Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/001. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/002. Introduction.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/003. Part 1. Chapter 1.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/004. Embryonic Development. - Man is developed from an....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/005. The extrinsic muscles which serve to move the external....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/006. The sense of smell is of the highest importance....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/007. There is another foramen or perforation in the humerus....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/008. Chapter 2.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/009. The direct and definite action of changed conditions..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/010. The Quechua Indians inhabit the lofty plateaux of Peru....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/011. Professor Canestrini, after discussing the foregoing....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/012. Correlated Variation. - In man, as in the lower animals....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/013. Natural Selection. - We have now seen that man....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/014. Turning now to the nearest allies of men....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/015. As the various mental faculties gradually developed....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/016. According to a popular impression, the absence of a tail....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/017. It is, as I can now see, probable that all organic beings....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/018. Chapter 3.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/019. Although, as we learn from the above-mentioned insects....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/020. Most of the more complex emotions are common to the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/021. Of all the faculties of the human mind, it will, I presume....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/022. The following cases relate to dogs..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/023. The Duke of Argyll remarks, that the fashioning of an....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/024. As Horne Took, one of the founders of the noble science....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/025. The formation of different languages and of distinct....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/026. Belief in God - Religion. - There is no evidence that man....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/027. Chapter 4.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/028. It is certain that associated animals have a feeling of love....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/029. It has often been assumed that animals were....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/030. The social animals which stand at the bottom of the scale....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/031. A man cannot prevent past impressions often repassing....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/032. If any desire or instinct leading to an action opposed to....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/033. Concluding Remarks. - It was assumed formerly by....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/034. Our great philosopher, Herbert Spencer, has recently....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/035. Chapter 5.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/036. Although the circumstances, leading to an increase in....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/037. The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/038. A most important obstacle in civilised countries to an....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/039. The remarkable success of the English as colonists....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/040. Chapter 6.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/041. The greater number of naturalists who have taken into....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/042. Although, as we have now seen, man has no just right....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/043. On the Birthplace and Antiquity of Man..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/044. Lastly, one single member of the immense and diversified....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/045. The possession by male mammals of functionally....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/046. Chapter 7.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/047. In determining whether the supposed varieties of....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/048. On the other side of the question, if our supposed....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/049. During an early stage in the divergence of the races of....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/050. As it is improbable that the numerous and unimportant....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/051. Extinction follows chiefly from the competition of tribe....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/052. The decrease of the native population of the Sandwich....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/053. Lessened fertility from changed conditions, as in the case....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/054. Finally, although the gradual decrease and ultimate....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/055. We have seen in the second chapter that the conditions....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/056. Note on the Resemblances and Differences in....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/057. It is further established, that the degree of asymmetry of....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/058. Three views of this brain are given in the work cited....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/059. Part 2. Chapter 8.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/060. Just as man can improve the breed of his game-cocks by....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/061. Numerical Proportion of the Two Sexes..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/062. As I hear from Sir Andrew Smith, the lion in South Africa....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/063. The female, on the other hand, with the rarest exceptions....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/064. From the causes just specified the two sexes can hardly....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/065. Laws of Inheritance..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/066. There is one difficult question which it will be convenient....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/067. In most of the species of the splendid family of the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/068. Summary and concluding remarks. - From the foregoing....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/069. Professor Faye remarks that 'a still greater preponderance...'.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/070. Of mammalia in a state of nature I have been able to....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/071. Insects..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/072. Mr Doubleday has called my attention to M. Staudinger's....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/073. Some of the lower Crustaceans are able to propagate....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/074. In the Sandwich Islands, the males exceed the females....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/075. Chapter 9.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/076. Even in the highest class of the Mollusca....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/077. In some of the lower crustaceans, the right anterior....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/078. Class, Arachnida (Spiders). - The sexes do not generally....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/079. Chapter 10.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/080. There are, however, exceptions to the rule of male insects....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/081. Order, Orthoptera (Crickets and Grasshoppers)..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/082. From the facts now given, we see that the means by....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/083. In the family of Bees, especially in the solitary species....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/084. The cases hitherto given refer to the Lamellicorns....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/085. We thus see that in the different coleopterous families....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/086. Chapter 11.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/087. In the genus Papilio, all the species of the Æneas group....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/088. Most Moths rest motionless during the whole or greater....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/089. The courtship of butterflies is, as before remarked....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/090. On the whole, although many serious objections may be....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/091. As some writers have felt much difficulty in....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/092. The colouring of insects is a complex and obscure subject..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/093. Chapter 12.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/094. In many species the male alone is ornamented with....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/095. To return to our more immediate subject. The case stands....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/096. In most of the Lophobranchii (Pipe-fish, Hippocampi, &c.)....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/097. Reptiles. Chelonia. - Tortoises and turtles do not offer....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/098. Lacertilia. - The males of some, probably of many kinds of....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/099. Chapter 13.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/100. The males of many gallinaceous birds, especially of the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/101. Vocal and instrumental music. - With birds the voice....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/102. In some birds the vocal organs differ greatly in the two....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/103. In the foregoing cases sounds are made by the aid of....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/104. Decoration. - I will first discuss the cases in which....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/105. I will mention only one other bird, remarkable from the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/106. It appears at first sight a surprising circumstance that....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/107. The Gold and Amherst pheasants during their courtship....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/108. We will now turn to male birds which are not....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/109. Chapter 14.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/110. Sir J. Lubbock's gamekeeper has repeatedly shot....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/111. Birds possess acute powers of observation. Every mated....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/112. The Rev. W. D. Fox informs me that he possessed at the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/113. Wild turkeys in the United States, according to Audubon....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/114. Variability of Birds, and especially of their Secondary....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/115. Whether or not unimportant differences between....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/116. Gradation of Secondary Sexual Characters. - Cases of....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/117. Argus pheasant. - Another excellent case for investigation....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/118. There still remains another very curious point....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/119. Chapter 15.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/120. As bright colours are of service to the males in their rivalry....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/121. In these two latter cases the great length of the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/122. Notwithstanding the foregoing objections, I cannot doubt....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/123. The cases, as yet given, of slight and graduated....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/124. The laws of inheritance can alone account for the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/125. Chapter 16.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/126. The force of the present law is well shewn in those....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/127. As I account so largely by sexual selection for the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/128. Formerly when I was inclined to lay much stress on....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/129. Turning now to the Ostrich order the male of the....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/130. CLASS IV. When the adult male resembles the adult....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/131. With birds it is difficult to decide by what standard we....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/132. In Aithurus polytmus, a humming-bird, the male is....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/133. In all parts of the world both sexes of many soft-billed....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/134. Some members of the heron family offer a still more....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/135. The laws of inheritance, irrespectively of selection, appear....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/136. Chapter 17.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/137. The horns of the reindeer are developed at a most....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/138. The effects of castration deserve notice, as throwing light....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/139. With antelopes it is sometimes difficult to imagine how....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/140. Very few male quadrupeds possess weapons of two....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/141. The males of some few quadrupeds possess organs or....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/142. Choice in Pairing by either Sex of Quadrupeds..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/143. Chapter 18.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/144. The rank effluvium of the male goat is well known....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/145. Colour of the Hair and of the Naked Skin. - I will first give....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/146. Lastly, in the baboon family, the adult male of....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/147. Equal transmission of ornamental characters to both sexes..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/148. We have seen in a former chapter that when young....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/149. A few instances will suffice of the strange manner in....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/150. Part 3. Chapter 19.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/151. Throughout the great American continent the men may....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/152. Now, when two men are put into competition, or a man....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/153. A critic has asked how the ears of man, and he ought to....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/154. As the males of several quadrumanous animals have their....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/155. In most, but not all parts of the world, the men are more....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/156. It is remarkable that throughout the world the races....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/157. Chapter 20.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/158. The indirect evidence in favour of the belief of the former....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/159. Infanticide. - This practice is now very common....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/160. The Manner of Action of Sexual Selection with Mankind..mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/161. Turning to Africa the Kafirs buy their wives, and girls are....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/162. With respect to the beard in man, if we turn to our best....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/163. Chapter 21.mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/164. The high standard of our intellectual powers and moral....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/165. He who believes in the advancement of man from some....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/166. Although we have some positive evidence that birds....mp3 |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man [Naxos].jpg |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man [Naxos].pdf |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man [Penguin].pdf |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man.epub |
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Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man/Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man.pdf |
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