Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/18. Creating a VDM stamp.mp4 |
130.3 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/02. User interface overview.mp4 |
124.1 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/10. Starting the character sculpt.mp4 |
122.5 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/09. Sculpting and painting overview.mp4 |
112.9 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/30. Posing the character.mp4 |
107.3 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/15. Applying high-frequency detail to the head and body.mp4 |
104.3 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/29. Painting the couch.mp4 |
102.9 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/21. Adding lights to the scene.mp4 |
100.7 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/26. Painting different channels.mp4 |
100 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/31. Cleaning up and adjusting the pose.mp4 |
99.7 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/20. Adding and modifying materials.mp4 |
97.1 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/23. Working with UVs.mp4 |
95.5 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/24. Painting the Imp body.mp4 |
93.6 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/12. Detailing the hands and feet.mp4 |
90.4 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/32. Extracting maps in Mudbox.mp4 |
84.2 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/05. Importing geometry.mp4 |
78.8 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/11. Detailing the head.mp4 |
77.3 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/07. Subdividing geometry.mp4 |
75 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/19. Sculpting the penny with a stencil.mp4 |
74.9 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/27. Painting the eyes using PTEX.mp4 |
70.6 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/14. Retopologizing the character.mp4 |
70.3 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/04. Mudbox starting meshes.mp4 |
69.9 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/28. Painting the penny.mp4 |
68.3 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/22. Using viewport filters.mp4 |
63.7 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/03. Navigating the 3D view.mp4 |
63 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/13. Adding the eyes.mp4 |
62.4 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/25. Modifying paint layers.mp4 |
53.2 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/08. Working with geometry.mp4 |
48.9 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/16. Adding new geometry.mp4 |
47.1 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/06. Creating geometry.mp4 |
44 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/17. Duplicating objects.mp4 |
38.2 MB |
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Mudbox 2014/01. Introduction and project overview.mp4 |
11.7 MB |