~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}

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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/David Wilcock Explains Extraterrestrial Battle Ground Earth and How it Affects Us All-5YnojrSu1Rg.description 948 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Former Area 51 Scientist Discloses Projects That have Never Been Seen by the Public-e5nJA8Hkvyc.description 631 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Insider Reveals Alien Technology That Will Bring Some Truly World Changing Devices-BQKR77TfBrQ.description 513 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Linda Moulton Howe Something is Coming to Earth From 2.5 Billion Light Years Away-2iKOJrHMijA.description 892 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Real Men in Black What These Things Are Will Astound You-AzPPPv9t9Dc.description 769 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Strangest Unexplained Alien Encounters Ever, They Are NOT Not From Earth!-RD8S51rh6Xw.description 1 KB
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Time Traveler Says the World is Not What We Have Been Lead to Believe-qw_R6TI-RDw.description 752 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Alan Foster Astounding Evidence of Communications With Extraterrestrial Intelligence-GSfx89b613U.description 936 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Alien Researcher Discovers UFO and Owl Accounts That Defy Any Simple Explanation-Lk77A9CtTlw.description 617 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Astounding New Secret Space Program Evidence That Suggests Nordic Aliens Are Here-MoL2JU62Co8.description 955 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Expert Reveals Mysterious Doorways to The Paranormal World That Are Hard to Debunk-9NTjgzX5tyE.description 429 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Facts About the Djinn That Should Make Researchers Sit Up and Take Notice Everywhere-dXtxRmVU3m4.description 764 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/James Gilliland on ECETI Ranch One of the Worlds Strangest Places-bDoa4SVNJ8Q.description 780 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Linda Moulton Howe Artificial Intelligence Extraterrestrials Are Likely SOMEONE Else's Machines-scBrVaOP3Mk.description 753 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Nassim Haramein Latest Discoveries the Inner Workings of Our Holographic Fractal Universe-9rBu-Bd-xNg.description 416 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Researcher Discovers Artifacts on Mars That According to Nasa Should Not Exist-rmlMazWTsCY.description 295 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Researcher Discovers the Real Da Vinci Code in These Ancient Biblical Artifacts-a_uymednCck.description 643 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Richard Dolan The Extraterrestrials Are Far Beyond Anything We Can Imagine-LZ5Lnpega58.description 888 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Russia UFO Encounters That The West Would Rather You Didn't Know About-DIpPGAk4Pk0.description 575 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Secret Space Program Disclosures - Cabal Being Challenged Like Never Before-yBLcOoe1Oss.description 816 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Seriously Strange Mars Anomalies That Suggest NASA Has Found the Unthinkable-4cW2mFh-4iE.description 859 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Something Not From this Earth is in the Skies and Waters of Russia-XImMb9XyldI.description 592 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/The Ariel School Alien Encounter That Astounded Experts Around the World-pPm0rIzMDNQ.description 856 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/The Biggest Secrets of the Space Program Documentary-UN8HzGJeSgA.description 802 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/The Man Who Can Astral Travel to the Past, Present and the Future-EyRzsYR7R-o.description 394 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/The Most Secret Space Program Mission EVER Recorded Documentary-Lr6N8tE7cxc.description 659 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/The Roswell Incident – Researcher Exposes the Biggest UFO Cover Up in History-MJ2xJKMx7Fs.description 913 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Tom Delonge UFO Disclosure and the Deep State Scenarios-fef3nXWFQ9k.description 883 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Top 10 UFO Physical Traces Cases That Even Skeptics Have A Hard Time Explaining-iiiVTPUzBoY.description 727 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Travis Walton Gives An Astounding Account of What Happened Onboard a UFO-cVNyqW4IIqk.description 949 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/UFO Disclosure Secrets Something Has Been Discovered That Left Scientists Speechless-QW-JYLTIa54.description 744 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/US Coast Guard Discloses Unexplained Disappearances of Submarines After UFO Activity-sRk8WIDqiGA.description 864 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/What Colonel Philip Corso Saw at WP-AFB is Way Beyond Our Wildest Imaginations-2PwR4HHB9UA.description 1 KB
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/What David Wilcock Discovered the Moon and Mars is Beyond Comprehension-mzV-eRlO1CQ.description 668 B
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/What Navajo Rangers Saw on Patrol is Way To Strange for Words-B8ReuNvoDBM.description 463 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - DESCRIPTIONS/Whitley Strieber Challenge's our Conventional Understanding of the Alien Mystery-KSJeGa_I3K4.description 529 B
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/Whistleblower Discloses Major Info on UFOs and Aliens in Underground Bases-peNHtfMwSzI.mp4 123.3 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/Linda Moulton Howe Most People Are Unaware of What is Happening Right Now-YTXI5D7XBhk.mp4 161.2 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/Former Area 51 Scientist Discloses Projects That have Never Been Seen by the Public-e5nJA8Hkvyc.mp4 275.1 MB
~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/Former NASA Employee Discovers Some Very Strange Buildings on the Moon-SaSN4Ny2c8c.mp4 292.8 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/Huge Alien Disclosure - Researcher Has Discovered How UFOs Are Coming to Earth-kyn3eL6uBKk.mp4 271.6 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/Huge Alien Disclosure by the Man Who Worked With ETs At Secret Bases-9WpsZsNl3DE.mp4 189.9 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/Erich Von Daniken Untruths from Antiquity to UFOs [FULL VIDEO]-t5cL5oyHJlE.mkv 458.4 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/David Wilcock and Emery Smith Everything You Need to Know About Aliens and UFOs-iPBPyMmvsC4.mp4 269.2 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/David Wilcock Insiders Know We Are Heading Into An Event of Epic Proportions-m9C7Vs6tz30.mp4 623.2 MB
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~! UAMN TV !~ {2018}/00 - VIDEOS/What Colonel Philip Corso Saw at WP-AFB is Way Beyond Our Wildest Imaginations-2PwR4HHB9UA.mp4 218.8 MB
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