[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/05 - Field Journal from Olduvai with Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (19-28)/4 - 5 - Field Journal from Olduvai with Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (1928).mp4 |
136.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/08 - Talking About Olduvai Gorge with Henry Bunn (24-08)/4 - 8 - Talking About Olduvai Gorge with Henry Bunn (2408).mp4 |
107.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/07 - Talking About the First Hominins Outside of Africa with David Lordkipanidze (24-33)/4 - 7 - Talking About the First Hominins Outside of Africa with David Lordkipanidze (2433).mp4 |
106.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/09 - Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals with Geraldine Clive Finlayson (22-14)/6 - 9 - Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals with Geraldine Clive Finlayson (2214).mp4 |
97.7 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/04 - Species and Speciation Revisiting Darwins Sandwalk (12-14)/2 - 4 - Species and Speciation Revisiting Darwins Sandwalk (1214).mp4 |
97.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/07 - Talking about Becoming Social with Agustin Fuentes (23-03)/5 - 7 - Talking about Becoming Social with Agustin Fuentes (2303).mp4 |
87.6 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/06 - Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger (24-45)/3 - 6 - Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger (2445).mp4 |
80.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/05 - Talking about Laetoli with Charles Musiba (12-23)/2 - 5 - Talking about Laetoli with Charles Musiba (1223).mp4 |
76.8 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/03 - Talking about Early Hominins with Carol Ward (19-51)/2 - 3 - Talking about Early Hominins with Carol Ward (1951).mp4 |
71.5 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/03 - Talking About the Process of Aging with Caleb Finch (24-52)/8 - 3 - Talking About the Process of Aging with Caleb Finch (2452).mp4 |
70 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/05 - The Deep History Within the Human Genome (28-03)/5 - 5 - The Deep History Within the Human Genome (2803).mp4 |
69.8 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/04 - Interpreting Dietary Diversity with Peter Ungar (21-14)/3 - 4 - Interpreting Dietary Diversity with Peter Ungar (2114).mp4 |
69.6 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/07 - Using Plant Microfossils to Learn About Diet with Amanda Henry (20-59)/6 - 7 - Using Plant Microfossils to Learn About Diet with Amanda Henry (2059).mp4 |
68.3 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/08 - Talking about the Northern Muriqui with Karen Strier (22-49)/5 - 8 - Talking about the Northern Muriqui with Karen Strier (2249).mp4 |
67 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/03 - Field Journal from Swartkrans with Jess Senjem (9-05)/3 - 3 - Field Journal from Swartkrans with Jess Senjem (905).mp4 |
64.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/05 - Talking About the Archaeology of Complex Cultures with Francesco eErrico (21-59)/7 - 5 - Talking About the Archaeology of Complex Cultures with Francesco eErrico (2159).mp4 |
64.3 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/10 - Talking About the Last Neandertals at Gibraltar with Clive Finlayson (16-09)/6 - 10 - Talking About the Last Neandertals at Gibraltar with Clive Finlayson (1609).mp4 |
64.3 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/07 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 1 (17-50)/3 - 7 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 1 (1750) .mp4 |
59.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/06 - Subsistence Strategies of Homo erectus with Henry Bunn (18-05)/4 - 6 - Subsistence Strategies of Homo erectus with Henry Bunn (1805).mp4 |
55.7 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/04 - Everything I Know about Human Genetics I Learned from Malaria (24-57)/8 - 4 - Everything I Know about Human Genetics I Learned from Malaria (2457).mp4 |
55.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/05 - Talking about Ancient Diets with Matthew Sponheimer (17-28)/3 - 5 - Talking about Ancient Diets with Matthew Sponheimer (1728).mp4 |
54 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/07 - Interpreting Burial Cultures (13-16)/7 - 7 - Interpreting Burial Cultures (1316).mp4 |
52.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/02 - Talking about Bubonic Plague with Hendrik Poinar (17-55)/8 - 2 - Talking about Bubonic Plague with Hendrik Poinar (1755).mp4 |
52 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/07 - Talking about Geological Dating with Andy Herries (11-05)/2 - 7 - Talking about Geological Dating with Andy Herries (1105).mp4 |
51.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/06 - Talking about Neandertals in Central Asia with Mica Glantz (18-08)/6 - 6 - Talking about Neandertals in Central Asia with Mica Glantz (1808).mp4 |
51.8 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/08 - Exploring Gorhams Cave with Darren Fa, Clive Geraldine Finlayson (13-06)/6 - 8 - Exploring Gorhams Cave with Darren Fa, Clive Geraldine Finlayson (1306).mp4 |
51.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/09 - Natural Selection in Recent Populations (21-52)/7 - 9 - Natural Selection in Recent Populations (2152).mp4 |
50 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/06 - Colonization of the Americas (22-49)/7 - 6 - Colonization of the Americas (2249).mp4 |
49.6 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/04 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 2 (19-35)/7 - 4 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 2 (1935).mp4 |
48.1 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/02 - The Evolution of the Pelvis as it Relates to Birth in Homo with Karen Rosenberg (12-44)/5 - 2 - The Evolution of the Pelvis as it Relates to Birth in Homo with Karen Rosenberg (1244).mp4 |
46.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/08 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 2 (14-28)/3 - 8 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 2 (1428).mp4 |
46.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/02 - Ancient Genomes Part 2 The Neandertals (17-32)/7 - 2 - Ancient Genomes Part 2 The Neandertals (1732).mp4 |
44.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/05 - The Molecular Clock (18-16)/1 - 5 - The Molecular Clock (1816).mp4 |
44.1 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/07 - The Place of Ardipithecus (What is a Hominin) (21-54)/1 - 7 - The Place of Ardipithecus (What is a Hominin) (2154).mp4 |
40 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/02 - In the Lab with Robust Australopithecines (14-24)/3 - 2 - In the Lab with Robust Australopithecines (1424).mp4 |
39.7 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/08 - The Natufian the Origins of Agriculture (9-41)/7 - 8 - The Natufian the Origins of Agriculture (941).mp4 |
38.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/03 - In the Lab with Homo erectus (14-37)/4 - 3 - In the Lab with Homo erectus (1437).mp4 |
37.1 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/02 - Recreating Ancient Technologies with Gregg Jamison (7-26)/4 - 2 - Recreating Ancient Technologies with Gregg Jamison (726).mp4 |
36.6 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/03 - Back in the Lab with Later Homo erectus (14-23)/5 - 3 - Back in the Lab with Later Homo erectus (1423).mp4 |
36.1 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/04 - Talking about Wild Savanna Chimpanzees with Jill Pruetz (15-14)/1 - 4 - Talking about Wild Savanna Chimpanzees with Jill Pruetz (1514).mp4 |
36 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/05 - In the Lab with Neandertals (14-00)/6 - 5 - In the Lab with Neandertals (1400).mp4 |
34.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/06 - Ancient Genomes Part 1 the Denisovans (13-32)/5 - 6 - Ancient Genomes Part 1 the Denisovans (1332).mp4 |
33.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/02 - Neandertals Modern Humans in the Levant (9-36)/6 - 2 - Neandertals Modern Humans in the Levant (936).mp4 |
32.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/02 - About the Course FAQ (15-04)/1 - 2 - About the Course FAQ (1504).mp4 |
30.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/09 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 3 (10-09)/3 - 9 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 3 (1009).mp4 |
29.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/02 - Being Bipeds (12-09)/2 - 2 - Being Bipeds (1209) .mp4 |
29.7 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/06 - What is Evolution (15-26)/1 - 6 - What is Evolution (1526).mp4 |
28.8 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/10 - What is Homo habilis (11-10)/3 - 10 - What is Homo habilis (1110).mp4 |
28.6 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/06 - Exploring Sterkfontein (11-53)/2 - 6 - Exploring Sterkfontein (1153).mp4 |
27.1 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/03 - Understanding the Process of Becoming Human (7-48)/6 - 3 - Understanding the Process of Becoming Human (748).mp4 |
26.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/03 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 1 (10-19)/7 - 3 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 1 (1019).mp4 |
25.1 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/03 - Rising Star Expedition (6-38)/1 - 3 - Rising Star Expedition (638).mp4 |
23.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/04 - The Earliest Modern Humans (8-19)/5 - 4 - The Earliest Modern Humans (819).mp4 |
22.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/01 - Welcome - Introduction Highlights (11-41)/1 - 1 - Welcome - Introduction Highlights (1141).mp4 |
22.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/05 - Reflections on the Course - Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (4-39)/8 - 5 - Reflections on the Course - Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (439).mp4 |
16.5 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/04 - The Great Rift Valley (5-32)/4 - 4 - The Great Rift Valley (532).mp4 |
14.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/08 - Week 1 Reflections (4-38)/1 - 8 - Week 1 Reflections (438).mp4 |
11 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/04 - NeanderTAL vs. NeanderTHAL (4-30)/6 - 4 - NeanderTAL vs. NeanderTHAL (430).mp4 |
10.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/09 - Week 5 Reflections (3.38)/5 - 9 - Week 5 Reflections (3.38).mp4 |
8.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/11 - Week 6 Reflections (3-44)/6 - 11 - Week 6 Reflections (344).mp4 |
8.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/09 - Week 4 Reflections (2-30)/4 - 9 - Week 4 Reflections (230).mp4 |
6.3 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/11 - Week 3 Reflections (2-42)/3 - 11 - Week 3 Reflections (242).mp4 |
6 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/08 - Week 2 Reflections (3-01)/2 - 8 - Week 2 Reflections (301).mp4 |
5.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/01 - Week 6 Introduction (2-23)/6 - 1 - Week 6 Introduction (223).mp4 |
5 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/01 - Week 3 Introduction (2-01)/3 - 1 - Week 3 Introduction (201).mp4 |
4.9 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/10 - Week 7 Reflections (1-55)/7 - 10 - Week 7 Reflections (155).mp4 |
4.5 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/01 - Week 5 Introduction (2-04)/5 - 1 - Week 5 Introduction (204).mp4 |
4.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/01 - Week 7 Introduction (1-34)/7 - 1 - Week 7 Introduction (134).mp4 |
4.4 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/01 - Week 4 Introduction (1-44)/4 - 1 - Week 4 Introduction (144).mp4 |
4.3 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/01 - Week 2 Introduction (1-56)/2 - 1 - Week 2 Introduction (156).mp4 |
4.2 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/01 - Week 8 Introduction (1-30)/8 - 1 - Week 8 Introduction (130).mp4 |
3.1 MB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/lectures.html |
136 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/index.html |
61 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/07 - Talking about Becoming Social with Agustin Fuentes (23-03)/5 - 7 - Talking about Becoming Social with Agustin Fuentes (2303).srt |
45 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/05 - The Deep History Within the Human Genome (28-03)/5 - 5 - The Deep History Within the Human Genome (2803).srt |
41 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/03 - Talking about Early Hominins with Carol Ward (19-51)/2 - 3 - Talking about Early Hominins with Carol Ward (1951).srt |
40 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/09 - Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals with Geraldine Clive Finlayson (22-14)/6 - 9 - Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals with Geraldine Clive Finlayson (2214).srt |
40 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/08 - Talking about the Northern Muriqui with Karen Strier (22-49)/5 - 8 - Talking about the Northern Muriqui with Karen Strier (2249).srt |
40 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/06 - Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger (24-45)/3 - 6 - Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger (2445).srt |
39 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/04 - Everything I Know about Human Genetics I Learned from Malaria (24-57)/8 - 4 - Everything I Know about Human Genetics I Learned from Malaria (2457).srt |
35 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/04 - Interpreting Dietary Diversity with Peter Ungar (21-14)/3 - 4 - Interpreting Dietary Diversity with Peter Ungar (2114).srt |
35 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/02 - Talking about Bubonic Plague with Hendrik Poinar (17-55)/8 - 2 - Talking about Bubonic Plague with Hendrik Poinar (1755).srt |
34 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/09 - Natural Selection in Recent Populations (21-52)/7 - 9 - Natural Selection in Recent Populations (2152).srt |
34 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/06 - Colonization of the Americas (22-49)/7 - 6 - Colonization of the Americas (2249).srt |
33 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/07 - The Place of Ardipithecus (What is a Hominin) (21-54)/1 - 7 - The Place of Ardipithecus (What is a Hominin) (2154).srt |
33 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/07 - Talking About the First Hominins Outside of Africa with David Lordkipanidze (24-33)/4 - 7 - Talking About the First Hominins Outside of Africa with David Lordkipanidze (2433).srt |
33 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/05 - Talking About the Archaeology of Complex Cultures with Francesco eErrico (21-59)/7 - 5 - Talking About the Archaeology of Complex Cultures with Francesco eErrico (2159).srt |
33 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/07 - Using Plant Microfossils to Learn About Diet with Amanda Henry (20-59)/6 - 7 - Using Plant Microfossils to Learn About Diet with Amanda Henry (2059).srt |
32 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/05 - Talking about Ancient Diets with Matthew Sponheimer (17-28)/3 - 5 - Talking about Ancient Diets with Matthew Sponheimer (1728).srt |
32 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/03 - Talking About the Process of Aging with Caleb Finch (24-52)/8 - 3 - Talking About the Process of Aging with Caleb Finch (2452).srt |
31 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/08 - Talking About Olduvai Gorge with Henry Bunn (24-08)/4 - 8 - Talking About Olduvai Gorge with Henry Bunn (2408).srt |
31 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/04 - Talking about Wild Savanna Chimpanzees with Jill Pruetz (15-14)/1 - 4 - Talking about Wild Savanna Chimpanzees with Jill Pruetz (1514).srt |
31 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/07 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 1 (17-50)/3 - 7 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 1 (1750) .srt |
30 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/10 - Talking About the Last Neandertals at Gibraltar with Clive Finlayson (16-09)/6 - 10 - Talking About the Last Neandertals at Gibraltar with Clive Finlayson (1609).srt |
30 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/04 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 2 (19-35)/7 - 4 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 2 (1935).srt |
30 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/06 - Talking about Neandertals in Central Asia with Mica Glantz (18-08)/6 - 6 - Talking about Neandertals in Central Asia with Mica Glantz (1808).srt |
27 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/02 - Ancient Genomes Part 2 The Neandertals (17-32)/7 - 2 - Ancient Genomes Part 2 The Neandertals (1732).srt |
26 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/05 - The Molecular Clock (18-16)/1 - 5 - The Molecular Clock (1816).srt |
26 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/02 - About the Course FAQ (15-04)/1 - 2 - About the Course FAQ (1504).srt |
25 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/08 - Exploring Gorhams Cave with Darren Fa, Clive Geraldine Finlayson (13-06)/6 - 8 - Exploring Gorhams Cave with Darren Fa, Clive Geraldine Finlayson (1306).srt |
25 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/07 - Talking about Becoming Social with Agustin Fuentes (23-03)/5 - 7 - Talking about Becoming Social with Agustin Fuentes (2303).txt |
25 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/06 - Subsistence Strategies of Homo erectus with Henry Bunn (18-05)/4 - 6 - Subsistence Strategies of Homo erectus with Henry Bunn (1805).srt |
24 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/08 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 2 (14-28)/3 - 8 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 2 (1428).srt |
23 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/06 - What is Evolution (15-26)/1 - 6 - What is Evolution (1526).srt |
23 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/05 - The Deep History Within the Human Genome (28-03)/5 - 5 - The Deep History Within the Human Genome (2803).txt |
23 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/08 - Talking about the Northern Muriqui with Karen Strier (22-49)/5 - 8 - Talking about the Northern Muriqui with Karen Strier (2249).txt |
22 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/02 - In the Lab with Robust Australopithecines (14-24)/3 - 2 - In the Lab with Robust Australopithecines (1424).srt |
22 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/09 - Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals with Geraldine Clive Finlayson (22-14)/6 - 9 - Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals with Geraldine Clive Finlayson (2214).txt |
22 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/02 - The Evolution of the Pelvis as it Relates to Birth in Homo with Karen Rosenberg (12-44)/5 - 2 - The Evolution of the Pelvis as it Relates to Birth in Homo with Karen Rosenberg (1244).srt |
22 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/03 - Back in the Lab with Later Homo erectus (14-23)/5 - 3 - Back in the Lab with Later Homo erectus (1423).srt |
22 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/03 - In the Lab with Homo erectus (14-37)/4 - 3 - In the Lab with Homo erectus (1437).srt |
21 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/03 - Talking about Early Hominins with Carol Ward (19-51)/2 - 3 - Talking about Early Hominins with Carol Ward (1951).txt |
21 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/06 - Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger (24-45)/3 - 6 - Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger (2445).txt |
21 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/05 - In the Lab with Neandertals (14-00)/6 - 5 - In the Lab with Neandertals (1400).srt |
21 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/04 - Everything I Know about Human Genetics I Learned from Malaria (24-57)/8 - 4 - Everything I Know about Human Genetics I Learned from Malaria (2457).txt |
20 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/06 - Ancient Genomes Part 1 the Denisovans (13-32)/5 - 6 - Ancient Genomes Part 1 the Denisovans (1332).srt |
20 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/07 - Talking about Geological Dating with Andy Herries (11-05)/2 - 7 - Talking about Geological Dating with Andy Herries (1105).srt |
20 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/07 - Interpreting Burial Cultures (13-16)/7 - 7 - Interpreting Burial Cultures (1316).srt |
19 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/04 - Interpreting Dietary Diversity with Peter Ungar (21-14)/3 - 4 - Interpreting Dietary Diversity with Peter Ungar (2114).txt |
19 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/06 - Colonization of the Americas (22-49)/7 - 6 - Colonization of the Americas (2249).txt |
19 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/09 - Natural Selection in Recent Populations (21-52)/7 - 9 - Natural Selection in Recent Populations (2152).txt |
19 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/02 - Talking about Bubonic Plague with Hendrik Poinar (17-55)/8 - 2 - Talking about Bubonic Plague with Hendrik Poinar (1755).txt |
18 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/07 - The Place of Ardipithecus (What is a Hominin) (21-54)/1 - 7 - The Place of Ardipithecus (What is a Hominin) (2154).txt |
18 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/07 - Talking About the First Hominins Outside of Africa with David Lordkipanidze (24-33)/4 - 7 - Talking About the First Hominins Outside of Africa with David Lordkipanidze (2433).txt |
18 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/05 - Talking About the Archaeology of Complex Cultures with Francesco eErrico (21-59)/7 - 5 - Talking About the Archaeology of Complex Cultures with Francesco eErrico (2159).txt |
18 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/04 - Species and Speciation Revisiting Darwins Sandwalk (12-14)/2 - 4 - Species and Speciation Revisiting Darwins Sandwalk (1214).srt |
18 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/02 - Being Bipeds (12-09)/2 - 2 - Being Bipeds (1209) .srt |
18 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/06 - Exploring Sterkfontein (11-53)/2 - 6 - Exploring Sterkfontein (1153).srt |
18 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/07 - Using Plant Microfossils to Learn About Diet with Amanda Henry (20-59)/6 - 7 - Using Plant Microfossils to Learn About Diet with Amanda Henry (2059).txt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/01 - Welcome - Introduction Highlights (11-41)/1 - 1 - Welcome - Introduction Highlights (1141).srt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/05 - Talking about Ancient Diets with Matthew Sponheimer (17-28)/3 - 5 - Talking about Ancient Diets with Matthew Sponheimer (1728).txt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/08 - Talking About Olduvai Gorge with Henry Bunn (24-08)/4 - 8 - Talking About Olduvai Gorge with Henry Bunn (2408).txt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/03 - Talking About the Process of Aging with Caleb Finch (24-52)/8 - 3 - Talking About the Process of Aging with Caleb Finch (2452).txt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/04 - Talking about Wild Savanna Chimpanzees with Jill Pruetz (15-14)/1 - 4 - Talking about Wild Savanna Chimpanzees with Jill Pruetz (1514).txt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/10 - Talking About the Last Neandertals at Gibraltar with Clive Finlayson (16-09)/6 - 10 - Talking About the Last Neandertals at Gibraltar with Clive Finlayson (1609).txt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/05 - Talking about Laetoli with Charles Musiba (12-23)/2 - 5 - Talking about Laetoli with Charles Musiba (1223).srt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/04 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 2 (19-35)/7 - 4 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 2 (1935).txt |
17 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/07 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 1 (17-50)/3 - 7 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 1 (1750) .txt |
16 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/10 - What is Homo habilis (11-10)/3 - 10 - What is Homo habilis (1110).srt |
16 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/09 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 3 (10-09)/3 - 9 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 3 (1009).srt |
16 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/03 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 1 (10-19)/7 - 3 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 1 (1019).srt |
16 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/02 - Neandertals Modern Humans in the Levant (9-36)/6 - 2 - Neandertals Modern Humans in the Levant (936).srt |
15 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/05 - Field Journal from Olduvai with Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (19-28)/4 - 5 - Field Journal from Olduvai with Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (1928).srt |
15 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/06 - Talking about Neandertals in Central Asia with Mica Glantz (18-08)/6 - 6 - Talking about Neandertals in Central Asia with Mica Glantz (1808).txt |
15 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/02 - Ancient Genomes Part 2 The Neandertals (17-32)/7 - 2 - Ancient Genomes Part 2 The Neandertals (1732).txt |
15 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/05 - The Molecular Clock (18-16)/1 - 5 - The Molecular Clock (1816).txt |
15 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/08 - The Natufian the Origins of Agriculture (9-41)/7 - 8 - The Natufian the Origins of Agriculture (941).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/03 - Field Journal from Swartkrans with Jess Senjem (9-05)/3 - 3 - Field Journal from Swartkrans with Jess Senjem (905).srt |
14 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/02 - About the Course FAQ (15-04)/1 - 2 - About the Course FAQ (1504).txt |
14 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/06 - Subsistence Strategies of Homo erectus with Henry Bunn (18-05)/4 - 6 - Subsistence Strategies of Homo erectus with Henry Bunn (1805).txt |
14 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/04 - The Earliest Modern Humans (8-19)/5 - 4 - The Earliest Modern Humans (819).srt |
13 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/08 - Exploring Gorhams Cave with Darren Fa, Clive Geraldine Finlayson (13-06)/6 - 8 - Exploring Gorhams Cave with Darren Fa, Clive Geraldine Finlayson (1306).txt |
13 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/06 - What is Evolution (15-26)/1 - 6 - What is Evolution (1526).txt |
13 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/08 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 2 (14-28)/3 - 8 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 2 (1428).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/02 - In the Lab with Robust Australopithecines (14-24)/3 - 2 - In the Lab with Robust Australopithecines (1424).txt |
12 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/02 - The Evolution of the Pelvis as it Relates to Birth in Homo with Karen Rosenberg (12-44)/5 - 2 - The Evolution of the Pelvis as it Relates to Birth in Homo with Karen Rosenberg (1244).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/03 - In the Lab with Homo erectus (14-37)/4 - 3 - In the Lab with Homo erectus (1437).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/03 - Back in the Lab with Later Homo erectus (14-23)/5 - 3 - Back in the Lab with Later Homo erectus (1423).txt |
12 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/05 - In the Lab with Neandertals (14-00)/6 - 5 - In the Lab with Neandertals (1400).txt |
12 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/03 - Understanding the Process of Becoming Human (7-48)/6 - 3 - Understanding the Process of Becoming Human (748).srt |
11 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/02 - Recreating Ancient Technologies with Gregg Jamison (7-26)/4 - 2 - Recreating Ancient Technologies with Gregg Jamison (726).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/07 - Interpreting Burial Cultures (13-16)/7 - 7 - Interpreting Burial Cultures (1316).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/06 - Ancient Genomes Part 1 the Denisovans (13-32)/5 - 6 - Ancient Genomes Part 1 the Denisovans (1332).txt |
11 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/07 - Talking about Geological Dating with Andy Herries (11-05)/2 - 7 - Talking about Geological Dating with Andy Herries (1105).txt |
11 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/04 - Species and Speciation Revisiting Darwins Sandwalk (12-14)/2 - 4 - Species and Speciation Revisiting Darwins Sandwalk (1214).txt |
10 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/03 - Rising Star Expedition (6-38)/1 - 3 - Rising Star Expedition (638).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/02 - Being Bipeds (12-09)/2 - 2 - Being Bipeds (1209) .txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/06 - Exploring Sterkfontein (11-53)/2 - 6 - Exploring Sterkfontein (1153).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/01 - Welcome - Introduction Highlights (11-41)/1 - 1 - Welcome - Introduction Highlights (1141).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/humanevolution-001-about.json |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/05 - Talking about Laetoli with Charles Musiba (12-23)/2 - 5 - Talking about Laetoli with Charles Musiba (1223).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/10 - What is Homo habilis (11-10)/3 - 10 - What is Homo habilis (1110).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/09 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 3 (10-09)/3 - 9 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 3 (1009).txt |
9 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/03 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 1 (10-19)/7 - 3 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 1 (1019).txt |
9 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/02 - Neandertals Modern Humans in the Levant (9-36)/6 - 2 - Neandertals Modern Humans in the Levant (936).txt |
8 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/05 - Reflections on the Course - Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (4-39)/8 - 5 - Reflections on the Course - Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (439).srt |
8 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/08 - The Natufian the Origins of Agriculture (9-41)/7 - 8 - The Natufian the Origins of Agriculture (941).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/04 - The Great Rift Valley (5-32)/4 - 4 - The Great Rift Valley (532).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/08 - Week 1 Reflections (4-38)/1 - 8 - Week 1 Reflections (438).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/05 - Field Journal from Olduvai with Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (19-28)/4 - 5 - Field Journal from Olduvai with Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (1928).txt |
8 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/03 - Field Journal from Swartkrans with Jess Senjem (9-05)/3 - 3 - Field Journal from Swartkrans with Jess Senjem (905).txt |
8 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/04 - The Earliest Modern Humans (8-19)/5 - 4 - The Earliest Modern Humans (819).txt |
7 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/04 - NeanderTAL vs. NeanderTHAL (4-30)/6 - 4 - NeanderTAL vs. NeanderTHAL (430).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/11 - Week 6 Reflections (3-44)/6 - 11 - Week 6 Reflections (344).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/09 - Week 5 Reflections (3.38)/5 - 9 - Week 5 Reflections (3.38).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/03 - Understanding the Process of Becoming Human (7-48)/6 - 3 - Understanding the Process of Becoming Human (748).txt |
6 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/02 - Recreating Ancient Technologies with Gregg Jamison (7-26)/4 - 2 - Recreating Ancient Technologies with Gregg Jamison (726).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/03 - Rising Star Expedition (6-38)/1 - 3 - Rising Star Expedition (638).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/08 - Week 2 Reflections (3-01)/2 - 8 - Week 2 Reflections (301).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/04 - The Great Rift Valley (5-32)/4 - 4 - The Great Rift Valley (532).txt |
5 KB |
[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/05 - Reflections on the Course - Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (4-39)/8 - 5 - Reflections on the Course - Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (439).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/11 - Week 3 Reflections (2-42)/3 - 11 - Week 3 Reflections (242).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/01 - Week 1 Our Place Among the Primates/08 - Week 1 Reflections (4-38)/1 - 8 - Week 1 Reflections (438).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/01 - Week 6 Introduction (2-23)/6 - 1 - Week 6 Introduction (223).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/09 - Week 4 Reflections (2-30)/4 - 9 - Week 4 Reflections (230).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/04 - NeanderTAL vs. NeanderTHAL (4-30)/6 - 4 - NeanderTAL vs. NeanderTHAL (430).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/11 - Week 6 Reflections (3-44)/6 - 11 - Week 6 Reflections (344).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/09 - Week 5 Reflections (3.38)/5 - 9 - Week 5 Reflections (3.38).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/01 - Week 3 Introduction (2-01)/3 - 1 - Week 3 Introduction (201).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/01 - Week 5 Introduction (2-04)/5 - 1 - Week 5 Introduction (204).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/01 - Week 2 Introduction (1-56)/2 - 1 - Week 2 Introduction (156).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/10 - Week 7 Reflections (1-55)/7 - 10 - Week 7 Reflections (155).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/01 - Week 4 Introduction (1-44)/4 - 1 - Week 4 Introduction (144).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/_README.txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/01 - Week 7 Introduction (1-34)/7 - 1 - Week 7 Introduction (134).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/08 - Week 2 Reflections (3-01)/2 - 8 - Week 2 Reflections (301).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/01 - Week 8 Introduction (1-30)/8 - 1 - Week 8 Introduction (130).srt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/11 - Week 3 Reflections (2-42)/3 - 11 - Week 3 Reflections (242).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/06 - Week 6 Emerging Culture - Neandertals Modern Humans/01 - Week 6 Introduction (2-23)/6 - 1 - Week 6 Introduction (223).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/09 - Week 4 Reflections (2-30)/4 - 9 - Week 4 Reflections (230).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/03 - Week 3 Diet and Diversity in Hominins/01 - Week 3 Introduction (2-01)/3 - 1 - Week 3 Introduction (201).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/05 - Week 5 The Origins of Modern Humans/01 - Week 5 Introduction (2-04)/5 - 1 - Week 5 Introduction (204).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/10 - Week 7 Reflections (1-55)/7 - 10 - Week 7 Reflections (155).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/02 - Week 2 Becoming Bipeds/01 - Week 2 Introduction (1-56)/2 - 1 - Week 2 Introduction (156).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/04 - Week 4 The First Humans/01 - Week 4 Introduction (1-44)/4 - 1 - Week 4 Introduction (144).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/07 - Week 7 Adapting to Agriculture/01 - Week 7 Introduction (1-34)/7 - 1 - Week 7 Introduction (134).txt |
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[Coursera] Human Evolution - Past and Future/08 - Week 8 Our Evolutionary Future/01 - Week 8 Introduction (1-30)/8 - 1 - Week 8 Introduction (130).txt |
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