Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery

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Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 23. Bonus_Extra Bits/321. AMA - 100,000 Students!!.mp4 859.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 1. Introduction/1. Course Outline.mp4 81.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 1. Introduction/2. Join Our Online Classroom.rtfd/TXT.rtf 3 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 1. Introduction/3. Exercise. Meet The Community.rtfd/TXT.rtf 3 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/4. What Is A Programming Language.mp4 104.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/5. Python Interpreter.mp4 78.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/6. How To Run Python Code.mp4 52.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/7. Note.jpg 130 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/8. Our First Python Program.mp4 47.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/9. Latest Version Of Python.mp4 10.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/10. Python 2 vs Python 3.mp4 69.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/11. Why So Many Languages.mp4 40.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/12. Exercise How Does Python Work.mp4 25.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/13. ZTM Python Cheat Sheet.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/14. Python Developer Monthly.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/15. Endorsements on LI.rtfd/TXT.rtf 3 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/Resources/5.rtfd/TXT.rtf 515 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/Resources/6.rtfd/TXT.rtf 709 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/Resources/10.rtfd/TXT.rtf 1 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 2. Python Introduction/Resources/11.rtfd/TXT.rtf 587 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/16. Learning Python.mp4 38.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/17. Python Data Types.mp4 28.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/18. How To Succeed.jpg 101 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/19. Numbers.mp4 72.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/20. Math Functions.mp4 41.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/21. DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS I.mp4 59.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/22. Operator Precedence.mp4 14.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/24. Optional bin() and complex.mp4 21.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/25. Variables.mp4 93.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/26. Expressions vs Statements.mp4 11 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/27. Augmented Assignment Operator.mp4 15.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/28. Strings.mp4 31 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/29. String Concatenation.mp4 7.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/30. Type Conversion.mp4 19 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/31. Escape Sequences.mp4 23.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/32. Formatted Strings.mp4 49.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/33. String Indexes.mp4 49.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/34. Immutability.mp4 20.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/35. Built-In Functions + Methods.mp4 69.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/36. Booleans.mp4 16.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/37. Exercise Type Conversion.mp4 50.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/38. DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS II.mp4 29.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/39. Exercise Password Checker.mp4 51.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/40. Lists.mp4 22 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/41. List Slicing.mp4 49.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/42. Matrix.mp4 19.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/43. List Methods.mp4 61.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/44. List Methods 2.mp4 27.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/45. List Methods 3.mp4 27.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/46. Common List Patterns.mp4 40.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/47. List Unpacking.mp4 13.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/48. None.mp4 7.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/49. Dictionaries.mp4 32.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/50. DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS III.mp4 26.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/51. Dictionary Keys.mp4 20.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/52. Dictionary Methods.mp4 27.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/53. Dictionary Methods 2.mp4 42.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/54. Tuples.mp4 25.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/55. Tuples 2.mp4 17 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/56. Sets.mp4 37 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/57. Sets 2.mp4 64.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/23. Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/19.rtfd/TXT.rtf 555 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/20.rtfd/TXT.rtf 583 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/24.rtfd/TXT.rtf 569 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/25.rtfd/TXT.rtf 581 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/27_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 579 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/32_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 555 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/33_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 549 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/35.rtfd/TXT.rtf 849 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/38.rtfd/TXT.rtf 559 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/41_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 531 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/42_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 533 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/43.rtfd/TXT.rtf 573 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/44_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 701 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/46_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 535 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/52.rtfd/TXT.rtf 585 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/53_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 541 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/55.rtfd/TXT.rtf 575 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 3. Python Basics/Resources/57_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 807 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/58. Breaking The Flow.mp4 23.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/59. Conditional Logic.mp4 84.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/60. Indentation In Python.mp4 32.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/61. Truthy vs Falsey.mp4 46.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/62. Ternary Operator.mp4 22.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/63. Short Circuiting.mp4 22.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/64. Logical Operators.mp4 32.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/65. Exercise Logical Operators.mp4 47.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/66. is vs ==.mp4 39.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/67. For Loops.mp4 39.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/68. Iterables.mp4 50 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/69. Exercise Tricky Counter.mp4 18.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/70. range().mp4 31.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/71. enumerate().mp4 27.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/72. While Loops.mp4 31.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/73. While Loops 2.mp4 30 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/74. break, continue, pass.mp4 26 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/75. Our First GUI.mp4 56.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/76. DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS IV.mp4 57.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/77. Exercise Find Duplicates.mp4 23.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/78. Functions.mp4 56 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/79. Parameters and Arguments.mp4 26.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/80. Default Parameters and Keyword Arguments.mp4 43.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/81. return.mp4 72.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/83. Methods vs Functions.mp4 34.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/84. Docstrings.mp4 19.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/85. Clean Code.mp4 22.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/86. args and kwargs.mp4 49.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/87. Exercise Functions.mp4 24.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/88. Walrus Operator.mp4 48.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/89. Scope.mp4 23.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/90. Scope Rules.mp4 44.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/91. global Keyword.mp4 42.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/92. nonlocal Keyword.mp4 21.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/93. Why Do We Need Scope.mp4 23 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/82. Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 1 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/94. Python Exam.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/61.rtfd/TXT.rtf 687 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/69_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 531 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/75_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 545 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/75_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 545 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/77_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 551 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/87_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 563 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/88_Code Example.rtfd/TXT.rtf 549 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 4. Python Basics II/Resources/92_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 537 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/95. MAC - Python Install.mp4 36.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/96. WINDOWS - Python Install.mp4 44.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/99. Python Developer Tools.mp4 51.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/100. Sublime Text.mp4 35.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/101. Quick Note.jpg 111 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/102. Optional Terminal Commands.mp4 117.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/103. iTerm Setup.jpg 67 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/104. Using the Command LineTerminal.mp4 26.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/105. Visual Studio Code.mp4 50.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/106. PyCharm.mp4 60.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/107. Code Formatting - PEP 8.mp4 47.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/108. Quick Note. Jupyter Notebooks.jpg 123 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/109. Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 105.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/110. Section Review.mp4 42.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/97. WINDOWS - Get Terminal.rtfd/TXT.rtf 1 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/98. LINUX - Python Install.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/Resources/95.rtfd/TXT.rtf 833 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/Resources/96.rtfd/TXT.rtf 785 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/Resources/100.rtfd/TXT.rtf 610 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/Resources/105.rtfd/TXT.rtf 545 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/Resources/106.rtfd/TXT.rtf 579 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 5. Developer Environment/Resources/109.rtfd/TXT.rtf 1 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/111. Note.jpg 204 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/112. What Is OOP.mp4 83.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/113. What is OOP Part 2.mp4 87.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/114. Creating Our Own Objects.mp4 80.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/115. Attributes and Methods.mp4 84.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/116. __init__.mp4 25.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/118. @classmethod and @staticmethod.mp4 48.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/119. Reviewing What We Know So Far.mp4 16.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/120. DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS V.mp4 24.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/121. Encapsulation.mp4 54.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/122. Abstraction.mp4 44.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/123. Private vs Public Variables.mp4 48.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/124. Inheritance.mp4 80.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/125. Inheritance 2.mp4 36.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/126. Polymorphism.mp4 84.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/128. super().mp4 49.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/129. Object Introspection.mp4 17.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/130. Dunder Methods.mp4 89 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/131. Exercise Extending List.mp4 26.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/132. Multiple Inheritance.mp4 66.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/133. MRO - Method Resolution Order.mp4 58 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/117. Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/127. Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/Resources/112.rtfd/TXT.rtf 549 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/Resources/113.rtfd/TXT.rtf 865 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/Resources/118.rtfd/TXT.rtf 603 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/Resources/130.rtfd/TXT.rtf 867 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/Resources/131_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 551 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 6. Advanced Python. OOP/Resources/133.rtfd/TXT.rtf 827 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/134. Functional Programming.mp4 19 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/135. What Is Functional Programming.mp4 55.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/136. Pure Functions.mp4 83.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/137. map().mp4 44 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/138. filter().mp4 27.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/139. zip().mp4 24.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/140. reduce().mp4 59.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/142. Lambda Expressions.mp4 54.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/143. Exercise Lambda Expressions.mp4 35.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/144. List Comprehensions.mp4 59.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/145. Set and Dictionary Comprehension.mp4 39.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/146. Exercise Comprehensions.mp4 25.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/147. We Still Have More To Go!.jpg 85 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/141. Exercises.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/Resources/134.rtfd/TXT.rtf 593 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/Resources/143_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 616 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/Resources/146_Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 547 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 7. Functional Programming/Resources/146_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 634 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 8. Decorators/148. Decorators.mp4 37.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 8. Decorators/149. Higher Order Functions.mp4 11.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 8. Decorators/150. Decorators 2.mp4 51.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 8. Decorators/151. Decorators 3.mp4 45 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 8. Decorators/152. Why Do We Need Decorators.mp4 57.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 8. Decorators/153. Exercise.rtfd/TXT.rtf 2 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 8. Decorators/Resources/152.rtfd/TXT.rtf 624 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 9. Error Handling/154. Errors in Python.mp4 42.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 9. Error Handling/155. Error Handling.mp4 58.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 9. Error Handling/156. Error Handling 2.mp4 41.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 9. Error Handling/157. Exercises Error Handling.mp4 41.8 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 9. Error Handling/158. Error Handling 3.mp4 26.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 9. Error Handling/Resources/154.rtfd/TXT.rtf 567 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 9. Error Handling/Resources/155.rtfd/TXT.rtf 567 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/159. Generators.mp4 49.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/160. Generators 2.mp4 94.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/161. Generators Performance.mp4 32.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/162. Under The Hood Of Generators.mp4 71.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/163. Exercise Fibonacci Numbers.mp4 76.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/164. Py Exam.rtfd/TXT.rtf 1 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/165. 100 Py Exercises.rtfd/TXT.rtf 1 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/Resources/161.rtfd/TXT.rtf 541 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/Resources/162.rtfd/TXT.rtf 545 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 10. Generators/Resources/163_Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 545 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/166. Modules In Python.mp4 94 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/167. Packages In Python.mp4 72.1 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/168. Different Ways To Import.mp4 47.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/169. __name__.mp4 59.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/170. Python Built-in Modules.mp4 110.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/171. Python Built-in Modules 2.mp4 37.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/172. Exercise Guessing Game.mp4 86.5 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/173. Python Package Index.mp4 84.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/174. pip install.mp4 74.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/175. Virtual Environments.mp4 47.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/176. Useful Modules.mp4 67.7 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/178. Useful Modules 2.mp4 39.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/179. DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS VI.mp4 27.9 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/Resources/170.rtfd/TXT.rtf 553 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/Resources/172. Solution.rtfd/TXT.rtf 547 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/Resources/173.rtfd/TXT.rtf 586 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/Resources/174.rtfd/TXT.rtf 575 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 11. Modules In Python/Resources/178.rtfd/TXT.rtf 619 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 12. Debugging In Python/180. How To Debug Code.mp4 80.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 12. Debugging In Python/Resources/180.rtfd/TXT.rtf 553 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 13. File IO/181. Working With Files In Python.mp4 47 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 13. File IO/182. Read, Write, Append.mp4 55.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 13. File IO/183. File Paths.mp4 52 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 13. File IO/184. File IO Errors.mp4 15.2 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 13. File IO/185. Exercise Translator.mp4 83.4 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 13. File IO/Resources/183.rtfd/TXT.rtf 644 B
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 14. Regular Expressions/186. Regular Expressions.mp4 53.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 14. Regular Expressions/187. Regular Expressions 2.mp4 58 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 14. Regular Expressions/188. Exercises. Interactive RegEx.jpg 108 KB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 14. Regular Expressions/189. Regular Expressions 3.mp4 56.6 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 14. Regular Expressions/190. Exercise Password Validation.mp4 43.3 MB
Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery/Section 14. Regular Expressions/191. Exercise. Password Validation 2.jpg 116 KB
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Name Size Peers
[] Udemy - Complete Python Developer in 2023 Zero to Mastery Application 18.8 GB 14
[] Udemy - Complete Python Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery Video 15 GB 0
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[] Udemy - Complete Python Developer in 2020 Zero to Mastery Video 15 GB 103
[ ] Udemy - Complete Backend Development 2020 Bundle - Python Application 5.1 GB 92
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[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Complete Python Developer in 2020 Zero to Mastery Video 15 GB 59
[05-2020] complete-python-developer-zero-to-mastery Video 18.4 GB 38
Udemy - Complete Python Developer in 2020 Zero to Mastery 2020-2 Video 15 GB 35
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Complete Python Developer in 2020 Zero to Mastery Video 14.2 GB 33
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[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course Video 3.1 GB 14
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