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Name Size
VBA/0071614796 Word 2007 Macros & VBA Made Easy [Hart-Davis 2009-03-09] {5F1FC801}.pdf 3.6 MB
VBA/0071627006 Excel 2007 VBA Macro Programming [Shepherd 2009-09-24] {A5D8E817}.pdf 7.5 MB
VBA/0071738576 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming [Shepherd 2010-11-15] {903AB1C1}.pdf 4.4 MB
VBA/0072231440 Excel VBA Macro Programming [Shepherd 2004-02-04] {DD4B21E3}.pdf 15.5 MB
VBA/0470031573 Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA [Löffler & Posch 2007-06-05] {4826EBAB}.pdf 18.5 MB
VBA/0470044012 Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA [Walkenbach 2007-04-16] {60A9CF08}.pdf 14.6 MB
VBA/0470046430 Excel 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference [Green, Bullen, Bovey & Alexander 2007-03-26] {9767160A}.pdf 6.8 MB
VBA/0470046503 VBA for Dummies (5th ed.) [Mueller 2007-01-10] {1A24659C}.pdf 6.5 MB
VBA/0470046538 Access 2007 VBA Programming for Dummies [Stockman & Simpson 2007-02-20] {93840C43}.pdf 9.1 MB
VBA/0470046740 Excel 2007 VBA Programming for Dummies [Walkenbach 2007-02-20] {F1A0BD50}.pdf 6.8 MB
VBA/047004702X Access 2007 VBA Bible; For Data-Centric Microsoft Office Applications [Feddema 2007-05-07] {3FE40041}.pdf 23.4 MB
VBA/0470279591 Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2007 [Mansfield 2008-04-28] {500BC86C}.pdf 18 MB
VBA/0470398124 A Fast Track to Structured Finance; Modeling, Monitoring, and Valuation; Jump Start VBA [Preinitz 2009-02-09] {4261628A}.pdf 10.2 MB
VBA/0470475358 Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA [Walkenbach 2010-05-10] {549B9AC4}.pdf 8.1 MB
VBA/0470503696 Excel VBA Programming for Dummies (2nd ed.) [Walkenbach 2010-05-24] {0E2FEFBA}.pdf 4.7 MB
VBA/0470634006 Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2010 (2nd ed.) [Mansfield 2010-08-24] {149ED7A7}.pdf 12.2 MB
VBA/0470712201 Implementing Models of Financial Derivatives; Object Oriented Applications with VBA [Webber 2011-03-21] {28B5A0A1}.pdf 3.6 MB
VBA/0470747196 Hedge Fund Modeling and Analysis using Excel and VBA [Darbyshire & Hampton 2012-03-05] {B9FF724E}.pdf 3.1 MB
VBA/0470824395 Professional Financial Computing using Excel and VBA [Tung, Lai, Wong & Ng 2010-06-15] {7073BE45}.pdf 6.1 MB
VBA/047089069X Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer [Urtis 2011-05-03] {A1E16673}.pdf 21.8 MB
VBA/0471267686 Financial Modeling using Excel and VBA [Sengupta 2004-02-26] {77E33F1A}.pdf 8.9 MB
VBA/0471478873 Operational Risk with Excel and VBA; Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management [Lewis 2004-04-09] {277BA1B2}.pdf 3.8 MB
VBA/0471499226 Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA [Jackson & Staunton 2001-05-30] {0FBF2509}.pdf 1.6 MB
VBA/0471794643 Option Pricing Models & Volatility using Excel-VBA [Rouah & Vainberg 2007-04-13] {86E902B7}.pdf 10.2 MB
VBA/0596003595 Writing Excel Macros with VBA; Learning to Program the Excel Object Model using VBA (2nd ed.) [Roman 2002-06-15] {41F2E060}.pdf 4.9 MB
VBA/0735659877 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Programming Inside Out [Couch 2011-07-25] {E0AEE4EE}.pdf 34.9 MB
VBA/0764547992 Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA [Walkenbach 2001-07-15] {B6A684AE}.pdf 8.9 MB
VBA/0764556592 Beginning Access 2003 VBA [Gosnell 2004-09-24] {3DBE37AA}.pdf 11.7 MB
VBA/0764574116 Access VBA Programming for Dummies [Simpson 2004-08-27] {D282B598}.pdf 8.2 MB
VBA/0764574124 Excel VBA Programming for Dummies [Walkenbach 2004-08-20] {1A7A923C}.pdf 6.2 MB
VBA/0782129781 VBA Developer's Handbook (2nd ed.) [Getz & Gilbert 2001-04-25] {FD6B17B8}.pdf 8.5 MB
VBA/0782142818 Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA [Hansen 2004-03-19] {B2F58F69}.pdf 18.7 MB
VBA/0789736675 VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System [McFedries 2007-04-09] {BCA3E2DF}.pdf 5.1 MB
VBA/0789743140 VBA and Macros; Microsoft Excel 2010 [Jelen & Syrstad 2010-07-01] {16A2CBC1}.pdf 24.1 MB
VBA/0789755858 Excel 2016 VBA and Macros [Jelen & Syrstad 2015-11-14] {0CE8525E}.pdf 7.2 MB
VBA/0849392837 Programming ArcObjects with VBA; A Task-Oriented Approach (2nd ed.) [Chang 2007-08-27] {20991E5A}.pdf 9.5 MB
VBA/0971414181 Learning MicroStation VBA [Winters 2006-07-01] {740DEF93}.pdf 39.6 MB
VBA/1118490371 Excel VBA Programming for Dummies (3rd ed.) [Walkenbach 2013-02-25] {C158CA4B}.pdf 7.9 MB
VBA/1118490398 Microsoft Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA [Walkenbach 2013-04-01] {9D55CBFD}.pdf 79.7 MB
VBA/1118695127 Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2013 [Mansfield 2013-08-26] {56908D99}.pdf 32.1 MB
VBA/1118798902 AutoCAD Platform Customization; User Interface, AutoLISP, VBA, and Beyond [Ambrosius 2015-04-27] {AD3E2C99}.pdf 13.8 MB
VBA/1118798937 AutoCAD Platform Customization; VBA [Ambrosius 2015-05-04] {B299A3C3}.pdf 4.1 MB
VBA/111890401X Principles of Financial Modelling; Model Design and Best Practices using Excel and VBA [Rees 2018-07-10] {8B227A91}.pdf 25.1 MB
VBA/1118904052 Business Risk and Simulation Modelling in Practice; Using Excel, VBA and RISK [Rees 2015-09-21] {D1B9EEA1}.pdf 29.9 MB
VBA/1118962001 How to Implement Market Models using VBA [Goossens 2015-03-23] {A2B4794D}.pdf 5.5 MB
VBA/1118991370 Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer (2nd ed.) [Urtis 2015-03-30] {6FB137BF}.pdf 39.9 MB
VBA/111900330X The Heston Model and its Extensions in VBA [Rouah 2015-04-27] {6DBF802F}.pdf 42.9 MB
VBA/1119067723 Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA [Alexander & Kusleika 2016-02-08] {ACFD5F57}.pdf 23.8 MB
VBA/1119077397 Excel VBA Programming for Dummies (4th ed.) [Walkenbach 2015-10-12] {9677A0B0}.pdf 7.7 MB
VBA/1119225388 Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016 [Mansfield 2016-02-23] {73A42D07}.pdf 12.3 MB
VBA/1133190871 VBA for Modelers; Developing Decision Support Systems with Microsoft Office Excel (4th ed.) [Albright 2011-08-26] {AD8B422D}.pdf 11.4 MB
VBA/1138197157 An Introduction to Excel VBA Programming; with Applications in Finance and Insurance [Gan 2017-04-07] {31CC6BF5}.pdf 31 MB
VBA/1285869613 VBA for Modelers; Developing Decision Support Systems with Microsoft Office Excel (5th ed.) [Albright 2015-04-23] {104539A0}.pdf 22 MB
VBA/1439871345 Performance Evaluation of Industrial Systems; Discrete Event Simulation in using Excel-VBA (2nd ed.) [Elizandro & Taha 2012-04-11] {99D4EBC7}.pdf 46 MB
VBA/1484222040 Programming Excel with VBA; A Practical Real-World Guide [Morgado 2016-11-11] {66A0CE88}.pdf 39.8 MB
VBA/1522940626 Web Scraping with Excel; How to Use VBA to Write Simple and Effective Web Scrapes [Phillips 2016-03-06] {EAFD5A13}.pdf 1.1 MB
VBA/1556222238 Microsoft Office Access 2003 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP [Korol 2005-03-10] {40831FB9}.pdf 11.6 MB
VBA/1590595793 AutoCAD 2006 VBA; A Programmer's Reference [Sutphin 2005-09-23] {0E52F811}.pdf 5.9 MB
VBA/1590599578 Pro Excel 2007 VBA [DeMarco 2008-03-07] {AD135CA1}.pdf 8.6 MB
VBA/1592007236 Microsoft Access VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2nd ed.) [Vine 2005-03-14] {103BF088}.pdf 8.9 MB
VBA/1592007295 Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2nd ed.) [Birnbaum 2005-03-30] {5962C8FE}.pdf 12.1 MB
VBA/1598633945 Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner (3rd ed.) [Birnbaum & Vine 2007-06-08] {5BC30404}.pdf 11.7 MB
VBA/1681744600 Excel VBA for Physicists; A Primer [Liengme 2016-12-07] {FEFF8088}.pdf 20.6 MB
VBA/1849688443 Excel Programming with VBA Starter [Martin 2012-10-18] {216B3F9E}.pdf 1.4 MB
VBA/1931841047 Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner [Birnbaum 2002-04-02] {B7655769}.pdf 8.8 MB
VBA/1932802533 Office VBA Macros You Can Use Today [González, Meister, Ozgur, Dilworth, Brandt & Atink] {FB4465FF}.pdf 55.5 MB
Name Size Peers
Strauss J. VBA Guru. Master the Art of Automation...Finance and Accounting 2024 Application 3.7 MB 7
sm-vba-vsto Application 6 GB 7
Excel VBA Formulas Functions UDFs Create Your Own AddIn Video 1 GB 3
[ ] Udemy - Excel VBA and Macros - Beginners to Advanced Course Video 3 GB 54
Alexander M., Kusleika R. - Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA - 2019.pdf Application 15.6 MB 30
[ ] Udemy - VBA Selenium Web Scraping Part 1 - 2 Video 2.9 GB 6
Automate The Boring Tasks Using Microsoft Office VBA [] 49.2 MB 138
Learn Microsoft Excel VBA Macros for Beginners Video 1.7 GB 76
Microsoft Access VBA, Design and Advanced Methods Workshop 8 Video 2 GB 61
Tran T. EXCEL VBA Programming By Examples...2019 PDF Application 7.2 MB 59
[ ] Udemy - Excel VBA Introduction- Data Analytics Training Series1 Video 1.2 GB 37
[ ] Udemy - Excel VBA - The VBA Beginner's Blueprint to Programming Excel (updated 6 - 2021) Video 1.1 GB 35
[ ] Udemy - Microsoft Excel VBA for Beginners - Learn VBA Step by Application 1.6 GB 29
VBA Expert - O VBA para o Mercado Financeiro Video 5 GB 27
[ ] Udemy - Excel VBA - Macros foundations for beginners Video 1.2 GB 26
Learn Advanced Excel VBA for Automation Video 882.3 MB 15
Microsoft Excel VBA for Beginners - Learn VBA Step by Step Video 1.6 GB 14
[ ] Udemy - Advanced Excel Functions, Macros, and VBA Application 2 GB 14
Access VBA Programming for Dummies Application 6.2 MB 9
GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Master Microsoft Excel Macros and Excel VBA Video 1.1 GB 8
