Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/9-Box modelling a tap- Part 2.FLV |
95.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/4-Wine Barrel tutorial - Part 2.FLV |
87.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/13-Rustic scene - 9 Animating the camera.FLV |
66.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/7-Shell modelling a chair 4 - Creating the seat pad.FLV |
66.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/4-Fruit bowl tutorial - Part 2 the stalk and leaves.FLV |
64.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2-Chess set lighting.FLV |
56.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3-Wine Barrel tutorial - Part 1.FLV |
53.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3-Fruit bowl tutorial - Part 1 the apple.FLV |
52 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/5-Shell modelling a chair 2 - Completing the chair base.FLV |
51.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/5-Rustic scene - 3 Staging the scene pt 1.FLV |
50.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8-Fruit bowl tutorial - Part 5 Texturing.FLV |
50.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/8-Box modelling a tap- Part 1.FLV |
46.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/4-Rustic scene - 2 Building the environment.FLV |
46 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22-Primitive man - Part 1 Creating body hinges 2011.FLV |
43.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/5-Common selection methods - Soft selection 2011.FLV |
41.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/5-Fruit bowl tutorial - Part 3 the banana.FLV |
39.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24-Primitive man - Part 3 Constructing the legs 2011.FLV |
38.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/9-Rustic scene - 5 The key light.FLV |
38.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/8-Common UV projections - Planar.FLV |
38.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/6-Fruit bowl tutorial - Part 4 Composing the scene.FLV |
38.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/19-Transformation tools - Move & scale tool axis settings 2011.FLV |
37.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/11-Rustic scene - 7 The rim light.FLV |
37.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/1-Transformation aides - Component snapping.FLV |
36.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/23-Primitive man - Part 2 Creating the torso and arm 2011.FLV |
35.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/6-Rustic scene - 4 Staging the scene pt 2.FLV |
34.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2-Creating text with curves.FLV |
32.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/21-Transformation tools - Reflection settings 2011.FLV |
31.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/27-Primitive man - Part 6 Finishing the hierarchy 2011.FLV |
30.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/2-Dice tutorial.FLV |
29 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/18-Transformation tools - Overview 2011.FLV |
28.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/26-Primitive man - Part 5 Parenting the geometry 2011.FLV |
27.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/6-Extrude tool - Extruding Faces.FLV |
26.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/11-Hide and show - Overview.FLV |
26.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/6-Shell modelling a chair 3 - Completing the chair frame.FLV |
25.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/6-Using image planes - Image plane input.FLV |
24.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/10-Edit mesh - Merging components.FLV |
22.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/10-Rustic scene - 6 The fill light.FLV |
22.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/8-Show manipulators tool - Overview.FLV |
21.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24_related_videos/1-Grouping - Overview.FLV |
21.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/25-related_videos/1-Grouping - Overview.FLV |
21.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/3-Mesh - Extract.FLV |
21.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/13-Smooth - Overview.FLV |
21.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/7-Transformation aids - Snapping 2011.FLV |
20.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/Project_files/ |
20.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/15-Control of commands - Undo redo.FLV |
19.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3_related_videos/5-Custom polygon display - Back face culling.FLV |
19.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4-Shell modelling a chair 1 - Building the front legs.FLV |
19.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/4-Mesh - Mirror geometry.FLV |
19.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/12-Rustic scene - 8 Detailing.FLV |
19.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/10-Lattice - Overview.FLV |
19.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/11-Custom polygon display - Edge display.FLV |
18.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/12-Insert edge loop tool - Settings.FLV |
18.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/10-Lights - Common light attributes.FLV |
17.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/17-The viewport - The viewcube 2011.FLV |
17.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/6_related_videos/1-Duplicating in Maya - Duplicate special with transforms.FLV |
17.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/4-UV texture editor - UV space.FLV |
17.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/2-The Hypergraph.FLV |
17 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/3-Rustic scene - 1 Export and import.FLV |
16.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/14-The viewport - Navigating in 3D space 2011.FLV |
16.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/3-The hypershade - Main menu and tool bar 2011.FLV |
15.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/11-2D textures - Ramp texture attributes.FLV |
15.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/2_related_videos/2-Bevel tool - Settings.FLV |
15.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3_related_videos/7-Custom polygon display - Face display.FLV |
15 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/12-Custom polygon display - Face display.FLV |
15 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/25-Primitive man - Part 4 Grouping and duplicating 2011.FLV |
15 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/1-The outliner - Using the outliner 2011.FLV |
14.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/8_related_videos/1-Geometry display - Smooth mesh preview.FLV |
14.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/6-Controlling commands - Undo and redo 2011.FLV |
14.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/11-Primitive object - Create primitive 2011.FLV |
14.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/12-Maya scenes 2011.FLV |
13.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/4_related_videos/1-Connections - Connections overview.FLV |
13.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/5-Extrude tool - Overview.FLV |
13.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/10-2D textures - Fractal.FLV |
12.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/23_related_videos/1-Primitive object - Polygon primitive options 2011.FLV |
12.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2_related_videos/2-Planar Surface - Overview.FLV |
12.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/13-Advanced selections - Select edge loop tool.FLV |
12.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2_related_videos/7-NURBS custom display.FLV |
12.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/16-The viewport - Navigation shortcuts 2011.FLV |
12.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/7-Common UV projections - Cylindrical.FLV |
12 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/2_related_videos/5-Bump 2D node - Overview.FLV |
11.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/3-The colour chooser - Colour history and wheel 2011.FLV |
11.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/12-Subdiv proxy - Overview.FLV |
11.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/9_related_videos/1-Crease tool - Overview.FLV |
11.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/13_related_videos/6-Keyframing - In the channel box.FLV |
11.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/11-Maya projects 2011.FLV |
11.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/4-The hypershade - Create bar and bins 2011.FLV |
11.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/7-Connections - Connecting material attributes.FLV |
10.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/6-The hypershade - Tabs and work area 2011.FLV |
10.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/9-Transformation aides - Look through selected.FLV |
10.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/8-Display layers - Overview 2011.FLV |
10.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/10-Renderview - Maya software IPR rendering.FLV |
10.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/15-The viewport - Navigating 2D space 2011.FLV |
10.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/23_related_videos/2-Shading - Common shading modes 2011.FLV |
10.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/7-Depth map shadows - Overview.FLV |
10.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/5-The colour chooser - Numeric inputs and colour palettes 2011.FLV |
10.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/6-Advanced selections - To shell.FLV |
10.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/5-Using image planes - Image plane attributes.FLV |
9.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/9-Help in Maya - Option 2011.FLV |
9.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/3-Materials - Creating and assigning materials.FLV |
9.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/9_related_videos/2-Crease tool - Settings.FLV |
9.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/10-Maya UI - Customising the UI 2011.FLV |
9.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/13_related_videos/4-Image sequences - Batch rendering.FLV |
9.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2_related_videos/5-Construction history - Construction history.FLV |
9.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/5_related_videos/3-Attach surfaces - Overview.FLV |
9.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24_related_videos/7-Pivots Points - What is a pivot point.FLV |
9.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24_related_videos/6-Pivots Points - Using pivot points.FLV |
9.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/1-Understanding Maya.FLV |
8.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/13-Shading - Specialist shading modes.FLV |
8.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/3-UV texture editor - Overview.FLV |
8.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/26-related_videos/2-Parenting - Overview 2011.FLV |
8.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/20-Transformation tools - Move & scale tool settings 2011.FLV |
8.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/26-related_videos/1-Transformations - Freezing & resetting transformations 2011.FLV |
8.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/4-Maya UI - The status line 2011.FLV |
8.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/15-Hide and show - Panels.FLV |
8.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/2-Common selection methods - Select tool 2011.FLV |
8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/9-Revolve surface - Specialised surface options.FLV |
8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/6-Common material attributes - Colour.FLV |
7.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/1-Mesh - Combine.FLV |
7.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/10-Normals - Hard and soft edges.FLV |
7.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/3-Common selection methods - Select tool settings 2011.FLV |
7.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/2_related_videos/6-Bump 2D node - Settings.FLV |
7.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/9-2D textures - Colour balance.FLV |
7.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/13_related_videos/5-Image sequences - Viewing images and image sequence.FLV |
7.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/9-Renderview - Overview.FLV |
7.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2_related_videos/3-Planar Surface - Options.FLV |
7.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/1_related_videos/1-Components - Component mode.FLV |
7.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/26-related_videos/3-Common selection methods - Pickwalking 2011.FLV |
7.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/2_related_videos/3-Bevel tool - Advanced settings.FLV |
7.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/8-The Hypershade - Work area.FLV |
7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/8_related_videos/2-Construction history - Using History.FLV |
7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/13_related_videos/2-The Timeline - Using the timeline.FLV |
7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/8-Revolve surface - Axis options.FLV |
6.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/13_related_videos/1-Common render settings - Image file output.FLV |
6.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/4-Using image planes - Import image.FLV |
6.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/2_related_videos/4-2D file node - Overview.FLV |
6.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/6_related_videos/3-Non linear deformers - Bend deformer.FLV |
6.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24_related_videos/5-Pivots Points - Editing a pivot point.FLV |
6.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/2-Mesh - Separate.FLV |
6.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/2_related_videos/1-Bevel tool - Overview.FLV |
6.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/13-Grid - Options 2011.FLV |
6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/6_related_videos/2-Duplicating in Maya - Duplicate special with inputs.FLV |
6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/7-The Hypershade - Top tabs.FLV |
6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/6-Maya UI - The panel menu 2011.FLV |
5.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/9-Materials - Specular materials.FLV |
5.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/1-The hypershade - The hypershade UI 2011.FLV |
5.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/4-Materials - Lambert.FLV |
5.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/6_related_videos/1-Renderview - Optimising renders.FLV |
5.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/5-UV texture editor - Transforming Uvs.FLV |
5.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/10-Panels - Using panels 2011.FLV |
5.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/14-Grid size - Grid size & default camera position 2011.FLV |
5.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/3-Maya UI - Main menus 2011.FLV |
5.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/11-Insert edge loop tool - Overview.FLV |
5.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/5_related_videos/1-Curve form - Overview.FLV |
5.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/7-Primitive objects - Polygon primitive inputs.FLV |
5.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/2-Curve creation - Create CV curvetool.FLV |
5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/6-The Colour chooser - Blend and palette.FLV |
4.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/3_related_videos/1-Importing and exporting - Overview.FLV |
4.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/1-The attribute editor - Using the attribute editor.FLV |
4.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/7-Revolve surface - Overview.FLV |
4.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/6_related_videos/5-Geometry display - NURBs surface display.FLV |
4.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2_related_videos/4-Geometry display - NURBs surface display.FLV |
4.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/5-The Hypershade - Create bar.FLV |
4.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/Project_files/ |
4.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/13_related_videos/3-The range slider - Using the range slider.FLV |
4.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/6_related_videos/4-Loft surface - Overview.FLV |
4.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/12-Maya Software render - Quality presets.FLV |
4.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7_related_videos/2-The Hypershade - UI.FLV |
4.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24_related_videos/2-Ungrouping - overview.FLV |
4.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/25-related_videos/2-Ungrouping - overview.FLV |
4.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/1-What is 3D.FLV |
4.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/13-File browser window - Overview 2011.FLV |
4.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/8-Edit mesh - Deleting components.FLV |
4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/2-The Colour chooser - Overview.FLV |
4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/14-Shading - Miscellaneous shading modes.FLV |
4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/4-Common selection methods - Selecting in the outliner 2011.FLV |
3.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/5-Maya UI - The shelf 2011.FLV |
3.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/5_related_videos/5-Common surfaces options - output geometry.FLV |
3.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/Project_files/ |
3.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/Project_files/ |
3.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2_related_videos/6-Construction history - Deleting history.FLV |
3.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/6_related_videos/2-Renderview - Custom display.FLV |
3.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/2_related_videos/1-Curve creation - Create text curves.FLV |
3.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/4_related_videos/9-Merge vertex tool - Overview 2011.FLV |
3.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/9-Display layers - Options 2011.FLV |
3.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/5-Materials - Surface shader.FLV |
3.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/4-The Colour chooser - Sliders.FLV |
3.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/8-Maya UI - The timeline & range slider 2011.FLV |
3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/8-Camera settings - Gates.FLV |
3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24_related_videos/3-Duplicating in Maya - Edit duplicate.FLV |
2.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/2_related_videos/1-The colour chooser - Overview 2011.FLV |
2.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/2-Materials - Materials overview.FLV |
2.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3_related_videos/6-Custom polygon display - Using the attribute editor.FLV |
2.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3_related_videos/1-Components - Vertices.FLV |
2.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/8-Introduction to rendering.FLV |
2.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/3-Grid - Display.FLV |
2.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/2-Components - Vertex normals.FLV |
2.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/1-An Introduction to texturing and mapping.FLV |
2.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/3_related_videos/14-Panels - Panel layouts.FLV |
2.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3_related_videos/4-Components - UVs.FLV |
2.2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/2-What is Maya.FLV |
2.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/5_related_videos/1-Common render settings - Overview.FLV |
2.1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/7-Maya UI - The toolbar 2011.FLV |
2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/5_related_videos/2-Common render settings - Image size.FLV |
2 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3_related_videos/2-Components - Edges.FLV |
1.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3_related_videos/3-Components - Faces.FLV |
1.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/1-An introduction to NURBS Curves and surfaces.FLV |
1.9 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/1-Introduction to Lighting.FLV |
1.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/7-Introduction to procedural textures.FLV |
1.8 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/1_related_videos/3-Components - Hulls.FLV |
1.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/5_related_videos/4-Components - Isoparms.FLV |
1.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/8_related_videos/11-Maya Software render - Maya software overview.FLV |
1.7 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/24_related_videos/4-The channel box - The channel box UI.FLV |
1.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/5_related_videos/2-The channel box - The channel box UI.FLV |
1.6 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/3_related_videos/1-Components - Face normals.FLV |
1.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/1_related_videos/2-Components - CVs.FLV |
1.5 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/5-Lighting and rendering/7-Introduction to 3 point lighting.FLV |
1.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/1_related_videos/6-Components - Surface patches.FLV |
1.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/1_related_videos/4-Components - Edit points.FLV |
1.4 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/22_related_videos/12-Grid - Overview 2011.FLV |
1.3 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/1_related_videos/5-Components - Curve points.FLV |
1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/3-Introduction to polygons.FLV |
1 MB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/4-Texturing/Project_files/ |
126 KB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/1-Maya fundamentals 2011/Project_files/ |
105 KB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/2-Curve modelling and procedural texturing/Project_files/ |
56 KB |
Escape Studios - Introduction to Maya/3-Polygons modelling/Project_files/ |
51 KB |