Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics

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Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Amos de-Shalit & Igal Talmi - Nuclear shell theory (1963).djvu 9.6 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bader, Richard F.W. - Atoms in molecules (1994).pdf 40.7 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Basdevant Jean-Louis, James Rich, Michel Spiro - Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics_From Nuclear Structure to Cosmology (2004).pdf 4.6 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bates D.R. (ed.) - Atomic and Molecular Processes (1962).djvu 15 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Berezhnoy, Yuri A. - The Quantum World of Nuclear Physics.pdf 11 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bernath, Peter F. - Spectra of atoms and molecules (2nd ed. OUP 2005).pdf 18 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bitter, Francis - Nuclear Physics _A Textbook (1950).djvu 5.4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Blackwood, Osgood, Ruark - An outline of atomic physics (1957).djvu 8.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Blumel R. & Reinhardt W.P. - Chaos in Atomic Physics (1997).djvu 1.9 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bohr, Aage & Ben R. Mottelson - Nuclear Structure Vol 1 (1998).pdf 28.5 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bohr, Aage & Ben R. Mottelson - Nuclear Structure Vol 2 (1998).pdf 44 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Boyle J.J. & Pindzola M.S. - Many-body atomic physics (2005).djvu 2.9 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Brand J.C.D. & Speakman J.C. - Molecular Structure_The Physical Approach (1960).djvu 28 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bransden B.H. & Joachain C.J. - Physics of atoms and molecules (1990).pdf 25.5 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Brink, David & Broglia, Ricardo - Nuclear Superfluidity_Pairing in Finite Systems, CUP 2005.pdf 6.8 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Burkhardt, Charles E. & Jacob J. Leventhal - Topics in Atomic Physics (2006).pdf 3.4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Bydžovský P., Gal A. & Mareš J. (eds.) - Topics in Strangeness Nuclear Physics (Springer 2007).pdf 5.1 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Casten, Richard F. - Algebraic Approaches to Nuclear Structure (1993).pdf 36.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Cohen-Tannoudji - Atoms In Electromagnetic Fields 2nd ed (World, 2004).pdf 45.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Condon, Edward Uhler & Halis Odabasi - Atomic Structure (1980).djvu 9.7 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Connerade, Jean-Patrick - Highly Excited Atoms (1998).djvu 3.1 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Cook, Norman D. - Models of the Atomic Nucleus_Unification Through a Lattice of Nucleons (2010).pdf 10.7 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Cottingham, W. N.; Greenwood, D. A. - Introduction to nuclear physics (2nd ed. CUP 2001).pdf 22.7 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Crosby, Susannah - Nuclear Physics (2009).pdf 4.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Das, A. &T. Ferbel - Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 2e (WSP, 2003).pdf 18.1 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Deloff, A. - Fundamentals in Hadronic Atomic Theory (2003).pdf 23.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Demtroede, Wolfgang - Atoms, Molecules and Photons_An Introduction to Atomic, Molecular and Quantum Physics (2006).pdf 10.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Durand D., Suraud E. & Tamain B. - Nuclear Dynamics in the Nucleonic Regime.pdf 4.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Foot, Christopher J. - Atomic Physics (2005).pdf 10.5 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Foundations of nuclear physics_Facsimils of 13 fundamental studies.djvu 34.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Friedrich, Harald & Bruno Eckhardt (Eds.) - Classical, Semiclassical and Quantum Dynamics in Atoms (1997).pdf 16.8 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Friedrich, Harald - Theoretical Atomic Physics (2006).pdf 12.8 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Gallagher, Thomas F. - Rydberg Atoms (1994).djvu 2.9 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Grant I.P. - Relativistic Quantum Theory of Atoms and Molecules (2007).pdf 7.4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Greiner W., Maruhn J. - Nuclear Models (Springer,1996).djvu 4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Griffith J.S. - Irreducible Tensor Method for Molecular Symmetry Groups (1962).djvu 3.9 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Haken, Hermann & Hans Christoph Wolf - The Physics of Atoms and Quanta 7e (Springer, 2005).pdf 68.5 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Henley, Ernest M & Alejandro Garcia - Subatomic Physics (2007).pdf 12.8 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Heyde K. - Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics (2nd ed. 1999).pdf 20.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Iachello F. and Levine R.D. - Algebraic theory of molecules (1995).pdf 8.6 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Johnson, Walter R. - Atomic structure theory (2007).pdf 2.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Krane, Kenneth S. - Introductory Nuclear Physics (1988).djvu 9.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Kuo Lim - Problems And Solutions On Atomic, Nuclear, And Particle Physics.pdf 3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Levitt, Malcolm H. - Spin Dynamics_Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.djvu 7.9 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Lindgren I., Morrison J. - Atomic many-body theory (Springer, 1981).djvu 14.1 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Martin, Brian R. - Nuclear and Particle Physics_An Introduction (2006).pdf 19.7 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Matta C.F. & Boyd R.J. - The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (2007).pdf 11.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Migdal A.B - Nuclear theory_the quasiparticle method (1968).djvu 2.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Mizushima - Structure of molecules and Internal Rotation (1954).djvu 6.6 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Mott N.F. & Massey H.S.W. - Theory of atomic collisions 3ed._Oxford_1965.djvu 10 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Nuclear Structure_Proceedings at the Conference Bologna 2000.pdf 25.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Parsegian, V. Adrian - Van der Waals forces (2006).pdf 3.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Pauli, Wolfgang - Meson theory of nuclear forces (Wiley Interscience 1948).djvu 1.4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Povh, Bogdan et al - Particles and Nuclei_An Introduction to the Physical Concepts (2008).pdf 3.4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Rau A.R.P. - Astronomy-inspired atomic and molecular physics (Kluwer,2002).pdf 6.4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Rosenfeld L. - Nuclear Forces 1 (1948).djvu 9.5 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Rosenfeld L. - Nuclear Forces 2 (1948).djvu 7.8 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Roy R.R. & Nigam B.P. - Nuclear Physics (1967).pdf 64.1 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Rudzikas, Zenonas - Theoretical atomic spectroscopy (1997).djvu 2.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Smilansky U., Talmi I., Weidenmueller H.A. (eds.) - Nuclear Structure Physics (Springer, 1973).djvu 1.8 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Smirnov, Boris Mikhailovich - Physics of Atoms and Ions (2003).pdf 5.1 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Storms, Edmund - The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (Cold Fusion) 2007.pdf 9.3 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Syrkin & Dyatkina - Structure of Molecules and Chemical Bond (1950).djvu 12.4 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Szasz, Levente - The Electronic Structure Of Atoms (1992).pdf 16.9 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Thomas, Anthony W. & Weise Wolfram - The Structure of the Nucleon (2001).djvu 1.7 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Torrent downloaded from 46 B
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Walecka, John Dirk - Theoretical Nuclear And Subnuclear Physics 2nd ed (World, 2004).pdf 27.1 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Weissbluth, M. - Atoms and Molecules (Academic Press, 1978).djvu 3.2 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Wesson J. - Tokamaks (3ed., Oxford, 2004).djvu 9 MB
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics/Wong, S. - Introductory Nuclear Physics 2nd ed (Wiley-VCH, 1999).pdf 24.7 MB
Name Size Peers
Atomic Doctors_ Conscience and Complicity at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age by James L. Nolan Jr. EPUB Ebook 72.6 MB 24
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics) Application 3.9 MB 9
8_Lim_Problems and solutions on Atomic, nuclear and particle physics.pdf Application 3 MB 1
[ ] Nuclear Statecraft- History and Strategy in America's Atomic Application 745 KB 1
Atomic Awakening_ A New Look at the History and Future of Nuclear Power by James Mahaffey EPUB Ebook 873 KB 1
Nuclear Assault - Atomic waste (demos and rehersals) Audio 207.5 MB 1
(ebook) nuke - atom bomb - Technical history and contruction of nuclear weapons - 2500 page - Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hanson - (unencrypted).zip Application 35.6 MB 1
Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics Application 970.3 MB 8
James Mahaffey - Atomic Adventures Secret Islands, Forgotten N-Rays, and Isotopic Murder - A Journey into the Wild World of Nuclear Science (Unabridged) Audio 742.4 MB 5
Atomic Awakening A New Look at the History and Future of Nuclear Power (Unabridged) 320 MB 3
Critical Mass, The Real Story of the Birth of the Atomic Bomb and the Nuclear Age - Carter P Hydrick.epub Ebook 371 KB 2
John Yarwood - Atomic And Nuclear Physics.pdf Application 27.1 MB 1
James Mahaffey - Atomic Accidents A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters Audio 219 MB 1
Problems And Solutions On Atomic, Nuclear, And Particle Physics - Kuo Lim Application 3 MB 1
