The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018

Size: 9.6 GB
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Name Size
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch02-03-04_quickstart/quickstart_11.ZPR 24.7 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch02-03-04_quickstart/teeth.ZTL 1 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch11_VDM/tongue01.ZTL 40.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch11_VDM/teeth.ZTL 16 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch11_ZRemesher/ZRemeshDemoFile.ZPR 60.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch12_importMeshes/head.ZTL 10.4 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch12_importMeshes/Nickz_humanMaleAverage.OBJ 869 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch12_importMeshes/body.ZTL 169 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch12_importMeshes/Nickz_humanMaleAverage.mtl 117 B
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch15_3Dalphas/Brush3DTemplate1024.ZPR 175.7 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch15_3Dalphas/block.ZTL 44 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch17_topologyBrush/orcBreastplate.ZPR 158.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch17_topologyBrush/GoblinWingMembranes.ZTL 16.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch22_alphas/detailedHead.ZPR 352.4 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch25_layers_userFiles/ogreLayersForAnimation.ZTL 47.7 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch27_meshExtract/projectionSHield.ZTL 3.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch29_ZSpheres/sampleZSpheres.ZTL 128 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch30_ZModeler/handle.ZTL 168 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch31_arrayMesh/horseshoeCrabFinal.ZTL 7.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch31_arrayMesh/horseshoeCrab.ZTL 6.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch31_arrayMesh/arrayMeshStep.ZTL 38 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch31_arrayMesh/arrayMeshPart.ZTL 35 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch31_arrayMesh/arreayMeshSPiralStaircase.ZAM 17 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch31_arrayMesh/ArrayPreset.ZAM 11 KB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch32_Booleans/knife.ZTL 2.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch37_ZBrushtoPhotoshop/layers.psd 74.6 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch39_environmentLighting/skullEnv.ZPR 249.1 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch45_DecimationMaster/alienForPrint.ZTL 22.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/ProjectFiles/SSP05_ch46_TransposePosing/batCreaturePose.ZPR 43 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/50 ZBrush 2018 Sculptris Pro Workflow Demo.mp4 790.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/51 ZBrush 2018 Project primitive.mp4 450.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/12 Importing meshes and poly groups.mp4 334.7 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/47 Cover Image tips.mp4 327 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/32 Booleans.mp4 255.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/22 Alphas and detailing.mp4 229.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/02 Quick start Part 1.mp4 228.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/03 Quick start Part 2.mp4 226.4 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/17 Topology brush.mp4 223.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/20 Hardsurface and planar Part 1.mp4 217.4 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/45 Decimation master and 3D print exporter.mp4 214.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/09 Dynamesh and insert mesh brushes Part 1.mp4 196.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/27 Mesh extraction.mp4 194.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/38 Intro to Materials Lighting and rendering.mp4 192.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/41 Generating maps.mp4 187.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/52 ZBrush 2018 New Brush Updates.mp4 186 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/43 Fibermesh.mp4 182.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/49 ZBrush 2018 Intro to Sculptris Pro and Tessimate.mp4 178 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/11 Dynamesh and ZRe mesh.mp4 168.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/40 Keyshot.mp4 163 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/14 Create custom IMM brushes and curve brushes.mp4 162.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/31 Array mesh.mp4 153.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/07 Gizmo Transpose And Posing.mp4 153.6 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/33 Polypainting.mp4 152.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/06 Interface In Depth.mp4 151.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/21 Hardsurface and planar Part 2.mp4 136.3 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/04 Quick start Part 3.mp4 135.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/36 Photo reference in ZBrush.mp4 133.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/34 Spotlight.mp4 133.3 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/30 ZModeler.mp4 127.1 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/46 Posing and subtool master.mp4 119.6 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/25 Layers for details and facial blend shapes.mp4 114.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/37 Rendering and materials rendering passes to Photoshop.mp4 114.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/19 Nanomesh.mp4 114.4 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/26 Noisemaker.mp4 112.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/08 Gizmo Primitives And Deformers.mp4 109.9 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/29 ZSpheres.mp4 109 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/05 Interface Fundamentals.mp4 97.6 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/54 ZBrush 2018 Polygroup by Polypaint.mp4 97.1 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/16 Vector brushes.mp4 94.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/13 Restoring lost symmetry.mp4 91.7 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/23 Stroke menu lazy mouse and backtrack.mp4 88.5 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/39 Environment lighting.mp4 87.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/44 Movie tools undo history.mp4 86.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/28 3D Text and vector shapes.mp4 85 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/24 HD subdivision levels.mp4 71.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/42 UV Master.mp4 69.1 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/10 Dynamesh and insert mesh brushes Part 2.mp4 68.8 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/35 ZApplink.mp4 50.3 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/48 ZBrush 2018 General UI updates.mp4 43.2 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/18 Customize ZBrush interface.mp4 40.4 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/53 ZBrush 2018 Polygroup Intro.mp4 38.3 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/15 3D Alphas.mp4 29.4 MB
The Gnomon Workshop - Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 Updated April 2018/01 Introduction.mp4 17.6 MB
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