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P_Physics/Ablowitz M.J., Boiti M., Pempinelli F., Prinari B. (eds.) Nonlinear physics.. theory and experiment II (Proc. Gallipoli, 2002, WS, 2003)(600dpi)(T)(424s)_P_.djvu 4.7 MB
P_Physics/Ausubel J.H., Langford H.D. (eds.) Lasers.. invention to application (1987)(T)(ISBN 030903776X)(146s).djvu 2 MB
P_Physics/Bellan P.M. Fundamentals of plasma physics (CUP draft Sept. 2004)(550s).pdf 4.9 MB
P_Physics/Benson D. Mathematics and music (CUP draft, 2003)(T)(474s).djvu 4.3 MB
P_Physics/Beyer H.F., Shevelko V.P. Introduction to physics of highly charged ions (IOP, 2003)(T)(376s).djvu 3.6 MB
P_Physics/Bohren C.F., Huffman D.R. Absorption and scattering of light by small particles (Wiley, 1998)(K)(400dpi)(T)(545s)(ISBN 0471293407)_P_.djvu 6.1 MB
P_Physics/Borowiec A., Cegla W., et al. (eds.) Theoretical physics fin de siecle (proc. Wroclaw 1998, Springer LNP539, 2000)(311s).pdf 1.9 MB
P_Physics/Braams C.M., Stott P.E. Nuclear fusion.. half a century of magnetic confinement fusion research (IOP, 2002)(T)(ISBN 0750307056)(341s).djvu 3.7 MB
P_Physics/Callaghan P. Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (Oxford, 1991)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0198539444)(512s).djvu 19.3 MB
P_Physics/Centennary Issue Rev.Mod.Phys. vol.71 issue 2 (1999)(T)(493s).djvu 10.7 MB
P_Physics/Centennary Issue Rev.Mod.Phys. vol.71 issue 2 (1999)(bw)(T)(493s).djvu 7.1 MB
P_Physics/Chen F.F. Principles of plasma processing (lecture course)(T)(C)(248s).djvu 6.8 MB
P_Physics/Committee on Microgravity Research. Assessment of Directions in Microgravity and Physical Sciences Research at NASA (National Academies Press,2004)(ISBN 0309086396)(121s)_P_.pdf 3.7 MB
P_Physics/Committee on Physics of the Universe, National Research Council. Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos.. Eleven Science Questions for the New Century (National Academy Press,2003)(ISBN 0309074061)(218s).pdf 6.2 MB
P_Physics/Cramer N.F. The physics of Alfven waves (Wiley-VCH, 2001)(400dpi)(K)(T)(304s)_P_.djvu 3.5 MB
P_Physics/Davidson R.C. Theory of nonneutral plasmas (Benjamin, 1974)(T)(214s)_P_.djvu 3 MB
P_Physics/Dawson C. Practical Research Methods.. A User-Friendly Guide to Mastering Research Techniques and Projects (How To Books,2002)(ISBN 1857038290)(169s).pdf 753 KB
P_Physics/Einstein A. Publikationen 1905 bis 1922 in Annalen der Physik (600dpi)(KA)(de)(T)(651s)_P_.djvu 11.8 MB
P_Physics/Einstein A., Lorentz H., Minkowski H. Das Relativitaetsprinzip.. gesammelte Abhandlungen (Leipzig, 1913)(600dpi)(KA)(de)(T)(97s)_P_.djvu 1.9 MB
P_Physics/Ekspong G. (ed.) The Oskar Klein memorial lectures, vol.1 (WS, 1991)(T)(142s)_P_.djvu 1.1 MB
P_Physics/Fitzpatrick. Intro to plasma physics(400dpi)(T)(247s).djvu 1.5 MB
P_Physics/Francis G. The Glow Discharge at Low Pressure (Enc.Phys., Springer, 1956)(T)(160s).djvu 3.2 MB
P_Physics/Fussmann G. Einfuehrung in die Plasmaphysik (Berlin Vorlesung, 2001)(147s)(de).pdf 1.6 MB
P_Physics/Goldreich P., Mahajan S., Phinney S. Order-of-magnitude physics (book draft 1999)(T)(112s).djvu 856 KB
P_Physics/Hademenos G.J. (eds.) Schaum's easy outlines.. Applied physics crash course (McGraw-Hills, 2003)(200dpi(K)(200dpi)(T)(146s)_P_.djvu 649 KB
P_Physics/Hess B.A. Relativistic Effects in Heavy Element Chemistry and Physics (Wiley,2002)(ISBN 0470841389)(400dpi)(T)(C)(322s)_P_.djvu 8.9 MB
P_Physics/Heyde K. Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics.. An Introductory Approach (2ed., IoP,1998)(ISBN 0750305355)(T)(536s)_P_.djvu 5.4 MB
P_Physics/Historic perspectives on modern physics (special issue RMP71, 1999)(493s).pdf 14.6 MB
P_Physics/Historic perspectives on modern physics (special issue RMP71, 1999)(T)(493s).djvu 8.6 MB
P_Physics/Hulst van de H.C. Light scattering by small particles (Dover Publications, 1981)(ISBN 0486642283)(T)(478s)_P_.djvu 4.2 MB
P_Physics/Hulst van de H.C. Light scattering by small particles (Dover Publications, 1981)(K)(600dpi)(T)(480s)(ISBN 0486642283)_P_.djvu 17.9 MB
P_Physics/Koenies A., Krieger K. (eds.) Proc. Munich Summer university for plasma physics (2004)(T)(287s)_P_.djvu 4.4 MB
P_Physics/Kruegel E. The physics of interstellar dust (IOP, 2003)(T)(584s).djvu 3.8 MB
P_Physics/Kruegel E. The physics of interstellar dust (IoP, 2003)(584s).pdf 6.3 MB
P_Physics/Lambert J.B., Mazzola E.P. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (PH, 2003)(K)(T)(357s)_P_.djvu 4.6 MB
P_Physics/Lieberman M.A., Lichtenberg A.J. Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing (Wiley, 1994)(L)(T)(299s)_P_.djvu 6.2 MB
P_Physics/Lommel E. Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik (Barth Verlag, Leipzig, 1902)(600dpi)(de)(K)(T)(604s)_P_.djvu 13.9 MB
P_Physics/Mehra J. Physicist's conception of nature (Dirac Festschrift, D.Reidel, 1973)(KA)(T)(860s)_P_.djvu 8.3 MB
P_Physics/Mendonc,a J.T. Theory of photon acceleration (plasma) (IOP 2000)(232s).pdf 997 KB
P_Physics/Mishchenko et al. Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles (CUP, 2002)(T)(ISBN 052178252X)(488s).djvu 5.7 MB
P_Physics/Newton I. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy, vol.1. The motion of bodies (1934)(T)(425s)_P_.djvu 3.2 MB
P_Physics/Newton I. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy, vol.2. The system of the world (1934)(T)(283s)_P_.djvu 2.3 MB
P_Physics/Newton I. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (London, 1687)(T)(500s).djvu 14 MB
P_Physics/Newton I. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (London, 1687)(T)(la)(500s).djvu 14 MB
P_Physics/Newton I. Tome 1. Principes Mathematiques de la philosophie naturelle (BNF, 1759)(fr)(T)(499s).djvu 7.8 MB
P_Physics/Newton I. Tome 2. Principes Mathematiques de la philosophie naturelle (BNF, 1759)(fr)(T)(495s).djvu 7.5 MB
P_Physics/Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics (vol.2, Proc. workshop, Kiev, 1989)(K)(T)(515s)_P_.djvu 24.8 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Cole G.H.A., Woolfson M.W. Planetary Science, The Science of Planets Around Stars (IOP, 2002)(507s)_PA_.pdf 8.1 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Collins G.W. Fundamentals of stellar astrophysics (2003)(T)(525s).djvu 6.5 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Collins G.W. The virial theorem in stellar astrophysics (2003)(T)(116s).djvu 698 KB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Dopita M.A., Sutherland R.S. Diffuse matter in the universe (Springer draft, 2001)(T)(361s).djvu 2.3 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Gehren T. Einfuehrung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik, Teil 1 (Vorlesungsskript, web draft, 2002)(de)(T)(137s)_PA_.djvu 4 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Gehren T. Einfuehrung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik, Teil 2 (Vorlesungsskript, web draft, 2002)(de)(T)(168s)_PA_.djvu 6.1 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Hubble E. The Realm Of The Nebulae (1936)(T)(234s)_PA_.djvu 5.8 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Imbriale W.A. Large Antennas of the Deep Space Network (Wiley,2003)(ISBN 0471445371)(T)(C)(306s)_PA_.djvu 3.3 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Ingalis A.G. (ed.) Amateur telescope making. Book II (Scientific American, 1952)(T)(K)(300dpi)(678s)_PA_.djvu 26.4 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Ingalis A.G. (ed.) Amateur telescope making. Book III (Scientific American, 1953)(T)(K)(300dpi)(651s)_PA_.djvu 20.5 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Kivelson, Russell (eds.). Introduction to space physics (CUP, 1995)(T)(C)(ISBN 0521451043)(505s).djvu 7.1 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Moore P. The data book of astronomy (ISBN 0750306203)(IoP, 2000)(300dpi)(O)(T)(522s)_PA_.djvu 8.5 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Moore P. The data book of astronomy (ISBN 0750306203)(IoP, 2000)(600dpi)(O)(T)(522s)_PA_.djvu 19.5 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/NASA. Apollo 11.. lunar mission press kit (1969)(T)(106s).djvu 2.1 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/NASA. Apollo 11.. preliminary science report (pages 1 to 177 only)(T)(174s).djvu 10 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Palen S. Schaum's Outline of Astronomy (Schaum,2001)(ISBN 0071364366)(241s)_PA_.pdf 4.2 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia (2002)(ISBN 0540078638)(465s)_PA_.pdf 25.4 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia (2002)(ISBN ISBN 0540078638)(465s)_PA_.pdf 25.4 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Ryden B. Introduction to solar system astronomy (ASTR 161 lecture notes, Ohio State, web draft, 2004)(T)(C)(582s)_PA_.djvu 6.5 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Schombert J. Astronomy 123.. galaxies and expanding universe (lecture notes)(225s).pdf 7.2 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Smart W.M. Textbook on spherical astronomy (400dpi)(T)(443s).djvu 11 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Telescope making manual (web draft, 2001)(98s)_PA_.pdf 744 KB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Zombeck. Handbook of astronomy and astrophysics (no TOC)(T)(528s).djvu 5.2 MB
P_Physics/PA_Astronomy/Zombeck. Handbook of astronomy and astrophysics TOC.html 2 KB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Bahcall J., Ostriker J. (eds.) Unsolved problems in astrophysics (Princeton, 1997)(T)(391s)_PAp_.djvu 9.5 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Bertin G. Dynamics of galaxies (CUP)(KA)(120dpi)(T)(268s)_PAp_.djvu 4.2 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Beskin V., i dr. (eds.) Accretion discs, jets and high energy phenomena in astrophysics (2002)(96dpi)(T)(610s)_PAp_.djvu 7.8 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Binney J., Tremaine S. Galactic dynamics (Princeton Univ.Press, 1994)(T)(741s)_PAp_.djvu 21.5 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Blandford R.D., Netzer H., Woltjer L. Active galactic nuclei (Springer, 1990)(150dpi)(KA)(T)(121s)_PAp_.djvu 1.3 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Campbell C.G. Magnetohydrodynamics in binary stars(96dpi)(T)(310s)_PAp_.djvu 3.5 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Committee on Physics of the Universe, National Research Council. Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos.. Eleven Science Questions for the New Century (National Academy Press,2003)(ISBN 0309074061)(218s).pdf 6.2 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Cravens T. Physics of solar system plasmas (CUP, 1997)(T)(483s)_PAp_.djvu 17.4 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Frank, King, Raine. Accretion power in astrophysics (CUP)(T)(388s)_PAp_.djvu 6.7 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Grasso, Rubinstein. Magnetic fields in the early universe (PR348, 2001)(104s).pdf 713 KB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Hartmann L. Accretion processes in star formation(96dpi)(T)(241s)_PAp_.djvu 3.4 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Harwit M. Astrophysical concepts (3ed., Springer)(T)(663s)_PAp_.djvu 13.6 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Kruegel E. The physics of interstellar dust (IOP, 2003)(T)(584s).djvu 3.8 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Kruegel E. The physics of interstellar dust (IoP, 2003)(584s).pdf 6.3 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Lequeux J. The interstellar medium (Springer)(96dpi)(T)(437s)_PAp_.djvu 7.5 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Martinez V.J., Saar E. Statistics of the galaxy distribution (KA)(150dpi)(T)(436s)_PAp_.djvu 5.1 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Parks G.K. Physics of space plasmas.. an introduction (2ed., Westview, 2004)(T)(605s)_PAp_.djvu 7.5 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Perkins D.H. Particle astrophysics (Oxford, 2003)(bad quality)(T)(263s).djvu 10.9 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Phillips A.C. The physics of stars (Wiley,1994)(KA)(T)(224s)_PAp_.djvu 1.4 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Punsly B. Black Hole Gravitohydro-magnetics (Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540414665)(96dpi)(T)(412s)_PAp_.djvu 6.5 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Sexl R., Sexl H. Weisse Zwerge und schwarze Loecher.. Einfuehrung in die relativistische Astrophysik (1975)(de)(KA)(T)(158s)_PAp_.djvu 1.3 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Shapiro S.L., Teukolsky S.A. Black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars (Wiley)(T)(653s)_PAp_.djvu 14.1 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Shu F. Physics of Astrophysics I. Radiation (1991)(T)(441s)_PAp_.djvu 3.7 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Shu F. Physics of Astrophysics II. Gas dynamics (1992)(T)(491s)_PAp_.djvu 2.9 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Tayler R.J. The stars, their structure and evolution (2ed., CUP, 1994)(KA)(T)(252s)_PAp_.djvu 1.6 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Whittet D. Dust in the Galactic Environment (IOP,2002)(ISBN 0750306246)(405s).pdf 3.6 MB
P_Physics/PAp_Astrophysics/Woolfson M.M. Origin and evolution of the solar system (IOP)(425s).pdf 2.1 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/Anderson D.F., Eberhardt S. Understanding flight (MGH, 2001)(249s).pdf.gz 1.8 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/Anderson D.F., Eberhardt S. Understanding flight (MGH, 2001)(T)(249s).djvu 2.5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/Christoph Schiller. The motion mountain physics book(778s).pdf 7.7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCcm_Celestial mechanics/Somerville M.F.G. Mechanism of the heavens (2ed., 2001)(815s).pdf 5.2 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCcm_Celestial mechanics/Somerville M.F.G. Mechanism of the heavens (2ed., 2001)(815s)_PCcm_.pdf 5.2 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Ambartsumyan S.A. Theory of anisotropic plates.. strength, stability, and vibrations (Technomic, 1970)(600dpi)(T)(255s).djvu 2.6 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Ambartsumyan S.A. Theory of anisotropic plates.. strength, stability, and vibrations (Technomic, 1970)(600dpi)(T)(255s)_PCem_.djvu 2.6 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Amenzade Yu.A. Theory of elasticity (Mir, 1979)(600dpi)(T)(283s).djvu 3.7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Amenzade Yu.A. Theory of elasticity (Mir, 1979)(600dpi)(T)(283s)_PCem_.djvu 3.7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Antes H., Panagiotopoulos P.D. The boundary integral approach to contact problems (Birkhauser, 1992)(ISBN 3764325925)(300dpi)(K)(T)(313s).djvu 2.9 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Antes H., Panagiotopoulos P.D. The boundary integral approach to contact problems (Birkhauser, 1992)(ISBN 3764325925)(300dpi)(K)(T)(313s)_PCem_.djvu 2.9 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Antman S.S. Nonlinear problems of elasticity (Springer, 1995)(ISBN 0387941991)(L)(T)(393s)_PCem_.djvu 11.6 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Backus G. Continuum mechanics (Samizdat, 1997)(T)(387s).djvu 1.7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Barber J. Elasticity (ISBN 1402009666)(Springer, 2002)(T)(431s).djvu 2.7 MB
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P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Eringen A.C. (ed.) Continuum physics, vol.4 (AP, 1976)(ISBN 0122408047)(K)(T)(287s).djvu 3.5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Eringen A.C. (ed.) Continuum physics, vol.4 (AP, 1976)(ISBN 0122408047)(K)(T)(287s)_PCem_.djvu 3.5 MB
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P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. Elastodynamics, vol.1. Finite motions (AP, 1974)(ISBN 012240601X)(K)(T)(355s).djvu 2.8 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. Elastodynamics, vol.2. Linear theory (AP, 1975)(ISBN 0122406028)(K)(T)(673s).djvu 5.3 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. Elastodynamics, vol.2. Linear theory (AP, 1975)(ISBN 0122406028)(K)(T)(673s)_PCem_.djvu 5.3 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Freund L.B. Dynamic fracture mechanics (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521629225)(K)(T)(585s).djvu 4.8 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Freund L.B. Dynamic fracture mechanics (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521629225)(K)(T)(585s)_PCem_.djvu 4.8 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Graff K.F. Wave motion in elastic solids (Oxford, 1975)(T)(682s).djvu 6.5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Graff K.F. Wave motion in elastic solids (Oxford, 1975)(T)(682s)_PCem_.djvu 6.5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Gurtin M.E. Configurational forces as basic concepts of continuum physics (Springer, 2000)(ISBN 0387986677)(245s).pdf 858 KB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Gurtin M.E. Thermomechanics of evolving phase boundaries in the plane (Oxford, 1993)(ISBN 0198536941)(K)(T)(163s)_PCem_.djvu 2 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Herrmann H., Roux S. Statistical models for the fracture of disordered media (NH, 1990)(T)(362s).djvu 3.7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Herrmann H., Roux S. Statistical models for the fracture of disordered media (NH, 1990)(T)(362s)_PCem_.djvu 3.7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Hill R. Mathematical theory of plasticity (Oxford, 1998)(ISBN 0198503679)(KA)(T)(362s)_PCem_.djvu 3.6 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Hirth J.P., Lothe J. Theory of dislocations (2ed., Wiley, 1982)(L)(T)(ISBN 0471091251)(435s).djvu 11.7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Iyengar N.G.R. Structural stability of columns and plates (Wiley, 1988)(ISBN 0745805396)(600dpi)(T)(323s).djvu 3.5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Iyengar N.G.R. Structural stability of columns and plates (Wiley, 1988)(ISBN 0745805396)(600dpi)(T)(323s)_PCem_.djvu 3.5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Kaplunov J.D., L.Yu.Kossovitch, E.V.Nolde. Dynamics of Thin Walled Elastic Bodies (AP,1997)(ISBN 0123975905)(T)(232s).djvu 1.2 MB
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P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Kienzler R., Herrmann G. Mechanics of material space, with applications to defect and fracture mechanics (Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540669655)(L)(T)(153s).djvu 3.4 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Kienzler R., Herrmann G. Mechanics of material space, with applications to defect and fracture mechanics (Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540669655)(L)(T)(153s)_PCem_.djvu 3.4 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Lai W.M., Rubin D., Krempl E. Introduction to continuum mechanics (3ed., 1999)(T)(ISBN 0750628944)(568s).djvu 4.4 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Langhaar H.L. Energy methods in applied mechanics (Wiley, 1962)(T)(359s).djvu 3.1 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Langhaar H.L. Energy methods in applied mechanics (Wiley, 1962)(T)(359s)_PCem_.djvu 3.1 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Manevitch L.I., Andrianov I.V., Oshmyan V.G. Mechanics of periodically heterogeneous structures (Springer,2002)(ISBN 3540416307)(600dpi)(T)(272s).djvu 3.3 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Mase, Mase. Continuum mechanics for engineers (CRC, 1999)(380s).pdf 4.6 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Maugin G.A. Material inhomogeneities in elasticity (Chapman and Hall, 1993)(ISBN 0412495201)(K)(T)(287s).djvu 2.9 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Maugin G.A. Nonlinear waves in elastic crystals (Oxford, 1999)(K)(T)(323s).djvu 3.2 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Maugin G.A. The thermomechanics of plasticity and fracture (CUP, 1992)(ISBN 0521394767)(300dpi)(K)(T)(368s).djvu 2.5 MB
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P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Ottino J.M. The kinematics of mixing.. stretching, chaos, and transport (CUP, 1989)(K)(600dpi)(T)(388s).djvu 7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Ottino J.M. The kinematics of mixing.. stretching, chaos, and transport (CUP, 1989)(K)(600dpi)(T)(388s)_PCem_.djvu 7 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Royer D., Dieulesaint E. Elastic Waves in Solids 1.. Free and Guided Propagation (Springer, 1996)(600dpi)(T)(390s)_PCem_.djvu 14.1 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Royer D., Dieulesaint E. Elastic waves in solids 2(Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540659315)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(C)(474s).djvu 7.1 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Royer D., Dieulesaint E. Elastic waves in solids 2(Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540659315)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(C)(474s)_PCem_.djvu 7.1 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Sadd M.H. Elasticity.. Theory, applications, and numerics (Elsevier, 2005)(473s).pdf 5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Sadd M.H. Elasticity.. Theory, applications, and numerics (Elsevier, 2005)(473s)_PCem_.pdf 5 MB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Salenc,on J. Mecanique des milieux continus. Schema (fr)(web draft, 2002)(600dpi)(T)(C)(62s).djvu 486 KB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Salenc,on J. Mecanique des milieux continus. Schema (fr)(web draft, 2002)(600dpi)(T)(C)(62s)_PCem_.djvu 486 KB
P_Physics/PC_Classical physics/PCem_Elastic media/Salenc,on J. Mecanique des milieux continus. Tome 1 - Concepts generaux (web draft, 2002)(fr)(600dpi)(T)(341s).djvu 3.4 MB
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P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Gardiner C.W., Zoller P. Quantum noise (2ed., Springer, 2000)(K)(ISBN 3540665714)(T)(458s).djvu 3.4 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Goodman J.W. Introduction to Fourier Optics (2ed., McGraw-Hill, 1996)(600dpi)(T)(457s)(K)(ISBN 0070242542)_PEo_.djvu 12.8 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Goodman J.W. Statistical Optics (Wiley, 2000)(T)(K)(600dpi)(567s)(ISBN 0471399167)_PEo_.djvu 12.4 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Grant W.B. (ed.) Ozone measuring instruments for the stratosphere (Am.Optical Soc., 1989)(to p.103)(600dpi)(L)(T)(57s)_PEo_.djvu 1.6 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Guenther R.D. Modern optics (Wiley,1990)(ISBN 0471605387)(T)(706s).djvu 8 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Hodgson N., Weber H. Optical resonators.. fundamentals, advanced concepts and applications (1ed., Springer, 1997)(K)(600dpi)(T)(679s)(ISBN 3540761373)_PEo_.djvu 19.6 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Kawano K., Kitoh T. Introduction to Optical Waveguide Analysis.. Solving Maxwells Equations and the Schrodinger Equation (Wiley,2001)(ISBN 0471406341)(280s).pdf 1.3 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Maimistov A.I., Basharov A.M. Nonlinear optical waves (Kluwer, 1999)(T)(658s).djvu 3.5 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Mills D.L. Nonlinear Optics - Basic Concepts (Springer, 1991)(K)(ISBN 3540541926)(T)(190s)_PEo_.djvu 1.5 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Mukamel S. Principles of nonlinear optical spectroscopy (Oxford, 1996)(T)(ISBN 0195092783)(549s).djvu 5.1 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Newton I. Opticks (Royal Society, London, 1704)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(376s)_PEo_.djvu 10.2 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Newton I. Optics (1704)(L)(T)(224s).djvu 4.3 MB
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P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Puri R.R. Mathematical methods of quantum optics (Springer, 2001)(T)(303s).djvu 2.2 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Pye D. Polarised light in science and nature (IOP)(133s).pdf 693 KB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Reider G.A. Photonik.. Eine Einfuerung in dei Grundlagen (ISBN 3211219013) (2ed., Springer, 2005)(de)(600dpi)(T)(395s)_PEo_.djvu 5 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Roemer H. Theoretical optics.. an introduction (Wiley-VCH, 2004)(ISBN 3527404295)(362s)_PEo_.pdf 2.1 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Romer H. Theoretical optics - an introduction (Wiley-VCH,2004)(ISBN 3527404295)(362s)_PEo_.pdf 2.4 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Saleh B.E.A., Teich M.C. Fundamentals of photonics (Wiley, 1991)(ISBN 0471839655)(T)(982s).djvu 14.2 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Saleh B.E.A., Teich M.C. Fundamentals of photonics (Wiley, 1991)(ISBN 0471839655)(T)(C)(982s)_PEo_.djvu 12.8 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Schaefer E. Technische Optik (Vieweg, 1997)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(181s)(ISBN 3528068930)_PEo_.djvu 5 MB
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P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Siegman A.E. Lasers (Univ.Sci.Books, 1986)(T)(1304s)(ISBN 0935702113)(600dpi)_PEo_.djvu 21.3 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Silfvast W.T. Laser fundamentals (2ed., Cambridge, 2004)(T)(K)(600dpi)(670s)(ISBN 0521833450)_PEo_.djvu 16.2 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Svelto O. Principles of lasers (4ed., Springer, 1998)(K)(600dpi)(T)(624s)(ISBN 0306457482)_PEo_.djvu 7.6 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Trishenkov. Detection of Low Level Optical Signals.. photodetectors, focal plane arrays and systems (Kluwer, 1997)(600dpi)(L)(T)(209s)_PEo_.djvu 16.7 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Vanderlugt A. Optical signal processing (Wiley, 1991)(some chapters only)(600dpi)(L)(T)(180s)_PEo_.djvu 6.7 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Vedral V. Modern foundations of quantum optics (ISBN 1860945317)(Imperial College, 2005)(T)(238s)_PEo_.djvu 1.4 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Verdeyen J.T. Laser electronics (3ed., PH, 1995)(T)(K)(300dpi)(817s)(ISBN 013706666X)_PEo_.djvu 7.8 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Walls D.F., Milburn G.J. Quantum optics(T)(370s).djvu 2.9 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/PEo_Optics/Welford W. Useful optics(1991)(K)(ISBN 0226893057)(600dpi)(T)(145s)_PEo_.djvu 2.5 MB
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P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/Poincare H. Electricite et optique (2ed., 1901)(fr)(KA)(T)(653s)_PE_.djvu 5.7 MB
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P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/Thide B. Electromagnetic field theory (free version, book draft, version 2004-06-19, 2004)(203s)_PE_.pdf 1.3 MB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/Topical seminar on electromagnetic interactions (ICTP, 1971)(T)(162s).djvu 2.5 MB
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P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/Wegner F. Classical electrodynamics (lecture notes, Heidelberg, 2001)(137s).ps.gz 365 KB
P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/Wegner F. Classical electrodynamics - Klassische Elektrodynamik (lecture notes, Heidelberg, 2001)(de)(en)(160s).ps.gz 496 KB
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P_Physics/PE_Electromagnetism/van Wijk K. Answers to selected problems from Jackson's Classical electrodynamics v2 (Samizdat press, 1996)(61s).pdf 358 KB
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P_Physics/PG_General courses/Feynman/Feynman, Leyton, Sands. Lectures on physics. Vol. 1(T)(513s).djvu 9 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Feynman/Feynman, Leyton, Sands. Lectures on physics. Vol. 2 (AW, 1964)(T)(536s).djvu 10.6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Feynman/Feynman, Leyton, Sands. Lectures on physics. Vol. 3 (AW, 1964)(KA)(T)(327s).djvu 3.8 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Firk F.W.K. Essential physics 1 (free web version, 2004)(210s)_PG_.pdf 948 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Gautreau R., W.Savin. Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics (Schaum,1999)(ISBN 0070248303)(300dpi)(T)(C)(337s)_PG_.djvu 4.9 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Gibilisco S. Physics demystified (MGH, 2002)(618s).pdf 4.5 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Classical electrodynamics (Springer, 1998)(T)(566s).djvu 5.4 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Classical mechanics. Point particles and relativity (Springer, 2004)(T)(504s).djvu 9.1 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics (Springer, 2003)(K)(400dpi)(T)(563s).djvu 5.4 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Quantum Mechanics.. Special Chapters (Springer,1998)(ISBN 3540600736)(400dpi)(K)(T)(402s).djvu 3.8 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Quantum mechanics. An introduction (Springer, 2001)(T)(509s).djvu 4.6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Relativistic quantum mechanics. Wave equations (Springer, 2000)(600dpi)(T)(447s).djvu 4.1 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Theoretische Physik. Klassische Mechanik 1 (2003)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(485s).djvu 7.6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W. Theoretische Physik. Klassische Mechanik 2 (2003)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(516s).djvu 5 MB
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P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W., Neise, Stocker. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics (Springer, 1997)(T)(476s).djvu 4.7 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W., Reinhardt. Field quantization (Springer, 1996)(T)(458s).djvu 3.8 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Greiner/Greiner W., Reinhardt. Quantum electrodynamics (3ed., Springer, 2003)(400dpi)(T)(493s).djvu 3.9 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Hebbeker/Hebbeker. Physik I (neu). 1. Einleitung (de)(T)(C)(20s).djvu 212 KB
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P_Physics/PG_General courses/Hebbeker/Hebbeker. Physik I (neu). 5. Schwingungen und Wellen (de)(T)(C)(31s).djvu 1 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Hebbeker/Hebbeker. Physik I (neu). 6. Waermelehre, 1 (de)(T)(C)(25s).djvu 924 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Hebbeker/Hebbeker. Physik I (neu). 7. Waermelehre, 2 (de)(T)(C)(19s).djvu 478 KB
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P_Physics/PG_General courses/Hebbeker/Hebbeker. Physik IV Experimentell, Vorlesung (de)(T)(C)(135s).djvu 6.8 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Hellenthal W. Physik fuer Mediziner und Biologen (Wiss.Verl.-Ges., 1999)(ISBN 3804716571)(400dpi)(de)(K)(T)(391s).djvu 6.6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Huggins E.R. Undegraduate Calculus-based Physics (, 2000)(T)(1123s).djvu 16.6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Kimball A.I. A college textbook of physics (Holt, 1917)(75dpi)(T)(C)(704s)_PG_.djvu 10.8 MB
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P_Physics/PG_General courses/Landau and Lifschitz/Landau, Lifchitz. Mecanique (Mir, 1966)(fr)(L)(T)(114s).djvu 2.5 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Landau and Lifschitz/Landau, Lifshitz. Vol. 1. Mechanics (3ed., Pergamon, 1976)(T)(197s).djvu 1.6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Landau and Lifschitz/Landau, Lifshitz. Vol. 10. Physical Kinetics (1ed., Pergamon, 1981)(T)(462s).djvu 3.2 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Landau and Lifschitz/Landau, Lifshitz. Vol. 2. The classical theory of fields (4ed., 1994)(chapters 1-8 only)(T)(193s).djvu 1.7 MB
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P_Physics/PG_General courses/Landau and Lifschitz/Landau, Lifshitz. Vol. 6. Fluid mechanics (2ed, 1987)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 0080339336)(551s).djvu 5.9 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Landau and Lifschitz/Landau, Lifshitz. Vol. 8. Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (2ed., Pergamon, 1984)(T)(474s).djvu 4.1 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Landau and Lifschitz/Landau, Lifshitz. Vol. 9. Statistical physics part 2 (Pergamon, 1980)(400dpi)(T)(397s).djvu 6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Lim Yung-Kuo. (ed.) Problems and Solutions on Electromagnetism (WS, 2005)(T)(K)(600dpi)(679s)_PG_.djvu 8.8 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Lim Yung-Kuo. (ed.) Problems and Solutions on Solid State Physics, Relativity and Miscellaneous (WS, 2003)(K)(600dpi)(T)(364s)_PG_.djvu 4.1 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Lommel E. Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik (Barth Verlag, Leipzig, 1902)(600dpi)(de)(K)(T)(604s)_P_.djvu 13.9 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Longair M.S. Theoretical concepts in physics (CUP, 1984)(L)(T)(190s)_PG_.djvu 3.3 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/McGrew, Currie. Instructions Manual to Serway and Jewett's Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th Edition(1307s).pdf 20 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Nolting/Nolting W. Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 1-Klassische Mechanik (6ed., Springer, 2002)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(353s)_PCtm_.djvu 2.5 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Nolting/Nolting W. Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 2-Analytische Mechanik (5ed., Springer, 2002)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(245s).djvu 1.7 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Nolting/Nolting W. Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 3-Elektrodynamik (6ed., Springer, 2002)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(475s).djvu 3.4 MB
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P_Physics/PG_General courses/Schaum's Easy Outline of Applied Physics (MGH, 2003)(400dpi)(T)(146s)_PG_.djvu 949 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Schulz H. Physik mit Bleistift (4ed., Harri Deutsch, 2001)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(375s)(ISBN 3817116616)(600dpi)_PG_.djvu 5.4 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Serway R.A., Jewett J.W. Physics for scientists and engineers (6ed., Thomson, 2004)(ISBN 0534408427)(1382s).pdf 38.9 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Sommerfeld A. Vorlesungen ueber theoretische Physik. Band 1. Mechanik (Deutsch, 1994)(de)(T)(273s)_PG_.djvu 4.2 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Sommerfeld A. Vorlesungen ueber theoretische Physik. Band 2. Mechanik der deformierbaren Medien (Deutsch, 1992)(de)(T)(466s)_PG_.djvu 5.3 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Sommerfeld A. Vorlesungen ueber theoretische Physik. Band 3. Elektrodynamik (Deutsch, 2001)(de)(T)(366s)_PG_.djvu 4.5 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van Wylen. Solution Manual Chapters 1-9 for Classical Mechanics and Thermodynamics(427s)_PG_.pdf 1.3 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tatum/Tatum J.B. Celestial mechanics (lecture notes, 2004)(T)(396s).djvu 2.5 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tatum/Tatum J.B. Classical mechanics (textbook).zip 5.1 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tatum/Tatum J.B. Classical mechanics (textbook, 2004)(T)(499s).djvu 3 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tatum/Tatum J.B. Electricity and magnetism (lecture notes).zip 2.6 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tatum/Tatum J.B. Geometric optics (lecture notes).zip 541 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tatum/Tatum J.B. Heat and thermodynamics (lecture notes).zip 1001 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tatum/Tatum J.B. Stellar atmospheres (lecture notes)(T)(123s).djvu 854 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/The GRE Physics Test practice book (ETS, 2001)(T)(C)(79s)_PG_.djvu 562 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Tipler P.A., Mosca G. Physics for scientists and engineers (5ed., extended version)(no p.399)(600dpi)(T)(C)(1395s).djvu 90 MB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Uni-Giessen/Cassing W. Elektrodynamik (Skriptum Uni-Giessen 1999) (de)(142s).ps.gz 598 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Uni-Giessen/Cassing W. Mechanik (Skriptum Uni-Giessen 2001) (de)(159s).ps.gz 988 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Uni-Giessen/Cassing W. Quantenfeldtheorie (Skriptum Uni-Giessen 2002) (de)(96s).ps.gz 599 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Uni-Giessen/Cassing W. Thermodynamik und Statistik (Skriptum Uni-Giessen 1999) (de)(151s).ps.gz 786 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Uni-Giessen/Mosel U. Introduction to gauge field theories (Skriptum Uni-Giessen 1996)(221s).ps.gz 691 KB
P_Physics/PG_General courses/Uni-Giessen/Mosel U. Introduction to path integrals in field theory (Skriptum Uni-Giessen 1999)(187s).ps.gz 576 KB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Ahrens T.J. (ed.) Global Earth physics.. a handbook of physical constants (AGU reference vol.1, 1995)(T)(ISBN 0875908519)(381s).djvu 7.7 MB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Akasofu S. Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora (ISBN 1402006853)(Springer, 2002)(400dpi)(T)(274s)_PGp_.djvu 8.3 MB
P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Anderson D.L. Theory of the Earth (Blackwell, 1989)(O)(KA)(T)(379s)_PGp_.djvu 5.6 MB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Milsom J. Field Geophysics (Geological Field Guide)(Wiley,2002)(ISBN 0470843470)(233s).pdf 2.7 MB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Nagel R. UXL Encyclopedia of Landforms and Other Geologic Features. Vol. 1 (children's encyclopedia)(Gale, 2004)(600dpi)(T)(C)(147s).djvu 3.1 MB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Oldroyd D. (ed.) The Earth inside and out.. some major contributions to geology in the 20th century (Geo. Soc. London, 2002)(ISBN 1862390967)(K)(T)(376s)_PGp_.djvu 7.3 MB
P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Pastor M., Tamagnini C. Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics (Kogan, 2004)(T)(351s)_PGp_.djvu 4 MB
P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Pedlosky J. Waves in the Ocean and Atmosphere.. Introduction to Wave Dynamics (Springer, 2003)(K)(600dpi)(T)(267s).djvu 2.2 MB
P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Reddy M.P.M. Descriptive physical oceanography (2001)(ISBN 9054107065)(T)(451s).djvu 10.3 MB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Stewart. Introduction to physical oceanography (2001)(T)(117s).djvu 1.4 MB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Tolstoy I., Clay C.S. Ocean acoustics.. theory and experiment in underwater sound (MGH, 1966)(KA)(T)(307s)_PGp_.djvu 2.4 MB
P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Travel guides/Adventure Guide to Antigua, Barbuda, Nevis, St.Barts, St.Kitts and St.Martin (Hunter,2001)(ISBN 155650909X)(258s).pdf 2.1 MB
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P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Travel guides/Howard, Burnham, Burnham. The Virginia Handbook (Hunter Publishing,1999)(ISBN 1556508530)(477s).pdf 10 MB
P_Physics/PGp_Geophysics/Travel guides/McKinnon. Safe air travel companion (MGH, 2002)(ISBN 0071406875)(159s).pdf 237 KB
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P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Fre P. Course in general relativity (free version, lecture notes, web draft, 2003)(141s)_PGr_.pdf 1.4 MB
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P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Futterman J.A.H., F.A.Handler, R.A.Matzner. Scattering from Black Holes (CUP 1988)(KA)(T)(197s)_PGr_.djvu 1.9 MB
P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Gardner. Differential geometry and relativity (lecture notes, web draft, 2004)(198s)_PGr_.pdf 769 KB
P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Geroch R. General relativity from A to B (U.Chicago, 1978)(ISBN 0226288633)(KA)(T)(235s)_PGr_.djvu 1.3 MB
P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Gibbons G., Shellard E.P.S., Rankin S. (eds.) Future of theoretical physics and cosmology (Proc. S.Hawking 60th bday symp.)(CUP, 2003)(KA)(T)(905s)_PGr_.djvu 8.8 MB
P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Gravitational physics.. exploring the structure of space and time (Natl.Acad.Press)(T)(128s).djvu 1.8 MB
P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Groen O., Hervik S. Einstein's general theory of relativity (book draft, 2004)(538s)_PGr_.pdf 3.3 MB
P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Hawking S. Nature of space and time (contributions to book with R. Penrose, hep-th_9409195, 1995)(61s)_PGr_.pdf 362 KB
P_Physics/PGr_Gravitation/Hawking S.W. Papers on the Big Bang and Black Holes (WS,1993)(ISBN 9810210787)(T)(317s).djvu 4.7 MB
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Name Size Peers
Physical Examination and Health Assessment - 3rd Canadian Edition Application 120.8 MB 8
Physical.Media.Lives.2021.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.900MB.x264-GalaxyRG[TGx] Video 897.2 MB 2
Physical Audio Dual Spring Reverb 3.1.3-R2R Application 2.8 MB 2
Physical.S02E02.1080p.WEB.H264-GGEZ[TGx] Video 2.1 GB 2
PolyFetish Studio - 2023.09.14 - White latex doll gets her physical workout session with orgasm.mp4 Video 2.4 GB 2
BrokenSluts.24.11.01.Octokuro.Her.Tits.Defy.Physics.XXX.1080p.MP4-WRB[XC] Video 2.9 GB 320
1111Customs.24.05.24.Lindsey.Lakes.SEXY.Physical.Therapy.101.XXX.1080p.MP4-VSEX[XC] Video 1.9 GB 204
1111Customs.24.05.24.Lindsey.Lakes.SEXY.Physical.Therapy.101.XXX.2160p.MP4-VSEX[XC] Video 4 GB 109
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Walker J. Physics 5ed 2017 Fix Application 327.9 MB 93
Greys Anatomy S04E07 Physical Attraction Chemical Reaction 1080p DSNP WEB-DL DDP 5 1 H 264-HHWEB[TGx] Video 2.9 GB 78
Gibson G. The Music of Physics. An Introduction to the Harmonies of Nature 2024 Application 41.3 MB 71
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[math-science-tech] Proofs and Logical Arguments Supporting the Foundational Laws of Physic by Jules J. Berman PDF Application 10.8 MB 43
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Mohapatra P. Physical-Layer Security for 6G 2024 Application 10.2 MB 35
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Meli J. The Physics of Radiation Dosimetry 2020 Application 25.7 MB 29
