[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/1. Instructor & Course App Overview.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/10. How to Use Custom Fonts in Xcode 9 and Swift 4.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/11. Putting the Welcome Message On The Screen.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/12. Copyright Label.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/13. Build a Custom UIButton Subclass.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/14. Button Animations Using CGAffineTransform.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/15. Programmatic ViewController Navigation Without Storyboards.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/2. Setting Up Our Application in appDelegate.swift without storyboards.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/3. Introduction to AutoLayout Constraints Programmatically.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/4. Build a Custom Gradient UIView by overriding CALayer as CAGradientLayer.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/5. UIColor Extensions + Convenience Initializers.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/6. Custom Hex Color Code Initializer.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/7. Static UIColor Class Variables + Why I am Teaching You The Way I Am.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/8. Creating and Placing the App Title Label on the Welcome Screen.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/1. App Setup + The WelcomeController/9. Build a Custom UILabel Subclass.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/2. Build The Header, Add Button, and Write Your First Protocol/1. Custom Header UIView.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/2. Build The Header, Add Button, and Write Your First Protocol/2. Placing our Custom HeaderView in the ListController.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/2. Build The Header, Add Button, and Write Your First Protocol/3. Placing Header GDLabels in the GDHeaderView.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/2. Build The Header, Add Button, and Write Your First Protocol/4. OptionSet(s) In Swift.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/2. Build The Header, Add Button, and Write Your First Protocol/5. Placing the Add Button Using UIlayoutConstraints (auto-layout in code).mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/2. Build The Header, Add Button, and Write Your First Protocol/6. How to Use Swift OptionSet(s) to Make our Front-end App Scale with Ease.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/2. Build The Header, Add Button, and Write Your First Protocol/7. How to Write a Custom Protocol for our GDHeaderView.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/1. Building a PopupView by Subclassing GDGradient..mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/10. Creating a Custom Protocol Delegate for the NewItemPopupView Class.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/11. Pass UITextField Text Through a Protocol Method to the ListController.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/12. Cancel Functionality and Keyboard TextField Animation Extension.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/2. PopupView Buttons.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/3. Placing the Add Button and Giving our Buttons Selectors.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/4. Creating a Custom UITextField Subclass and Placing It In Our View.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/5. Styling our Custom UITextField Class.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/6. Adding Insets to our Custom UITextField.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/7. Using NSNotificationCenter to Retrieve Keyboard Height.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/8. Animating Views With CGAffineTransform and UIViewAnimations.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/3. Build a Popup View to Allow Users The Ability to Add ToDos/9. Implementing the UITextFieldDelegate.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/1. Build a Custom UITableView.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/10. Adding Insets our UITableView.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/11. Build a CheckBox Control.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/12. How to Toggle the CheckBox Button.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/13. How to Use Custom Icons In your Apps.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/13.1 buttonicons.zip.zip |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/14. How to Toggle the CheckBox PT 2.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/15. Using More than One Section in A UITableView with Titles.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/16. Using the Map and ForEach Functions in Swift to Count Cells based on ToDo Status.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/17. Filtering Item Data In Sections Correctly.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/18. Writing a Protocol for the GDListCell.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/19. Updating ToDo ListData.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/2. Using AutoLayout to Place The TableView in the ListController.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/3. How to Use UITableViewCells in a UITableView.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/4. How to Put Unique Data Within A UITableViewCell.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/5. Build a Custom UITableViewCell.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/6. Building a ToDo Data Structure.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/7. Using ToDo Data in UITableViewCells.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/8. How to add Space Between UITableViewCells.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/4. Custom UITableView with Other Concepts/9. Using A UITextField instead of a UILabel in the GDListCell class.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/1. Status Bar Color and Header Insets.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/2. Protocol Refactor.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/3. Updating The HeaderView Items Left Label with the Amount of Items Left ToDo..mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/4. Animating Views Off and On The Screen..mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/5. Setting Corner Radius on Specific Corners.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/6. Adding Functionality to the Cancel Button.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/7. Bug Fixes.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/8. UILayoutConstraint Animations.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/5. Header Fixes + Add New Item Popup View/9. More Bug Fixes.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/6. Core Data. A Solid Introduction (basic models, entities, fetch queries + more)/1. Intro to Core Data and setup..mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/6. Core Data. A Solid Introduction (basic models, entities, fetch queries + more)/2. Inserting New ToDo Entities Into the CoreData View Context.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/6. Core Data. A Solid Introduction (basic models, entities, fetch queries + more)/3. How to Fetch an Array or Collection from CoreData stores..mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/6. Core Data. A Solid Introduction (basic models, entities, fetch queries + more)/4. More on Entities + Brief Refactoring to Utilize Our New ToDo Model..mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/6. Core Data. A Solid Introduction (basic models, entities, fetch queries + more)/5. Deleting Data From CoreData.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/6. Core Data. A Solid Introduction (basic models, entities, fetch queries + more)/6. Core Data Bug Fixes.mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/6. Core Data. A Solid Introduction (basic models, entities, fetch queries + more)/7. Core Data WrapUp (for now).mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/7. NSUserDefaults/1. Using NSUserDefaults to Determine if the Application has Been Opened Before..mp4 |
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - iOS 11 Swift 4 build a To Do List App, UIKit, CoreData,+more/[FreeCourseSite.com].url |
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