Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/10280284.jpg |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/109.jpg |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 01 - Plus bele que flor_Quant revient_L'autrier joer_FLOS FILIUS (Mo 21).flac |
10.7 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 02 - Puisque bele dame m'eime_FLOS FILIUS (Mo 231).flac |
8.1 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 03 - Amours mi font souffrir_En mai_FLOS FILIUS (Mo 111).flac |
10.5 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 04 - Ne sai, que je die_IOHANNE (Mo 185).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 05 - Si je chante_Bien doi amer_ET SPERABIT (Mo 311).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 06 - Or ne sai je que devenir_Puisque d'amer_KYRIELEYSON (Mo 267).flac |
6.7 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 07 - He Dieus, de si haut si bas_Maubatus_CUMQUE (Mo 92).flac |
0 B |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 07 - Hé Dieus, de si haut si bas_Maubatus_CUMQUE (Mo 92).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 08 - Celui en qui_La bele estoile_La bele, en qui_IOHANNE (Mo 20).flac |
10.8 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 09 - Qui d'amours se plaint_LUX MAGNA (Mo 215).flac |
7.4 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 10 - Amours, dont je sui_L'autrier, au douz mois_Chose Tassin (Mo 270).flac |
10.6 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 11 - Au cuer ai un mal_Ja ne m'en repentirai_Jolietement (Mo 260).flac |
11.1 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 12 - Quant voi la fleur_ET TENUERUNT (Mo 241).flac |
9.2 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 13 - Quant se depart_Onques ne sai amer_DOCEBIT OMNEM (Mo 131).flac |
6.7 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 14 - Joliement_Quant voi la florete_Je sui joliete_APTATUR (Mo 34).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 15 - Amor potest conqueri_Ad amorem sequitur (Mo 238).flac |
5.8 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 16 - Ce que je tieng_Certes mout_Bone compaignie_MANERE (Mo 33).flac |
9.9 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 17 - J'ai si bien mon cuer assiz_Aucun m'ont_ANGELUS (Mo 128).flac |
9.1 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 18 - Ne m'oubliez mie_DOMINO (Mo 236)_Domino.flac |
9.6 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 19 - J'ai mis toute ma pensee_Je n'en puis_PUERORUM (Mo 255).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 20 - Blanchete_Quant je pens_VALARE (Mo 168).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 21 - Dame, qeu je n'os noumer_Amis donc est_Lonc tans a (Mo 337).flac |
16.6 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 22 - Li savours de mon desir_Li grant desir_Non veul mari (Mo 323).flac |
9.1 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 23 - Entre Copin_Je me cuidoie_Bele Ysabelos (Mo 256)_Anonymous 4.flac |
13.3 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 24 - S'on me regarde_Prennes i garde_He, mi enfant (Mo 223).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 24 - S'on me regarde_Prennés i garde_Hé, mi enfant (Mo 223).flac |
8.4 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 25 - Quant yver la bise ameine_IN SECULUM (Mo 223).flac |
4.5 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 26 - Ne m'a pas oublie_IN SECULUM (Mo 207).flac |
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Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 26 - Ne m'a pas oublié_IN SECULUM (Mo 207).flac |
6.9 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 27 - On doit fin[e] Amor_La biaute_IN SECULUM (Mo 134)_Anonymous 4.flac |
0 B |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 27 - On doit fin[e] Amor_La biauté_IN SECULUM (Mo 134)_Anonymous 4.flac |
6.1 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 28 - Ja n'amerai autre que cele_IN SECULUM (Mo 3).flac |
4.8 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Anonymous 4 - 1994 - Love's Illusion - music from the Montpelli - 29 - Quant je parti de m'amie_TUO (Mo 200).flac |
4.7 MB |
Love's Illusion Music from the Montpellier Codex_[]/Текстовый документ.txt |
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