Ray Kurzweil

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Name Size
Ray Kurzweil/Fantastic Voyage -Live long enough to live forever 2005.pdf 30.8 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005/Humanite 2.0 La bible du changement.pdf 19.3 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005.pdf 13.8 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005.doc 13.7 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005/Humanite 2.0 La bible du changement.djvu 10.4 MB
Ray Kurzweil/Transcend -Nine steps to living well forever 2010.pdf 7.1 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 1999/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 1999.pdf 5.1 MB
Ray Kurzweil/How to create a mind -The secret of human thought revealed 2012/How to create a mind -The secret of human thought revealed 2012.pdf 4.9 MB
Ray Kurzweil/Others/A collection of essays 2001-2003.pdf 4.2 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 1999/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 3.4 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005.original_mobi 3.3 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 1999/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 1999.epub 3.2 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 1999/The age of spiritual machines -When computers exceed human intelligence 1999.original_mobi 2.7 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2.7 MB
Ray Kurzweil/Others/David Jay Brown Mavericks of Medicine Exploring the Future of Medicine with Andrew Weil, Jack Kevorkian, Bernie Siegel, Ray Kurzweil, and Others 2010.pdf 2.5 MB
Ray Kurzweil/How to create a mind -The secret of human thought revealed 2012/How to create a mind -The secret of human thought revealed 2.2 MB
Ray Kurzweil/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005/The singularity is near -When humans transcend biology 2005.epub 2 MB
Ray Kurzweil/How to create a mind -The secret of human thought revealed 2012/How to create a mind -The secret of human thought revealed 2012.epub 1.9 MB
Ray Kurzweil/Others/Bryan Bergeron, The Eternal E-Customer How Emotionally Intelligent Interfaces Can Create Long-Lasting Customer Relationship 2000.pdf 1.8 MB
Ray Kurzweil/Others/Michael R. Rose, Aubrey de Grey, Joao Pedro de Magalhaes, Michael D. West, Robert A. Freitas Jr., Raymond Kurzweil, William Sims Bainbridge, Marvin L. Minsky, Brian Wowk, Brad F. Mellon, Max More, Mike Treder, Eric S. R.pdf 1.1 MB
Ray Kurzweil/Others/George F. Gilder Ray Kurzweil, Jay Richards Are We Spiritual Machines vs. the Critics of Strong A.I. 2001.pdf 276 KB
Ray Kurzweil/Others/Ray Kurzweil - Interview - Reprogramming your Biochemistry for Immortality.pdf 134 KB
Ray Kurzweil/list.txt 2 KB
Name Size Peers
Ray Kurzweil - The Age of Spiritual Machines 97.8 MB 3
The Singularity Is Near_ When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil EPUB Ebook 2.4 MB 153
The Age of Spiritual Machines_ When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence by Ray Kurzweil EPUB Ebook 3.2 MB 57
Ray Kurzweil Application 136.6 MB 11
Ray Kurzweil - How to Create a Mind - The Secret of Human Thought Revealed.mp3 Audio 415.8 MB 10
How to Create a Mind by Ray Kurzweil Ebook 4.1 MB 8
Ray Kurzweil - Come creare una mente 6.5 MB 6
Nadchodzi osobliwość: Kiedy człowiek przekroczy granice biologii - Ray Kurzweil (2016, Kurhaus Publishing).epub Ebook 2.7 MB 5
Kurzweil, Ray - Q&A on the Singularity.pdf Application 47 KB 5
Ray Kurzweil Audio 1.4 GB 4
Ray Kurzweil - The Age Of Spiritual Machines.pdf Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity is Near.pdf Application 7.7 MB 3
Fantastic Voyage: live long enough to live forever - Ray Kurzweil & Dr Terry Grossman.pdf Application 14.8 MB 3
How to Create a Mind_ The Secret of Huma - Ray Kurzweil.epub Ebook 1.9 MB 3
Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity is Near (m4v movie) Video 929.6 MB 3
Kurzweil, Ray - The Singularity Is Near [v1.3 PROPER].pdf Application 28 MB 3
Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity Is Near [v1.2] [DOC, PDF, JPG] Application 38.1 MB 2
Singularity Is Near_ When HuThe - Ray Kurzweil.epub Ebook 2.4 MB 2
Kurzweil, Ray - Como crear una mente [54494] (r1.0).epub Ebook 3.2 MB 2
Ray Kurzweil Reader 2001-2003.pdf Application 4.2 MB 1
How to Create a Mind_ The Secret of Human Thought Revealed by Ray Kurzweil.epub Ebook 1.9 MB 1
