Pure Pwnage

Size: 1.7 GB
Magnet link

Name Size
Pure Pwnage/Pure Pwnage - Feel Like Pwning Noobs.mp3 2.5 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure Pwnage - Get outta myspace.mp3 4.1 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure Pwnage - Im a gamer.mp3 1.8 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_101.avi 62.9 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_102.avi 87.6 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_103.avi 65.2 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_104.avi 113.8 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_105.avi 82.2 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_106.avi 112.3 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_107.avi 93.4 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_108.avi 145.2 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_109.avi 196.9 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_110.avi 203.6 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_111.avi 160.3 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_112.avi 342.5 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_E32006.avi 62.1 MB
Pure Pwnage/Pure_Pwnage_Preview.avi 11.4 MB
Pure Pwnage/teh_pwnerer-teh_noob_song.mp3 2.7 MB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Anastasia - O Rly.mp3 19 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Doug - Check it out Brought the Cube Man.mp3 97 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Doug - Dude Living on your pwn PWNS.mp3 66 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Doug - eee HEY MAN.mp3 49 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Doug - ho... You Have a Balcony! ....mp3 306 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Doug - No Parents Bugging ya, Dont have to Worry about mum comming in and busting ya playing vidz.mp3 103 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Doug - OmG! Arn't you gonna Hump My head or something.mp3 145 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Doug - That was Fucking Unbelievable.mp3 63 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - 400 Bucks for my Hair.mp3 95 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Best Advice Ever.mp3 197 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - But Man Kyle, You Are The Man.mp3 66 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Dave's Computer is like... Pretty Suck.mp3 110 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Dear Jeremy I think I like Boys More Than Girls but....mp3 61 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Dear Sean You are a Fag.mp3 116 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Four Words For you GTFO.mp3 51 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Gamer Tester - Pony died cause it wasnt pretty Enough... AHHHHHHHHH.mp3 364 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - GTFO.mp3 31 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - He-Man Skit.mp3 230 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - hijeffuragfag.mp3 67 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - hiwiggaurafag.mp3 68 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - I think I Like Boys More Than Girls.mp3 40 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - I was Sleeping Kyle, When was last time you woke up before me, I woke up before you did tomorrow.mp3 171 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Imagine if I was Brad Pit but Smart and Good at Games and Stuff.mp3 114 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Jobs and Me are Kinda Like Oil And Liquid.mp3 75 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Just like AH but in RL.mp3 47 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Kyle the Whole World is against me Kyle.mp3 45 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Lemme Tell You Something, Kyle Still Plays With He-Man toys.mp3 109 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Lemme Tell You Something.mp3 44 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Like our new Light over Here ... We Named him Dave.mp3 261 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Should fire you.mp3 72 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - The Only Game On The Shelf which Doesnt Lick Mah Bawls.mp3 84 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Theres a Serous problem with a lot of new games comming out as they like... Suck.mp3 131 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - To The noobschoolbus Jeremy is the Sexist wanna have his babies.mp3 130 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Weiman.mp3 964 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Welcome To My Show, This is Episode ... Whatever.mp3 65 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - What Should I do.mp3 37 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - whatgives.mp3 27 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Ya Rly.mp3 19 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - Ya Rub All The Shirts On Mah Bawls.mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - You Think Brad Pit Has To Put Up with this.mp3 128 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Jeremy - You Told me we would make two episodes now look at this wake me up again.mp3 67 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Kyle - Doug Maybe We Should Make Some Toast or Something.mp3 56 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Kyle - Its Time To Make The Show.mp3 24 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Kyle - Oh Yeah, Nice, Thats Great.mp3 36 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Kyle - People Are Flying To Toronto and We Havent Shot Anything.mp3 142 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Kyle - Someone E-mailed the Show Wanted some of your Hair.mp3 98 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Other - Blog.mp3 41 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Other - I have the power bitches short.mp3 78 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Other - I have the power bitches.mp3 236 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep10 - Other - O Rly Ya Rly.mp3 39 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Anastasia - heyiheardusayupwnatgames_thatsreallykool.mp3 134 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Anastasia - why does ur bf have a camera.mp3 44 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - BAWLS.mp3 51 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - cuzsuchanoob.mp3 28 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - jeremyballslikethat.mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - Kyle_omfgicantevenkillthisguy.mp3 95 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - likeBAWLS.mp3 84 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - LOL.mp3 34 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - LOOL.mp3 42 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - makesmefeelprettygood.mp3 42 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - maybeinayearIcanplay.mp3 110 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - near California.mp3 48 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - school people all day.mp3 45 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - skills.mp3 49 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - some people think that playing games all day.mp3 144 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Jeremy - warcraftmmo.mp3 108 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Kyle - nothardweiman.mp3 58 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Kyle - ring in canada.mp3 61 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Kyle - sheleft.mp3 43 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - Kyle&Anastasia - Goodfellas.mp3 709 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep6 - KylesGF - minesweeper.mp3 73 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Anastasia - Same as yesterday same as the day before that.mp3 67 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Anastasia - urlvl2.mp3 30 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Anastasia - What about u what games do u play.mp3 39 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Anastasia - Whatlevelru.mp3 26 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Anastasia - Whenurerolledane_thatwasromantic.mp3 103 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Anastasia - YehIplaymmoslikewow.mp3 47 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Dave - SumtimesgamesmeansbadnewsKyle.mp3 65 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Dave - Yeah I gotta too, I gotta get icecream....mp3 88 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - LikeFPS.mp3 24 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - PlayonDust2Iguess.mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - SoJeremyah_saysuragamerwhatkindagamesudo.mp3 49 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - Sorrywhoru.mp3 22 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - Uknowfps.mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - Whenaclanmategetsfraggedinrl.mp3 141 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - Who.mp3 14 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - Yaman.mp3 18 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Doug - YayaI_Imagineitsgreat.mp3 39 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy & Anastasia - PwnageBeing-Jeremy gamingisntalwaysaboutpwning.mp3 88 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - almostgotthednotdie.mp3 55 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - bawlsoutofmouth.mp3 48 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - Everheardofthemasterer.mp3 24 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - Finelieklogout.mp3 62 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - Friends.mp3 76 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - gamesthattakeskill.mp3 101 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - itsanoobstick.mp3 66 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - LEEROYJENKINS.mp3 25 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - lickingbothmybawls.mp3 31 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - LOL! lol chicken on you n00b LOL! Chicken lol! LOL!.mp3 102 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - lol.mp3 17 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - lvl60imapriest.mp3 40 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - MahBawls!.mp3 39 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - PKhisass.mp3 64 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - playsumgamesthatneedsskill.mp3 91 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - priestsdontneedtoeat.mp3 44 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - pwning myself.mp3 67 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - pwnthegame.mp3 61 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - Rtswouldlast2seconds.mp3 118 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - SendTanksinnoair.mp3 103 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - shadowerpain effects.mp3 130 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - shit.mp3 35 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - Supn00bshaventseenun00bsinawhile.mp3 67 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - thereisnoctinwow.mp3 49 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - Totallypwnthemup.mp3 24 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Jeremy - udontgetsbettermmo.mp3 65 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Kyle - Idonojusthadtogo_Idono.mp3 68 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Nurse - uwanttokillsumbody.mp3 40 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep7 - Random - emo_child.mp3 37 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - boomheadshotfpsdoug.mp3 147 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - counterterrorist.mp3 125 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - forfiet.mp3 124 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - pwnererofnoobs.mp3 90 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - semifinal.mp3 56 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - squeekymommyvoice.mp3 139 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - upwnnothing.mp3 46 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - DeathStriker6666 - whosthisguy.mp3 39 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - allatonce.mp3 39 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - begin.mp3 40 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - didthatguyjustheadshotme.mp3 57 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - easier.mp3 46 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - germanpissing.mp3 128 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - headshotdone.mp3 30 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - knifehumiliation.mp3 94 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - nohead.mp3 85 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - noobfest.mp3 36 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - noobrig.mp3 90 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - OHHHYEAAHHH.mp3 51 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - thinkhereallyrespectsme.mp3 63 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - watchingmyselfbeingan00b.mp3 113 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Doug - whatkeyisit.mp3 67 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - asksdoug.mp3 35 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - buttons.mp3 53 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - cheapitsinthegame.mp3 63 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - colespank.mp3 42 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - dragonpunch.mp3 110 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - goingtodojustfinejon.mp3 60 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - gottagoeasyonhim.mp3 71 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - jonisneo.mp3 62 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - jonnotanoob.mp3 76 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - jonwins.mp3 54 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - KashmirZ_Skrie_denwO.mp3 99 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - keyboard.mp3 88 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - kyletiedtopole.mp3 74 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - norush.mp3 49 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - OHHH.mp3 116 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - ohyoulikethat.mp3 48 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - pwnagesounds.mp3 87 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - shootyourself.mp3 40 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - suddendeath.mp3 141 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - theschoolbus.mp3 188 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - WASD.mp3 53 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Jeremy - wowatlan.mp3 60 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Killthraka - blewup.mp3 35 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - Killthraka - computerisfucked.mp3 106 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - other - 30to25.mp3 79 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - other - asskicked.mp3 97 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - other - crap.mp3 58 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - other - dougveveryone.mp3 104 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - other - kylebehindcamera.mp3 54 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - other - number.mp3 69 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep8 - other - pwnerer.mp3 78 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Alex - Why the hell does he dress like a ninja! Why the hell does he dress like that!.mp3 55 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - Back to grade 1, grade 1! (Chinese).mp3 42 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - Dave Scream #1.mp3 64 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - Dave Scream #2.mp3 44 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - Jeremy just really wants to see Hermione...mp3 42 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - Seriously Kyle, I don't know how much longer I can put up with this shit.mp3 55 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - Taking you bitches to school! (Chinese).mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - Tell me, last time you won.. Who was the emperor of China then! (Chinese).mp3 62 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - That's just for kids.mp3 19 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Dave - You can lick my balls.. Both of them! (Chinese).mp3 53 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - Aimbot'ing piece of shit...mp3 28 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - BOOM HEADSHOT!.mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - Boom headshot, gotta go!.mp3 27 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - Did you send me a PM! Did you send me a PM!.mp3 74 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - Don't tell me you got a watch up your ass!.mp3 35 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - HACKS! OMFG HACKS!! HACKS!!.mp3 44 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - Hahaha.. n00bs...mp3 36 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - I mean.. where's the motherfucking AK man!! Desert Eagle!.mp3 58 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - I'm the only one with that user name...mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - Man, I wish they'd turn on friendly fire.mp3 35 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - My high score is your mom thousand, your sister hundred and your cousin (Chinese).mp3 80 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - OH YEAH!! YEAH YOU WANNA DIE!!.mp3 237 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Doug - YOU CAMPING BASTARDS!!.mp3 53 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Dave doesn't understand maybe how the universe works...mp3 53 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Do you know what micro is! And it's not what's in your pants, man...mp3 46 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Doesn't know I could micro his fucking punk ass...mp3 40 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Fucking.. n00b.mp3 30 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - He's gonna get a JOB!.mp3 24 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - He's so quick Tagi is that why you're with him! 'Cause he's so smart!.mp3 54 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - I'm just saying y'know.. he's not like super cool like me.mp3 53 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Is there more stuff out there than games! Y'know am I missing out on stuff that's fun!.mp3 85 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Oh yeah! You like to eat! What do you eat! Shit!.mp3 81 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Remember to use your shortcuts.mp3 49 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - We kinda pwned 'em up, y'know...mp3 27 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - who is this n00b!.mp3 21 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Y'know how am I supposed to get here by noon if I got up at 4.mp3 50 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - Yeah and I'm gonna pwn you.mp3 24 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - You don't have time to be playing with candies.. we gotta train, we got work to do...mp3 60 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - You don't wanna play games!.mp3 21 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Jeremy - You remind me of.. ghey...mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Kyle - Maybe he's really a n00b or something!.mp3 31 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - I don't want Mountain Dew I want chocolate milk!!.mp3 29 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - It doesn't come from here.. it comes from here.mp3 47 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - Motherfucker (Chinese).mp3 16 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - See you on the internet!.mp3 17 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - That's what he calls you on the computer!.mp3 28 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - WHOA WHOA! Buddy.. what are you doing!.mp3 31 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - You said you'd bring me a chocolate milk but you're a liar mom!.mp3 38 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - Other - You think this is some kind of toy!.mp3 28 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - teh_masterer - Can you say something for me.mp3 28 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - teh_masterer - Let the micro flow through your fingers...mp3 58 KB
Pure Pwnage/Voice cips PP/ep9 - teh_masterer - You used your micro in public!!.mp3 49 KB
