10MT notes/DR Avner/-Introduction-to-Physical-Metallurgy-Avner.pdf |
49.6 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/physical metallurgy/The science and engineering of materials.pdf |
43.1 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/physical metallurgy/Modern Physical Metallurgy and Material Engineering.pdf |
42.9 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Heat Treatment.ppt |
22.7 MB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/steeelmaking-130109095431-phpapp02.ppt |
22 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Crystal Structure_2.flv |
21.8 MB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Electrical Mechincal furances.pdf |
20.8 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Crytal Structure_3.flv |
17.9 MB |
10MT notes/Fructure Mechenics/david broek - elementary engineering fracture mechanics_2.pdf |
15.4 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Heat Treatment.pdf |
11.2 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Portable Notes_Part 1.pptx |
9.9 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Portable Notes.ppsx |
9.9 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Crystal Structure_1.flv |
9.3 MB |
10MT notes/Manufacturing Tech/FUNDAMENTALS OF METAL FORMING.pdf |
8.2 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/CE226230.tmp |
6.9 MB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/FOUNDRY ENGINEERING.doc |
6.6 MB |
10MT notes/Manufacturing Tech/L # 3Pattern making [Compatibility Mode].pdf |
6.1 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/physical metallurgy/Physical_Metallurgy_and_Advanced_Materials_7ed_0750669063.pdf |
6.1 MB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/Chapter#05 core and core making.ppt |
5.7 MB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Indusction Furnace.pdf |
5.6 MB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/ch 04 sand preparation and testing of sand..ppt |
5.4 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/7_Imperfections.pptx |
5.3 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Portable Notes_Part 2.ppsx |
5.3 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Portable Notes_Part 2.pptx |
5.3 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 27-32_Case Hardening.ppt |
5.2 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/7_Imperfections_1.pptx |
5.2 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/7_Imperfections_1.ppsx |
5.2 MB |
10MT notes/vacuum/Vacuum Pumps.pptx |
5.2 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 13-16_Austenite Phase Transformation.ppt |
5.2 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/6_Phase diagrams.ppsx |
5.1 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/6_Phase diagrams.pptx |
5.1 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 7-12_Fundamental of Heat treatment.ppt |
5.1 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 1-2_Introduction to Subject.ppt |
4.8 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/TTT diagram.pdf |
4.7 MB |
10MT notes/vacuum/Vacuum Metrology.pptx |
4.6 MB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/Chapter #03 mold and molding.ppt |
4.4 MB |
10MT notes/Manufacturing Tech/machine tool [Compatibility Mode].pdf |
4 MB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/ch 07 cleaning of castings and defects of casting and special methods of castings..ppt |
3.8 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/4_Miller indices and Packing Factor.ppt |
3.8 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/2_Metallic Bonding.ppt |
3.7 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Animition of metallic bonding.flv |
3.6 MB |
10MT notes/Manufacturing Tech/Lecture1.pdf |
3.6 MB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Farnaces and its processes.pdf |
3.2 MB |
10MT notes/Sience of Engr MAterials/Notes/Crystal Structure.pdf |
3.1 MB |
3 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/4_Miller indices and Packing Factor.ppsx |
3 MB |
10MT notes/Powder Metallurgy/145875.pdf |
2.8 MB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/Foundry Engineering lecture 2.pptx |
2.7 MB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/rawmaterialinironmaking-100403134506-phpapp01.ppt |
2.7 MB |
10MT notes/vacuum/l2 Vacuum Technology.pptx |
2.6 MB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/lecture 1.ppt |
2.6 MB |
10MT notes/vacuum/Vacuum Coatings.pptx |
2.5 MB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/ironmaking_process.pdf |
2.5 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/1_Introduction.ppt |
2.5 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/3_Solids and Crystalstructure.ppt |
2.5 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Ionic and covalent.flv |
2.4 MB |
10MT notes/Advance materials/hafta-4.pdf |
2.3 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 40-43_Age Hardening.ppt |
2.2 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/chapter8-notes.ppt |
2.2 MB |
10MT notes/Manufacturing Tech/Lect #01 intro.pdf |
2.2 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 3-4_Heat treatment types.ppt |
2.2 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/4_Stereographic projections.ppt |
2.2 MB |
10MT notes/Sience of Engr MAterials/Week 6 Thermoforming Process.ppt |
2.2 MB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/compression molding.ppt |
2.1 MB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/compression molding.ppt |
2.1 MB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/compression molding.ppt |
2.1 MB |
10MT notes/Welding/EML2322L-Welding.pdf |
2.1 MB |
10MT notes/vacuum/gas flow.pptx |
2.1 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/C3Moleculargeometry.ppt |
2 MB |
10MT notes/Sience of Engr MAterials/Presentation - High Intensity Miixers.ppt |
2 MB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/Presentation - High Intensity Miixers.ppt |
2 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Grain Boundries.ppt |
1.9 MB |
10MT notes/vacuum/Vacuum Degassing of Steel.pptx |
1.9 MB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/Lect6,7,8.pptx |
1.7 MB |
10MT notes/Non-destructive Testing.pdf |
1.7 MB |
10MT notes/Powder Metallurgy/Fluidtherm - Furnaces for Powder Metallurgy.pdf |
1.6 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/5_Structural Phases.ppt |
1.6 MB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Design-and-Construction-of-the-Coreless-Induction-Furnace.pdf |
1.6 MB |
10MT notes/Powder Metallurgy/InTech-Mechanisms_of_microstructure_control_in_conventional_sintering.pdf |
1.5 MB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/Competence-in-Ironmaking-en.pdf |
1.5 MB |
10MT notes/Powder Metallurgy/196. Sintering of Powder Premixes- A Brief Overview.pdf |
1.4 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/11_June_23_2009.ppt |
1.3 MB |
10MT notes/Manufacturing Tech/Molding and core sand.pdf |
1.2 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/physical metallurgy/Phase Diagrams.pdf |
1.1 MB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 45-46_Heat Treatment Defect.ppt |
1.1 MB |
10MT notes/Corrosion/Types of corrosion.pdf |
1.1 MB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Iron Carbon Diagram.pdf |
994 KB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/WT2-c2.pdf |
984 KB |
10MT notes/Powder Metallurgy/2008.pdf |
959 KB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/lec4.pptx |
926 KB |
10MT notes/vacuum/Vacuum Metallurgy.pptx |
918 KB |
10MT notes/Welding/Intro to Welding Technology.pdf |
863 KB |
10MT notes/Sience of Engr MAterials/Notes/Atomic Structure.pdf |
853 KB |
10MT notes/Corrosion/Types of corrosion.docx |
823 KB |
10MT notes/Powder Metallurgy/pmr-v30-i4-184-195.pdf |
779 KB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 34-39_Diffusion.ppt |
771 KB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/ch 02 pattern.ppt |
745 KB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/BOF steelmaking process.pdf |
679 KB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 17_Austenite Grain size control.ppt |
648 KB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Bessemer process_files/opt_content.js |
608 KB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 5-6_Heat treatment steps.ppt |
606 KB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/hotmetal2_66103.jpg |
598 KB |
10MT notes/physicl mt/Presentation.pptx |
597 KB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/induction.pdf |
526 KB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/lect 3.pptx |
498 KB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 18-21_Effect of alloying elements.ppt |
490 KB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/06_Ironmaking_Steelmaking_Zhang_Baosteel_IRS1994_reprint_post.pdf |
490 KB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/PP_9.pdf |
457 KB |
10MT notes/foundry 1/PP_9.pdf |
457 KB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/PP_9.pdf |
457 KB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 23-26_Hardenability.ppt |
453 KB |
10MT notes/Heat Treatment/S09_TTT_Diagram.pdf |
448 KB |
10MT notes/Sience of Engr MAterials/Notes/Crystal Imperfection.pdf |
429 KB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Steel and its tupe.pdf |
416 KB |
10MT notes/Advance materials/section_4.pdf |
392 KB |
10MT notes/Advance materials/Alloys-properties-optimization.pdf |
366 KB |
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347 KB |
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341 KB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/Cc.docx |
337 KB |
10MT notes/Iron making technology/Cc.pdf |
336 KB |
10MT notes/Foundry 2/Chapter06meltingpractice and metal handling..ppt |
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10MT notes/Steel making Process/continuous casting of steel.pdf |
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10MT notes/foundry 1/lect5.pptx |
283 KB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Bessemer process_files/ngram_id_dict.json |
279 KB |
10MT notes/Steel making Process/Electric Arc furnace.pdf |
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10MT notes/Steel making Process/FURNACES+METALS .pdf |
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10MT notes/Iron making technology/1-2-FBE-25-ExplorePAHistory-a0k2t7-a_349.jpg |
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10MT notes/Heat Treatment/fec2.jpg |
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10MT notes/vacuum/Vacuum Furnaces.pptx |
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10MT notes/physicl mt/8_Solid Solution.pptx |
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10MT notes/physicl mt/9_Alloy theory.pptx |
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10MT notes/Heat Treatment/FeC-PhaseDiagramWallpaper.gif |
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10MT notes/Heat Treatment/Lecture 44_Heat Treatment Defect.ppt |
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10MT notes/Sience of Engr MAterials/TT Plan.doc |
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