
Size: 151.4 GB
Magnet link

Name Size
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/'how much to just replace the backlight fuse' FUCK OFF MAN!!!-TzIS_hfeRnU.mp4 29.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/'If only I had the tools' - LIES!!!-a2-iIoMJxL0.mp4 42.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/'Whoops'-SARPM9vTeW8.mp4 23.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/'Working' GPUs for just a quarter No way!-QKg20-rpTY0.mp4 59.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/2009 Unibody Macbook Pro 17' dead out of nowhere; but why-FWVqsY9B4tc.mp4 273 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/2ND TRY - How to find a short circuit in a macbook logic board.-p83LLbSx4WE.mp4 292.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820 2879 no backlight, BKL_EN resistors messed up. macbook pro logic board repair-pD3iJGgZNPs.mp4 306.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820 3115 logic board repair no backlight no feedback trace how to fix-eip-yBVY4T0.mp4 194.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-2567 A1342 White Unibody Macbook no backlight logic board repair-xThmFpbZVN4.mp4 148 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-2850 with no video on screen; we've seen this problem before!-jG0WpGu-0Mk.mp4 136.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-2879 fans stuck on high simple logic board repair for A1278 Macbook Pro-3w4j_-JWrZs.mp4 47.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-2879 Macbook logic board dead because of ripple on PP3V42_G3H rail.-93Cgzx7LVpw.mp4 691 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-2879 not charging macbook pro logic board repair-i_ziYgCRd0s.mp4 253.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-2936 Turns on doesn't POST logic board repair-S1Ni5c0GpXI.mp4 195.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3023 logic board repair - how CPU power circuit works on Macbook Air-Zo3J8NCKNCo.mp4 273.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3115 does not see hard drive logic board repair.-NoWjgWSaOZw.mp4 121.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3115 logic board no backlight caps shorted to ground-2JC3cWTxOuE.mp4 482 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3115 Macbook logic board repair PP3V42_G3H and PPBUS_G3H missing.-CPcwq4CS1EE.mp4 303.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3115 Unibody Macbook Pro A1278 no backlight - finding the short & fixing the issue-Hq2eYDPzPaI.mp4 294.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3209 Macbook logic board tries to turn on but fails entering s0 state-i3bSCIzxt_s.mp4 361.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3209 restoring vcore while half asleep(I'm not a morning person)-3GYluHux0Zo.mp4 632.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3330 current sensing repair on Macbook Pro charging circuit.-keqFsyeC4jo.mp4 142.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3330 not charging due to bad ISL6259 QFN chip-DkqPk4Op1vs.mp4 181.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3437 not turning on no PP5V logic board repair.-IVgKJF_dIy0.mp4 293.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/820-3462 Macbook Pro Retina missing PP3V42_G3H due to shorted caps on logic board.-V8Mt7wn3TEw.mp4 410.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 01] Small business VoIP phone system setup tutorial & howto.-AReCMwdziDg.mp4 11.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 02] PBX and PSTN introduction to basic VoIP concepts-UQmr1JTZTik.mp4 81 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 03] Oversimplified definition of cloud vs local infrastructure-0DWmJdMlnHI.mp4 101 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 04] Cloud PBX vs local PBX considerations when setting up VoIP business phone system-pxdBJ6vtJT0.mp4 471.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 05] What hardware is required for a VoIP phone system-jAaUWUyexPE.mp4 210.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 06] Signing up with and configuring a VoIP SIP trunk services provider aka the phone company-jeE_QIg5Cs4.mp4 190 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 07] Choosing a VoIP PBX for business phone system - why FreePBX-3EShnMrRuGI.mp4 111.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 08] How to make FreePBX installation medium-9CA04MKNPPI.mp4 7.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 09] How to install FreePBX onto basic server hardware-MWjLFjgN6hM.mp4 43.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 10] Setting up SIP trunk on your FreePBX system so it can talk to the phone company-T4qj4vq2B-0.mp4 43 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 11] Setting up outbound routes in FreePBX so you can make outgoing calls-uQMErVCfIrM.mp4 41.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 12] Setting up extensions in a VoIP business phone system-gxcovW-HM4s.mp4 132.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 13] Setting up ring groups in FreePBX-TPzUrjLhrZM.mp4 31.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 14] Setting up inbound routes in FreePBX VoIP phone system-R34PEzCjlsA.mp4 42.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 15] Configuring Cisco SPA525G VoIP phones as extensions with FreePBX-cUgU1klPZsU.mp4 259.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 16] Miscellaneous destinations in FreePBX for contacting outside numbers-2XGRK0tJAsI.mp4 33.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 17] How to set up an IVR in FreePBX, press 1 to learn how!-mc5pHaWf3Cc.mp4 128.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 18] How to program FreePBX call routing from your phone(call forwarding, etc)-xVYETSUYfxM.mp4 73.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 19] FreePBX visual voicemail and call recording functionality-qs1bZlp4UJo.mp4 81.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 20] FreePBX security avoiding newbie mistakes-0hUkORBhwBQ.mp4 107.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/[part 21] Backups arent always easy ; you have to test it before implementing your system!-hxoQE4EdRQk.mp4 292.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A bad onewire circuit repair video fixing Macbook Air that doesn't charge-K5s0IYCA_78.mp4 381.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A followup to the 'show me your success; not your money' video-GPLLFxkYWxs.mp4 103.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A good ultrasonic cleaner pays for itself.-EJXZJcR5N_g.mp4 130.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A hard lesson in finding a career.-FrlrUewml-U.mp4 255.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A lack of success is only failure if you cry about it.-1c9Rec4rTE8.mp4 767.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A PC should be a PC. A PC should not try to be a Mac.-jgBAdBCbUrA.mp4 190.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A plea to Vision Engneering about Mantis Elite Cam microscopes-vVLwsJCFXOA.mp4 159.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A quick word on winning & losing-WQDDWVyE0fI.mp4 41.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A rambling video on reaching 100k(and Louis f's up encoding it)-_Ygz5cyMzP4.mp4 329.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A repair shop's most valuable asset is...-4ivkpvghd3M.mp4 187.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A short rant on the swiss cheese magento ecommerce platform.-8mmeY8Qgmvs.mp4 117.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A tactic for keeping depression away.-tEo_8lsEUB0.mp4 171 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A walkthrough of ancient Macbook Pro onewire circuit from historic times-37JCECM5fU0.mp4 154.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on anti-repair culture at Apple Community Support forums.-CNsrNOQIrbw.mp4 304.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on Apple boxes and the people who love them.-10gaLWMOeJ0.mp4 52.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on bullying.-Sq60ccWHJcQ.mp4 381.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on competition-4O4fXQY1_vI.mp4 177.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on magic and honesty!-vd4uf9P_8c0.mp4 337.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on manipulation-41mZfuuhJ6g.mp4 228.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on our hard drives.-zoCmXPu6jgA.mp4 128.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on over enthusiastic potential business partners-xcb7bs3Yn6U.mp4 66.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on racism(and why it's bullshit)-gJNigLJA9Fg.mp4 418.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on soldering and fume extraction-KAaM0z9JjYc.mp4 107.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on sustainable design; or why you're a hypocrite with no principles.-UCgxe2Z3-f0.mp4 449.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on the NSA and the hypocrisy of most who preach internet privacy-EsaL2FVYBfk.mp4 180 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on the results of 'real' social media and marketing.-_E6u1GGYuv0.mp4 72.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on warranty service facilities, ovens, and real troubleshooting!-9D7fPlku5iE.mp4 179.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on what others think of you(and exactly how little it should matter)-vddcYZ1R69s.mp4 110.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A word on Yelp reviews and personal experiences-ucAZzAaBBXQ.mp4 57.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A- vs. A grade LCDs.-ItIKU93weGY.mp4 99.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A1181 White Macbook no backlight logic board repair-YQxCe0iZ9Q8.mp4 396.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A1278 Unibody Macbook Pro Cracked Glass Screen Repair - how-to guide, the REAL way!-_cbvZ2idP54.mp4 634.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A1278 Unibody Macbook Pro LCD Replacement how-to guide.-P-pB6-kUHaw.mp4 825.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A1297 Macbook Pro no backlight repair-QmeGLeEbi24.mp4 465.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A1369 13.3' Macbook Air LCD Screen Repair step by step howto guide-yxBL9BN4bW8.mp4 831.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/A1369 Macbook Air Screen Repair in 20 minutes! ....not really. -(-4ADDoFxA-y4.mp4 659.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Adults have no idea how to speak to, educate, motivate, and discipline children.-dl_mHZTca6A.mp4 213.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/after work, at home with clinton-DE__mrGiF1g.mp4 14.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Amscope SE400-z microscope, a must have tool for repair technicians.-m4LaZsS5V7s.mp4 80.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Amtech flux NC-559-V2-TF for sale-9skxEr1eQ9o.mp4 159 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Amtech NC-559-V2-TF back in stock!-e9ZVcr_g8e0.mp4 85.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Amtech Syntech solder paste for sale, watch live SMC reballing demonstration-zj9RXw6D1H8.mp4 696.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/An account of human suffering - microsoldering with $10 knockoff soldering iron.-_zfple3jbmg.mp4 1.7 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/An important lesson on self worth and honesty; it's ok to suck-fxgp3-Yr7iM.mp4 153.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Android phone repair sucks - here's why.-zIa54q4h9jI.mp4 196.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Annoying no backlight repair on a Macbook-j7aLzsxxI5M.mp4 291 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Another dead Macbook Air logic board check your PP3V42!!-UjLvchqhvLo.mp4 442.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Another Time Another Place - Baseball Reflections-_2pi8TmzfBs.mp4 57.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Apple doesn't give a f#&k about you.-UvvoGTvuTmA.mp4 146.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Apple iPhone Error 53 class action lawsuit; why I don't care and why class action is BS-9T8z8iS9bUk.mp4 79.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Apple refuses warranty service to deployed U.S. Army soldier. #helpjohnout! [Apple case 1045039520]-HinIZ3eaYO8.mp4 146.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Apple uses spite to force planned obsolescence. Watch $750 tier 4 repair performed with $2 in parts.-NVAmnV65_zw.mp4 820.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Apple vs. FBI; thoughts and commentary on building iPhone iOS backdoor.-NXDFZmzjlt4.mp4 193 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Are American iPhone parts better NO! Buy from Jack Telecom.-v5C8v8fqyXw.mp4 119.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Are Hikvision DS-2CD2032-I REALLY IP66 compliant for outdoor weather intensive usage-7HObGWvWfjY.mp4 33.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Are Jessa and Louis embarrassments to consumer electronics repair-2vDGz0eoT28.mp4 189.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Are you a real business-iHuRTpUqCro.mp4 64.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Attempted repair to cat pee damaged 820-2879-7oSXma8pExg.mp4 614.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Auctions will commence! With one have to register. -(-962L_xxcwC4.mp4 42.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/AVOID & Omano; buy Amscope microscopes from 185.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/AVOID - Omano 2300S microscope vs NZ 530 microscope-fxNJKph6Nkg.mp4 90.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Bad backlight coil - how to fix no backlight by replacing the coil -) -) -)-f1rBRVHsMx0.mp4 160.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Basic no backlight repair on 820-3437 Macbook Air logic board with troubleshooting hints-cLyn1fa86Lc.mp4 228.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Before you say I'm doing it wrong ask why I'm doing it that way!-cFYMu8Y2G08.mp4 165.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Beware contracting self-destructive mindsets of self pity and envy-hcCOCxOCrcA.mp4 140.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Blackberry the cat answers a question on ESD safety.-dPjkNFb10IE.mp4 17.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Boardview software-gPPleknyEEw.mp4 56.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Brains continue to triumph over ovens and heatguns when fixing Macbooks with no video-Iysvdv-P_qc.mp4 85.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Branding is evil.-IyV58fm2RV8.mp4 150.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Breaking down widespread complex damage to make component level repair manageable-knMiVDvyQAo.mp4 267.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Business myths - 'there's not enough time'-CdKIiTgWgC0.mp4 37.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Buy Sell Refurbish Watch this.-6v_qT-dj2PM.mp4 208.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Buy your iPhone_iPad_iPod parts from Jack Telecom.-bHbNWKhENUc.mp4 236.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Calling right back - cellphone road rage.-MtnCROzAGCI.mp4 139.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Can I take it to the deli and cash it in for a sandwich-FPxbbBSKSdY.mp4 58 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Can Louis beat the genius bar while wasted off Jagermeister-qM6EO7_5cho.mp4 572.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Can you microsolder without steady hands-ys1zDMcDh_c.mp4 129.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/cat wants more food-Gz2mnnxSPf4.mp4 5.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Cell phone radiation - San Francisco is fighting the wrong battle!-UVe9vI3iy1k.mp4 57 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Cellphone repair shops should never act like end customers if they wish to be taken seriously-AZW_RBWtt-o.mp4 105.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Charging mosfet trolling and a talk on hot air rework stations-T0TVez3YX8Y.mp4 156.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Classic Thinkpad vs. modern Lenovo Thinkpad redesign - thoughts.-doEZMNXz1JY.mp4 626.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/CNET re-releases ignorant BS _ glass only iPhone 6S repair for $25 _ Tech press is full of _SHIT-ax3RuEcDEuU.mp4 80 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Commercial announcement - business to business wholesale logic board repair.-GiL-b-iznUw.mp4 52 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Common sense regarding security-ahEpue6Tf6c.mp4 76.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Concept of gear consistency - why does this matter-yn_JrOfJsvc.mp4 147.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Conductive silver pen from All-Spec - a must have!-y7YtVOZrPHU.mp4 68.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Contractors that talk too much are useless! Don't talk yourself out of a job.-XZhUPDwP1c4.mp4 127.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Control yourself to control the world - why it's right to be at fault even if you're not wrong.-g8FxEPO337o.mp4 115.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Correcting bad ISL6259AHRTZ U7000 QFN chip soldering-JTS0rkx_JAQ.mp4 126.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Creating a curriculum for self learning through excuses.-vAVbrm2lV_4.mp4 204.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Crest CP500D vs. Branson CPX5800 ultrasonic cleaner.-ALxYzpxjlxk.mp4 92.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Crest vs Branson ultrasonic cleaner; which is best--CuAZaX9Nxk.mp4 107 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Customer service game.-OHbieX6Pf3E.mp4 115.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Darby's second board 820-3462 not turning on because of spikes on dc in rail.-I-Fg1ZEqjGI.mp4 154.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Dead 820-3437 logic board because of short to ground and missing S5 rails-0OZZdhLrOKo.mp4 502.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Dead Macbook Air logic board; Louis calls it a rabbit hole to hell and moves on-h2CNzb2kvI4.mp4 625.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Dead Macbook Pro Retina 820-3476 motherboard repair-A1l5D1annas.mp4 279.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Dealing with depression part two-zJzxRDKcnZw.mp4 144.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Dealing with unsolvable logic boards as a technician.-wN5yMDJ-8Rg.mp4 51 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Debunking AASP myths on 'generic' laptop LCD screens, or why Mikey's Hookup is full of shit.-DIQwbrDQB5o.mp4 170.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Defamation of character and extortion; Yelp salesperson has friends leave bad reviews!-C67Lh4LE5LY.mp4 304.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Defining 'humble' & 'professional' & why I don't meet fans-US975J-56_I.mp4 325.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Definition of a real professional; Ricky's life lesson that resurfaced when my date googled me.-_cnVz_jDEeg.mp4 213.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Demonstration of our industry leading quality control_quality assurance post-repair testing.-7jCELmSji_A.mp4 3.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Diagnosing a dead MCP on a Macbook Pro logic board.-Rzw0erVbRm0.mp4 191.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Diagnosing Macbook Pro SMC failure chip U4900-uovnac9qYhI.mp4 134 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Dick waving contests get you nowhere.-mlVNumRq5U8.mp4 101.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Disgusting looking board repair with footage after ultrasonic cleaning-RavHfdZbh7o.mp4 620.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/DIY iPhone 6 screen repair for $25 - says CNET's Sarah Purewal-VxqrJhoSIT0.mp4 88.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/DIY tip on Macbook battery replacement-kPNc4I68V6M.mp4 74 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Do I have the 'right tools' -J5tI3Z9SoDc.mp4 88.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Do you bend the rules for high paying clients-vEgjyTqyCqM.mp4 196.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Do your own research. Prevent the spread of misinformation & bullshit.-G3xvForbtVw.mp4 101.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Do your OWN research; don't trust others!-YVH-xnnaMVw.mp4 80.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Does hiring employees increase productivity-pR4LYmpxmxU.mp4 168 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Does Practical Board Repair School mean no more board repair videos-az9tL8dMOKE.mp4 179.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't be manipulated by the word professional when used in a condescending context-7JEeCkbfbZs.mp4 236.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't internalize it.-qymVoVqUAJM.mp4 257 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't live with an employee's mindset; create life as you want it to be.-a6rqAw3D03M.mp4 313.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't lower yourself by lying; make customers humble when fixing 820-3330 boards with no backlight.-j6Q1CBwXMtY.mp4 308.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't overestimate competitiors - success isn't about where they ARE, but how they GOT there.-m906fdczbYM.mp4 79.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't plug burned liquid damaged LCD cables back into fixed Macbook logic boards!-aO2OWJ4befk.mp4 91.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't run a groupon for your repair business.-n1Ol_9iRZc4.mp4 90.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't tell me you care.-L9H1oIDbXmw.mp4 136.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Don't undermine your employees unless you want your cellphone to ring all the time.-HkoVCbsw5Og.mp4 75.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Drag soldering to repair Macbook Pro LVDS connector.-XqaZpIDEju8.mp4 803.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Drop shipping, sustainable supplier relations, realistic expectations.-fLiq9ZtjGd4.mp4 100.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Drunken midnight mailbag reading with Louis & Jessa.-XjdfKRMe3_U.mp4 231.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Drying out liquid damaged Macbooks is a bad idea-mS1Vyv5HUcI.mp4 229.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Easiest logic board repair ever.-5JlpRFJbKU0.mp4 82.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Easy idiot-proof trick to replacing LCD connector on Macbook logic board.-5NSSsKfU4rA.mp4 460.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Easy no backlight repair on macbook logic board-HOhX95k-SxM.mp4 257.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Eating over your laptop is nasty-zxsti7xb4Fw.mp4 62.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Effective managers aren't afraid to be UNFAIR.-a3mlFFYJ5iQ.mp4 100 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Electronics repair is detective work-AGZP-metLsA.mp4 449.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Electronics schematic reading; what does the _L mean as the suffix of a signal-1Yna5llp6dA.mp4 19 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Employer advice - recognize employee patterns rather than debate excuses.-PTS_obccACQ.mp4 124.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Employers must beware a poisoned well of resentment culture-vRyStZCGtLE.mp4 380.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ending convoluted business relationships-3gKHK6lPsrY.mp4 310.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Entitlement in the millennial generation; what do I owe you What is a dick-KxVSSIXZYzI.mp4 372.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Entry level job opening.-EoL7w7-B-zo.mp4 138.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Error 53 gone, but check VIDEO DESCRIPTION for roster of scammers trying to profit from it-cDuYP1k5Jf4.mp4 78.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Error 53 thoughts and commentary.-IMbE8Uaiq3w.mp4 217.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Estimates are free - instructions are not.-8fk0t1JV2Ps.mp4 187.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Explain your warranty to your customers!-14zNIObbDjc.mp4 123.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Facebook & that f^&#(ng 'other' folder - how I started off the new year.-HlfhTc0xvE4.mp4 68 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Failing at DOTA while discussing rules morals and ethics-U8X9iTQah1s.mp4 373.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Failure-OYgWKzOCJuo.mp4 121.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fake DIY - Prejudice and disdain for the professional technician.-3bcOUrr0wWU.mp4 91 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fire someone and get an...-nlt2zSCQQws.mp4 94.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fitness YouTube schools WWF Attitude era on entertainment w_ drawn out, intricate storylines.-mRw2n1EmZho.mp4 83.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fixing boards with a 102 fever sucks; dead 820-3330 needs a wire.-zJB5UmX88o8.mp4 657.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fixing Macbook Air with short to ground on PPBUS_G3H.-80hvMd5f6io.mp4 201.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fixing Macbook Pro Retina logic boards with no schematic-BmM1eiqlf7w.mp4 164.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fixing Macbook Pro Retina with no video using brains not oven or heatgun-h29GpDL0mn4.mp4 53.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fixing no backlight on DIY messed up Macbook logic board.-nOgDhg0HTLU.mp4 525.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fixing no backlight on liquid damaged Macbook Air logic board (mic died) -(-p8gzLdUKBxk.mp4 308.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Fixing not chiming Macbook Pro - no CPU VCORE on 820-2915 because of CPUIMVP_TON.-QSsXeTbhXfo.mp4 128.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Follow your heart; fuck everyone else's advice!-cuvr7pgvqdY.mp4 263.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Followup to (Reflowing dead flip chip GPUs is STILL BS!(yes, regardless of what YouTube tells you))-w57ObM3pYXw.mp4 114.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Followup to S5 video or why there is no followup-x3k9_3_DjC4.mp4 112 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/For a REAL challenge - practice REAL charity, and forget that icebucket nonsense.-5X2is_fyUus.mp4 66.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/For auction - Louis' original Hakko FR-801.-9D5TCWI_cIo.mp4 113.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Free as in free time; the freedom less mentioned by free software evangelists.-KOjCJXHJhPg.mp4 305.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Free diagnosis on laptops - repair shop advice.-crkGAtOLCK0.mp4 147.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Freeing up slot M3.-7WziMVUirhs.mp4 24.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Friends & family discount, flirting with customers, & more.--3jcQEsGz7A.mp4 180.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/G-Drive and security screws, big middle finger to these pricks!-AuMlO4z-1xc.mp4 65.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Getting ideas out as a small business owner means tossing the idea of perfection-7srmGug-a44.mp4 270.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Getting owned on backlight when its not the backlight circuits fault-TzUm4oj9W-E.mp4 135.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Give a warm welcome to Duke on the board repair forum!-8ENn2rMr__E.mp4 45.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Giving up-hAtlXc5quCY.mp4 214.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/gramma visits the shop to fix an iPhone. -)-eywKrRUOPvM.mp4 410.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Greed is good - do more than just what is required.-PNLpnkjupvk.mp4 115.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Greed isn't about a desire for money. Greed = effort exerted_expectations.-JFxM3VxXr6w.mp4 208.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Group Vertical eBay_Amazon Macbook screens are garbage; see for yourself!-C0YNLWdj9sQ.mp4 27.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Groupon and what it can do for you repair business.-IdScAFuB_hM.mp4 160.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Hakko FM-2032_FX-951 review, micro pencil soldering iron & station.-WgoGhnlJHas.mp4 721.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Hakko FM-206 FM-2029 hot air station review.-iBmRwK4CaAI.mp4 160.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Happy Galaxy S5 owner requests Samsung remove their head from their ass-is6Yhh09D88.mp4 199.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/HD-TVI 1080p analog CCTV camera with existing coaxial RG59 wiring-wKv0Z5EcsOA.mp4 15.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/High definition BGA rework camera from 197.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Hitting 40,000 subscribers and what this means for my 'YOUTUBE CAREER'-hyLz8aM934g.mp4 157.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/holy shit-y_jPSNfOQZo.mp4 34.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How Apple & ICE work together to create a monopoly against independent repair shops.-UdlZ1HgFvxI.mp4 94.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How DC to DC boost circuits work explained simply; fixing no backlight on 820-2523.-4fJU6G2SET4.mp4 158.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How do I get started in iphone repair as a 13 year old and where do I buy parts from-5LTo3TcQkJk.mp4 131.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How do you read a schematic My loaded answer to a loaded question!-PuucOnPHywc.mp4 99.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How does PP3V42_G3H circuit work and does it require PPBUS_G3H to operate-ymMmi0790AY.mp4 157.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How experienced electronics repair professionals gain intuition-efsk7rR12Zs.mp4 43.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How I achieve freedom from the fear of failure-HZm79TAM87s.mp4 513.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How Macbook Pro logic board power circuit works - 820-2915 logic board repair.-WYcl2ZkqNjk.mp4 241.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How modern consumer expectations influence my focus - or why I fix the same shit over and over again-HGzoDfsZ8TA.mp4 145.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How NOT to replace an SMC chip on Macbook logic board.-D_Eiar3MPck.mp4 1.4 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How sharky the oven mit repaired a Macbook Pro logic board with a hole burned through it.-CzPumaqHA18.mp4 1.3 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How should I act when learning from someone who may know something I don't-U5VXiUIFqTs.mp4 172.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How the authorized repair center is forced to screw the customer.-VFmKlcjvta0.mp4 105.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How the genius bar handles data during customer repairs sucks.-39WOfTZHyrg.mp4 172.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How the SMC being in the wrong mode can screw up PM_SLP_S4_L-vd5RbKog8JA.mp4 296.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How the trackpad can kill a fully functional Macbook Air.-Zlz_MqqpQCA.mp4 107.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to buy parts from China effectively-tRILGFGSRyo.mp4 86.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to buy the right screen for your laptop.-3E1t3GdiqPY.mp4 40.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to correct micro bga soldering when you screw it up(hey, it happens)-bDrpftBjRdk.mp4 249.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to detect a short circuit and repair an Apple Macbook logic board-7QHTXM7v4aE.mp4 102.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to fix no magsafe green light on Macbook Pro logic board.-sI7rvFLUzH0.mp4 183 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to fix PP3V42_G3H power supply when resistor trolls you.-xQFFo_8HEe8.mp4 830.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to get what you want out of people.-_8qN70235BI.mp4 133.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to get your #mbp2011 problem fixed for free!-QRrUx3RbNl0.mp4 222.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to invest in yourself, and the importance of value.-9PeLUqt-vd0.mp4 574 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to locate shorted component without spending $6k on FLIR cam.-t5fICjcaJ3E.mp4 567.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to manage employees - the most IMPORTANT PART of growing ANY business.-7Efy8RzLScs.mp4 392.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to properly reflect on failure.-zvhTgA4IVnM.mp4 151.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to properly repair iPhone corners without wasting money.-_ZrnnbgvWWw.mp4 68.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to repair a FreePBX_Asterisk PBX using Lenovo hardware as an authorized repair center.-X86F1j5gCQs.mp4 42.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to replace a backlight fuse without hot air or hot tweezers-C51_s7ssqlg.mp4 137.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to replace A1466 Macbook Air screen updated video.--OBrkfCHwq4.mp4 509.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to replace an A1502 Retina Macbook Pro battery-P2QJHWHZAxg.mp4 32.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to say soder-MONtVidAjt0.mp4 19.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to set your labor rates.-ZKvstpNkyVA.mp4 262.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to solder backlight fuse on Unibody Macbook without rework station.-NKXzm_fkja4.mp4 375.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to solder ISL6259 QFN chip on Macbook Pro logic board if you suck at soldering.-mr1UVPsExiE.mp4 227.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to solder WLED driver LP8550 BGA chip on a Macbook Air-_KbIw3cwIW4.mp4 217.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to troubleshoot charger MOSFET on Apple laptop motherboard.-_LlSuV1JX_w.mp4 122.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How to use rice to repair water damage on iPhones and Macbooks-yPeITOz2_YM.mp4 193.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How unauthorized idiots repair Apple laptops.-ocF_hrr83Oc.mp4 111.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/How YouTube vs. Eli further demoralizes YouTube content creators.-2vLjiKSRKZI.mp4 341.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Humanize your mentors and realize the rest of the world is just like you.-0mSdTL0SUsE.mp4 243.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Humble vs. aggressive approach. An important life lesson.-7fTDMIupraU.mp4 124.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/I appreciate every gift I've received - thank you very much!-wq0U41ZLpQ8.mp4 276 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/I can't be your answer key.-pTnlJT5yLns.mp4 129.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/i have no title for this-F7N254MTA4Q.mp4 118.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/I respect YouTube's right to remove my content if they see fit. Here is where you will find it now.-iZyZY9P5kTg.mp4 209.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE OWNER!!! ... good luck pal-TSZb2E7Xq8U.mp4 66.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ steals your success - don't become an iTech!-D60htAcgfj8.mp4 104.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/If everybody likes you - YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG!-WJWgTDzjqcE.mp4 182.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/If it looks good it isn't Louis' student learns an important lesson-3_Wj1NllMl4.mp4 111.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/If you didnt believe I flunked out of college...-u_2rAkkjD9s.mp4 170.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/If you don't know what you're doing...-2PkLN6AYGM0.mp4 42.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ifixit are good sports - give them a break-1i-bgytjvm4.mp4 195.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Importance of call recording in dealing with price disputes-ieq6osbQZ7E.mp4 50.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Importance of customer retention; how you lose customers.-qsDKB-Oq_I0.mp4 554.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Importance of DIODE MODE measurements for troubleshooting. 820-2879 no trackpad-fh4hpM8JyvM.mp4 222.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Importance of enable and entrip pins on integrated circuits.-O5tGUVqHelY.mp4 74.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Introduction to basic electronics.-D2u1zPgphiM.mp4 53 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Introduction to Macbook logic board power circuits - 820-2936 no PPBUS_G3H repair-wPxYPrnoMZ4.mp4 199.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Introduction to new logic board repair channel.-9nNiIspGiDo.mp4 69 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Invest in yourself - some sacrifice goes a long way.-DDiIfr9RC5Y.mp4 106.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPad 3 touch screen digitizer repair--ml7eXqRqKA.mp4 447.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPad mini destroyed FPC digitizer connector repair for data recovery-ciBbSFe0r98.mp4 412.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone 4 GSM LCD Screen Repair how-to-HLJp5SrnEz8.mp4 317.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone 4S Power Button Repair-zlgfjHKmxwI.mp4 355.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone 5 screen repair from start to finish-vF_tks3z_lY.mp4 145.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone 5S data recovery after liquid damage-cvzhMYp8R1g.mp4 448.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone 6 Error 53 - Apple protects repair monopoly by deleting your data!-_tOaWuvTjFg.mp4 157.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone 6 liquid damage repair check C5202_RF-PJ799GY38Ys.mp4 132.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone 6 touch IC followup-A31UeLeHJ_Q.mp4 58.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone Repair - 'It doesn't feel the same as it did before!'-eZaCSCyaDKs.mp4 4.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/iPhone screen repair is a dying business.-AgYR37nSZ1M.mp4 163.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Irony & karma - glass really DOES crack on its own!-PjwTFNp77N8.mp4 17.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Is BGA rework a rabbit hole to hell Should I buy a BGA rework machine for my repair shop-kq5yBog8Clk.mp4 314 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Is it valid to follow someone else's path to success-qJJJbMuxxBw.mp4 460.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Is YouTube about 'relevant' 'quality' content or controversial trolling & BS-LrpftqfPHYE.mp4 335.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ISL6259AHRTZ for sale so quit buying them from L2-Qj2UrxxtrcU.mp4 27.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/IT 'specialists' can suck my dick-EDJGTGBgFc4.mp4 190.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/It's all about turning 'oops' into 'give me a minute'-R16JmKHroNg.mp4 35.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/It's not about the money, it's about the respect.-hi8JKNA0Jac.mp4 248.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Items from the mailbag.-G0kDHstxaI4.mp4 77.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/JBC Precision hot air and soldering station review with comparison to cheaper Hakko gear-le3MKFfKaII.mp4 1.3 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/John demonstrates Mac OSX Yosemite's top notch security.-yb56TufKhZI.mp4 4.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Just a bunch of stars in the galaxy....-Xp2dUKErlcU.mp4 26.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Just a glorified can opener -(-bLfkEgko99c.mp4 14 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Just because it LOOKS successful doesn't mean it is - the story of Play Studios-V4-vTNzYzr0.mp4 471.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Just because you lie to yourself doesn't mean you didn't screw it up!-yYqYiAcvHD4.mp4 212.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Keyboard connector replacement with jumper wires.-eU0ucARMzs0.mp4 217.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Knowledge vs delivery; a word on what I'm actually selling here.-Xcp6FfIywnI.mp4 159 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/L2 Computer scam review - they sold us fake reballed BGA chipsets for logic board repair.-aJ2vNGNWzTI.mp4 175.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Last minute equipment challenges at practical board repair school.-EBDytiDIlLw.mp4 131.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Learning to take risk into account when setting prices-6G4qs8GIbPA.mp4 182 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Lemonade destroys Macbook logic board from front to back-PekFiNwUm3s.mp4 209.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Lenovo Thinkpad P70 pre-purchase thoughts - Lenovo gets it wrong _AGAIN-FZWi0sSpvUQ.mp4 259.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Lenovo Thinkpad redesign; good is _NOT_ retro!-Sq3jvp1xgOU.mp4 177 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Lenovo's new keyboard & trackpoint are awful and you're never getting your old one back!-jb7p3VkQCOo.mp4 371.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Less anxiety & more productivity through disciplined time management.-JKCSLur0VYw.mp4 217.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Let's do something different than motherboard repair.-8DzEgAjzMwM.mp4 145.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Liquid damaged iPhone component level logic board repair.-OOxHf-oXY1E.mp4 1.1 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Live from Las Vegas, Rossmann goes to CTIA.-Jlqi4G5PwbA.mp4 157.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Live from session 4 of Practical Board Repair School-ORAW2yMVdBg.mp4 53.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Live from Vegas - CTIA part two.-DFY3m1OJt2s.mp4 335.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Living in your customer's world - real example.-gKLwhzRWJVc.mp4 112.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/logic board repair 820-2879 - not charging - not turning on - no backlight.-885LDVit1Yw.mp4 407.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Logic board repair forum where we answer specific questions-mQUJ5oZQmKs.mp4 180.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Logic board repair support forum going strong one month in-ytbPqkUjIis.mp4 50.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Long lasting change is not created by detestable people-S7tQHrI-F44.mp4 141.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis and Steve capture Mr. Clinton after he broke through Louis' window-htFAUQ9PGYs.mp4 25 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis answers your questions on advancedreworks.com_forum (so don't private msg me here!)-3XywWNYdu3A.mp4 92.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis calls TimeWarner cable and gets $14,000 early termination fee.-afSsyEEUswo.mp4 84.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis causes human suffering by answering motherboard repair questions on YouTube-3LAaFUSGvsU.mp4 263.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis chases Darby's rabbit all the way to hell; longest board repair EVER!-YXd3FR7kcbc.mp4 1.3 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis figures out who has been thumbing down Jessa's videos.-1sXAc4EIgu4.mp4 11.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis joins the REAL practical board repair school with Jessa Jones.-XdnRh6KhV6s.mp4 147.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis keeps his middle finger high for Apple Inc!-26cNHSilikI.mp4 112.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis kicks it with a visiting fan!-fdhuZ3OL5HM.mp4 151.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis lacks compassion for not answering motherboard repair questions-POrKErvuVgM.mp4 402 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis looks for a job-kwIuFgIzPXo.mp4 196.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis makes Macbook logic board repair look easy.-wpAJo71Km1w.mp4 223.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis pays a debt to Sunny - 820-3437 dead because of missing S5 rails-fz6JxojgBrw.mp4 278.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis plays DOTA again-oPDNANY0xaA.mp4 455.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis substitute teaches YT creater academy - what we REALLY need to engage w_ our audience!-VW9WpP14r2Q.mp4 49 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis sucks at soldering connectors; if I can do it, SO CAN YOU!!!-VLBiPnmoYz8.mp4 357.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis takes a break to play DOTA after years of nonstop motherboard repair-CErenvLQB54.mp4 732.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis waves farewell to Practical Board Repair School-PHQvSK7mwgM.mp4 84.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis' birthday gift to himself is solving the worst board in the pile-gfQ6Qz0US2Y.mp4 235.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis' drunk outtakes from Practical Board Repair School PART TWO!-Pw0_Yqlg1lA.mp4 113.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis' education history; thoughts on whether school helps you become successful.-bC9HSP1O7u8.mp4 336 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis' healthy vegan kitchen-lkjhs889x8w.mp4 342.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis' really bad relationship advice-UugtHQRDsmw.mp4 411.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis' student wins - technology is most easily learned when the stakes aren't too high.-UMJTi-FiDvA.mp4 745.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Louis's receptionist fixes her first logic board-KPCWUDDe7es.mp4 30 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Loyalty should not be a given in employees - it must be earned!-9Wu2r9wjsks.mp4 693.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook 820-2936 logic board dead; diagnosis and repair of U7000 circuit.-25wn0KsyIEc.mp4 221.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air A1369 A1466 Keyboard Repair & Replacement - how-to step by step guide-2PyhbiwUkE0.mp4 939.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air DIY no backlight repair attempt and correction-5oKH0ZOeSVQ.mp4 181.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air doesn't chime, no video. Fix it with a heatgun right-rTGFPpKn168.mp4 538.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air fan constantly spinning full speed after liquid spill repair-SdyRp5W5iK4.mp4 29.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air flickering screen after liquid damage-tfYjQhOdGrs.mp4 436.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air in S0 state but not turning on-4NZz0j7UpaE.mp4 223.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air keyboard & trackpad not working because of missing bias on USB hub.-BLqLNoRCUxk.mp4 106.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air logic board not turning on because of missing PM_SLP_S4_L signal, no SPI ROM-rAHLji04zOo.mp4 389 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air logic board why is SMC_RESET_L missing and why does this matter-04YpQCXgLyU.mp4 485.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air no backlight and no image on LCD logic board repair-9UbgwqIOiG0.mp4 386.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air no backlight bad caps shorting power to ground-mRlaIzQs7Pk.mp4 166.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air no backlight burned feedback line to LP8550 WLED driver-ijpyNGOz6as.mp4 721 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air no backlight logic board repair A1466 820-3437-P89b9oKxxfU.mp4 196 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air no feedback trace to LED driver 820-3437 logic board repair-xMhu4WyQZAA.mp4 153.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air no keyboard or trackpad some tips on repairing logic board-HsGUOiNEjvc.mp4 97.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Air not turning on; which power rail do we fix first when they're all missing-K4p04rd060I.mp4 166.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook charger green light; or what is the onewire circuit and why should I care-FLH2Ns7Zqo8.mp4 300.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook liquid spill - 820-2879 not charging logic board repair-ryaTTBn9zXE.mp4 510.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook liquid spill damage causes current sensing problems-VhD-T5-XAtU.mp4 175.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook liquid spill logic board repair. Running slow, 820-2936-sWdyfsh8hpA.mp4 425.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board clock issues cause quarter fan spin -(-F8vWKrX1qlo.mp4 265.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board fan spins for one second then turns off-7VltAzdVwqc.mp4 138.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board measures properly but still doesn't work.-52PO7D3_37Y.mp4 110.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board not charging battery repair.-FGYrykiL9rA.mp4 180.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board repair - 820-2530 no backlight repair,-9cs3f-oI-lI.mp4 195.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board repair 820 2936 enters S0 state but doesn't turn on-OxqUpG65kv0.mp4 311.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board repair complete nightmare everything goes to shit bad day at office-qjGOfNLT_2A.mp4 1.3 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board repairing X in battery after liquid damage 820-2936-ZxsMCf6P15A.mp4 193.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook logic board works off battery but won't run off of the battery-u14u1q_GjRg.mp4 134.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook no backlight repair tips on using solder wick-jAY0j8kGF1M.mp4 293.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro A1211 no backlight motherboard fault & repair-lsdzDTjPukU.mp4 124 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro dead because T29 boost circuit for thunderbolt is shorting PPBUS_G3H to ground-FzjCA28IeOo.mp4 230.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro keyboard and trackpad not working logic board repair-ix_dBpbBtiw.mp4 231.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook pro logic board component level repair 820-2936 liquid spill-TXtQ1Z2oJxI.mp4 245.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro logic board no video how to repair 820-3330-Ho2W902s5P8.mp4 785.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro logic board not charging battery, missing pullup resistor on SMC data line.-75YHMVHkj28.mp4 183.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro logic board repair - charges battery but won't run off battery. 820-2915-5FIsnGAOOl8.mp4 677.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro logic board repair 820-3115 no vcore no chime-WHx1mzlwGpY.mp4 229.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro logic board repair; not turning on, step by step fix.-EDjwYf_GzK0.mp4 668.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro PBUS VP0R sensor issue running slow common issue-e4zo8mVpxvc.mp4 269.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro quarter fan spin fixed by replacing current sensing resistors.-blQ8k54nCSM.mp4 158.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro repairing USB port and displayport after liquid damage-H-EpIBY0ZMw.mp4 208.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro Retina dead no power due to bad current sensing circuit-3Bsap22SnuM.mp4 265.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro Retina improved durability in backlight circuit in newer models.-A8uF4aU2cu0.mp4 244.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro Retina liquid spill causing questionmark folder; repair of logic board-8u04q4VibxE.mp4 257.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro Retina missing PM_SLP_S4_L signal logic board repair--ON2dWlYUQA.mp4 347.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro Retina no green light on magsafe logic board repair-rrraKQlllNA.mp4 320 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro Retina screen repair - LCD ONLY for A1502 models.-HHbdmks-KFE.mp4 816.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro Retina works off battery but doesn't charge 820-3462-MZDYogQEb6M.mp4 89.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Pro turns on no chime no image repair-ZxMrd5oiEp0.mp4 179.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook pro won't stay closed, broken latch. How to fix!-5-3tQAflD9o.mp4 70.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook Retina no keyboard no trackpad after liquid how to repair-ZkgrxuKThOI.mp4 312.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Macbook that doesn't charge magically fixes its own current sensing circuit-zfL0wX5yAxk.mp4 118.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Magewell XI100DUSB-HDMI failure; junk hardware.-oAgflc81OD0.mp4 43.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Make $6000_yr at iCracked! Close your store and become an iTech.-n2BCTfhUbtY.mp4 76.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Matthew Santoro's plagarism teaches valuable business lessons.-48buNRQ5s88.mp4 346.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Merry Christmas - peace on earth and good will towards... not you-IXMoNnHdVHg.mp4 263.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Michael Carvin talks about the mindset of success-OQzWPR4H-SU.mp4 603.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Missing PM_SLP_S4_L signal on Macbook Pro 820-2330 logic board.-vVLuW3UUUoo.mp4 230.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/My ignorant thoughts on body images in 90s cartoons-Q8nfXan2HXQ.mp4 149.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/My listening setup-o1grdmUkHZk.mp4 189.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/My personal opinion of the hipster_yuppie combo.-NZidvEswvMQ.mp4 29.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/My thoughts on tape over the laptop webcam-zYY3n4YWvFo.mp4 55.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Mythbusted - 'It's a more durable laptop because it's made of aluminum'-t7XSckjRPo0.mp4 173 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Need sleep Macbook Air logic board dead SYSCLK_CLK32K_RTC missing.-G1g7BVp1fQY.mp4 544.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Never be afraid of the rooms you walk into as a technician.-osJBiiHLuNY.mp4 164.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Never lose your enthusiasm.-7dvmx2Zy61M.mp4 103.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/New capture card means better microscope imaging.-IVTgTdJXtt4.mp4 24.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No backlight because of bad switch trace, A1278 Macbook Pro no backlight repair-L-5ZVKgP-aI.mp4 131.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No backlight on Macbook Air due to bad capacitor-4FNg1_LKKyY.mp4 106.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No backlight on Macbook Air, shorted cap in enable circuit.--KzzlVkCOVg.mp4 159.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No backlight on Unibody Macbook - how to fix via QFN soldering.-SVdQ-2njL6U.mp4 324.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No backlight repair with a telemarketer-urIsWBOJmwU.mp4 551.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No Fisher Price workstation setups at Practical Board Repair School!-62G14znMeTU.mp4 58.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No fix; Macbook Pro retina board with shorts to ground inside PCB.-Z02PoeIdgCQ.mp4 83.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No image on Macbook Pro; replace the LCD connector... right-rfUH5sk00UI.mp4 253.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No more board only repairs!-4XIP643yvzw.mp4 157.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No one works 80 hours a week and if you think you are you're doing it wrong!-0F0VsoP-Ok0.mp4 186.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No picture because of DIY mess; use the right LCD cable and DON'T LIE!!!-7aH-3rKHOBA.mp4 159.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No picture on LCD - it must be the video chip!!!! (not)-F7btsWBKy-Q.mp4 124.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No power because of high side current sensing malfunction on 820-2936.-mtlTeWl0rJU.mp4 354.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No trackpad or keyboard on liquid damaged Macbook Air-7Zn-Rj3RuUE.mp4 390.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/No vcore on valentines day, a lesson on resentment and CPUIMVP_TON-x2bDVea8z2A.mp4 95.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Old Macbook logic board trolls Louis hardcore(and almost wins)-cbYi4LjNTLg.mp4 254.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/On point intuition provides the best education - SYSCLK_CLK32K_RTC fault-v4p8svchW5A.mp4 272.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/One year anniversary on our promise to teach you board repair-2AZUr3NR_Ng.mp4 228.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Open enrollment for Jessa & Louis practical motherboard repair school!-AFGCtaepr-I.mp4 213.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Our parts get USED by us - can you say that for your current parts supplier-ljwVh-ZCZ9Y.mp4 88.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Outsourcing logic board repair sucks-2o9Vhp2OFho.mp4 320.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Overstock sale + displayport EDID flashing challenge! LP154WT1 LCD for A1398 retina-Hx8x6KJfFPU.mp4 58.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Overworked & sleepy - 820-3115 Macbook Pro dead logic board repair-YLK5VnvPDYc.mp4 100.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Own your success - don't join a franchise.-7KCJb4de2Y0.mp4 72.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Parenting myths - 'kids need more severe punishment and discipline'-DBLoYI7fOEc.mp4 272.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Part cost - I got you!-Iq6tMMlnJWw.mp4 103.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Perfectionism is a weakness, not a bragging right.-2MEcAPvkAkw.mp4 101.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Personalized logic board tutoring services - what is this all about-e9IZXj3y_Bg.mp4 116.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Please make a tool that makes replacing Macbook Pro Retina keyboards less of a nightmare-uYMU8vyxi1g.mp4 31.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Please stop sodomizing motherboards with poor cleaning practices.-v7Kg-wxdhAg.mp4 263.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Poor man's confidence - why arrogance is poisonous.-_YLyirpzDuo.mp4 192.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/PP1V05_S0 missing on dead Macbook Air-S25NDRVOmo0.mp4 233.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/PPBUS _G3H shorted to ground by CPU vcore on 820-3209 Macbook Air logic board-_qWDVo7bF2U.mp4 125.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Practical Board Repair School - LP8550 WLED driver soldering-xJhQJ-f6FNo.mp4 623 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Professional services - why they cost money.-CyfO2KTvR1w.mp4 97 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Professional technicians can't take anything personally.-fAedRqzDsBo.mp4 122.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Proper adhesives separate good technicians from skillless hacks.-BwMKK0P5_IY.mp4 94.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Proper salesmanship part 1 - live in your customer's world-knzk_OwqG9U.mp4 131.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Psychic repair of Macbook Air logic board-UknFeq917y4.mp4 151.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Public restroom etiquette.-q21STYQWQ7Q.mp4 55 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Q&A - What is Louis' desk & recording setup-cLABu_1XfOw.mp4 623.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/QuickBooks is slow, poorly coded software.-AmIZRNbkCKc.mp4 216.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Raging at board with no power no firewire no backlight-OBlm4sfkG8I.mp4 822.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/RAID is not a backup!-4m3qnbzif3U.mp4 218.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rampant iPhone 6 touchscreen failure and CENSORSHIP of the issue on ACS forums!--iX7TyEjJ2E.mp4 89.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Re-installing Windows to remove a virus vs. fixing the virus.-Vqp5A539eKE.mp4 44.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Real authority - why no one listens to ass-kissing bosses.-uZuRwkIVRIw.mp4 78.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Real businesses answer the phone.-WJrBNLnAWIA.mp4 125.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Real businesses pay me with real money!-U1Aj0EOuU6s.mp4 67.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Realize that you're selling more than parts and labor!-bwbS8Koi1U4.mp4 170.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Reballing a dead horse - Q&A from my YT inbox.-20H-XUvI9iI.mp4 149.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Reballing flip chip GPUs is BULLSHIT - the truth about dead laptop GPUs & repairing them.-1AcEt073Uds.mp4 183.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Recovering & reworking destroyed ISL6259 area from liquid spill damage on Macbook logic board-c1dZiSh4Sy0.mp4 930.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Reddit AMA-JLnty8vDcuU.mp4 6.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Reducing conflict through solutions based billing.-9svNfR5fNwY.mp4 215.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Reflowing dead flip chip GPUs is STILL BS!(yes, regardless of what YouTube tells you)-E9aZZxNptp0.mp4 117 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Repair of PowerPC based Apple laptops.-RRQb5AjsSpI.mp4 3.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Repairing Macbook Pro Retina displayport symbol error in ASD-lqcOtcjXwkA.mp4 228.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Repairing Macbook with no power from charger.-7qvT6M_wGZA.mp4 322.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Repairing no video and no firewire on Macbook Pro logic board after liquid damage.--AzDOcIlsSU.mp4 1 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Replacing backlight fuse on Macbook Air.-u1ZGhd2AaJE.mp4 80.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Replacing LVDS connector on A1286 Unibody Macbook Pro with Weller WMP65.-HtTsthC-YQI.mp4 687.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Replacing SMD components without burning neighboring connectors without hot tweezers-XW9aEkToX8w.mp4 55.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ extortion scam - how it works.-dUK6x3wBGk0.mp4 56 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ uses reputation management company to try and bury the truth.-eh7N-hszmLA.mp4 37.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Restocking fee ideas, thoughts, and philosophies.-EoNag7MUBxU.mp4 171.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Retina Macbook Pro dead no power after KB replacement-nxb82Rl_7-k.mp4 292.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Retort to Jessa's phone_laptop repair industry pep talk; has Louis lost his passion for technology-AunzSPGlnpI.mp4 952.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Revived Macbook Pro logic board, dead 820-2850 no power.-GRq-1k-aDqY.mp4 204.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Reviving 820-2879 with no power no MCP and no CPU after destruction by idiot. --(-UTMeTtPpj14.mp4 393.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Ridiculous tools & the business failure that results when you buy more than what you need.-kuGyb207myo.mp4 87.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Right to Repair bill is in jeopardy _ It's time to DO SOMETHING!!-4eyidi2HaMY.mp4 152.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Right to repair bill; why you should care and what you need to do.-YcuAF3OJIoU.mp4 105.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rossmann Group CCTV camera system catches ghost who throws motherboards at 3 AM.-B_WfOgOtcVQ.mp4 32.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rossmann Group policy on sales tax collection of cash repairs.-Hp38luxt6bA.mp4 27.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rossmann Group store auction to fund equipment reviews-q7AYoJb9gsE.mp4 49.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rossmann Group's thoughts regarding charity.-ArOg7S3okPQ.mp4 73.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rossmann Repair data recovery (this is fuck shit)-CK_cEPbeHEI.mp4 15.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rossmann visits Albany; following up on the right to repair bill!-zIy0zlXmt2A.mp4 210.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rossmann's definition of professional courtesy.-kH331fzGYoc.mp4 108.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ order fulfillment - what sets us apart-dhtrqSKB0sM.mp4 53 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Rushing is demeaning; how to manage time to avoid stress and be productive.-zxnwI70vRXQ.mp4 188.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Salesmanship part 1 - Don't present without knowing the priorities of the customer-CI9Z_fJ38lM.mp4 36.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Salesmanship part 2 - Don't be NEEDY just because you're a salesman!--uVS5KXOK4g.mp4 57.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Salesmanship part 3 - Focus on the PAIN & MISERY of your customer!-ffNvAY_zkYA.mp4 83.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Salesmanship part 4 - Give people MULTIPLE CHANCES to SAY NO to what you are offering.-V-tix4QUltc.mp4 119.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Salesmanship part 5 - The customer is rarely RIGHT, but ARGUING always makes you WRONG!-7i_LdG3VsRU.mp4 121.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Say no to refurbished screens! Fix your iPhone with a good part.-nPSzuRKMjWU.mp4 69.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Security feature of Lenovo laptops - aesthetics.-5fyOf5HjkmQ.mp4 35.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Shame on WildPCS for teaching bullshit at their cellphone repair training course.-3nyZLtRMqRs.mp4 78.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/sharky jessa fucked board repair trailer-dRMIYtwUX7Y.mp4 14 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Short detection on Macbook logic board-3GNkrQgiwJs.mp4 201.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Short to ground inside the board made humble old country way-81kmdfdLuag.mp4 89.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Short to ground keeps Macbook from turning on-s9Mv0LMt4rA.mp4 148 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Should I bring customer iPhone 6 to Apple to fix them-3I2wW5IJ-PA.mp4 125.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Should I see staff as competition and discourage them from doing their own business-LTb6rxA3OuQ.mp4 245.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Show me your success, not your donations. No patreon or kickstarter for me.-9gX0nPT5WzA.mp4 87.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Show respect for women - don't respond to harassment with more harassment.-xC4FSe_EPiI.mp4 201.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/So you want schematics and boardviews, huh-d7n2gsb99bA.mp4 19.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/So your screen cracked again on its own, huh-WjHyAFD_TUc.mp4 1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Social media is NOT real work!-5HlJjt3qiAw.mp4 227.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Solder joints inside an iMac-B59cbB4uuFk.mp4 15.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Soliciting positive reviews for your small business on social media websites.-drGHFz1Hzh0.mp4 85.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Solutions based billing keeps ignorance from becoming idiocy.-vyk7_ZJfh9c.mp4 104.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Solutions based billing says I'm not just replacing the fuse-GeFTX4aSoWg.mp4 1.3 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Some thoughts on meeting Linus in person, he's a cool guy.-ZLlASkKkMv0.mp4 422.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Steve & Louis fail to win Vinera a toy from rigged Disney World arcade -(-EBHbzq2IKs4.mp4 24.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Student at tutoring fixes displayport circuitry that was shorting PPBUS_G3H to ground-g9DgTv2MVZ0.mp4 29.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Student at tutoring fixes Macbook logic board with intermittent video.-n9FgTfj98TQ.mp4 263.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Student at tutoring fixes Macbook logic board with missing S0 rail-cHW3m8VDtEA.mp4 150.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Stuff for sale-4ET7AGoG_e8.mp4 15.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Successful IT professionals sell people on what's important-CmOc59IX4bU.mp4 178.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Sunny fixes a logic board and it works.-BiiDWYW0u1Q.mp4 1 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ review - dim, inferior, overpriced LED light strips-HRNE_rZCXoM.mp4 99.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Supplier relations; why eBay treats you like crap.-1Mqxhi4DNc0.mp4 215.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/TEACHER! Leave them chips alone. All in all, it wasn't a cracked solder ball.-lQzpg5P0dEw.mp4 352.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Tech amateurs replace components, tech PROFESSIONALS provide solutions!-GSetI9nfknc.mp4 165.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Tech is the worst field to just 'get into'-hYF-R9IsPyM.mp4 140.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Technicians who misrepresent their skillsets to consumers are not cool-B_gEU7gkx0w.mp4 169.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/testing-niPwkkwD-Ww.mp4 51.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you Bashkim Pelinkovic!-9dvYG9ifoBM.mp4 246.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you Duke!-MoMcXZT0pX4.mp4 99.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you Ricky Begin!-g1duRC00QAk.mp4 82.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you Roy Hendrickson!-6kxyw-53RyY.mp4 96.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you slipperman!-qOzrlOY9jPM.mp4 164.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you Steel Wheels Down!-IbZCk1EWJNg.mp4 63.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you zaprodk, James, and CivilLizard for the contributions!--yBijfdYgUg.mp4 139.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thank you-Em-Hy8w7TaM.mp4 47.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thanks Dad, for not letting me know I was getting a knockoff on my birthday.-Mp5yI_m6C1g.mp4 85.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The $30,000 pocket dial-MyZnKjFWrxo.mp4 220.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The 15 minute rule - save yourself from stress & stop sympathizing with the tardiness of others.-CKpAEV0F0uU.mp4 74.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The biggest lies we tell ourselves all start with 'tomorrow'--LF3Cy5hZbc.mp4 300.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The birdies of Rossmann Repair Group, Inc-7SYeqAoFKdU.mp4 15.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The concept of the hamster wheel & its place in growing a business.-DfH2rUsWclM.mp4 143.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The cost of being an asshole.-VFR7JTji6b0.mp4 100.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The cruelest thing to do is not fire an underperformer-DqQ1i7rkids.mp4 62.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The importance of having a mission and purpose at your business.-KzOcpheBMDo.mp4 185 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The importance of presentation(and the uselessness of uninformed advice)-XLV5ceMH4BI.mp4 318.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The leading reason consumers do not trust technicians.-V3UKjJB0fwc.mp4 110.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The need to seem smart ruins your success.-izLj2zI9XDo.mp4 101.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The real boss of Rossmann Repair is behind the camera.-vtonVjTjKQo.mp4 16.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The tools I use and why I bought them.-bVoBZqlvCKo.mp4 1007.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/The value of health; Your body is the most important tool.-k8kkMglQCB0.mp4 280 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thiel Audio TT1 vs Thiel CS 3.7; the death of a legacy.-SkR5lAl22kk.mp4 264.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Third followup - lab scientist shows me his success!-O9G2tF15sWo.mp4 120.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/This is what happens when you reball your GPU and use it for YouTube content creation -(-LsoNvLJhQ7M.mp4 438.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Thoughts on 12 inch Macbook Retina screw tamper mechanism-QsYf_7wPNxY.mp4 163 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Time management, why technicians lie(pt 2), relative ethics, and the concept of the 'repair timer.'-BfyCC9_uRlY.mp4 313.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/To maccompusave and others who steal our content...-o-YFsqgmqac.mp4 113.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Tough love - real men stock inventory.-lJUaB63uCxc.mp4 74.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Track record & reputation mean squat.-swl24RNXLF8.mp4 63 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Trackpad causing Macbook Pro logic board to turn off; how to repair.-JhqooLr2Mgc.mp4 145.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Trackpoint buttons return to the Thinkpad - Lenovo listened!-JfO8ZHWPZ80.mp4 102.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Traditional vs. modern ecommerce; the story of Steve making Hakko humble.--3jxcSqpUyw.mp4 170.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Treat people the way they treat you.-wnV_T-iqaEM.mp4 125.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Troubleshooting dead Retina Macbook Pro-YUPH7Vaama4.mp4 238.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Troubleshooting Macbook Pro battery recognition issues at component level.-6I2Rd2iVa64.mp4 250.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Trump's ban on Muslims does not increase security--8gxGqZSIE8.mp4 97.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/U.S. immigration procedures deter taxpayers that WE NEED!!!-fXF9-mBpLuU.mp4 104.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Ultrasonic cleaner for repairing Macbook logic boards.-Fn1kehaYIYM.mp4 342.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Unibody Macbook Pro Keyboard Replacement - Liquid Spill Damage Repair by Rossmann Group-iXiCjLias1w.mp4 852.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Unibody Macbook Pro no wifi logic board repair 820-2915-yOgrBYy0F88.mp4 457 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Unused diagnostic ports CAN kill your board! Pay attention to them.-ECWJ3Um1UQU.mp4 47.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Uploading board videos from home because timewarner cable sucks.-erVxbPKUjR8.mp4 139.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/USB 3.0 HDMI capture devices for auction - THREE pieces.-3yRG5JMi7r0.mp4 56.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Using multimeter probes to quash YouTube drama.-gqInJlgkf5A.mp4 89.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/VCCIO vs vcore and why sequence is important-pQHW_ZdBP3o.mp4 77.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Vegan myths - 'I won't be full eating vegan meals' [part 1]-0kS8mHKS5ZE.mp4 97.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/vegan myths part 2 Will I lose muscle as a vegan-rDEu-nD3gG0.mp4 53.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Vegan myths part 3 'The food will taste bad'-YNw0n4srIYY.mp4 120.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Video editors & filmers - I need your help!-ZBovyO4or_4.mp4 121 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/video-2011-11-09-12-18-32.mp4-w464rsss9yg.webm 6.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Walkthrough of onewire circuit for green light on magsafe connector-f1TKQwsWaOY.mp4 363 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Warcraft broken-HwoQ2uVqMPE.webm 1.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Watergun fight; owner vs. receptionist. Louis gets ass kicked.-o64ocZ5y0kU.mp4 28.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/We don't hire interns, we don't take your phone calls, and we never will.-DyFoNLe5K9k.mp4 209.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Welcome to Rossmann Group's YouTube channel!-Mnp2P2kTDfA.mp4 110.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Weller WHA900 hot air station review and comparison to Hakko FR-801-2zWWZl5ffTM.mp4 894.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Weller WHA900 vs JBC JT-A Will I be disappointed going from the $1800 JBC to the $638 Weller-qj4jazxj6Yc.mp4 394.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What are power rails and why do I care-l0EzLnoCGmk.mp4 163.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What did YOU learn at WildPCS-bUmK72q601I.mp4 67.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What do you get with a $500 eBay CCTV security camera system-6d-kDOf2DAk.mp4 170.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a buck converter-B5eWpRFC9Aw.mp4 73.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a capacitor and what is it used for-Co4hIAngUQg.mp4 43.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a financial deposit and what is its purpose in a transaction-hDpEzQOs9XE.mp4 99 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a pullup resistor and how is it used to create a data line-iDIq43D6bAs.mp4 57.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a resistor What is impedance-0nS-HQ1PKMQ.mp4 24.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a short circuit What is a short to ground-hoYIzmItja4.mp4 49.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a transistor in plain English-R_VlWQa0lpc.mp4 172.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is a voltage divider-nj13gjRidZE.mp4 56.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is AC and what is DC-4VNdr_v9Ct8.mp4 77 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is an inductor and how does it boost voltage-H0XLy3aNReI.mp4 170.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is current sensing and how does it stop my Macbook from charging-PtEDoMV5oe8.mp4 942.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is current sensing circuitry and what is its importance-vgeVpYWkwBM.mp4 61.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is ground and what is its purpose in a circuit-THSNzVax8og.mp4 155.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is hamster wheel work, what is real work, and why is balance needed-hBAS2eRbZ_A.mp4 194.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is homey business, or why it's bad to treat friends differently than clients.-Y93wVcUso0w.mp4 209.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is my opinion of iFixit and why am I excited about what they are doing-raaNG2vxzKk.mp4 338.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is professionalism-JiyGRpSpYg4.mp4 176.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is real professionalism-Q4XNWg2YkP8.mp4 116.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is the rabbit hole to hell and how does it relate to Louis' business model-pF_3NP2IX2U.mp4 106.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is this all about-3StHWEPq-Vs.mp4 81 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What is voltage and what is current How do these work together to create watts-aT3WZtW27zc.mp4 92.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What it means to be of service; the people who don't get burned out as technicians.-ZDU8120Ep0o.mp4 193.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What knockoff Amazon and eBay chargers do to your $1200 Macbook Pro--8nLuNJvvMY.mp4 108.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What power rail do I check first and what is causing my short to ground-S-WJaefAlsg.mp4 80 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/What's the worst that can happen when I install my own hard drive-K5ASo2WAJyw.mp4 245.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/what's up with that 4 gb man-tw3-j_RaX74.mp4 37.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/When a MOSFET sends 12v to my framebuffer -(-wEwKkhxI73M.mp4 339.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/When it's time to fire your customers - Rossmann reads Yelp reviews.-AqoTFjB9kKM.mp4 260.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/When people bring laptops with food in them this is what pops out.-N5z9btYxbV8.mp4 20.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/When to replace LED driver on Macbook logic board-lvMrfQ3CHmE.mp4 118.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Where and how do I find resistors-1fFZqEqMNjs.mp4 7.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Where did I start, how do I get there (the answer to everything)-z6LZmS_AmDI.mp4 554.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Where Yelp harassment ends Sperber Denenberg & Kahan, PC harassment BEGINS!-1_cxDrQTTYs.mp4 220.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Which ideas on how to run your small business should you listen to-EPGjaoCQSCE.mp4 97.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/While you're in there, can you just do a bunch of extra crap for free-2xziQE66k_g.mp4 73.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Who ate Steve's nuts-ksromFMLZkI.mp4 8.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Who fucked up Louis' microphone & recording setup-UM9DPIXKRU4.mp4 25.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Who is your target demographic Here's why you should have one.-FAkpJlgnTd8.mp4 223.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why 'professional' Macbook logic board repair costs more than $80; what you get run to eBay.-xXPSmvBTrYY.mp4 285.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why are inductors used as filters in data lines tricky to measure-x6aE_HJvcl8.mp4 149.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why are there ads now Plans for 2015.-yj4NeUJp_FM.mp4 232.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why customers hate salespeople - a story of CRUNCH gym personal trainers.-HtS4hpzilak.mp4 199.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why does Louis use a silly microphone--fPe5r1niqQ.mp4 130.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why does the audio on Louis' channel suck-wk48mGOmdew.mp4 203.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why doesn't Louis fix iPhone logic boards-J8QoyPD2n2Y.mp4 98.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why doesn't steve's board have a green light-rGiIqPDOHyw.mp4 485.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why I dislike most forms of personal insurance-MHHo3Y2cO1s.mp4 240.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why I dislike people who abuse the 'F' word-7yFFBBFqe-E.mp4 198.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why I don't split content across separate channels.-jbuSGAax3hw.mp4 201.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why I don't use Apple products-sfrYOWlKJ_g.mp4 138.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why I hate social media.-Lv4kom63Hik.mp4 87.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why I never wanted to do a basic electronics video series-pfOjZySE5j8.mp4 74.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why I switched back to Windows for video editing(it wasn't a happy decision for me)-5FgO4AUR4_k.mp4 54.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why is Louis' class so much more money than the other practical schools Hint - DEFINE PRACTICAL!--IQYaBADzD4.mp4 241.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why is the no backlight discount coupon gone-7I1VBM4VduE.mp4 183.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why kids hate reading & why public school is at fault.-Y9ZzRTj-GGs.mp4 262.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why newbies suck at repairing the CPU vcore circuit.-iot4lO1Nork.mp4 132.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why old Lenovo Thinkpads are more portable than the lightest Macbook Air-AFWJP5yCujw.mp4 181.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why technicians & mechanics lie to customers.-wlQeavkp5ow.mp4 89.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why the self diagnosis sucks - you don't get to choose your problems in life.-IjK-NBz1F50.mp4 82.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why there are no sponsors-gUMy8uXaCE8.mp4 74.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why there's no competitors to Youtube & the business lesson to be learned here-5i5N58plzDY.mp4 223.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why we stopped selling on eBay & Amazon - and why you should too.-1qWJXflTPZk.mp4 64.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why won't Louis film the class-dvrsvvWyEQQ.mp4 159.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why you need to hook repairshopr CRM up to your phone system!-l2qKEkG29gI.mp4 140.9 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Why your repair shop should NOT pay for paper or television advertising!-BGFmhUt2aPk.mp4 159.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/WildPCS soldering - Baku 601D hot air rework station review vs. Hakko FR-801_FX-951_FM-2027-fV6wXxfYo-s.mp4 362.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Wiping laptop BIOS_EFI passwords & repairing bad cellphone ESNs & IMEIs.-CplNTE8yL8Q.mp4 116.3 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Wishful thinking & selective hearing - the mortal enemies of the repair shop.-5OKizfOZet4.mp4 220.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/World's best tool - your BRAIN (part 2)-mRyYPtBqoWM.mp4 198.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Yelp culture.-0O5EeC5KPoU.mp4 178.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Yelp salespeople have no respect for the privacy of their paid advertisers-t65dfO8vZTA.mp4 223.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You broke it - professional iPhone & laptop repair customer service. Part 1-6MlAdgjOORo.mp4 36.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You broke it - professional iPhone & laptop repair customer service. Part 2-0bbh_8aKVDg.mp4 65.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You broke it - professional iPhone & laptop repair customer service. Part 3-oV8MKCSp9vU.mp4 33.2 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You broke it - professional iPhone & laptop repair customer service. Part 4-2Q_FDt9o45o.mp4 113.6 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You can't make every customer happy.-dRsq7CHM28o.mp4 122.7 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You don't have to be a self righteous douchebag to be a vegan-YC4RT2IiSTw.mp4 200.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You fixed my phone last week and it CRACKED AGAIN!!!-F5LLWEpMGaQ.mp4 190.5 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You shouldn't go to a school to learn basic cellphone repairs.-WaIa2RcUQ-w.mp4 193.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/You touched it, you own it; or why technicians are 'ripoffs.'-ns_ZzxjsWoU.mp4 347.8 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/YouTube issues with distorted_destroyed video.-nXGmzIH86pU.mp4 23.1 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/YouTube Red - commentary on using YouTube to make a living-FbJaWIWNJQM.mp4 221.4 MB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/Zhuo Mao ZM-R6200c for Macbook Pro logic board repair, 2011 GPU issue 820-2915-xRwfJpNvWI0.mp4 1.3 GB
Louis_Rossmann_Backup/ZM-R6200c demo.-z1MUeZPi_kU.mp4 1.4 GB
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