Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/III. DIVIDE & CONQUER ALGORITHMS (Week 1)/3 - 4 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair I [Advanced - Optional] (32 min).mp4 |
36.2 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9 - 4 - Analysis of Contraction Algorithm (30 min).mp4 |
29.9 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.4 scc1 [a7a75b82] .mp4 |
29.5 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/II. ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS (Week 1)/2 - 1 - The Gist (14 min).mp4 |
27.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.5 Sccanalysis [970d3288] .mp4 |
26.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/V. QUICKSORT - ALGORITHM (Week 2)/5 - 2 - Partitioning Around a Pivot (25 min).mp4 |
24.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/III. DIVIDE & CONQUER ALGORITHMS (Week 1)/3 - 3 - Strassens Subcubic Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (22 min).mp4 |
23.6 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.1 search [8c8d19c3] .mp4 |
23.3 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 8/8 - 4 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis I [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).mp4 |
22.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.3b Topological Sort [ab8e1fef] .mp4 |
22.1 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/V. QUICKSORT - ALGORITHM (Week 2)/5 - 4 - Choosing a Good Pivot (22min).mp4 |
21.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/V. QUICKSORT - ALGORITHM (Week 2)/5 - 4 - Choosing a Good Pivot (22min)_2.mp4 |
21.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 3 - Karatsuba Multiplication (13 min).mp4 |
21.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/VI. QUICKSORT - ANALYSIS (Week 2)/6 - 1 - Analysis I A Decomposition Principle [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).mp4 |
21.6 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 8/8 - 1 - Randomized Selection - Algorithm (22 min).mp4 |
21.4 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 8/8 - 2 - Randomized Selection - Analysis (21 min).mp4 |
20.6 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/III. DIVIDE & CONQUER ALGORITHMS (Week 1)/3 - 5 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair II [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).mp4 |
20.1 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_webs1 optional video 1 .mp4 |
18.6 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 8 - Guiding Principles for Analysis of Algorithms (15 min).mp4 |
18 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 8/8 - 3 - Deterministic Selection - Algorithm [Advanced - Optional] (17 min).mp4 |
17.6 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 4 - About the Course (17 min).mp4 |
17.4 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/III. DIVIDE & CONQUER ALGORITHMS (Week 1)/3 - 2 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions II (17 min).mp4 |
17.2 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 2 - Integer Multiplication (9 min).mp4 |
16.9 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/IV. THE MASTER METHOD (Week 2)/4 - 6 - Proof II (16 min).mp4 |
16.6 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9 - 2 - Graph Representations (14 min).mp4 |
15.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9 - 1 - Graphs and Minimum Cuts (16 min).mp4 |
15.2 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 6 - Merge Sort Pseudocode (13 min).mp4.mp4 |
15 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/IV. THE MASTER METHOD (Week 2)/4 - 3 - Examples (13 min).mp4 |
14.4 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.2 BFS-basics [7ed1905b] .mp4 |
14.3 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.2c BFS-uc [81cf5c30] .mp4 |
13.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/IV. THE MASTER METHOD (Week 2)/4 - 5 - Interpretation of the 3 Cases (11 min).mp4 |
13.1 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 8/8 - 5 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis II [Advanced - Optional] (13 min).mp4 |
12.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/III. DIVIDE & CONQUER ALGORITHMS (Week 1)/3 - 1 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions I (13 min).mp4 |
12.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/V. QUICKSORT - ALGORITHM (Week 2)/5 - 1 - Quicksort Overview (12 min).mp4 |
12.2 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/VI. QUICKSORT - ANALYSIS (Week 2)/6 - 2 - Analysis II The Key Insight [Advanced - Optional] (12min).mp4 |
12 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/V. QUICKSORT - ALGORITHM (Week 2)/5 - 3 - Correctness of Quicksort [Review - Optional] (11 min).mp4 |
11.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/V. QUICKSORT - ALGORITHM (Week 2)/5 - 3 - Correctness of Quicksort [Review - Optional] (11 min)_2.mp4 |
11.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/IV. THE MASTER METHOD (Week 2)/4 - 4 - Proof I (10 min).mp4 |
11.5 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 7 - Merge Sort Analysis (9 min).mp4 |
11.3 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 5 - Merge Sort Motivation and Example (9 min).mp4 |
10.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/IV. THE MASTER METHOD (Week 2)/4 - 2 - Formal Statement (10 min).mp4 |
10.4 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/VI. QUICKSORT - ANALYSIS (Week 2)/6 - 3 - Analysis III Final Calculations [Advanced - Optional] (9min).mp4 |
8.9 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9 - 3 - Random Contraction Algorithm (9 min).mp4 |
8.3 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/IV. THE MASTER METHOD (Week 2)/4 - 1 - Motivation (8 min).mp4 |
8.3 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/I. INTRODUCTION (Week 1)/1 - 1 - Why Study Algorithms (4 min).mp4 |
8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.2b BFS-sp [851474ea] .mp4 |
7.9 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/II. ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS (Week 1)/2 - 5 - Additional Examples [Review - Optional] (8 min).mp4 |
7.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/II. ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS (Week 1)/2 - 4 - Big Omega and Theta (7 min).mp4 |
7.5 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9 - 5 - Counting Minimum Cuts (7 min).mp4 |
7.4 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/II. ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS (Week 1)/2 - 3 - Basic Examples (7 min).mp4 |
7.3 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/recoded_videos_4.3 DFS-basics [b2b59f7c] .mp4 |
7.2 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/II. ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS (Week 1)/2 - 2 - Big-Oh Notation (4 min).mp4 |
4.1 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/5.pdf |
3.1 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/6.pdf |
3.1 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/2.pdf |
2.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/3.pdf |
2.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/4.pdf |
2.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/7.pdf |
2.7 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/8.pdf |
2.5 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/slides-algo-graphs-search.pdf |
2.3 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 8/slides-algo-select-ranalysis_typed.pdf |
2 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 8/slides-algo-select-ralgorithm_typed.pdf |
1.9 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/9 optional.pdf |
1.8 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Week 4/4.1/7typed.pdf |
1.5 MB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9-3.pdf |
627 KB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9-4.pdf |
613 KB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9-1.pdf |
497 KB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/9-2.pdf |
461 KB |
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1/Section 9/slides_algo-karger-counting_typed.pdf |
280 KB |