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2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Trigonometry/Wesner - Trigonometry with Applications (3rd ed.) HQ.pdf 74.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Trigonometry/Palmer C., Leigh C. - Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.pdf 16.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Trigonometry/Gibilisco S. - Trigonometry Demystified.pdf 4.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Trigonometry/Butler S. - Notes from Trigonometry.pdf 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Rosen - Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry and its Applications.pdf 96.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Thurston - The Geometry & Topology of 3-Manifold.pdf 42.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Behnke, Bachmann - Fundamentals of Mathematics Vol. 2, Geometry.pdf 31.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Guillemin, Sternberg - Geometry Asymptotics.pdf 30 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Ribet K. - Current Trends in Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry.pdf 20.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/DeBerg - Computational Geometry Algorithms and Applications (2nd ed.).pdf 17.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Jo'orourk - Computational Geometry in C.pdf 17 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Shafarevich I. R. - Algebraic geometry I-V.djvu 15.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Hemmerling E. M. - Fundamentals of College Geometry (2nd ed.).pdf 15.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Plane Analytic Geometry With Differential Calculus - Maxime Bocher.pdf 13.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Falconer - Fractal Geometry Mathematical Foundations & Applications.pdf 11.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Hartshorne R. - Algebraic Geometry.djvu 8.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Eisenbud D. - Commutative Algebra, With A View Toward Algebraic Geometry.djvu 7.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Helgason S. - Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces (AP, 1978).djvu 7.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Cox D., Katz S. - Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry.djvu 6.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Real Algebraic Geometry - J. Bochnak, M. Coste, M. Roy.djvu 5.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Miron, Hrimiuc, Shimara, Sabau - The Geometry of Hamilton and Lagrange Spaces.pdf 5.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Ewald G. - Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry.djvu 4.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Arabello E., Cornalba M., Griffiths P., Harris J. - Geometry of Algebraic Curves Vol. 1.djvu 4.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Verlag - Glimpses of Algebra and Geometry (2nd ed.).pdf 4.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Lapidus M., et al. - Fractal Geometry, Complex Dimensions and Zeta Functions (Springer, 2006).pdf 4.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Eyssette F., Galligo A. - Computational Algebraic Geometry.djvu 4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Calvet R. G. - Treatise of Plane Geometry Through Geometric Algebra.pdf 4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Akivis M., Goldberg V. - Differential Geometry of Varieties With Degenerate Gauss Maps (Springer, 2004).pdf 4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Bump D. - Algebraic Geometry (2).djvu 3.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Coxeter - Introduction to Geometry (2nd ed.).djvu 3.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Harris J. - Algebraic Geometry A First Course.djvu 3.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Positivity In Algebraic Geometry - R. Lazarsfeld.djvu 3.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Silva A. da, Weinstein A. - Geometric Models for Noncummutative Algebras.pdf 3.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Ueno K. - An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry (AMS, 1995).djvu 3.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Vossler D. - Exploring Analytic Geometry with Mathematica.pdf 2.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Artin E. - Geometric Algebra.djvu 2.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Coxeter H. S. M. - Non-Euclidean Geometry (6th ed.).djvu 2.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Mumford D. - Abelian Varieties.djvu 2.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Sphere Packings - C. Zong.djvu 2.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Bump D. - Algebraic Geometry (1).djvu 1.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Harris J., Morrison I. - Moduli of Curves.pdf 1.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Thomas - Zeta Functions, Introduction to Algebraic Geometry.djvu 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Eisenbud D., Harris. J. - The Geometry of Schemes.pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Ueno K. - Algebraic Geometry I. From Algebraic Varieties to Schemes.djvu 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Mine J. S. - Algebraic Geometry.pdf 1.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Bryant R. L. - Introduction to Lie groups and Symplectic Geometry.pdf 1.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Dolgachev - Introduction to Algebraic Geometry.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Chen - Computational Geometry Methods And Applications.pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Doran C. - Geometric Algebra and its Application to Mathematical Physics.pdf 1003 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Gardenfors - Conceptual Spaces The Geometry Of Thought.chm 748 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Geometry/Borovik A., Borovik A. - Mirrors and Reflections - The Geometry of Finite Reflection Groups.pdf 670 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Kurosh A. - The Theory of Groups (2nd ed.) Vol. 1.djvu 12.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Fulton W., Harris J. - Representation Theory - A First Course.djvu 10.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Dixon J. - Problems in Group Theory.djvu 7.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Schmidt O. - Abstract Theory of Groups.djvu 7.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Bechtell H. - The Theory of Groups.djvu 6.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Burnside W. - Theory Of Groups of Finite Order.djvu 4.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Polites G. - Introduction to the Theory of Groups.djvu 3.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Atiyah M., et al. - Representation Theory of Lie groups.djvu 2.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Gruenberg K. - Cohomological Topics in Group Theory.djvu 2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Garrett P. - Buildings and Classical Groups.pdf 1.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Cvitanovic P. - Group Theory (Lie's, Tracks and Exceptional Groups).djvu 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Cvitanovic P. - Group Theory Exceptional Lie Groups As Invariance Groups.pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Borel A. - Linear Algebraic Groups.djvu 1.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Greenstein D., Lyons R., Solomon R. - The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups.djvu 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Dieck T. - Quantum Groups and Knot Algebra.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Milicic D. - Lectures on Lie Groups.pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Hall B. - An Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations.pdf 1015 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Sternberg S. - Lie Algebras.pdf 839 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Michor P. - Isometric Actions of Lie Groups and Invariants [jnl article].pdf 808 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Kandasamy W. - Groupoids. and Smarandache Groupoids.pdf 573 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Artin E. - Galois Theory (2nd ed.).djvu 530 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Kandasamy W. - Smarandache Semigroups.pdf 505 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Milne J. - Group Theory [jnl article].pdf 504 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Group Theory/Firk Frank W. K. - Introduction To Groups, Invariants and Particles.pdf 368 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Strang G. - Linear Algebra and Its Applications (3rd ed.).pdf 83.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Nicholson, Keith W. - Linear Algebra with Applications (3rd ed.).pdf 67.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Messer R. - Linear Algebra Gateway to Mathematics.djvu 20.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Hoffman Kenneth, Kunze Ray - Linear Algebra (Prentice-Hall, Edition 2, 1971).pdf 20.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Lay D. C. - Linear Algebra And Its Applications.pdf 16.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Meyer C. D. - Matrix Analysis & Applied Linear Algebra.pdf 6.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Borel A. - Linear Algebraic Groups (2nd ed.).djvu 5.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Lipschutz S. - Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra (2nd ed.).djvu 4.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Beezer Robert A. - A First Course In Linear Algebra.pdf 4.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Hoffman Kenneth, Kunze Ray - Linear algebra (2ed, PH, 1971)(T)(415s).djvu 4.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Hefferson Jim - Linear Algebra.pdf 3.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Demmel James W. - Applied Numerical Linear Algebra.djvu 2.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Matrices Over Commutative Rings - W. Brown.djvu 2.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Iohvidov I. - Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices and Forms.djvu 2.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Dale P., Vein R. - Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics.pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Shores T. S. - Applied Linear Algebra And Matrix Analysis.pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Kuttler Kenneth - An Introduction To Linear Algebra.djvu 1.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Mathews K. R. - Elementary Linear Algebra.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Serre D. - Matrices Theory and Applications.pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Kandasamy Vasantha W. B. - Linear Algebra and Smarandache Linear Algebra.pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Axler S. - Linear Algebra Done Right (2nd ed.).pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Kandasamy W. B. V. - Linear Algebra and Smarandache Linear Algebra.pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Sharipov R. - Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry.pdf 897 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Connell E. H. - Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra.pdf 642 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Banks T. - Matrix Theory [jnl article].pdf 579 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Linear Algebra/Hueper - Calculus Approach To Matrix Eigenvalue Algorithms.pdf 360 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Wesner - College Algebra and Trigonometry with Applications 2e HQ.pdf 183.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Wesner - Elementary Algebra with Applications 3e HQ.pdf 110.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Jacobson N. - Structure and Representation of Jordan Algebras.pdf 39.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Wesner - Intermediate Algebra with Applications 3e HQ.pdf 33.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Borel A., Mostow G. - Symposium on Algebraic Groups - Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups.pdf 27.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Borel A., Mostow G. - Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups.pdf 27.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Beecher - Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd ed.).pdf 22.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Bittinger Marvin L. - Algebra & Trigonometry Graphs & Models (3rd ed.).pdf 22.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kreyszig - Advanced Engineering Mathematics (9th ed.).djvu 21.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Levitz H., Levitz K. - Logic and Boolean Algebra.pdf 18 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kolman B., Beck R. - Elementary Linear Programming with Applications (Elsevier, 1995).pdf 16 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kostrikin A. I., Shafarevich I. R. - Algebra I Basic Notions Of Algebra.pdf 13.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Wedderburn J. H. M. - Lectures on Matricies.pdf 12.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Wedderburn - Lectures On Matrices.pdf 12.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Franzen T. - Godel's Theorem - An Incomplete Guide to Its Use and Abuse (2005).pdf 12.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Hazewinkel M. - Handbook of Algebra Vol 1.djvu 11.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Hazewinkel M. - Handbook of Algebra Vol 2.djvu 10.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Hardy G., Wright E. - Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (4th ed. 1968).pdf 9.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Von Zur Gathen, Gerhard - Modern Computer Algebra.djvu 9.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Banach S., Theory Of Linear Operations (North-Holland Mathematical Library).pdf 9.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Debnath L., Mikusinski P. - Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications (1990).djvu 9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Yaglom I., Zeldovich Y. - Higher Mathematics for Beginners (Mir, 1987).djvu 8.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Alekseev V. B. - Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions.pdf 7.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Eisenbud D. - Commutative Algebra, with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry.djvu 7.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Goodman F. - Abstract and Concrete (2.5 ed., 2006).pdf 6.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Goldberg S., Unbounded Linear Operators - Theory And Applications.pdf 6.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Ernest P. - The Philosophy of Mathematics Education (Falmer, 1991).pdf 6.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Bratelli O. - Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol. 2 (2nd ed.).djvu 6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Rotman Joseph J. - Advanced Modern Algebra.pdf 5.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Bird J. - Basic Engineering Mathematics (4th ed., Newnes, 2005).pdf 5.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Lam T. - A First Course in Noncommutative Rings.djvu 5.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Yap C. K. - Fundamental Problems in Algorithmic Algebra.pdf 5.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Hilton P., Stammbach U. - A Course in Homological Algebra.djvu 5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Keddes K., Czapor S., Labahn G. - Algorithms for Computer Algebra.djvu 4.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Bratelli O. - Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol. 1 (2nd ed.).djvu 4.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Diamond H., Pollard H. - The Theory Of Algebraic Numbers (2nd ed.).djvu 4.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Matsumura H. - Commutative Ring Theory.djvu 4.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Goldschmidt D. - Group Characters, Symmetric Functions and the Hecke Algebras.pdf 4.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Mishra B. - Algorithmic Algebra.djvu 3.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Debnath L., Mikusinski P., Hilbert Spaces With Applications.pdf 3.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Dales G., et al. - Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis (Cambridge, 2003).pdf 3.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Gelfand S., Manin Y. - Methods of Homological Algebra.djvu 3.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Gencay R., et. al. - An Introduction to Wavelets and Other Filtering Methods in Finance and Economics (AP, 2001).djvu 3.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Tournier E. - Computer Algebra and Differential Equations.djvu 2.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Ring of Quotients - Introduction to Methods of Ring Theory - Bo Stenstrom.djvu 2.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra Vol. 9.pdf 2.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Friedman R. - Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles.djvu 2.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Chevalley C. - The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras.djvu 2.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Baker-Fluckiger E., Lewis D., Raniki A. - Quadratic Forms and their Applications.pdf 2.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Dym C. - Principles of Mathematical Modeling (2nd ed., AP, 2006).pdf 2.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Greub W. H. - Linear Algebra (3rd ed.).djvu 2.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Put M. van der, Singer M. - Differential Galois Theory.pdf 2.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Borel A. et. al. - Algebraic D-Modules.djvu 2.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Ash Robert B. - Algebra Abstract.pdf 2.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Ash R. - Abstract Algebra - The Basic Graduate Year.djvu 2.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Matsumura H. - Commutative Algebra (2nd ed., 1980).djvu 2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Gilbert, Nicholson - Modern Algebra With Applications (2nd ed.).djvu 1.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Coutinho S. - A Primer of Algebraic D-Modules.djvu 1.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Vermani L. - An Elementary Approach to Homological Algebra.djvu 1.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Schemes - D. Eisenbud, J. Harris.djvu 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Invitation to Higher Local Feilds - I. Fesenko, M. Kurihara.pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Huettenmueller Rhonda - Algebra Demystified.pdf 1.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Klima R., Sigmon N., Stitzinger E. - Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE.pdf 1.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Hilger Adam - Compact Numerical Methods for Computers Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation (2nd ed.).pdf 1.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Robbiano, Kreuzer - Computational Commutative Algebra.pdf 1.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Higgins P. - Number Story - From Counting to Cryptography (Copernicus, 2008).pdf 1.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Galois Theory 2nd ed. - E. Artin.pdf 1.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kandasamy W. B. V. - Bialgebraic Structures.pdf 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Quillen D. - Homotopical Algebra.djvu 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Barr M., Wells W. - Toposes, Triples and Theories.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Burris S., Sankappanavar H. P. - A Course In Universal Algebra.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Garret P. - Introduction to Abstract Algera.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/MacDonald I., Atiyah M. - Introduction to Commutative Algebra.djvu 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Matthews K. R. - Elementary Linear Algebra.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Near-Rings.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Rings.pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Fauser - Treatise on Quantum Clifford Algebras.pdf 979 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Surowski D. - Workbook in Higher Algeba.pdf 808 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Semirings, Semifields, Semi Vector Spaces.pdf 710 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Vasantha W. B. - Groupoids and Smarandache Groupoids.pdf 568 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Milne J. - Fileds and Galois Theory [jnl article].pdf 552 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Kandasamy W. B. V. - Smarandache Loops.pdf 541 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Beachy John A. - Abstract Algebra - A Study Guide for Beginners.pdf 481 KB
2 - Mathematics/Algebra/Gray R. M. - Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices.pdf 278 KB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Complex analysis/Cain G. - Complex Analysis.pdf 849 KB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Complex analysis/Alder M. D. - An Introduction to Complex Analysis for Engineers.pdf 804 KB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Complex analysis/Houston K. - Complex Analysis (2003).pdf 393 KB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Complex analysis/Arnold D. N. - Complex Analysis.pdf 296 KB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Complex analysis/Deitmar A. - Complex Analysis.pdf 196 KB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Complex analysis/Jacobowitz H. - Real Hypersurfaces and Complex Analysis.pdf 192 KB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Hille E., Phillips R. - Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups.pdf 74.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Goursat E., A Course in Mathematical Analysis.pdf 42.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Goursat Edouard, Hedrick Earle Raymond - A Course in Mathematical Analysis - Vol. I.pdf 42.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Goursat E., Hedrick E. R. - A Course In Mathematical Analysis Vol. 1 (Ginn and Company).pdf 42.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Borel A., Casselman W. - Automorphic Forms, Representations and L-Functions Part 2.pdf 31.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Yoshida K. - Functional Analysis.pdf 29.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Bulirsch R., Stoer J. - Introduction to Numerical Analysis (2nd ed.).pdf 29.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Yeh J. - Real Analysis, Theory of Measure and Integration (2nd ed.).pdf 28.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Kolmogorov A., Fomin S. - Introductory Real Analysis.pdf 27.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Fomin S., Kolmogorov A. - Introductory Real Analysis.pdf 27.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Borel A., Casselman W. - Automorphic Forms, Representations and L-Functions Part 1.pdf 25.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear partial differential equation - P. Showalter.pdf 19.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Harmonic Analysis, Real Variable Methods Orthogonality & Oscillatory Integrals - Stein.pdf 18.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Real and complex analysis third edition - Rudin.djvu 17.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Ahlfors - Complex Analysis.pdf 15.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Hardy - A course of Pure Mathematics.djvu 14.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Real And Complex Analysis International Student edn - W. Rudin.pdf 13.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Apostol T. M. - Mathematical Analysis.djvu 10 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Rudin W. - Fourier Analysis on Groups.pdf 9.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Watson G., Whittaker E. - A Course of Modern Analysis (4th ed.).djvu 9.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Marsden, Ratiu, Abraham - Manifolds, Tensor Analysis and Applications (3rd ed.).pdf 8.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Wiley - An Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers.pdf 8.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Moaveni S. - Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS.djvu 8.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Neumann J. von - Functional Operators, Vol. 1 - Measures and Integrals.djvu 8.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Spiegel - Theory and Problems Of Fourier Analysis with Applications to Boundary Value Problems.pdf 8.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Carslaw H. S. - Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series and Integrals (2nd ed.).djvu 8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Measure And Integral an introduction to Real analysis - Wheeden and Zygmund,.djvu 7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Rudin W. - Functional Analysis.djvu 6.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Varadarajan V. - Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups.djvu 6.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Real Mathematical Analysis- Charles Chapman.pdf 6.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Smith M. - Principles and Applications of Tensor Analysis.pdf 6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Jolley L. B. W. - Summation of Series (2nd rev. ed.).pdf 5.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Hoermander L. - Notions of Convexity.djvu 5.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Smirnov V. - A Course of Higher Mathematics Vol. 2.djvu 5.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Axler, Gehring, Ribet - Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis.pdf 5.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/de Boor - Elementary Numerical Analysis An Algorithmic Approach (3rd ed.).pdf 5.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Alhford L. - Complex Analysis (2nd ed.).djvu 5.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Sequeira A., H. da Vega, Videman J. - Applied Nonlinear Analysis.djvu 5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Smirnov V. - A Course of Higher Mathematics Vol. 1.djvu 4.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Collins G. W. - Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis.pdf 4.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Henrici P. - Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Vol 1.djvu 4.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Henrici P. - Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Vol 2.djvu 4.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Bartle R. - The Elements of Real Analysis.djvu 4.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Mixed Motives - M. Levine.pdf 3.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Flaherty Joseph E. - Finite Element Analysis (Lecture Notes, Spring 2000, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute).pdf 3.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Koblitz N. - p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions (2nd ed.).djvu 3.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Hoppensteadt F. - Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems (2nd ed.).pdf 3.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Szarski J. - Differential Inequalities.djvu 3.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Titshmarch - The Theory Of The Riemann Zeta-Function.djvu 3.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Kuczma M. - Functional Equations in a Single Variable.djvu 3.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Conway J. - Functions of One Complex Variable (2nd ed.).djvu 2.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Chen W. - Introduction to Complex Analysis Lecture Notes.pdf 2.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Hiai F., Kosaki H. - Means of Hilbert Space Operators.pdf 2.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Nevanlinna R., Paatero V. - Introduction to Complex Analysis.djvu 2.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Principles of Mathematical Analysis 3ed - Rudin W.djvu 2.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Friedman - Foundations of Modern Analysis.djvu 2.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Dodge C. - Foundations of Algebra and Analysis.djvu 2.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Ibstedt H. - Computer Analysis of Number Sequences.pdf 2.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Porter D., Stirling D. - Integral Equations - A Practical Treatment.djvu 2.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Salem - Algebraic Numbers and Fourier Analysis.pdf 2.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Zakon E. - Mathematical Analysis.pdf 2.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Goffman C., Nishiura T., Waterman D. - Homeomorphisms in Analysis.djvu 2.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Kuttler K. - Basic Analysis.pdf 2.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Rugh W. J. - Nonlinear System Theory.pdf 1.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Hochstadt H. - Integral Equations.djvu 1.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Borisenko A., Tarapov I. - Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications.djvu 1.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Jacquet H., Langlands R. - Automorphic Forms on GL(2).pdf 1.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Theory of Functions of a Real Variable - S. Sternberg.pdf 1.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Cain - Complex Analysis.pdf 1.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Smith (III) J. O. - Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform.pdf 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Zakon E. - Basic Math Conecpts.pdf 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Protter M. - Basic Elements of Real Analysis (1998).pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Protter M. - Basic Elements of Real Analysis.pdf 1.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Analysis/Borwein, Lewis - Convex Analysis and Non Linear Optimization Theory and Examples.pdf 1.2 MB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/splitnode.m 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/Addnoder.m 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csexpoplot.m 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/filip.txt 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csppstrtrem.m 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csparallel.M 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csppind.m 2 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/abrasion.txt 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/tibetan.mat 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csclustproc.m 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cskern2d.M 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csstars.m 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/splitnoder.m 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/brnchmisclas.m 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cstreec.m 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cskernmd.M 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbinoplot.m 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/brncherr.M 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/insulate.mat 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbinproc.m 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/flea.txt 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csinhibproc.m 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cstreer.m 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cssample.m 1014 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/peanuts.txt 1012 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbinop.m 1007 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/anscombe.mat 992 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csgetregion.m 981 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/Readme.m 974 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cereal.mat 968 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csghat.m 948 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/setvarm.m 947 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/brownlee.txt 938 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/snowfall.txt 936 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csquantiles.m 933 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/quakes.txt 924 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/getchild.m 922 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/brownlee.mat 912 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/measure.txt 895 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csnardwats.m 892 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cspicktreer.m 874 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbinoq.m 865 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/nfl.mat 856 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/okblack.MAT 848 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cskern1d.m 845 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbinoc.m 843 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csplotuni.m 841 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csgelrub.m 838 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cspicktreec.m 831 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csrup.m 828 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csexpoq.m 822 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cspoirnd.m 812 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csgamrnd.m 811 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/anscombe.txt 799 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/peanuts.mat 784 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csgammp.m 779 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/anaerob.mat 776 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/prunebrnch.m 770 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csweibq.m 764 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csmvrnd.m 760 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/steam.txt 752 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cspoisc.m 746 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csnormq.m 720 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cereal.txt 704 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/whisky.txt 698 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/snowfall.mat 696 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csgammc.m 692 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cspoisp.m 681 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csevalnorm.m 677 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cschirnd.m 672 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/okwhite.MAT 672 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csexpop.m 657 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csexpoc.m 653 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csunifq.m 648 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbetac.m 644 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/steam.mat 640 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cssphrnd.m 640 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbetap.m 640 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cscomb.m 629 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csweibp.m 616 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csgampar.m 615 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/insect.txt 612 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/createm.m 611 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csweibc.m 605 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/rvarupm.m 599 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cshistden.m 598 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/whisky.mat 592 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csexprnd.m 587 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/coal.mat 576 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cssetvar.m 573 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/household.mat 568 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbinrnd.m 567 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csnormc.m 554 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csnormp.m 552 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cschic.m 545 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/human.mat 544 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/elderly.mat 544 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csunifc.m 532 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csunifp.m 529 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/getdata.m 528 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/Getinfo.m 519 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csecdf.m 511 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/geyser.mat 496 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csexpar.m 489 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/rpostupm.m 470 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cskurtosis.m 459 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cschip.m 457 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/flea.mat 456 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/thrombos.mat 448 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/getbranch.m 442 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/human.txt 424 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/law.mat 424 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/thrombos.txt 416 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csrpostup.m 412 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/getprob.m 401 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/moths.txt 397 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/spatial.txt 397 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cspoipar.m 396 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csbinpar.m 394 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/cskewness.m 390 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csdunrnd.m 390 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csunipar.m 389 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/abrasion.mat 368 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/remiss.mat 344 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/law.txt 341 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csmomentc.m 331 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/quakes.mat 320 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/rmuupm.m 313 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/csmoment.m 312 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/counting.mat 304 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/biology.mat 296 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/insect.mat 288 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/rpieupm.m 285 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/mom.m 284 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/measure.mat 256 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/mcdata.mat 248 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/spatial.mat 224 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/moths.mat 216 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/counting.txt 208 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/sqrer.m 207 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/sqrdist.m 179 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/impure.m 147 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/compstats/biology.txt 134 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_9.m 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_3.m 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_8.m 582 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_7.m 559 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_6.m 533 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_4.m 393 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_5.m 303 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_2.m 292 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap10/ex10_1.m 70 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_3.m 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_9.m 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_2.m 960 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_5.m 817 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_4.m 805 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_6.m 689 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_1.m 428 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap11/ex11_7.m 408 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_5.m 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_14.m 781 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_13.m 714 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_11.m 703 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_4.m 688 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_12.m 678 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_6.m 659 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_7.m 590 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_9.m 566 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_8.m 542 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_10.m 475 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_3.m 365 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_2.m 355 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap12/ex12_1.m 345 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap2/ex2_10.m 894 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap2/ex2_4.m 510 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap2/ex2_1.m 502 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap2/ex2_7.m 327 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap2/ex2_9.m 301 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap2/ex2_5.m 232 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap2/ex2_2.m 45 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap3/ex3_5.m 461 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap4/ex4_4.m 616 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap4/ex4_6.m 537 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_7.m 590 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_16.m 469 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_25.m 385 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_18.m 346 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_3.m 346 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_10.m 327 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_13.m 321 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_24.m 316 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_22.m 284 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_4.m 269 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap5/ex5_12.m 259 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap6/ex6_11.m 882 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap6/ex6_5.m 274 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap6/ex6_10.m 191 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap7/ex7_9.m 1 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap8/ex8_11.m 2 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap9/ex9_10.m 408 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap9/ex9_17.m 375 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap9/ex9_11.m 318 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap9/ex9_16.m 288 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExamp/Chap9/ex9_12.m 246 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExercise/Exerc521.m 567 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Add-on/CSExercise/Exerc54.m 538 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 5.pdf 1016 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 9.pdf 605 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 8.pdf 548 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 2.pdf 530 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 12.pdf 455 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 11.pdf 441 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 6.pdf 324 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 10.pdf 315 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 4.pdf 292 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 3.pdf 247 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/fm.pdf 246 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 7.pdf 243 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Appendix G.pdf 188 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Appendix A.pdf 148 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Chapter 1.pdf 145 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Appendix C.pdf 104 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Appendix B.pdf 94 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Appendix E.pdf 78 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Appendix F.pdf 70 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/Appendix D.pdf 64 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Computational Statistics Handbook With MATLAB (2002)/COVER.jpg 31 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 6th ed. - P. Hoel.pdf 68.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications Vol I - Feller W..pdf 60.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes 3rd ed- Papoulis.pdf 54.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Introduction to Probability 2nd Ed - C M Grinstead & J L Snell.pdf 42 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Introduction To Probability Models Sixth Ed -Sheldon M ross.pdf 19.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability And Statistical Inference - NITIS MUKHOPADHYAY.pdf 18.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition 2nd ed. - K. Fukunaga.pdf 12.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles 2nd ed. - P. Peebles.pdf 11.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Mathematics, Pre-Calculus and Introduction to Probability.pdf 10.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/CRC - standard probability and Statistics tables and formulae - DANIEL ZWILLINGER.pdf 9.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/How_To_Lie_With_Statistics_-_Huff_1954.pdf 7.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Markov Random Fields And Their Applications - kinderman & snell.pdf 7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability and measurements - Tarantola A..pdf 6.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability Theory The Logic Of Science - E. T. Jaynes.pdf 6.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Schaum's Outlines - Theory and Problems of Statistics 3rd ed. - M. Spiegel, L. Stephens.djvu 5.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Theory and Problems of Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes - Hwei P. Hsu.pdf 4.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability Theory and Examples second edition - Durrett R.djvu 4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Foundations of the Theory of Probability - A.N. KOLMOGOROV.pdf 3.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/A Course In Probability Theory - Chung K L.djvu 3.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Introduction to Probability - Grinstead & Snell.pdf 3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability Demystified - bluman.pdf 2.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Radically Elementary Probability Theory - edward Nelson.pdf 2.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability and its applications - Ollav Kallenberg.pdf 2.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Foundations of Modern Probability - Olav Kallenberg.pdf 2.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Tutorials in Probability.pdf 2.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/The Basic Practice of Statistics 3rd ed. - D. S. Moore.pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Introduction To Probability - Dimitri Bertsekas And John N Tsitsiklis.pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Multivariable Bayesian Statistics - D. Rowe.djvu 1.5 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Theory and problems of probability - Lipschutz, Seymour.djvu 1.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes - Bryc.pdf 1.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability, random processes and ergodic properties - Gray.pdf 994 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/1995..2002/Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties - R. Gray.pdf 989 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/SPSS for Introductory Statistics Use and Interpretation (2004).pdf 42.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Handbook of Engineering Statistics (2006).pdf 34 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/SPSS for Intermediate Statistics Use and Interpretation (2005).pdf 18.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers - Montgomery && Runger.pdf 13.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Recent Advances in Applied Probability (2005).pdf 13 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics (2006).pdf 7.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Probability and Statistics By Example (2005).pdf 5.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers (2004).pdf 5.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Dependence in Probability and Statistics (2006).pdf 5.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics (2005).pdf 4.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/A First Course in Statistics for Signal Analysis (2006).pdf 3.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Statistics for Dummies - D. Rumsey.chm 3.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Applied Bayesian Modelling - P. Congdon.pdf 3.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Symbolic Data Analysis (2006).pdf 3.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics - Jean Picard.pdf 2.1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Applied Probability - Lange K..pdf 1.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers solution - Montgomery && Runger.pdf 1.8 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Common Errors in Statistics Second Edition (2006).pdf 1.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Fundamentals of Statistics with Fuzzy Data (2006).pdf 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Measure Integral & Probability - Capinski & Kopp.pdf 1.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/Statistics Hacks - B. Frey (2006).chm 1 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2003..06/An Introduction to Probability Theory - Geiss.pdf 339 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/Intermediate Statistics For Dummies (2007).pdf 12.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/JMP® Start Statistics (2007).pdf 10.4 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/Elementary Statistics Using JMP (2007).pdf 7.9 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/Applied Statistics Using SPSS, STATISTICA, MATLAB and R (2007).pdf 7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics (2008).pdf 5.3 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/Introduction to Variance Estimation (2007).pdf 4.2 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/Statistical Practice in Business and Industry (2008).pdf 3.7 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/2007..08/Modern Engineering Statistics (2007).pdf 3.6 MB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 01/Answers (Chapter 1).pdf 52 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 02/Field2000(Chapter1).pdf 458 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 03/Answers (Chapter 3).pdf 179 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 03/GlastonburyFestival.sav 19 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 03/SPSSExam.sav 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 03/ChickFlick.sav 692 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 04/Answers (Chapter 4).pdf 132 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 04/ExamAnxiety.SAV 2 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 04/EssayMarks.sav 1 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 04/grades.sav 744 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 04/pbcorr.SAV 732 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 04/Advert.sav 452 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/Answers (Chapter 5).pdf 188 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/GlastonburyFestivalRegression.sav 22 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/GlastonburyDummy.sav 13 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/Supermodel.sav 9 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/Record2.sav 4 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/Record1.sav 3 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/pubs.sav 496 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 05/dfbeta.SAV 464 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 06/Answers (Chapter 6).pdf 255 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 06/Burnout.sav 21 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 09/Answers (Chapter 9).pdf 214 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 12/Answers (Chapter 12).pdf 279 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 15/SAQ (Item 3 Reversed).sav 61 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 15/TOSSE-R.sav 10 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 16/Answers (Chapter 16).pdf 243 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Chapter 16/CatRegression.sav 3 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/ContrastsUsingSyntax.pdf 197 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Jonckheere.pdf 138 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/DesigningQuestionnaires.pdf 134 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Welch F.pdf 121 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Appendix Chapter 14.pdf 109 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Calculating Simple Effects.pdf 106 KB
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/Andy Field Discovering Statistics Using_SPSS Second Edition/Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition CD-ROM/Factor Scores.pdf 105 KB
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/xytrianglerv.m 78 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/exponentialpdf.m 75 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/erlangcdf.m 67 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/exponentialrv.m 67 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/rect.m 61 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/phi.m 59 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/exponentialcdf.m 58 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/chiptest.m 57 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/gaussrv.m 57 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/gausscdf.m 53 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_files/matcode/icdf3spin.m 39 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/bigpoissonrv.m 808 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/lottery.m 369 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/poissonsigmatest.m 358 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/lottery1.m 338 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/circuits2.m 305 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/circuits.m 301 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/ultrareliable6.m 268 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/zipfcache.m 265 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/sailboats.m 260 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/trianglecdfplot.m 248 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/modemrv.m 240 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/poissontest.m 239 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/zipfcacheall.m 226 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/wrv2.m 212 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/wrv1.m 212 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/gaussiantest.m 198 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/exponentialtest.m 198 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/reliable6.m 188 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/quiz36rv.m 179 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/uquantize.m 170 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/urv.m 170 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/imageavg.m 170 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/julytemp583.m 161 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/quantizegauss.m 158 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/quiz31rv.m 157 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/bit100.m 149 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/qtest.m 105 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/avgfax.m 101 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/iwcdf.m 96 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/perfectbinomial.m 90 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/faxlength8.m 90 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/twocoin.m 79 B
2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/prob and stoc proc 2E yeates/matlab_sol/matsoln/georv.m 76 B
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2 - Mathematics/Probability and Statistics/statistics and probability/statformangrsexcel4eLevine/Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel 4E - Levine/04.doc 498 KB
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Hodel R. An Introduction to Mathematical Logic 2013 Application 1.1 MB 75
Nguyen V. Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists. Concepts,Applications,..2025 Application 34.3 MB 71
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Borwein J. Mathematics by Experiment. Plausible Reasoning...21st Century 2003 Application 10.7 MB 18
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