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29 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/Global/cybercafe.txt |
29 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/PersistedSettings.json |
42 KB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/input.ini |
5 KB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/LCUAccountPreferences.yaml |
4 KB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/game.cfg |
2 KB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/LeagueClientSettings.yaml |
1 KB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/LCULocalPreferences.yaml |
502 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/PerksPreferences.yaml |
404 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/RiotIdAnnouncementPreferences.yaml |
151 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/TFTPreferences.yaml |
115 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Config/cybercafe.txt |
21 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/DATA/CFG/defaults/SettingsToPersist.json |
4 KB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/DATA/CFG/defaults/cybercafe.txt |
21 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/DATA/CFG/cybercafe.txt |
21 B |
League of Legends/League of Legends/DATA/cybercafe.txt |
21 B |
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109 MB |
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95 MB |
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87 MB |
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78.3 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Sylas.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kindred.wad.client |
76 MB |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lissandra.wad.client |
75.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Katarina.wad.client |
75 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kayn.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Bard.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/AurelionSol.wad.client |
71.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Fizz.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Sion.wad.client |
70.3 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Viego.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Leblanc.wad.client |
70 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Sejuani.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Shaco.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Renekton.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Zoe.wad.client |
68.4 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lillia.wad.client |
68.3 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Varus.wad.client |
68.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Warwick.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Khazix.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kled.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/FiddleSticks.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Veigar.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Jax.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/DrMundo.wad.client |
65.3 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Blitzcrank.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Tristana.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Malphite.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Viktor.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lulu.wad.client |
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63 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Neeko.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/JarvanIV.wad.client |
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61 MB |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Vi.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Twitch.wad.client |
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59.4 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Azir.wad.client |
59 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Poppy.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ivern.wad.client |
58.7 MB |
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57.7 MB |
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57.7 MB |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Gwen.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/RekSai.wad.client |
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54.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ziggs.wad.client |
54.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Gragas.wad.client |
54.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Zac.wad.client |
54.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Jayce.wad.client |
54 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Hecarim.wad.client |
54 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Shyvana.wad.client |
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53.9 MB |
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53.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Rell.wad.client |
52.7 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Olaf.wad.client |
52 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Braum.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Shen.wad.client |
51.7 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Rengar.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Talon.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Taliyah.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Xerath.wad.client |
49.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Urgot.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Galio.wad.client |
49.3 MB |
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49.3 MB |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Volibear.wad.client |
48.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Heimerdinger.wad.client |
48 MB |
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48 MB |
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47.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Chogath.wad.client |
46.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Quinn.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Velkoz.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Camille.wad.client |
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44.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Samira.wad.client |
44.4 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Varus.en_US.wad.client |
42.7 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kalista.wad.client |
42.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kassadin.wad.client |
42.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/MonkeyKing.wad.client |
42.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Rumble.wad.client |
41.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/LeeSin.en_US.wad.client |
40.1 MB |
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40 MB |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Nocturne.wad.client |
39.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Rammus.wad.client |
37.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kayn.en_US.wad.client |
37.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Tryndamere.wad.client |
37 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Briar.wad.client |
37 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Trundle.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Yasuo.en_US.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Jax.en_US.wad.client |
35.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ashe.en_US.wad.client |
34.7 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/XinZhao.wad.client |
34.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Nilah.wad.client |
34.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Akshan.wad.client |
34.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ivern.en_US.wad.client |
34 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Milio.wad.client |
33.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Warwick.en_US.wad.client |
33.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Illaoi.en_US.wad.client |
33.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Skarner.en_US.wad.client |
33.3 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kennen.wad.client |
33.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Taric.wad.client |
33.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Singed.wad.client |
33 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kled.en_US.wad.client |
32.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ahri.en_US.wad.client |
32.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lux.en_US.wad.client |
32.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/KSante.wad.client |
31.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Senna.en_US.wad.client |
31.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Irelia.en_US.wad.client |
31 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Evelynn.en_US.wad.client |
31 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ryze.wad.client |
30.1 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Naafiri.wad.client |
30 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Skarner.wad.client |
29.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Zoe.en_US.wad.client |
28.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Swain.en_US.wad.client |
28.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Alistar.wad.client |
28.4 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Maokai.en_US.wad.client |
27.7 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Corki.wad.client |
27.7 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Kayle.en_US.wad.client |
27.7 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Thresh.en_US.wad.client |
27.2 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Seraphine.en_US.wad.client |
26.9 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Camille.en_US.wad.client |
26.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Vex.wad.client |
26.4 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Sylas.en_US.wad.client |
26.4 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Urgot.en_US.wad.client |
25.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ezreal.en_US.wad.client |
25.6 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Zilean.wad.client |
25.5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ambessa.wad.client |
24.9 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Yone.en_US.wad.client |
24.8 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Rakan.en_US.wad.client |
24.3 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Akali.en_US.wad.client |
24 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Morgana.en_US.wad.client |
23.9 MB |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lissandra.en_US.wad.client |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Neeko.en_US.wad.client |
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6.1 MB |
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5 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Smolder.en_US.wad.client |
5 MB |
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2.9 MB |
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2.5 MB |
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2.4 MB |
League of Legends/League of Legends/Game/DATA/FINAL/Champions/Janna.en_US.wad.client |
2.3 MB |
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2.3 MB |
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2.2 MB |
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2.1 MB |
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2.1 MB |
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2.1 MB |
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2.1 MB |
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1 MB |
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272 B |
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272 B |
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272 B |
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272 B |
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272 B |
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272 B |
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272 B |
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272 B |
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21 B |
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29 B |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/RiotGamesApi.dll |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/LeagueClient.exe |
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League of Legends/League of Legends/libEGL.dll |
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