
Size: 9.6 GB
Magnet link

Name Size
UD97/01 Introduction/001 15 KB
UD97/01 Introduction/001 Introduction to Kubernetes Microservices course.mp4 49.6 MB
UD97/01 Introduction/001 K8S-Command-Reference.pdf 304 KB
UD97/02 Welcome to Kubernetes/002 Introducing Kubernetes.mp4 105.7 MB
UD97/02 Welcome to Kubernetes/003 Hands-on Project.mp4 46.4 MB
UD97/03 Installing Minikube for local Kubernetes Development/004 Setting up Virtualization.mp4 53.7 MB
UD97/03 Installing Minikube for local Kubernetes Development/005 (Windows 10 Professional Only) Setting up Hyper-V.mp4 38.3 MB
UD97/03 Installing Minikube for local Kubernetes Development/006 Installing kubectl and minikube.mp4 69.3 MB
UD97/03 Installing Minikube for local Kubernetes Development/007 Troubleshooting Minikube.mp4 59.3 MB
UD97/04 (optional) Docker Quickstart/008 Docker Overview.mp4 10.3 MB
UD97/04 (optional) Docker Quickstart/009 Docker Containers vs Images.mp4 70.6 MB
UD97/04 (optional) Docker Quickstart/010 Running Containers from DockerHub.mp4 97.3 MB
UD97/05 Kubernetes Pods/011 278 B
UD97/05 Kubernetes Pods/011 Pods Overview.mp4 46.7 MB
UD97/05 Kubernetes Pods/012 Writing a Pod.mp4 20.9 MB
UD97/05 Kubernetes Pods/013 Running a Pod.mp4 40.1 MB
UD97/06 Services in Kubernetes/014 734 B
UD97/06 Services in Kubernetes/014 Services.mp4 37.5 MB
UD97/06 Services in Kubernetes/015 NodePort and ClusterIP.mp4 52.2 MB
UD97/06 Services in Kubernetes/016 Pod Selection with Labels.mp4 93.6 MB
UD97/07 Exercise Deploy ActiveMQ as a Pod and Service to Kubernetes/017 769 B
UD97/07 Exercise Deploy ActiveMQ as a Pod and Service to Kubernetes/017 Exercise Deploy ActiveMQ as a Pod and Service.mp4 42.6 MB
UD97/07 Exercise Deploy ActiveMQ as a Pod and Service to Kubernetes/017 K8S-Command-Reference.pdf 304 KB
UD97/08 Kubernetes ReplicaSets/018 821 B
UD97/08 Kubernetes ReplicaSets/018 ReplicaSets.mp4 71.2 MB
UD97/08 Kubernetes ReplicaSets/019 Writing a ReplicaSet.mp4 39.9 MB
UD97/08 Kubernetes ReplicaSets/020 Applying a ReplicaSet to Kubernetes.mp4 70.5 MB
UD97/09 Kubernetes Deployments/021 840 B
UD97/09 Kubernetes Deployments/021 Deployments Overview.mp4 108.4 MB
UD97/09 Kubernetes Deployments/022 Managing Rollouts.mp4 99 MB
UD97/10 Networking and Service Discovery/023 1 KB
UD97/10 Networking and Service Discovery/023 Networking Overview in Kubernetes.mp4 28.5 MB
UD97/10 Networking and Service Discovery/024 Namespaces - kube-system.mp4 54 MB
UD97/10 Networking and Service Discovery/025 Accessing MySQL from a Pod.mp4 39.3 MB
UD97/10 Networking and Service Discovery/026 Cygwin extra - fixing the terminal with winpty.mp4 29.7 MB
UD97/10 Networking and Service Discovery/027 Service Discovery.mp4 66.5 MB
UD97/10 Networking and Service Discovery/028 Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN).mp4 14.2 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/029 WARNING - possible resource problems.html 2 KB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/030 An Introduction to Microservices.mp4 118 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/030 1 KB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/031 Introduction to Microservices Part 2.mp4 62.5 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/032 Fleetman Microservices - setting the scene.mp4 64.8 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/033 Deploying the Queue.mp4 61.7 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/034 Deploying the Position Simulator.mp4 50.5 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/035 Inspecting Pod Logs.mp4 55.3 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/036 Deploying the Position Tracker.mp4 57.6 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/037 Deploying the API Gateway.mp4 30.7 MB
UD97/11 Microservice Architectures/038 Deploying the Webapp.mp4 73.1 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/039 2 KB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/039 Persistence.mp4 127.5 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/040 Upgrading to a Mongo Pod.mp4 113.2 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/041 Mongo Service.mp4 71.9 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/042 Expanding the Minikube VM.mp4 33.3 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/043 Volume Mounts.mp4 87.6 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/044 Volumes.mp4 129.7 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/045 PersistentVolumeClaims.mp4 76.9 MB
UD97/12 Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes/046 StorageClasses and Binding.mp4 89.4 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/047 Warning.html 2 KB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/048 Getting started with AWS.mp4 51.1 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/049 Introducing Kops - Kubernetes Operations.mp4 86.3 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/050 install-kops.txt 240 B
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/050 Installing the Kops Environment.mp4 107.5 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/051 Warning - EC2 Instance types across regions.html 2 KB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/052 Configuring your first cluster.mp4 126.8 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/053 Running the Cluster.mp4 104.3 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/054 Provisioning SSD drives with a StorageClass.mp4 100.9 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/054 370 B
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/055 Deploying the Fleetman Workload to Kubernetes.mp4 127.2 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/056 Setting up a real Domain Name.mp4 40.8 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/057 Surviving Node Failure.mp4 102.4 MB
UD97/13 Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud/058 Replicating Pods in Kubernetes.mp4 97.9 MB
UD97/14 Deleting the Cluster/059 Deleting the Cluster.mp4 60.4 MB
UD97/14 Deleting the Cluster/060 Restarting the Cluster.mp4 54.3 MB
UD97/15 Extra - how to run Kubernetes in Google Cloud/061 How to deploy to Google Cloud Platform.html 2 KB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/062 6 KB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/062 Introducing the ELK ElasticStack.mp4 99.7 MB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/063 2 KB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/063 4 KB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/063 Installing the Stack to Kubernetes.mp4 126.5 MB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/064 Kibana - first look.mp4 86 MB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/065 Setting Filters and Refreshes.mp4 73.4 MB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/066 Demo analysing a system failure.mp4 59.8 MB
UD97/16 Logging a Kubernetes Cluster/067 Kibana Dashboards.mp4 95 MB
UD97/17 Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana/068 Monitoring a Cluster.mp4 69.9 MB
UD97/17 Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana/069 304 B
UD97/17 Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana/069 Helm Package Manager.mp4 166.2 MB
UD97/17 Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana/070 Errata - steps needed to get a full set of data from Prometheus.html 2 KB
UD97/17 Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana/071 If you get an error when using helm install.html 2 KB
UD97/17 Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana/072 Installing Prometheus Operator.mp4 123.2 MB
UD97/17 Monitoring a Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana/073 Working with Grafana.mp4 118.4 MB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/074 Alerting.mp4 135 MB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/075 Setting up a Slack Channel.mp4 32.6 MB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/076 371 B
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/076 Configuring the AlertManager.mp4 68.7 MB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/077 Errata - different secret name.html 1 KB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/078 Applying the config with a Secret.mp4 95.4 MB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/079 Dealing with Alerts.mp4 45.1 MB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/080 What happens if the Master Node crashes.mp4 106.9 MB
UD97/18 The Alert Manager/081 Case Study Troubleshooting a Delinquent node.mp4 121.7 MB
UD97/19 Going Further with Kubernetes/082 Course Update E9 Introduction to the Advanced Section.mp4 13.8 MB
UD97/19 Going Further with Kubernetes/083 Code files for this section.html 1 KB
UD97/19 Going Further with Kubernetes/083 5 KB
UD97/20 Kubernetes Requests and Limits/084 Memory requests.mp4 139.8 MB
UD97/20 Kubernetes Requests and Limits/085 CPU Requests.mp4 53.3 MB
UD97/20 Kubernetes Requests and Limits/086 Memory and CPU Limits.mp4 92.9 MB
UD97/21 Metrics Profiling in Kubernetes/087 Enabling the Metrics Server.mp4 96.2 MB
UD97/21 Metrics Profiling in Kubernetes/088 Viewing Metrics on the Dashboard.mp4 127.3 MB
UD97/21 Metrics Profiling in Kubernetes/089 Tuning Java Spring Boot Applications Heap restriction.mp4 124.7 MB
UD97/21 Metrics Profiling in Kubernetes/090 Setting reasonable Requests.mp4 65.1 MB
UD97/22 Horizontal Pod Autoscaling/091 Update you will need to modify the yaml file in the next video.html 2 KB
UD97/22 Horizontal Pod Autoscaling/092 Introducing Replication and Autoscaling.mp4 189.1 MB
UD97/22 Horizontal Pod Autoscaling/093 Testing Autoscaling.mp4 90.1 MB
UD97/23 Readiness and Liveness Probes/094 Demo why readiness probes are needed.mp4 99.9 MB
UD97/23 Readiness and Liveness Probes/095 Applying Liveness and Readiness Probes.mp4 92.9 MB
UD97/24 Quality of Service and Eviction/096 Understanding the scheduler.mp4 45.6 MB
UD97/24 Quality of Service and Eviction/097 QoS labels.mp4 31.6 MB
UD97/24 Quality of Service and Eviction/098 Evictions.mp4 49.9 MB
UD97/24 Quality of Service and Eviction/099 Pod Priorities.mp4 100.2 MB
UD97/25 RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on a Kubernetes cluster/100 Defining Roles.mp4 91.4 MB
UD97/25 RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on a Kubernetes cluster/101 Defining RoleBindings.mp4 49.5 MB
UD97/25 RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on a Kubernetes cluster/102 Setting up a context for the user.mp4 109.6 MB
UD97/25 RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on a Kubernetes cluster/103 Issuing a Kubernetes signed X.509 certificate.mp4 177.2 MB
UD97/25 RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on a Kubernetes cluster/104 Installing the users certificate.mp4 38.7 MB
UD97/25 RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on a Kubernetes cluster/105 Allocating Access to Users.mp4 105.8 MB
UD97/25 RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on a Kubernetes cluster/106 ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings.mp4 95.7 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/107 Creating a ConfigMap.mp4 39.3 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/108 Consuming a ConfigMap as Environment Variables.mp4 39.1 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/109 Do changes to a ConfigMap get propagated.mp4 55.6 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/110 How to consume multiple envioronments variables with envFrom.mp4 29.1 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/111 Mounting ConfigMaps as Volumes.mp4 73.5 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/112 Creating Secrets.mp4 54.2 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/113 Using Secrets.mp4 54.1 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/114 Where have we already used ConfigMaps and Secrets.mp4 74.3 MB
UD97/26 Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets/115 (extra) Using Spring Cloud Kubernetes to Hot Reload ConfigMaps.html 1 KB
UD97/27 Ingress Controllers/116 Introducing Ingress.mp4 52.6 MB
UD97/27 Ingress Controllers/117 Defining Routing Rules.mp4 63 MB
UD97/27 Ingress Controllers/118 Adding Routes.mp4 31.6 MB
UD97/27 Ingress Controllers/119 Authentication.mp4 92.1 MB
UD97/27 Ingress Controllers/120 Running Ingress on AWS.mp4 88.6 MB
UD97/27 Ingress Controllers/121 Tesing the Ingress Rules.mp4 52.4 MB
UD97/27 Ingress Controllers/122 (Extra) setting up HTTPS with TLS termination at the load balancer.html 1 KB
UD97/28 Other Workload Types/123 Batch Jobs.mp4 137.9 MB
UD97/28 Other Workload Types/124 Cron Jobs.mp4 51 MB
UD97/28 Other Workload Types/125 DaemonSets.mp4 51 MB
UD97/28 Other Workload Types/126 StatefulSets Overview.mp4 158 MB
UD97/28 Other Workload Types/127 StatefulSets for Database Replication.mp4 31.9 MB
UD97/28 Other Workload Types/128 Demo Scaling out a Mongo Database.mp4 186.3 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/129 Introducing CICD.mp4 139.6 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/130 Establishing a GitHub organization.mp4 79.2 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/131 Setting up a Basic Jenkins System.mp4 100.3 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/132 Defining a Pipeline.mp4 99.9 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/133 Running a Multibranch Pipeline.mp4 36.4 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/134 Reviewing Builds.mp4 75.4 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/135 Organization Pipelines.mp4 71.2 MB
UD97/29 Continuous Deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster/136 Continuous Deployment into a Cluster.mp4 161.4 MB
UD97/30 Goodbye/137 Goodbye.mp4 19.4 MB
UD97/30 Goodbye/138 Bonus Lecture links to other courses.html 2 KB
UD97/Torrent_downloaded_from_Demonoid.is_.txt 58 B
Name Size Peers
UD97 Video 9.6 GB 2
