Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]

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Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/19. Basic Data Cleaning Process~.mp4 118.1 MB
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Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/1. Introduction/1. Introduction~.mp4 4.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/1. Introduction/2. High and low level programming languages~.mp4 18.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/1. Introduction/3. Compilers and Interpreters~.mp4 22.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/1. Introduction/4. What is Python~.mp4 16.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/2. Introduction to Command Line Interface/1. What is command line~.mp4 2.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/2. Introduction to Command Line Interface/2. How to access comandline interface~.mp4 7.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/2. Introduction to Command Line Interface/3. What you can do with commandline~.mp4 3.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/2. Introduction to Command Line Interface/4. Useful Commands~.mp4 12.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/1. Installing Python on Windows~.mp4 21.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/2. Installing Python3 on Macs~.mp4 41.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/3. Installing Pycharm on Windows~.mp4 20.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/4. Changing Pycharm Theme~.mp4 10.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/5. Pycharm windows configuration Part 1~.mp4 33.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/6. Pycharm windows configuration Part 2~.mp4 37.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/7. Installing Pycharm on Macs~.mp4 24.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/8. Pycharm mac configuration~.mp4 59.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/3. Python Installation and Setup/9. Installing Atom Text Editor~.mp4 15.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/1. Interacting using Python Shell~.mp4 19.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/2. Interacting using Python File~.mp4 17.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/3. Python Expressions~.mp4 9.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/4. Python Code Comments~.mp4 39.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/5. Python Code Indentation~.mp4 15.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/6. Python Variables~.mp4 20.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/7. Creating Variables~.mp4 19.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/4. Interacting with Python/8. Getting Input from Users~.mp4 56.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/1. Introduction to Python Operators~.mp4 10.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/2. Python Arithmetic Operators~.mp4 22 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/3. Python Assignment Operators~.mp4 14.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/4. Python Comparison Operators~.mp4 21.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/5. Python Logical Operators~.mp4 21.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/6. Python Identity Operators~.mp4 21.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/7. Python Membership Operators~.mp4 12.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/8. Binary Numbers~.mp4 24.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/9. Python Bitwise Operators Part 1~.mp4 21.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/10. Python Bitwise Operators Part 2~.mp4 17.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/5. Python Operators/11. Python Operator Precedence~.mp4 25.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/6. Python Data Types/1. Python Number Data Type~.mp4 14.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/6. Python Data Types/2. Python String Data Type~.mp4 23.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/6. Python Data Types/3. Python Boolean Data Type~.mp4 6.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/6. Python Data Types/4. Casting Data Types~.mp4 31.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/7. Python String Methods and Formatting/1. Python String Methods Part 1~.mp4 34.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/7. Python String Methods and Formatting/2. Python String Methods Part 2~.mp4 51 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/7. Python String Methods and Formatting/3. Python String Formatting Part 1~.mp4 25.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/7. Python String Methods and Formatting/4. Python String Formatting Part 2~.mp4 31.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/1. What are data structures~.mp4 2.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/2. Python List~.mp4 9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/3. Creating a Python List~.mp4 13 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/4. Accessing elements in a list~.mp4 28.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/5. Python List Methods Part 1~.mp4 53.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/6. Python List Methods Part 2~.mp4 50.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/7. Python Tuple Part 1~.mp4 17.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/8. Python Tuple Part 2~.mp4 26.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/9. Python SET~.mp4 22.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/10. Python SET Methods~.mp4 43.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/11. Python Dictionary~.mp4 22.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/12. Python Dictionary Methods~.mp4 51.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/8. Python Data Structures/13. Creating a directory for Python Files~.mp4 6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/1. Introduction to control flow~.mp4 10.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/2. if statements~.mp4 26.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/3. Else statements~.mp4 38 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/4. ELif statements~.mp4 29.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/5. While Loops~.mp4 22.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/6. For Loops~.mp4 14.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/7. Nested For Loops~.mp4 23.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/8. Break Statement~.mp4 17.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/9. Continue Statement~.mp4 21.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/10. For Loop and break statement~.mp4 16 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/11. For Loop and continue statement~.mp4 18.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/12. For Loop and else statement~.mp4 14.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/9. Python Control Flow Statements/13. For Loop and Range Statement~.mp4 35 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/1. What are Python Functions~.mp4 29.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/2. Python Return Keyword Value~.mp4 12.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/3. Default Parameter Value~.mp4 27.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/4. Keyword Arguments~.mp4 32.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/5. Functions returning other functions~.mp4 9.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/6. Assigning Functions To Variables~.mp4 14.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/7. Global and Local Variable Scopes~.mp4 40.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/8. Nesting Functions~.mp4 16 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/9. Nesting Functions Accessing Variable Scope~.mp4 18.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/10. Function Pass Keyword~.mp4 4.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/11. Passing functions as arguments~.mp4 17 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/12. VarArgs Parameter~.mp4 42.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/13. Anonymous Functions~.mp4 32.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/14. Python DocStrings~.mp4 32.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/15. Python Decorators~.mp4 60.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/10. Python Functions/16. Python Function Vs Python Method~.mp4 13.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/1. What is OOP~.mp4 22.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/2. Creating a class~.mp4 54.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/3. instantiating a class~.mp4 43.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/4. Modifying Classes~.mp4 45.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/5. Class and instance Variables~.mp4 11.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/6. Inheritance Part 1~.mp4 39.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/7. Inheritance Part 2~.mp4 42.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/8. Inheritance Part 3~.mp4 73.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/9. Inheritance Part 4~.mp4 51.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/10. Polymorphism Part 1~.mp4 16.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/11. Polymorphism Part 2~.mp4 46.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/12. Polymorphism Part 3~.mp4 64.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/13. Encapsulation Part 1~.mp4 30.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/14. Encapsulation Part 2~.mp4 40.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/15. Encapsulation Part 3~.mp4 54.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/16. Abstraction Part 1~.mp4 46.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/11. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/17. Abstraction Part 2~.mp4 88.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/12. Python Modules and Packages/1. What are Modules~.mp4 16.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/12. Python Modules and Packages/2. How to use Modules~.mp4 28.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/12. Python Modules and Packages/3. Built-in Modules~.mp4 28.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/12. Python Modules and Packages/4. What are Python Packages~.mp4 35.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/12. Python Modules and Packages/5. Python dir function~.mp4 11 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/12. Python Modules and Packages/6. Pycache directory~.mp4 14.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/12. Python Modules and Packages/7. Python name attribute~.mp4 29.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/13. Working with External Files in Python/1. File Handling~.mp4 26 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/13. Working with External Files in Python/2. Opening and Reading Files Part 1~.mp4 36.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/13. Working with External Files in Python/3. Opening and Reading Files Part 2~.mp4 29.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/13. Working with External Files in Python/4. Appending and writing to external files~.mp4 26.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/13. Working with External Files in Python/5. Accessing file object attributes~.mp4 13 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/13. Working with External Files in Python/6. Setting the file pointer~.mp4 26.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/13. Working with External Files in Python/7. Renaming and deleting external files~.mp4 26.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/1. Working with dates and Time Part 1~.mp4 51.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/2. Working with dates and Time Part 2~.mp4 33 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/3. Working with dates and Time Part 3~.mp4 22.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/4. Formatting date and time objects Part 1~.mp4 27.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/5. Formatting date and time objects Part 2~.mp4 29.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/6. Formatting date and time objects Part 3~.mp4 28.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/7. Datetime calculations Part 1~.mp4 36.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/8. Datetime calculations Part 2~.mp4 37.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/9. Datetime calculations Part 3~.mp4 48.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/10. Working with calendars Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/11. Working with calendars Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/14. Working with Dates ,Time , Calenders/12. Working with calendars Part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/15. Working with Images in Python/1. Working with images~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/15. Working with Images in Python/2. Loading Images~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/15. Working with Images in Python/3. Manipulating Images~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/15. Working with Images in Python/4. Creating thumbnails~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/1. Working with CSV files~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/2. Reading a csv file~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/3. Writing to a csv file~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/4. Working with PDF in Python~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/5. Extracting pdf document information in Python~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/6. How to rotate pages in PDF~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/7. How to merge pdf documents~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/8. How to split pdf document pages~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/9. How to add watermark to a PDF document~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/16. Working with CSV and PDF in Python/10. How to encrypt a PDF document~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/17. Errors and Exceptions Handling/1. Python Exceptions~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/17. Errors and Exceptions Handling/2. Handling Exceptions~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/17. Errors and Exceptions Handling/3. Implementing basic exception handling Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/17. Errors and Exceptions Handling/4. Implementing basic exception handling Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/17. Errors and Exceptions Handling/5. Implementing basic exception handling Part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/1. Number Guessing Game~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/2. Random Number Generator~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/3. Lottery Number Simulator~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/4. Creating a digital clock part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/5. Creating a digital clock part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/6. Creating a digital clock part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/7. Creating a countdown timer part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/8. Creating a countdown timer part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/18. Creating Basic Python Projects/9. Creating a countdown timer part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/1. What is tkinter~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/2. Building a calculator part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/3. Building a calculator part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/4. Building a calculator part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/5. Building an MP3 Player Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/6. Building an MP3 Player Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/7. Building an MP3 Player Part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/8. Building an MP3 Player Part 4~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/9. Building an MP3 Player Part 5~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/10. Loan Calculator Create file~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/11. Building a loan calculator part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/12. Building a loan calculator part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/13. Building a loan calculator part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/14. Building a loan calculator part 4~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/19. Building Desktop GUI Apps using Python/15. Building a loan calculator part 5~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/1. What is Web Scraping~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/2. Tools for web scraping~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/3. What we will scrape~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/4. Installing Virtual Environment Tool~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/5. Creating and activating a virtual environment~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/6. Installing Beautiful Soup~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/7. Installing Visual Studio Code~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/8. Build a web scrapping script Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/9. Build a web scrapping script Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/10. Prototyping the script Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/11. Prototyping the script Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/12. Prototyping the script Part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/13. Prototyping the script Part 4~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/14. Prototyping the script Part 5~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/15. Testing and saving scraped data~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/16. Installing Scrapy~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/17. Creating a scrapy project~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/18. Components of a scrapy project~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/19. Scrapy Architecture~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/20. Creating a Spider Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/21. Creating a Spider Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/22. Scraping data with Scrapy Shell Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/23. Scraping data with Scrapy Shell Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/20. Web Scraping with Python/24. Running the Spider~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/1. What is Django~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/2. Famous apps built with Django~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/3. Django Architecture~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/4. Creating Project Directory~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/5. Installing Visual Studio Code~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/6. Install Virtual Environment~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/7. Creating and activating a virtual environment~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/8. Updating Pip~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/9. Installing Django~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/21. Web Development with Python using Django/10. Django App vs Django Project~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/1. What we will create~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/2. Project mockup design~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/3. Creating a Django Project~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/4. Anatomy of a Django Project~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/5. Starting and stopping Django development server~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/6. Django Migrations~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/7. Installing Django App~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/8. Anatomy of a Django App~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/9. Django admin and superuser~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/10. Django Templates~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/11. Django Views~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/12. URL and URL Patterns~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/13. Accessing static files~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/14. Django Models~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/15. Creating a Model~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/16. Migrating Models~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/22. Building a Web Application with Django/17. Adding Models to Admin Site~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/1. What is version control~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/2. What is Git~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/3. What is Github~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/4. Installing Git~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/5. Git Configuration~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/6. Creating Github account~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/7. Initializing git repository~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/8. Excluding files from version control~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/9. Adding files to version control~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/10. Committing files to version control~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/11. Creating remote repository~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/23. Adding Web Project to Version Control/12. Pushing project code to Github~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/1. Displaying Data from database~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/2. Setting background color for completed items~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/3. Committing changes to Github~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/4. Adding a form~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/5. Capturing data with form~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/6. Adding form to template and view~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/7. Adding form input to database~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/8. Creating a view for completed items~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/9. Creating a view to delete all completed items~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/10. Creating a view to remove all items from database~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/24. Implementing Dynamic Data Display/11. Pushing updates to version control~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/25. Deploying Web App/1. Deploying app Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/25. Deploying Web App/2. Deploying app Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/25. Deploying Web App/3. Deploying app Part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/25. Deploying Web App/4. Project Code~.html 317 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/25. Deploying Web App/4.1 Django Todo App Code~.html 131 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/1. What is an API~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/2. Creating and activating a virtual environment~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/3. Installing Django~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/4. Installing Django REST Framework~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/5. Creating a new Django project~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/6. Creating a new Django app~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/7. Register app with Django~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/8. installing PostgreSQL Database Server~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/9. Django and PostgreSQL Database Setup~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/10. Running initial migration~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/11. Creating a Django Model~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/12. Creating and applying new migration~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/13. Creating a serializer class~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/14. Starting and stopping Django development server~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/15. Creating a superuser account~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/16. Creating views part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/17. Creating views part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/18. Mapping views to URL~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/19. Register model with admin site~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/20. Creating model objects~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/21. Installing Postman~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/26. Building an API from scratch/22. Testing API~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/1. What is CRUD~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/2. What we will create~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/3. Application designsketch~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/4. Create Project directory and Python File~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/5. Creating app GUI Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/6. Creating app GUI Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/7. Creating app GUI Part 3~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/8. Creating app GUI Part 4~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/9. Creating app GUI Part 5~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/10. Adding comments to your code~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/11. Please Note~.html 98 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/12. What is SQL Server~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/13. Minimum Installation Requirements for SQL Server 2019~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/14. SQL Server Editions~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/15. Download SQL Server Developer Edition~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/16. Install SQL Server Developer Edition~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/17. Install SSMS~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/18. Connecting to SQL Server with SSMS~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/19. Creating a database and table~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/20. Creating a database configuration file~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/21. Create a virtual environment and install pypyodbc~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/22. Connect python file to database~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/23. Create a cursor object~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/24. Create a class and methods~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/25. Add more methods to class~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/26. Create function for selected row~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/27. Create more functions~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/28. Activate button widgets~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/29. App and database interaction Part 1~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/30. App and database interaction Part 2~.mp4 345 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/31. Project Code~.html 49 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/27. Create a CRUD App with Python & SQL Server/31.1 6 KB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/1. What is Data Science~.mp4 28.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/2. Impact of Data Science~.mp4 11.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/3. Data Science life cycle~.mp4 5.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/4. Data Science Terminologies~.mp4 19.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/5. Probability Sampling~.mp4 29.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/6. What is Jupyter Notebook~.mp4 4.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/7. Installing Jupyter Notebook Server~.mp4 30.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/8. Running Jupyter Notebook Server~.mp4 42.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/9. Common Jupyter Notebook Commands~.mp4 28.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/10. Jupyter Notebook Components~.mp4 21.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/11. Jupyter Notebook Dashboard~.mp4 21.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/12. Jupyter Notebook User Interface~.mp4 16.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/13. Creating a new Notebook~.mp4 20.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/14. Kaggle Data Sets~.mp4 26.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/15. Tabular Data~.mp4 28.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/16. Exploring Pandas DataFrame~.mp4 10.3 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/17. Manipulating a Pandas DataFrame~.mp4 53.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/18. What is Data Cleaning~.mp4 10.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/Download - Lynda,Udemy,Skillshare,Teamtreehouse,Frontend Masters,Pluralsight,Phlearn,Coursera,Egghead,MasterClass.txt 170 B
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/20. Data Visualization~.mp4 14.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/21. Visualizing Qualitative Data Part 1~.mp4 49.6 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/28. Python and Data Science/22. Visualizing Qualitative Data Part 2~.mp4 62.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/1. What is Machine Learning~.mp4 25.9 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/2. Machine Learning Frameworks~.mp4 45.4 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/3. Machine Learning Vocabulary~.mp4 20.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/4. Installing Anaconda~.mp4 27.5 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/5. Supervised machine learning~.mp4 45.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/6. Where Machine Learning is used~.mp4 24 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/7. Creating a basic house value estimator~.mp4 44.2 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/8. Using Scikit-Learn~.mp4 50.7 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/9. Loading a dataset part 1~.mp4 45.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/10. Loading a dataset part 2~.mp4 14.1 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/11. Making Predictions part 1~.mp4 32.8 MB
Udemy - Python Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional) [AhLaN]/29. Python and Machine Learning/12. Making Predictions part 2~.mp4 19.5 MB
