[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]

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Name Size
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/075 Concept Indexes via the shell.mp4 186.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/01 Welcome to the course/001 Welcome!.mp4 18.3 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/01 Welcome to the course/002 MongoDB is loved.mp4 13.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/01 Welcome to the course/003 Course topics.mp4 23.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/01 Welcome to the course/004 Tools that you will learn.mp4 5.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/01 Welcome to the course/005 Meet your instructor.mp4 15 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/01 Welcome to the course/006 Video player A quick feature tour.mp4 4.9 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/02 What is NoSQL/007 NoSQL history.mp4 36.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/02 What is NoSQL/008 Origins of NoSQL.mp4 37.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/02 What is NoSQL/009 Types of NoSQL databases.mp4 17.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/02 What is NoSQL/010 Working with document DBs and queries styles.mp4 18.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/02 What is NoSQL/011 Introducing MongoDB.mp4 60 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/02 What is NoSQL/012 Who uses MongoDB.mp4 97.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/03 Setting up your computer to follow along/013 MongoDB and the tools we will use.mp4 43.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/03 Setting up your computer to follow along/014 Setting up MongoDB as a Windows service.mp4 125.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/03 Setting up your computer to follow along/015 Concept MongoDB as a Windows service.mp4 11.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/03 Setting up your computer to follow along/016 Setting up MongoDB on macOS.mp4 70.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/03 Setting up your computer to follow along/017 Concept Setting up MongoDB on macOS.mp4 5.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/03 Setting up your computer to follow along/018 Setting up MongoDB on Linux.mp4 77.9 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/03 Setting up your computer to follow along/019 Concept Setting up MongoDB on Linux.mp4 11.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/020 MongoDB's query syntax.mp4 42.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/021 Connecting to MongoDB with the shell.mp4 45.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/022 Concept Connecting to MongoDB with the shell.mp4 4.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/023 Basic querying.mp4 122 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/024 Concept Basic querying.mp4 11.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/025 Robomongo A better shell.mp4 67.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/026 Advanced queries.mp4 26.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/027 Concept Advanced queries.mp4 13 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/028 Projections.mp4 4.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/029 Exact subdocument matches.mp4 7.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/030 Sorting MongoDB results.mp4 39.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/031 Concept Sorting MongoDB results.mp4 3.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/032 Inserting documents in MongoDB.mp4 6.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/033 Updating documents in MongoDB.mp4 10.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/034 Deleting documents form MongoDB.mp4 1.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/035 Atomic, in-place updates.mp4 40.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/04 MongoDB's shell and native query syntax/036 Concept Atomic, in-place updates.mp4 18.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/05 Working with MongoDB directly from Python PyMongo/037 Introduction to PyMongo.mp4 8.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/05 Working with MongoDB directly from Python PyMongo/038 Connecting with PyMongo.mp4 55 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/05 Working with MongoDB directly from Python PyMongo/039 Concepts Getting starting with PyMongo.mp4 8.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/05 Working with MongoDB directly from Python PyMongo/040 Concept Connection strings.mp4 13.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/05 Working with MongoDB directly from Python PyMongo/041 Atomic updates.mp4 43.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/05 Working with MongoDB directly from Python PyMongo/042 Concept Atomic updates.mp4 10.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/05 Working with MongoDB directly from Python PyMongo/043 Mapping MongoDB's JavaScript API to PyMongo.mp4 20.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/06 Modeling and document design/044 Introduction to document design.mp4 11.3 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/06 Modeling and document design/045 To embed or not to embed.mp4 33.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/06 Modeling and document design/046 Do you have an integration database.mp4 17.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/06 Modeling and document design/047 A real world example.mp4 61.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/06 Modeling and document design/048 More document patterns.mp4 13.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/049 Introducing ODMs.mp4 19 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/050 Welcome to mongoengine.mp4 8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/051 The dealership demo.mp4 26.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/052 Introducing the application skeleton.mp4 28.3 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/053 Registering connections in mongoengine.mp4 27.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/054 Basic classes in mongoengine.mp4 67.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/055 Required and default values in mongoengine classes.mp4 27.3 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/056 Adding the engine to the car document.mp4 52.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/057 Adding service histories to the car document.mp4 34.9 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/058 Listing cars.mp4 59.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/059 Adding service histories by whole document.mp4 47.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/060 Adding service histories with in-place updates.mp4 58.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/061 Subdocument queries.mp4 59.9 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/062 A parting glitch.mp4 62.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/063 Concept Registering connections.mp4 9.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/064 Concept Creating classes.mp4 20 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/065 Concept Inserting objects with mongoengine.mp4 5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/066 Concept Querying with mongoengine.mp4 13.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/07 Mapping classes to MongoDB with the ODM MongoEngine/067 Concept Updates in mongoengine.mp4 9.9 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/068 Introducing performance-tuning in MongoDB.mp4 14.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/069 The MongoDBs performance knobs.mp4 31.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/070 A popular dealership.mp4 26 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/071 Creating the big DB.mp4 31.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/072 Surveying the new code.mp4 61.3 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/073 Running the default configuration.mp4 79.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/074 Adding indexes in mongoenegine.mp4 6.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/ 70.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/076 Concept Indexes via mongoengine.mp4 13.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/077 Concept Document design for performance.mp4 32.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/08 High-performance MongoDB/078 Concept Projections.mp4 5.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/079 Warning Action required.mp4 19.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/080 The MongoDB deployment checklist.mp4 8.5 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/081 Creating a couple of cloud servers.mp4 78.3 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/082 Installing MongoDB for production use.mp4 95.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/083 Concept Installing MongoDB for production.mp4 6.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/084 Limit you network exposure.mp4 3.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/085 Limit you network exposure in action.mp4 46 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/086 Concept Limit network exposure.mp4 6.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/087 Adding encrypted communication for MongoDB.mp4 46.3 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/088 Concept Adding encrypted communication for MongoDB.mp4 6.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/089 Adding authentication to MongoDB.mp4 33.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/090 Concept Adding authentication to MongoDB.mp4 5.2 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/091 The BIG moment.mp4 34.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/092 Connecting to MongoDB via Python.mp4 91 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/093 Concept Connecting to MongoDB via Python.mp4 8.1 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/094 MongoDB admin tools.mp4 83 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/09 Deploying MongoDB in production (and playing it safe)/095 Concept MongoDB admin tools.mp4 10.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/096 You've done it!.mp4 4.4 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/097 Lightning review.mp4 11.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/098 Lightning review Shell query syntax.mp4 5.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/099 Lightning review pymongo.mp4 15.7 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/100 Lightning review Document design.mp4 16 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/101 Lightning review mongoengine.mp4 21.6 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/102 Lightning review Performance tuning MongoDB.mp4 15 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/103 Lightning review Deployments.mp4 9.8 MB
[TalkPython] MongoDB for Developers with Python (2019) [En]/10 Course conclusion/104 Thanks and goodbye.mp4 3.2 MB
