[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential

Size: 1.6 GB
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Name Size
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/1. Welcome/1. Welcome.mp4 17.7 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/1. Welcome/2. Getting Help.mp4 17.6 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/1. Welcome/3. YouTube & Suggestions.mp4 8 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/10. Day 25 Web Scraping on Javascript Driven HTML/1. Part 1 Web Scraping on Javascript-Driven HTML using Python.mp4 63.3 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/10. Day 25 Web Scraping on Javascript Driven HTML/2. Part 2 Web Scraping on Javascript-Driven HTML using Python.mp4 56.5 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/11. Day 26 Get Data with an API/1. Part 1 Get Data with an API.mp4 24.4 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/11. Day 26 Get Data with an API/2. Part 2 Get Data with an API.mp4 50.6 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/12. Day 27 - 28 Text Messaging (SMSMMS) with Python & Twilio/1. Day 27 - Sending SMS Messages with Python & Twilio Part 1.mp4 17.4 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/12. Day 27 - 28 Text Messaging (SMSMMS) with Python & Twilio/2. Day 27 - Part 2 - SMS Messages with Python & Twilio.mp4 57.6 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/12. Day 27 - 28 Text Messaging (SMSMMS) with Python & Twilio/3. Day 28 - Twilio Python Client & SMS.mp4 43.3 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/13. Day 29 Twitter API & Python/1. Day 29 Twitter API with Python & python-twitter.mp4 47.2 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/14. Day 30 Read Email Inbox using Python & Gmail/1. Day 30 - Login with IMAP.mp4 7.7 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/14. Day 30 Read Email Inbox using Python & Gmail/2. Day 30 - Fetch & Convert Email.mp4 37.5 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/14. Day 30 Read Email Inbox using Python & Gmail/3. Day 30 - Save Emails Locally.mp4 55.5 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/15. Thank you & Next Steps/1. Thank you and Next Steps.mp4 18.8 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/2. Days 1 Basics/1. Setup, Strings, Variables, and Integers.mp4 39.5 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/3. Day 2 & 3 Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Loops/1. Day 2 - Lists.mp4 35.3 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/3. Day 2 & 3 Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Loops/2. Day 2 (cont) - Dictionaries & Tuples.mp4 45.3 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/3. Day 2 & 3 Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Loops/3. Day 3 - Loops For Loops, and While Loops.mp4 37.9 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/4. Day 4 Conditionals/1. Day 4 Conditionals.mp4 32.7 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/4. Day 4 Conditionals/2. Day 4 (cont) Using Conditional Expressions.mp4 44.9 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/5. Day 5 Functions/1. Functions Part 1.mp4 31.2 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/5. Day 5 Functions/2. Functions Part 2.mp4 38.7 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/6. Day 6 Advanced Strings/1. Day 6 - String Substitution.mp4 28.6 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/6. Day 6 Advanced Strings/2. Day 6 - String Formatting and Substitutions All Together.mp4 24.6 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/7. Days 7-9 Classes/1. Day 7 Classes.mp4 37.9 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/7. Days 7-9 Classes/2. Day 8 - Classes Part 2.mp4 26.3 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/7. Days 7-9 Classes/3. Day 9 Classes Part 3.mp4 55.1 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/7. Days 7-9 Classes/4. Class Part 4.mp4 36.8 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/1. Day 10 Setup Python to send Email with Gmail.mp4 44.3 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/10. Day 18 - Running Python Commands & Arguments in Terminal.mp4 45.8 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/11. Day 19 - Integrating Part 1.mp4 28.5 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/12. Day 20 - Integrating Part 2.mp4 57.2 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/2. Day 11 HTML and Plain Text Emails through Python and Gmail.mp4 29.3 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/3. Day 12 - Send Formatted Emails to a Set of Users.mp4 37.4 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/4. Day 13 - Using External Template Files with Context Data in Python.mp4 37.9 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/5. Day 14 - CSV Files with Python - Read, Write, & Append.mp4 40.8 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/6. Day 15 - Functions to Dynamically Add Data to CSV with Python.mp4 25.8 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/7. Day 16 - Edit CSV with Python Part 1.mp4 15.7 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/8. Day 16 - Edit CSV with Python Part 2.mp4 33.6 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/8. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV, and Email Do something Real/9. Day 17 - Read Data Function for CSV File.mp4 19.2 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/9. Days 21 - 24 Web Scraping with Python 3 Python Requests & BeautifulSoup/1. Day 21 - Web Scraping with Python 3 Python Requests & BeautifulSoup.mp4 65.1 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/9. Days 21 - 24 Web Scraping with Python 3 Python Requests & BeautifulSoup/2. Day 22 - Web Scraping Part 2.mp4 54.9 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/9. Days 21 - 24 Web Scraping with Python 3 Python Requests & BeautifulSoup/3. Day 23 - Web Scraping Part 3.mp4 28 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/9. Days 21 - 24 Web Scraping with Python 3 Python Requests & BeautifulSoup/4. Day 24 - Web Scraping Part 4.mp4 55.8 MB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/[].txt 1 KB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/[].url 127 B
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/[].txt 1 KB
[] Udemy - 30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential/[].url 123 B
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