Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/011 The Bootstrap and Jackknife part 1.mp4 |
59 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/005 Estimating a Confidence Level.mp4 |
94.5 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/013 Late to Class Again Exercise.mp4 |
16 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/003 Standard Normal Monte Carlo Simulation.mp4 |
45.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/008 Estimating the Taxi Population part 2.mp4 |
60.6 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/004 Estimating Mean Squared Error of a Trimmed Mean.mp4 |
63.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/010 Permutation Tests part 2.mp4 |
118.1 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/002 More Streakiness Exercise Solution.mp4 |
66.9 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/009 Permutation Tests part 1.mp4 |
94.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/001 Checking Hats Exercise Solution.mp4 |
47.2 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/012 The Bootstrap and Jackknife part 2.mp4 |
77.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/006 Empirical Confidence Level.mp4 |
41.5 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/06 Programming and Simulation 3/007 Estimating the Taxi Population part 1.mp4 |
78.8 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/006 Breaking Apart Character Values.mp4 |
103.1 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/007 What are Regular Expressions slides.mp4 |
63.5 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/003 Displaying and Concatenating Strings part 1.mp4 |
69 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/009 Using Regular Expressions in R part 2.mp4 |
92.6 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/004 Displaying and Concatenating Strings part2.mp4 |
103.7 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/010 Reversing a String Exercise.mp4 |
6.3 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/005 Manipulating Parts of a String.mp4 |
80.1 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/002 Character and String Manipulation.mp4 |
39.3 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/001 Late to Class Exercise Solution.mp4 |
67.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/07 Character Manipulation and String Processing/008 Using Regular Expressions in R part 1.mp4 |
93.1 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/04 Programming and Simulation 1/001 Cuckoohost and Other Plots.mp4 |
89 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/04 Programming and Simulation 1/003 Simulating a Coin Tossing Game of Chance part 1.mp4 |
87.5 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/04 Programming and Simulation 1/005 Simulating the Return of Top-Hats to Rightful Owners part 1.mp4 |
96.1 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/04 Programming and Simulation 1/002 Finish Cuckoohosts and Begin Simulation.mp4 |
109.6 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/04 Programming and Simulation 1/006 Finish Simulating Top-Hat Returns and Begin Collecting Baseball Cards for Profit.mp4 |
74.1 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/04 Programming and Simulation 1/004 Simulating a Coin Tossing Game of Chance part 2.mp4 |
108.9 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/009 Sam and Annie Arrive at the Empire State Building part 2.mp4 |
81.2 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/003 Collecting Baseball Cards part 3.mp4 |
73.9 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/001 Collecting Baseball Cards part 1 continued.mp4 |
70.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/007 Sam and Annie Arrive at the Empire State Building part 1.mp4 |
39.7 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/002 Collecting Baseball Cards part 2.mp4 |
80 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/004 Collecting Quarters Exercise Solution.mp4 |
38.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/005 Streaky Baseball Behavior part 1.mp4 |
68.9 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/008 Hats and Streakiness Exercise.mp4 |
41.7 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/05 Programming and Simulation 2/006 Streaky Baseball Behavior part 2.mp4 |
75 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/01 Base and GGPlot2 Graphics in R/002 Comparing Base and GGPlot2 Graphics.mp4 |
133.2 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/01 Base and GGPlot2 Graphics in R/005 Adding Text to Graphics.mp4 |
53.9 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/01 Base and GGPlot2 Graphics in R/004 More Graphics Capabilities and Comparisons.mp4 |
114.9 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/01 Base and GGPlot2 Graphics in R/003 Continue Graphics Capabilities and Comparisons.mp4 |
49.2 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/01 Base and GGPlot2 Graphics in R/001 Introduction.mp4 |
6.7 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/01 Base and GGPlot2 Graphics in R/006 Mathematical and Drawing Functions.mp4 |
85.6 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/02 Finish Base Graphics Capabilities, Begin Lattice Graphics/006 Lattice Exercise Solution.mp4 |
102.5 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/02 Finish Base Graphics Capabilities, Begin Lattice Graphics/001 Fitting Non-Linear Curves in Base.mp4 |
115.5 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/02 Finish Base Graphics Capabilities, Begin Lattice Graphics/002 More Base Non-Linear Plots.mp4 |
121.6 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/02 Finish Base Graphics Capabilities, Begin Lattice Graphics/003 Base Boxplots and Bargraphs.mp4 |
94.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/02 Finish Base Graphics Capabilities, Begin Lattice Graphics/004 Introduction to Lattice Graphics.mp4 |
98.9 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/02 Finish Base Graphics Capabilities, Begin Lattice Graphics/005 Superposition and Lattice Exercise.mp4 |
37.3 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/001 Reverse String Exercise Solution.mp4 |
57.7 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/010 Determining and Plotting Word Frequency.mp4 |
48.8 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/006 Substituting Text and Tagging Text.mp4 |
120.3 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/009 Sorting and Ordering Words.mp4 |
75.3 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/003 The Regexpr and Gregexpr Functions part 2.mp4 |
56.6 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/002 The Regexpr and Gregexpr Functions part 1.mp4 |
86.2 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/005 Forming Filenames.mp4 |
55 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/004 Testing a Filename for a Suffix.mp4 |
62.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/007 Finding Words in Text Passages.mp4 |
109.7 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/08 More Text and String Processing/008 Manipulating the Component Names of List Structures.mp4 |
64.7 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/03 Lattice and GGPlot Graphics/001 In Living Color Exercises Solution Explained.mp4 |
103.2 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/03 Lattice and GGPlot Graphics/006 Histograms, Bar Charts and Density Plots.mp4 |
113.3 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/03 Lattice and GGPlot Graphics/004 Plotting the Titanic Data Set and Begin GGPlot Graphics.mp4 |
68.6 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/03 Lattice and GGPlot Graphics/002 Finish In Living Color Exercise and Begin Lattice Graphics.mp4 |
98.4 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/03 Lattice and GGPlot Graphics/005 GGPlot Non-Linear Fits and Plots.mp4 |
87.1 MB |
Udemy - Extra Fundamentals of R/03 Lattice and GGPlot Graphics/003 Lattice Layouts, Groups, and Aspect Ratios.mp4 |
90.2 MB |