Great Oratorios).cue |
10 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 12 - Great Oratorios).log |
16 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 12 - Great Oratorios/Alessandro Scarlatti [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 12 - Great Oratorios).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/01. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, I. Sinfonia.mp3 |
4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/02. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, II. Recitative (Tenor) 'Comfort ye, my people, saith your God'.mp3 |
4.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/03. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, III. Air (Tenor)_ 'Every valley shall be exalted'.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/04. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, IV. Chorus_ 'And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed'.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/05. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, V. Recitative (Bass) 'Thus saith the Lord of Hosts'.mp3 |
2.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/06. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, VI. Air (Alto) 'But who may abide the day of His coming_'.mp3 |
6.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/07. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, VIIa. Chorus 'And He shall purify the sons of Levi'.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/08. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, VIIb. Recitative (Alto) _ VIII. Air (Alto) _ Chorus .mp3 |
8.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/09. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, IX. Recitative (Bass) _ X. Air (Bass).mp3 |
7.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/10. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, XI. Chorus 'For unto us a child is born'.mp3 |
5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/11. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, XIIa. Pifa 'Pastoral Symphony'.mp3 |
3.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/12. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, XIIb. Recitative (Treble) _ XIII. Recitative (Treble) _ XIV. Recitative (Treble) _ XV. Chorus.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/13. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, XVIa. Air (Soprano II) 'Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion'.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/14. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, XVIb. Recitative (Soprano I) _ XVII. Duet (Alto & Soprano I).mp3 |
7.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/15. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, XVIII. Chorus 'His yoke is easy, His burden is light'.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/16. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XIX. Chorus 'Behold the lamb of God'.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/17. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XX. Air (Alto) 'He was despised and rejected of men'.mp3 |
14.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/18. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXI. Chorus _ XXII. Chorus _ XXIII. Chorus.mp3 |
10.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 13 - Great Oratorios).accurip |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 13 - Great Oratorios).cue |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 13 - Great Oratorios).log |
8 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 13 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 13 - Great Oratorios).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/01. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXIV. Recitative (Tenor) _ XXV. Chorus.mp3 |
4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/02. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXVI. Recitative (Tenor) _ XXVII. Arioso (Tenor) _ XXVIII. Recitative (Soprano I).mp3 |
4.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/03. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXIX. Air (Soprano I) 'But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell'.mp3 |
3.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/04. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXa. Chorus 'Lift up your heads, O ye gates'.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/05. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXb. Recitative (Tenor) _ XXXI. Chorus.mp3 |
2.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/06. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXII. Air (Soprano II).mp3 |
4.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/07. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXIII. Chorus 'The Lord gave the world'.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/08. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXIVa. Air (Soprano I) 'How beautiful are the feet of them'.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/09. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXVa. Chorus 'Their sound is gone out into all lands'.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/10. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXVI. Air (Bass) 'Why do the nations so furiously rage together'.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/11. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXVIIa. Chorus 'Let us break their bonds asunder'.mp3 |
2.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/12. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXVIIb. Recitative (Tenor) _ XXXVIII. Air (Tenor).mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/13. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, XXXIX. Chorus 'Hallelujah!'.mp3 |
5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/14. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, XL. Air (Soprano I) 'I know that my Redeemer liveth'.mp3 |
8.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/15. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, XLI. Chorus 'Since by man came death'.mp3 |
2.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/16. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, XLII. Recitative (Bass) _ XLIIIa. Air (Bass).mp3 |
13.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/17. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, XLIIIb. Recitative (Alto) _ XLIV. Duet (Alto & Tenor) _ XLV. Chorus.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/18. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, XLVI. Air (Soprano II) 'If God be for us, who can be against us_'.mp3 |
6.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/19. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, XLVIIa. Chorus 'Worthy is the Lamb that was slain'.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/20. Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, XLVIIb. Chorus 'Amen'.mp3 |
4.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 14 - Great Oratorios).accurip |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 14 - Great Oratorios).cue |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 14 - Great Oratorios).log |
11 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 14 - Great Oratorios/Georg Friedrich Händel [Les Arts Florissants dir. William Christie] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 14 - Great Oratorios).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/01. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ Overture.mp3 |
8.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/01.00. (HTOA).mp3 |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/02. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 1 - Chor.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/03. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 2 - Choral.mp3 |
1.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/04. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 3 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/05. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 4 - Chor.mp3 |
4.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/06. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 5 - Rezitativ & Chor.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/07. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 6 - Aria.mp3 |
4.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/08. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 7 - Rezitativ & Chor.mp3 |
2.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/09. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 8 - Rezitativ & Choral.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/10. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 9 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/11. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 10 - Chor.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/12. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 11 - Rezitativ & Aria.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/13. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 12 - Rezitativ & Arioso.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/14. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 13 - Rezitativ mit Chor.mp3 |
3.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/15. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 14 - Chor.mp3 |
6.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/16. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 15 - Choral.mp3 |
2.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/17. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 16 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
2.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/18. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 17 - Aria.mp3 |
8.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/19. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 18 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
2.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/20. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 19 - Aria mit Chor.mp3 |
6.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/21. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 20 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
2.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/22. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ First Part_ No. 21 - Chor.mp3 |
6.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 15 - Great Oratorios).accurip |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 15 - Great Oratorios).cue |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 15 - Great Oratorios).log |
9 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 15 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 15 - Great Oratorios).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/01. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 22 - Chor.mp3 |
5.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/01.00. (HTOA).mp3 |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/02. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 23 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/03. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 24 - Duettino.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/04. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 25 - Chor.mp3 |
4.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/05. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 26 - Rezitativ & Arioso.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/06. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 27 - Rezitativ, Chor.mp3 |
2.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/07. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 28 - Chor, Choral.mp3 |
7.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/08. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 29 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
1.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/09. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 30 - Duetto.mp3 |
3.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/10. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 31 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/11. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 32 - Chor.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/12. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 33 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
746 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/13. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 34 - Chor.mp3 |
3.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/14. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 35 - Rezitativ, Aria, Chor.mp3 |
10.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/15. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 36 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
487 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/16. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 37 - Chor.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/17. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 38 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
789 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/18. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 39 - Cavatine.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/19. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 40 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/20. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 41 - Chor & Rezitativ.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/21. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 42 - Chor.mp3 |
3.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/22. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 43 - Rezitativ.mp3 |
1.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/23. Paulus, Oratorio Op. 36_ Second Part_ No. 44 - Schlusschor.mp3 |
5.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 16 - Great Oratorios).accurip |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 16 - Great Oratorios).cue |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 16 - Great Oratorios).log |
11 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 16 - Great Oratorios/Felix Mendelssohn [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 16 - Great Oratorios).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/01. Claudin de Sermisy_ Tant que vivray en aege florissant (2, 3, 4, 7).mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/02. Paschal de l'Estocart_ Estans assis aux rives aquatiques (Psaume 137).mp3 |
3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/03. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ First Tune. Man blest no doubt.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/04. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Second Tune. Let God arise.mp3 |
1.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/05. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Third Tune. Why fum’th in fight.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/06. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Fourth Tune. O come in one to praise the Lord.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/07. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Fifth Tune. E’en like the hunted hind.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/08. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Sixth Tune. Expend, O Lord.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/09. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Seventh Tune. Why brag’st in malice.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/10. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Eighth Tune. God grant with grace.mp3 |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/11. Thomas Tallis_ 9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter_ Veni creator. Come Holy Ghost.mp3 |
644 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/12. Henry Purcell_ Full anthem, Z 50_ Remember not, Lord, our offences.mp3 |
4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/13. Heinrich Schütz_ Concert in Form einer teutschen Begräbnis.mp3 |
35.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/14. Nikolaus Bruhns_ Hemmt eure Tränenflut_ I. Hemmt eure Tränenflut.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/15. Nikolaus Bruhns_ Hemmt eure Tränenflut_ II. Der Stein war allzu groß.mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/16. Nikolaus Bruhns_ Hemmt eure Tränenflut_ III. Die Christi Grab bewacht sind weg.mp3 |
3.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/17. Nikolaus Bruhns_ Hemmt eure Tränenflut_ IV. Verlaß ich gleich die Welt.mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/18. Nikolaus Bruhns_ Hemmt eure Tränenflut_ V. Amen.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/19. JS Bach_ Missa brevis in F-dur, BWV 233_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
5.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/20. JS Bach_ Missa brevis in F-dur, BWV 233_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/21. JS Bach_ Missa brevis in F-dur, BWV 233_ III. Domine Deus.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/22. JS Bach_ Missa brevis in F-dur, BWV 233_ IV. Qui tollis.mp3 |
6.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/23. JS Bach_ Missa brevis in F-dur, BWV 233_ V. Quoniam.mp3 |
5.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/24. JS Bach_ Missa brevis in F-dur, BWV 233_ VI. Cum Sancto Spiritu.mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church).accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church).cue |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church).log |
12 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 17 - Music for the Reformed Church).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/01. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, I. Chorus_ 'Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf, preiset die Tage'.mp3 |
10.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/02. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, II. Recit (E) 'Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit'.mp3 |
1.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/03. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, III. Recit (A) 'Nun wird mein liebster Bräutigam'.mp3 |
1.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/04. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, IV. Aria (A) 'Bereite dich, Zion, mit zärtlichen Trieben'.mp3 |
6.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/05. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, V. Chorale 'Wie soll ich dich empfangen'.mp3 |
2.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/06. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, VI. Recit (E) 'Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn'.mp3 |
562 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/07. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, VII. Chorale (S) _ Recit (B).mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/08. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, VIII. Aria (B) 'Großer Herr und starker König'.mp3 |
6.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/09. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ I. First Day of Christmas, IX. Chorale 'Ach mein Herzliebes Jesulein'.mp3 |
1.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/10. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, X. Sinfonia.mp3 |
10.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/11. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XI. Recit (E) 'Und es waren Hirten in derselben Gegend'.mp3 |
864 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/12. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XII. Chorale 'Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht'.mp3 |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/13. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XIII. Recit (E, S) 'Und der Engel' _ 'Furchtet euch nicht'.mp3 |
964 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/14. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XIV. Recit (B) 'Was Gott dem Abraham verheißen'.mp3 |
806 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/15. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XV. Aria (T) 'Frohe Hirten, eilt, acht eilet'.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/16. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XVI. Recit (S) 'Und das habt zum Zeichen'.mp3 |
441 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/17. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XVII. Chorale 'Schaut hin, dort liegt im finstern Stall'.mp3 |
1.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/18. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XVIII. Recit (B) 'So geht denn hin, ihr Hirten, geht'.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/19. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XIX. Aria (A) 'Schlafe, mein Liebster, genieße der Ruh'.mp3 |
13.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/20. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XX. Recit (E) 'Und alsobald war da bei dem Engel'.mp3 |
337 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/21. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XXI. Chorus 'Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe'.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/22. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XXII. Recit (B) 'So recht, ihr Engel, jauchzet und singet'.mp3 |
541 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/23. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Second Day of Christmas, XXIII. Chorale 'Wir singen dir in deinem Heer'.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/24. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXIV. Chorus 'Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen'.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/25. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXV. Recit (E) 'Und da die Engel von ihnen gen Himmel fuhren'.mp3 |
206 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/26. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXVI. Chorus 'Lasset uns nun gehen gen Bethlehem'.mp3 |
939 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/27. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXVII. Recit (B) 'Er hat sein Volk getröst''.mp3 |
799 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/28. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXVIII. Chorale 'Dies hat er alles uns getan'.mp3 |
1.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/29. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXIX. Duet (S, B) 'Herr, dein Mitleid, dein Erbarmen'.mp3 |
9.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/30. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXX. Recit (E) 'Und sie kamen eilend und fanden beide'.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/31. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXXI. Aria (A) 'Schließe, Mein Herze, dies selige Wunder'.mp3 |
6.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/32. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXXII. Recit (A) 'Ja, ja, mein Herz soll es bewahren'.mp3 |
517 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/33. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ II. Third Day of Christmas, XXXIII. Chorale 'Ich will dich mit Fleiß bewahren'.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church).accurip |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church).cue |
13 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church).log |
17 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 18 - Music for the Reformed Church).m3u |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/01. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ III. Third Day of Christmas, XXXIV. Rezitativ (E)_ 'Und die Hirten kehrten wieder um'.mp3 |
560 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/02. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ III. Third Day of Christmas, XXXVa. Choral_ 'Seid froh'.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/03. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ III. Third Day of Christmas, XXXVb. Chor (da capo 24)_ 'Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen'.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/04. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ IV. Feast for Christ's Circumcision, XXXVI. Chor_ 'Fallt mit Danken, fallt mit Loben'.mp3 |
6.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/05. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ IV. Feast for Christ's Circumcision, XXXVII. Rezitativ (E)_ 'Und da acht Tage um waren'.mp3 |
652 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/06. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ IV. Feast for Christ's Circumcision, XXXVIII. Rezitativ (B) und Choral (S)_ 'Imanuel, o süßes Wort!'.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/07. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ IV. Feast for Christ's Circumcision, XXXIX. Arie (S_Echo)_ 'Flößt, mein Heiland, flößt dein Namen'.mp3 |
7.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/08. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ IV. Feast for Christ's Circumcision, XL. Rezitativ (B) und Choral (S).mp3 |
2.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/09. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ IV. Feast for Christ's Circumcision, XLI. Arie (T)_ 'Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben'.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/10. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ IV. Feast for Christ's Circumcision, XLII. Choral_ 'Jesus richte mein Beginnen'.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/11. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, XLIII. Chor_ 'Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen‘.mp3 |
8.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/12. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, XLIV. Rezitativ (E)_ 'Da Jesus geboren war zu Bethlehem'.mp3 |
504 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/13. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, XLV. Chor und Rezitativ (A)_ 'Wo ist der neugeborne König der Juden_'.mp3 |
2.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/14. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, XLVI. Choral_ 'Dein Glanz all Finsternis verzehrt‘.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/15. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, XLVII. Arie (B)_ 'Erleucht auch meine finstre Stimme'.mp3 |
5.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/16. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, XLVIII. Rezitativ (E)_ 'Da das der König Herodes hörte'.mp3 |
230 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/17. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, XLX. Rezitativ (A)_ 'Warum wollt ihr erschrecken_'.mp3 |
746 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/18. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, L. Rezitativ (E)_ 'Und ließ versammeln alle Hohepriester'.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/19. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, LI. Terzett (SAT)_ 'Ach, wenn wird die Zeit erscheinen_'.mp3 |
8.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/20. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, LII. Rezitativ (A)_ 'Mein Liebster herrschet schon'.mp3 |
643 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/21. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ V. New-Year Sunday, LIII. Choral_ 'Zwar ist solche Herzensstube'.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/22. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LIV. Chor_ 'Herr, wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben'.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/23. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LV. Rezitativ (E) und Rezitativ (H)_ 'Da berief Herodes die Weisen heimlich'.mp3 |
946 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/24. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LVI. Rezitativ (S)_ 'Du Falscher, suche nur den Herrn zu fällen'.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/25. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LVII. Arie (S)_ 'Nur ein Wink von seinen Händen'.mp3 |
5.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/26. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LVIII. Rezitativ (E)_ 'Als sie nun den König gehöret hatten'.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/27. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LIX. Choral_ 'Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier'.mp3 |
2.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/28. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LX. Rezitativ (E)_ 'Und Gott befahl ihnen im Traum'.mp3 |
520 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/29. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LXI. Rezitativ (T)_ 'So geht! Genug, mein Schatz geht nicht von hier'.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/30. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LXII. Arie (T)_ 'Nun mögt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken'.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/31. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LXIII. Rezitativ (SATB)_ 'Was will der Höllen Schrecken nun'.mp3 |
1.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/32. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248_ VI. Epiphany Feast, LXIV. Choral_ 'Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen'.mp3 |
5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church).accurip |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church).cue |
12 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church).log |
19 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church/Johann Sebastian Bach [Berlin Academy of Old Music dir. René Jacobs] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 19 - Music for the Reformed Church).m3u |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/01. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Duo 'Stabat Mater Dolorosa'.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/02. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Aria 'Cuius animam gementem'.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/03. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Duo 'O quam tristis et afflicta'.mp3 |
3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/04. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Aria 'Quæ moerebat et dolebat'.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/05. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Duo 'Quis est homo, qui non fleret'.mp3 |
4.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/06. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Aria 'Vidit suum dulcem natum'.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/07. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Aria 'Eja, Mater, fons amoris'.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/08. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Duo 'Fac, ut ardeat cor meum'.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/09. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Duo 'Sancta Mater, istud agas'.mp3 |
7.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/10. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Aria 'Fac, ut portem Christi mortem'.mp3 |
5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/11. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Duo 'Inflammatus et accensus'.mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/12. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi_ Stabat Mater_ Duo 'Quando corpus morietur' - Duo 'Amen'.mp3 |
5.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/13. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ I. Grave assai 'Stabat Mater dolorosa'.mp3 |
6.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/14. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ II. Allegro 'Cujus animam gementem'.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/15. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ III. Allegretto con motto 'Quae moerebat et dolebat'.mp3 |
4.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/16. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ IV. Adagio assai. Recitativo 'Quis est homo'.mp3 |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/17. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ V. Allegretto 'Pro peccatis suae gentis'.mp3 |
5.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/18. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ VI. Larghetto non tanto 'Eja mater, fons amoris'.mp3 |
9.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/19. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ VII. Allegro vivo 'Tui nati vulnerati'.mp3 |
6.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/20. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ VIII. Andantino 'Virgo virginum praeclara'.mp3 |
7.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/21. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ IX. Larghetto 'Fac ut portem Christi mortem'.mp3 |
3.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/22. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ X. Allegro commodo 'Fac me plagis vulnerari'.mp3 |
3.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/23. Luigi Boccherini_ Stabat Mater, G 532_ XI. Andante lento 'Quando corpus morietur'.mp3 |
5.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 20 - Stabat Mater).accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 20 - Stabat Mater).cue |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 20 - Stabat Mater).log |
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Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 20 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 20 - Stabat Mater).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/01. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ I. Largo 'Stabat Mater dolorosa'.mp3 |
3.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/02. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ II. Adagio 'Cujus animam gementem'.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/03. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ III. Andante 'O quam tristis'.mp3 |
2.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/04. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ IV. Largo 'Quis est homo'.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/05. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ V. Adagio 'Quis non posset'.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/06. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ VI. Andante 'Pro peccatis suae gentis'.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/07. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ VII. Largo 'Eja mater, fons amoris'.mp3 |
3.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/08. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ VIII. Lento 'Fac ut ardeat'.mp3 |
2.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/09. Antonio Vivaldi_ Stabat Mater, RV 621_ IX. Allegro 'Amen'.mp3 |
1.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/10. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ I. Introduzione 'Stabat Mater dolorosa'.mp3 |
10.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/11. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ II. Aria 'Cujus animam gementem'.mp3 |
7.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/12. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ III. Duetto 'Quis est homo, qui non fleret'.mp3 |
8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/13. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ IV. Aria 'Pro peccatis suae gentis'.mp3 |
5.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/14. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ V. Coro e Recitativo 'Eja Mater, fons amoris'.mp3 |
6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/15. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ VI. Quartetto 'Sancta Mater, istud agas'.mp3 |
8.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/16. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ VII. Cavatina 'Fac, ut portem Christi mortem'.mp3 |
5.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/17. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ VIII. Aria e Coro 'Inflammatus et accensus'.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/18. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ IX. Quartetto 'Quando corpus morietur'.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/19. Gioacchino Rossini_ Stabat Mater_ X. Finale 'In sempiterna saecula. Amen'.mp3 |
7.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 21 - Stabat Mater).accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 21 - Stabat Mater).cue |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 21 - Stabat Mater).log |
9 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 21 - Stabat Mater/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 21 - Stabat Mater).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/01. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ I. Introitus_ 'Requiem aeternam'.mp3 |
6.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/01.00. (HTOA).mp3 |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/02. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ II. 'Kyrie eleison'.mp3 |
3.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/03. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IIIa. Sequenz_ 'Dies irae'.mp3 |
2.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/04. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IIIb. Sequenz_ 'Tuba mirum'.mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/05. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IIIc. Sequenz_ 'Rex tremendae'.mp3 |
2.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/06. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IIId. Sequenz_ 'Recordare'.mp3 |
6.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/07. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IIIe. Sequenz_ 'Confutatis'.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/08. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IIIf. Sequenz_ 'Lacrimosa'.mp3 |
4.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/09. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IVa. Offertorium_ 'Domine Jesu'.mp3 |
4.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/10. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ IVb. Offertorium_ 'Hostias'.mp3 |
5.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/11. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ V. 'Sanctus'.mp3 |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/12. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ VI. 'Benedictus'.mp3 |
6.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/13. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ VII. 'Agnus Dei'.mp3 |
4.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/14. Requiem in D minor, K. 626 (Süßmayr completion)_ VIII. Communio_ 'Lux aeterna'.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/15. Kyrie for Chorus & Orchestra in D minor, K. 368a_341.mp3 |
8.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Orchestre des Champs-Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 22 - Requiem).accurip |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Orchestre des Champs-Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 22 - Requiem).cue |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Orchestre des Champs-Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 22 - Requiem).log |
8 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 22 - Requiem/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Orchestre des Champs-Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 22 - Requiem).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/01. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45_ I. Selig sind, die da Leid tragen.mp3 |
12.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/02. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45_ II. Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras.mp3 |
17.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/03. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45_ III. Herr, lehre doch mich, daß ein Ende mit mir haben muß.mp3 |
12.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/04. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45_ IV. Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, Herr Zebaoth.mp3 |
6.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/05. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45_ V. Ihr habt nur Traurigkeit.mp3 |
8.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/06. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45_ VI. Denn wir haben hier keine bleibende Statt.mp3 |
14.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/07. Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45_ VII. Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herren sterben.mp3 |
11.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/Johannes Brahms [Orchestre des Champs Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 23 - Requiem).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/Johannes Brahms [Orchestre des Champs Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 23 - Requiem).cue |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/Johannes Brahms [Orchestre des Champs Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 23 - Requiem).log |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 23 - Requiem/Johannes Brahms [Orchestre des Champs Élysées dir. Philippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 23 - Requiem).m3u |
592 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/01. Gabriel Fauré_ Requiem Op.48 (1893 Version)_ I. Introit.mp3 |
9.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/02. Gabriel Fauré_ Requiem Op.48 (1893 Version)_ II. Offertoire.mp3 |
10.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/03. Gabriel Fauré_ Requiem Op.48 (1893 Version)_ III. Sanctus.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/04. Gabriel Fauré_ Requiem Op.48 (1893 Version)_ IV. Pie Jesu.mp3 |
5.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/05. Gabriel Fauré_ Requiem Op.48 (1893 Version)_ V. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
8.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/06. Gabriel Fauré_ Requiem Op.48 (1893 Version)_ VI. Libera Me.mp3 |
5.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/07. Gabriel Fauré_ Requiem Op.48 (1893 Version)_ VII. In Paradisum.mp3 |
5.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/08. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Introit.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/09. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Kyrie.mp3 |
4.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/10. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Domine Jesu Christe.mp3 |
10.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/11. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Sanctus.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/12. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Pie Jesu.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/13. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Agnus Dei.mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/14. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Lux Aeterna.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/15. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ Libera Me.mp3 |
6.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/16. Maurice Duruflé_ Requiem, Op.9_ In Paradisum.mp3 |
3.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 24 - Requiem).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 24 - Requiem).cue |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 24 - Requiem).log |
9 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 24 - Requiem/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 24 - Requiem).m3u |
940 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/01. Missa Solemnis Op. 123 in D major_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
15.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/01.00. (HTOA).mp3 |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/02. Missa Solemnis Op. 123 in D major_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
22.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/03. Missa Solemnis Op. 123 in D major_ III. Credo.mp3 |
23.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/04. Missa Solemnis Op. 123 in D major_ IV. Sanctus.mp3 |
6.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/05. Missa Solemnis Op. 123 in D major_ V. Benedictus.mp3 |
13.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/06. Missa Solemnis Op. 123 in D major_ VI. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
21.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/Ludwig van Beethoven [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées, dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/Ludwig van Beethoven [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées, dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century).cue |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/Ludwig van Beethoven [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées, dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century).log |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century/Ludwig van Beethoven [Orchestre Des Champs Élysées, dir. Phillippe Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 25 - 19th and 20th Century).m3u |
354 B |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/01. Felix Mendelssohn_ Psalm 100_ 'Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt'.mp3 |
5.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/02. Felix Mendelssohn_ Psalm 2 Op.78 No.1_ 'Warum toben die Heiden'.mp3 |
8.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/03. Felix Mendelssohn_ Psalm 43 Op.78 No.2_ 'Richte mich, Gott'.mp3 |
5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/04. Felix Mendelssohn_ Psalm 22 Op.78 No.3_ 'Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen_'.mp3 |
8.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/05. Felix Mendelssohn_ Choralmotette Op.23 No.3_ 'Mitten wir im Leben sind'.mp3 |
8.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/06. Felix Mendelssohn_ Motette Op.69 No.1_ 'Herr, nun lässest du deinen Dieiner in Frieden fahren.mp3 |
5.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/07. Felix Mendelssohn_ Motette Op.69 No.2_ 'Jauchzet Dem Herrn alle welt.mp3 |
6.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/08. Felix Mendelssohn_ Motette Op.69 No.3_ 'Mein Herz erhebet Gott, den Herrn.mp3 |
12.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/09. Felix Mendelssohn_ Missa Breve_ Kyrie eleison _ Ehre sei Gott in.der Höhe _ Heilig, heilig, heilig.mp3 |
9.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/10. Felix Mendelssohn_ Zum Abendsegen_ 'Herr, Sei Gnadig Unserm Flehn'.mp3 |
2.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/11. Anton Bruckner_ Motets_ Ave Maria.mp3 |
4.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/12. Anton Bruckner_ Motets_ Christus factus est.mp3 |
7.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/13. Anton Bruckner_ Motets_ Os justi.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/14. Anton Bruckner_ Motets_ Locus iste.mp3 |
3.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/15. Anton Bruckner_ Motets_ Vexilla regis.mp3 |
6.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/RIAS Kammerchor _ Ensemble Musique Oblique [dirs. Marcus Creed _ Phillip Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/RIAS Kammerchor _ Ensemble Musique Oblique [dirs. Marcus Creed _ Phillip Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century).cue |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/RIAS Kammerchor _ Ensemble Musique Oblique [dirs. Marcus Creed _ Phillip Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century).log |
7 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century/RIAS Kammerchor _ Ensemble Musique Oblique [dirs. Marcus Creed _ Phillip Herreweghe] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 26 - 19th and 20th Century).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/01. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence_ No. 1. Timor et tremor.mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/02. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence_ No. 2. Vinea mea electa.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/03. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence_ No. 3. Tenebræ factæ sunt.mp3 |
5.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/04. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence_ No. 4. Tristis est anima mea.mp3 |
4.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/05. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël_ No. 1. O magnum mysterium.mp3 |
3.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/06. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël_ No. 2. Quem vidistis pastores dicite.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/07. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël_ No. 3. Videntes stellam.mp3 |
4.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/08. Francis Poulenc_ Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël_ No. 4. Hodie Christus natus est.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/09. Francis Poulenc_ Mass in G major_ I. Kyrie.mp3 |
4.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/10. Francis Poulenc_ Mass in G major_ II. Gloria.mp3 |
5.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/11. Francis Poulenc_ Mass in G major_ III. Sanctus.mp3 |
3.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/12. Francis Poulenc_ Mass in G major_ IV. Benedictus.mp3 |
4.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/13. Francis Poulenc_ Mass in G major_ V. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/14. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ I. Devotions before Mass_ 1. Antiphon_ Kyrie eleison.mp3 |
4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/15. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ I. Devotions before Mass_ 2. Hymn and Psalm_ _A Simple Song_.mp3 |
5.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/16. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ I. Devotions before Mass_ 3. Responsory_ Alleluia.mp3 |
1.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/17. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ II. First Introit (Rondo)_ 1. Prefatory Prayers.mp3 |
7.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/18. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ II. First Introit (Rondo)_ 2. Thrice-Triple Canon_ Dominus vobiscum.mp3 |
955 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/19. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ III. Second Introit_ 1. In nomine Patris.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/20. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ III. Second Introit_ 2. Prayer for the Congregation (Chorale_ _Almighty Father_).mp3 |
2.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/21. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ III. Second Introit_ 3. Epiphany.mp3 |
1.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/22. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ IV. Confession_ 1. Confiteor.mp3 |
3.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/23. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ IV. Confession_ 2. Trope_ _I Don't Know_.mp3 |
2.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/24. Leonard Bernstein_ _Mass__ IV. Confession_ 3. Trope_ _Easy_.mp3 |
6.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century).accurip |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century).cue |
6 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century).log |
13 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century/Various Artists - HM Sacred Music (Disc 27 - 19th and 20th Century).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/01. 'Mass'_ V. Meditation No. 1.mp3 |
8.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/02. 'Mass'_ VI. Gloria_ 1. Gloria tibi.mp3 |
2.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/03. 'Mass'_ VI. Gloria_ 2. Gloria in excelsis.mp3 |
1.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/04. 'Mass'_ VI. Gloria_ 3. Trope_ 'Half of the People.mp3 |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/05. 'Mass'_ VI. Gloria_ 4. Trope_ 'Thank You'.mp3 |
3.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/06. 'Mass'_ VII. Meditation No. 2.mp3 |
4.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/07. 'Mass'_ VIII. Epistle_ 'The Word of the Lord'.mp3 |
8.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/08. 'Mass'_ IX. Gospel-Sermon_ 'God Said'.mp3 |
6.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/09. 'Mass'_ X. Credo_ 1. Credo in unum Deum.mp3 |
1.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/10. 'Mass'_ X. Credo_ 2. Trope_ 'Non Credo'.mp3 |
3.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/11. 'Mass'_ X. Credo_ 3. Trope_ 'Hurry'.mp3 |
1.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/12. 'Mass'_ X. Credo_ 4. Trope_ 'World Without End'.mp3 |
2.3 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/13. 'Mass'_ X. Credo_ 5. Trope_ 'I Believe In God'.mp3 |
2.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/14. 'Mass'_ XI. Meditation No. 3_ (De profundis, part 1).mp3 |
3.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/15. 'Mass'_ XII. Offertory_ (De profundis, part 2).mp3 |
2.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/16. 'Mass'_ XIII. The Lord's Prayer_ 1. Our Father.mp3 |
2.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/17. 'Mass'_ XIII. The Lord's Prayer_ 2. Trope_ 'I Go On'.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/18. 'Mass'_ XIV. Sanctus_ 'Holy! Holy! Holy!...'.mp3 |
7.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/19. 'Mass'_ XV. Agnus Dei.mp3 |
7.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/20. 'Mass'_ XVI. Fraction_ 'Things Get Broken'.mp3 |
19.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/21. 'Mass'_ XVII. Pax_ Communion_ 'Secret Songs'.mp3 |
13.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/Leonard Bernstein [Berlin Symphony Orchestra dir. Kent Nagano] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century).accurip |
3 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/Leonard Bernstein [Berlin Symphony Orchestra dir. Kent Nagano] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century).cue |
4 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/Leonard Bernstein [Berlin Symphony Orchestra dir. Kent Nagano] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century).log |
8 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century/Leonard Bernstein [Berlin Symphony Orchestra dir. Kent Nagano] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 28 - 19th and 20th Century).m3u |
1 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/01. Dmitry Bortniansky_ Orthodox Chant_ Da ispravitsia molitva moia (Let My Prayer Arise) No. 2.mp3 |
8.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/02. Giuseppe Sarti_ Orthodox Chant_ Nyne sily nebesnyia (Now the Powers of Heaven).mp3 |
7.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/03. Dmitry Bortniansky_ Orthodox Chant_ Kheruvimskaia pesn (The Cherubic Hymn) No. 7.mp3 |
5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/04. Vassily Titov_ Orthodox Chant_ Slava (Glory) - Yedinorodnyi Syne (Only-begotten Son).mp3 |
4.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/05. Baldassare Galuppi_ Orthodox Chant_ Plotiyu usnuv (In the flesh Thou didst fall asleep).mp3 |
3.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/06. Dmitry Bortniansky_ Orthodox Chant, Choral Concerto No. 24_ Vozvedokh ochi moyi v gory (I lift up my eyes to the mountains).mp3 |
8.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/07. Nikolai Diletski_ Orthodox Chant_ Khvalite imia Gospodne (Praise the Name of the Lord).mp3 |
2.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/08. Dmitry Bortniansky_ Orthodox Chant, Choral Concerto No. 27_ Glasom moim ko Gospodu vozzvakh (With my voice I cried out to the Lord).mp3 |
12.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/09. Artemy Vedel_ Orthodox Chant_ Na rekakh vavilonskikh (By the rivers of Babylon).mp3 |
13.7 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/10. Dmitry Bortniansky_ Orthodox Chant, Choral Concerto No. 32_ Skazhi mi, Gospodi, konchinu moyu (Lord, make me to know my end).mp3 |
10.9 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/11. Sergei Rachmaninov_ Vespers (All-Night Vigil), Op. 37_ Come, let us worship.mp3 |
3.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/12. Sergei Rachmaninov_ Vespers (All-Night Vigil), Op. 37_ Praise the Lord, O my soul.mp3 |
6.1 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/13. Sergei Rachmaninov_ Vespers (All-Night Vigil), Op. 37_ Blessed is the man.mp3 |
5.5 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/14. Sergei Rachmaninov_ Vespers (All-Night Vigil), Op. 37_ O gentle light.mp3 |
4.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/15. Sergei Rachmaninov_ Vespers (All-Night Vigil), Op. 37_ Lord, now lettest Thou.mp3 |
4.6 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/16. Sergei Rachmaninov_ Vespers (All-Night Vigil), Op. 37_ Rejoice, O Virgin.mp3 |
3.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/Various Artists [Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir dir. Paul Hillier] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music).accurip |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/Various Artists [Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir dir. Paul Hillier] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music).cue |
5 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/Various Artists [Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir dir. Paul Hillier] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music).log |
8 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music/Various Artists [Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir dir. Paul Hillier] - HM Sacred Music (Disc 29 - Orthodox Church Music).m3u |
2 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Booklet.pdf |
2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Box Cover.jpg |
138 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Box Insert I.jpg |
350 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Box Insert II.jpg |
311 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Box Set Full.jpg |
227 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Box Set Out Full.png |
1.4 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Box Set Out.PNG |
137 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/Box Slip.jpg |
388 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/DEUTSCH.pdf |
8.8 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/ENGLISH.pdf |
9.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Disc 30 - Art, Scans, PDF/FRANCAIS.pdf |
9.2 MB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Harmonia Mundi - 2009 - Cornerstone Works of Sacred Music [30-CD Box Set].m3u |
61 KB |
Harmonia Mundi - 2007 - Sacred Music Box Set/Harmonia Mundi - 2009 - Cornerstone Works of Sacred Music [30-CD Box Set].nfo |
57 KB |