books about python/al-taie. z. m. - python for graph and network analysis - 2017.pdf |
12.6 MB |
books about python/arbuckle d. - daniel arbuckle's mastering python - 2017.pdf |
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books about python/arbuckle d. - learning python testing - 2014.pdf |
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69.7 MB |
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11.1 MB |
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6.8 MB |
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10.9 MB |
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28.2 MB |
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6.9 MB |
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17.4 MB |
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books about python/deitel p. - intro to python for computer science and data science - 2020.pdf |
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books about python/dempsey r. - python business intelligence cookbook - 2015.pdf |
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books about python/diener m. - python geospatial analysis cookbook - 2015.pdf |
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books about python/downey a. - how to think like a computer scientist - 2002.pdf |
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books about python/downey a. b. - python software design, how to think like a computer scientist - 2009.pdf |
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books about python/downey a. b. - think python - 2012.pdf |
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books about python/driscoll m. - python 101 - 2016.pdf |
29.5 MB |
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35.1 MB |
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10.8 MB |
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books about python/hellegouarch s. - cherrypy essentials rapid python web application development - 2007.pdf |
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books about python/hellmann d. - the python standard library by example - 2011.pdf |
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books about python/henley a. - learn data analysis with python - 2018.pdf |
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books about python/hetland m. l. - beginning python: from novice to prefessional - 2005.pdf |
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books about python/hetland m. l. - beginning python: from novice to professional - 2008.pdf |
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books about python/hetland m. l. - python algorithms - 2010.pdf |
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23.8 MB |
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books about python/idris i. - python data analysis cookbook - 2016.pdf |
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books about python/jones c. a. - python and xml - 2002.pdf |
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14.4 MB |
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19.6 MB |
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2.1 MB |
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15.4 MB |
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books about python/kirk m. - thoughtful machine learning with python. a test-driven approach - 2016.pdf |
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books about python/kiusalaas j. - numerical methods in engineering with python - 2005.pdf |
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books about python/kiusalaas j. - numerical methods in engineering with python - 2010.pdf |
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books about python/kiusalass j. - numerical methods in engineering with python 3 - 2013.pdf |
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books about python/lutz m. - programming python - 2011.pdf |
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books about python/madhavan s. - mastering python for data science - 2015.pdf |
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books about python/martin o. - bayesian analysis with python - 2016.pdf |
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books about python/martins l. f. - ipython notebook essentials - 2014.pdf |
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books about python/лутц м. - python. карманный справочник - 2015.pdf |
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books about python/лутц м. - изучаем python том 1 - 2019.pdf |
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books about python/лутц м. - программирование на python - 2002.djvu |
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books about python/лутц м. - программирование на python том 1 - 2011.djvu |
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books about python/лутц м. - программирование на python том 2 - 2011.djvu |
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books about python/мэтиз э. - изучаем python. программирование игр, визуализация данных, веб-приложения - 2017.pdf |
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books about python/прохоренок н. - pyqt. создание оконных приложений на python 3 - 2011.pdf |
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books about python/прохоренок н. - python 3 и pyqt 5. разработка приложений - 2016.djvu |
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books about python/прохоренок н. - python 3 и pyqt разработка приложений - 2012.djvu |
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books about python/прохоренок н. - python 3. самое необходимое - 2019.pdf |
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books about python/прохоренок н. - python самое необходимое - 2011.djvu |
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books about python/рашка с. - python и машинное обучение - 2017.djvu |
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books about python/саммерфилд м. - python на практике - 2014.djvu |
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books about python/саммерфилд м. - программирование на python 3 - 2009.djvu |
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books about python/свейгарт э. - автоматизация рутинных задач с помощью python - 2017.djvu |
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books about python/свейгарт э. - учим python, делая крутые игры - 2018.pdf |
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books about python/седжвик р. - программирование на языке python - 2017.pdf |
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books about python/сейтц дж. - python глазами хакера - 2009.pdf |
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books about python/слаткин б. - секреты python: 59 рекомендаций по написанию эффективного кода - 2016.pdf |
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books about python/солем я.э. - программирование компьютерного зрения на языке python - 2016.djvu |
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books about python/сузи р. - python - 2002.djvu |
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books about python/сузи р. - язык программирования python - 2016.pdf |
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books about python/федоров д. - основы программирования на примере языка python - 2018.pdf |
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books about python/федоров д. - программирование на языке высокого уровня python - 2019.pdf |
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books about python/форсье дж. - django. разрабока веб-приложений на python - 2010.djvu |
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books about python/хахаев и. - практикум по алгоритмизации и программированию на python - 2010.pdf |
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books about python/хеллман д. - стандартная библиотека python 3: справочник с примерами - 2019.pdf |
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books about python/хоштейн л. - запускаем ansible - 2018.pdf |
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books about python/чан у. - python - создание приложений. библиотека профессионала - 2015.djvu |
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books about python/шарден б. - крупномаштабное машинное обучение вместе с python - 2018.djvu |
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books about python/шолле ф. - глубокое обучение на python - 2018.pdf |
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books about python/шоу з. а. - легкий способ выючить python - 2017.djvu |
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