Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22

Size: 24.6 GB
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Name Size
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[FR] Insomnie et autres histoires (N&B) (c2c) (Delcourt) (2008) (Empire-OT).cbr 264.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[FR] Le journal de Spirou - 0272 - 1 juillet 1943 (Dupuis) (OldP-GCA-Empire).cbr 51.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[FR] Les cités obscures H11a - Souvenirs de l'Éternel Présent (c2c) (Casterman) (2009) (Empire-OT).cbr 467.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Carthago Adventures - 03 Aipaloovik (c2c) (Splitter) (2015) (GCA-Empire-FT).cbr 230.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Die Haie von Lagos - 05 Dirty Business (c2c) (Splitter) (2015) (GCA-Empire-FT).cbr 177.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[GER] James Bond 007 - Zerbrochene Helix (Scanlation) (#176) (2016) (GCA-Savages).cbr 100 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Low 01 - Stadt ohne Hoffnung (c2c) (Splitter) (2015) (GCA-Empire-FT).cbr 668.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Orakel - 04 Der Bucklige (c2c) (Splitter) (2015) (GCA-Empire-FT).cbr 196.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Troja - 02 Das Geheimnis des Talos (c2c) (Splitter) (2015) (GCA-Empire-FT).cbr 240.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/[GER] Wollodrin - 03 Der Schläfer (c2c) (Splitter) (2015) (GCA-Empire-FT).cbr 402.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/BD FR - 1940 Et si la France avait continué la guerre v2 - Le Sursaut (2016) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr 103 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/BD FR - Ekhö monde miroir v5 - Le Secret des Preshauns (2016) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr 88.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/BD FR - Rock & Stone v2 (2016) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr 68.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/BD FR - Wunderwaffen v9 - Le Visiteur du soir (2016) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr 79.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/Klassika Eikonografhmena 1070 (Late 1980's) (2nd Printing) (Atlantis) (c2c) (Greek) (GST Pantheon-DCP).cbr 100 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/Klassika Eikonografhmena 1154 (Circa 1990) (2nd Printing) (Atlantis) (c2c) (Greek) (GST Pantheon-DCP).cbr 97.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-English_Scans/Lilly & Poldi - Das erste Jahr (1997) (Jochen Enterprises) (german) (twiNW-GCA).cbr 105.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Non-Scans/Spiduck-Man (Donald Duck & Spider-Man crossover) (04-2015) (FRENCH) (rip by Lusiphur-DCP).pdf 4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/1st Issue Special #4 LadyCop (DC.July1975) -K.cbz 88.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Action Comics, 1998-06-00 (#747) (scan) (MaidOfMight-Novus-HD).cbz 48.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Action Comics, 1998-07-00 (#748) (scan) (MaidOfMight-Novus-HD).cbz 54.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Ajin - Demi Human v07 (2016) (Digital) (Hexer-Empire).cbz 350.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/All Surprise Comics 011 (Timely.1946) (c2c) (Pmack-Novus).cbz 85.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/All-New Inhumans 006 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 35 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/All-Star Squadron, 1986-06-00 (#60) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 39.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/All-Star Squadron, 1986-07-00 (#61) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 35.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Alpha Flight 039 (1986) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 36.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Alpha Flight 106 (1992) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 53.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica 004 (Close-Up.1951) (c2c) (Pmack-Novus).cbz 62.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Attack on Titan - Before the Fall v07 (2016) (Digital) (Hexer-Empire).cbz 571.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Attack on Titan v18 (2016) (Digital) (Hexer-Empire).cbz 473.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Avengers 307 (1989) MrWoodman).cbr 38.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Avengers 308 (1989) (MrWoodman).cbr 39.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Avengers Featuring The Totally Awesome Hulk & Nova 01 (of 04) (2016) (digital-Empire).cbr 14.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Azrael, 1996-04-00 (#18) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 39.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Azrael, 1996-05-00 (#19) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 38.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/B & V Friends - Pool Party (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 216.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 141 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 31.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Batman 001 (2016) (Lee Bermejo NEC Exclusive Variant Cover) (digital) (Minutemen-PETA).cbr 1.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Batman 047 (2016) (4 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 41.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Batman, 1991-09-00 (#471) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 33.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Betty & Veronica - Picnic Antics (2014) (Forsythe-DCP).cbr 142.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Black Cat Mystery Comics 57 (1956 Harvey) (JVJ-Soothsayr-Kracalactaka-Novus).cbz 66.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Black Goliath #04 (1976) (1920px) c2c (Madness).cbr 74.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Blue Devil, 1985-07-00 (#16) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 35.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Blue Devil, 1985-08-00 (#17) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 44.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Blue Exorcist v15 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz 250.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Bob's Burgers - Free Comic Book Day 2016 (2016) (digital-Empire).cbr 37.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Boys Over Flowers Season 02 - Chapter 29 (2015) (Digital) (Minutemen-WTF).cbz 37.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Calling all Girls 026 (1944 Parents') (c2c) (JVJ-soothsayr-movielover-Novus).cbz 62.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Calling All Girls 034 (1944 Parents') (c2c) (JVJ-soothsayr-movielover-Novus).cbz 68.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Calling All Kids 8 (1947 Parents') (inc -ibc,bc) (JVJ-Soothsayr-Kracalactaka-Novus).cbz 53.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Captain America (Free Comic Book Day 2016) (c2c) (GreenBlast-DCP).cbr 31.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Case Closed v58 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz 287.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Checkmate, 1988-09-00 (#08) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 43.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Checkmate, 1988-10-00 (#09) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 52.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Chrononauts v01 (2015) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 335.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Conan The Barbarian 042 (1974) c2c (Teach-Woodman).cbr 28.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Conan The Barbarian 045 (1974) c2c (Teach-Woodman).cbr 27.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Crime Detector 002 (1954 Timor) (c2c) (JVJ-Soothsayr-Novus).cbz 23.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Crime Detector 003 (1954 Timor) (c2c) (JVJ-Soothsayr-Novus).cbz 22.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Crime Detector 004 (1954 Timor) (c2c) (JVJ-Soothsayr-Novus).cbz 22.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Dan Dunn 1937 Sundays (color & b&w).cbz 43.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Dan Dunn 1938 Sundays (color & b&w).cbz 41.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Darkstars, 1993-11-00 (#16) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 45.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Darkstars, 1993-12-00 (#17) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 38.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Darkstars, 1994-01-00 (#18) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 33.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe 001 (2013) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 26.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe 002 (2013) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 25.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe 003 (2014) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 28.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe 004 (2014) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 33.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe 005 (2014) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 35.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe 006 (2014) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 32.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 012 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 38.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 013 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 37.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 014 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 39.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 017 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 34.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 018 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 34.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 019 (1975) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 35.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 020 (1975) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 37.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Defenders 021 (1975) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 34.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Detective Comics, 1940-02-06 (#37) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 97.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Doctor Strange - Strange Tales (2011) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 444.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Doctor Strange 005 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 39.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Dorohedoro v18 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz 320.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Drax 007 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 39 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 000 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 54.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 001 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 37.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 002 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 42.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 003 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 37.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 004 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 39.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 005 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 42.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 006 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 41.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 007 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 44.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 008 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 44.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 009 (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 45.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 010 (2000) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 45.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 011 (2000) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 47.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X 012 (2000) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 44.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Earth X X (2000) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 65.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Edgar Rice Burroughs' Jungle Tales of Tarzan (2015) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 254.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan - Burne Hogarth's Lord of the Jungle (2014) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 440.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Elseworld's Finest 02 (of 02) (1997) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 91.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Fairy Tail v53 (2016) (Digital) (Hexer-Empire).cbz 262.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Fairy Tail's Fairy Girls v02 (2016) (Digital) (Hexer-Empire).cbz 276.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Faith 01 (of 04) (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 60.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Faith 02 (of 04) (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 54.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Faith 03 (of 04) (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 57.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Faith 04 (of 04) (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 57.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Firestorm - The Nuclear Man, 2006-07-00 (#27) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 36.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Firestorm - The Nuclear Man, 2006-08-00 (#28) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 34 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Four Color s2 0970 -Lawman [Feb1959] aisle3.cbr 11.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Giant-Size Defenders 001 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 68.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Giant-Size Defenders 002 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 60.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Giant-Size Defenders 003 (1975) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 58.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Giant-Size Defenders 004 (1975) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 57.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Guardians of Infinity 001 (2015) (4 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 70.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Guardians of Infinity 002 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 88.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Guardians of Infinity 003 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 72.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Guardians of Infinity 004 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 73.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Guardians of Infinity 005 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 54.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Guardians of Infinity 006 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 55.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 01 (of 06) (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 36.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 02 (of 06) (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 31.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 03 (of 06) (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 28.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 04 (of 06) (2013) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 32.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 05 (of 06) (2013) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 29.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 06 (of 06) (2013) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 36.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Helena Volume 1 (F) (2014) (Scanlation) (phillywilly).cbr 202.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Helena Volume 2 (2015) (Scanlation) (phillywilly).cbr 265.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Jeremy 002 - Children in Charge (2015) (Europe Comics) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 42.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Jeremy 003 - Frankie's Bride To Be (2015) (Europe Comics) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 41 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Junior Miss v2 028 (Timely.1948) (c2c) (Pmack-Novus).cbz 89.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Jupiter's Legacy Vol. 01 (2015) (digital TPB) (Minutemen-Entombed).cbr 177.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Justice League of America v1 184 (1980) (c2c) (bluejeff & Oroboros-DCP).cbr 87.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Justice League of America v1 186 (1981) (c2c) (bluejeff & Oroboros-DCP).cbr 73.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Kafka (2013) (digital) (Mr Norrell-Empire).cbr 165.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Kanan - The last Padawan 012 (c2c) (2016) (Empire-Adventurers).cbr 131.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Ken Games 004 - Louviers (2016) (Europe Comics) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 46.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/L.E.G.I.O.N., 1991-09-00 (#33) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 42.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/L.E.G.I.O.N., 1991-10-00 (#34) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 38.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Lady Mechanika 000 FCBD 2016 Edition (2016) (Cover only) (Pirate-Empire).cbr 12.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Lament of the Lost Moors 003 - Lady Gerfaut (2015) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 51.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Machine Men 02 - Space Wars II (Aus) (not Marvel).cbr 1.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Magi v17 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz 229.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Feature 001 (1971) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 57.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Feature 002 (1972) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 55.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Feature 003 (1972) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 51.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Feature 012 (1973) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 38.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 005 (Timely.1940) (c2c) (TC-Sidney Costello-Pmack-Novus).cbz 79.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 006 (Timely.1940) (c2c) (TC-Sidney Costello-Pmack-Novus).cbz 77.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 008 [Timely1940] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 70.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 009 [Timely1940][ibc fiche][missing pg added] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 70.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 010 [Timely1940][fixed] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 64.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 015 [Timely1941] TC-SidneyCostello+CBpop.cbz 65.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 016 [Timely 1941] TC Sidney Costello+CBPpop.cbz 65.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 019 [Timely 1941] TC Sidney Costello+CBPpop.cbz 65 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 021 [Timely1941] TC-SidneyCostello+Kracalactaka.cbz 91.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 022 [Timely 1941] TC Sidney Costello+CBPpop.cbz 66.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 023 [Timely1941] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 68.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 027 [Timely1942] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 68.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 027 [Timely1942][alt scan] TC-SidneyCostello+Comicwanderer.cbz 67.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 030 [Timely1942] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 69.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 031 [Timely1942] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 68.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 032 [Timely1942] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 68 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 034 [Timely1942][missing pg added]-TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 69.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 035 [Timely1942] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 70.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 036 [Timely1942] TC-SidneyCostello+Comicwanderer.cbz 46.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 037 [Timely1942] TC-SidneyCostello+Comicwanderer.cbz 46.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Mystery Comics 07 (1940 Timely) (c2c) (TC-SidneyCostello-movielover-Novus).cbz 73.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Team-Up Annual 06 (1983) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 55.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Two-In-One 006 (1974) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 37.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Marvel Two-In-One 007 (1975) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 36.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe - The Origin of He Man 001 (2013) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 16.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe - The Origin of Hordak 001 (2013) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 31.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe - The Origin of Skeletor 001 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 23.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 001 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 37.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 002 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 16.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 003 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 19 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 004 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 15.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 005 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 11.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 006 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 15.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 007 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 15.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Masters of the Universe 008 (2012) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr 14.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Mickey Mouse 012 (2016) (c2c) (GreenManGroup-DCP).cbr 44.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Millie the Model 046 (Atlas.1953) (c2c) (Pmack-Novus).cbz 68.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Millie the Model 072 (Atlas.1956) (c2c) (Pmack-Novus).cbz 54.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Millie the Model 078 (Atlas.1957) (c2c) (Pmack-Novus).cbz 66.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 007 (2016) (3 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 36.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Mystic Comics 08 (1942 Timely) (c2c) (TC-SidneyCostello-movielover-Novus).cbz 72.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Mystic Comics 10 (1942 Timely) (c2c) (TC-SidneyCostello-movielover-Novus).cbz 74.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Nighthawk 001 (2016) (5 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 41.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/No Game, No Life v01 (2014) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz 268.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Obi-Wan and Anakin 003 (c2c) (2016) (Empire-Adventurers).cbr 145 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Obi-Wan and Anakin 004 (c2c) (2016) (Empire-Adventurers).cbr 144.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Obi-Wan and Anakin 005 (c2c) (2016) (Empire-Adventurers).cbr 142.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Phoenix #01 (1975) (1920px) c2c (Madness).cbr 72.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Phoenix #01 (1975) c2c (Madness).cbr 38.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Phoenix #02 (1975) (1920px) c2c (Madness).cbr 73.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Phoenix #02 (1975) c2c (Madness).cbr 38.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 030 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 53.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 031 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 51.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 032 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 50.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 033 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 47.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 034 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 52.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 035 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 60.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 036 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 47.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 037 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 47.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Revival 038 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 50.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Sabrina the Teenage Witch 101 (2009) (digital) (Salem-Empire).cbr 51.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Sabrina the Teenage Witch 102 (2009) (digital) (Salem-Empire).cbr 33.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Sabrina the Teenage Witch 103 (2009) (digital) (Salem-Empire).cbr 32.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Sabrina the Teenage Witch 104 (2009) (digital) (Salem-Empire).cbr 31.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Savior (2016) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr 217.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Scarlet Witch 003 (2016) (3 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 38.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Scarlet Witch 004 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 49.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Scarlet Witch 005 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 32.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Scarlet Witch 006 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer).cbr 29.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - Front Line 01 (of 05) (2008) (digital-Empire).cbr 36.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - Front Line 02 (of 05) (2008) (digital-Empire).cbr 36.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - Front Line 03 (of 05) (2008) (digital-Empire).cbr 35.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - Front Line 04 (of 05) (2008) (digital-Empire).cbr 36.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - Front Line 05 (of 05) (2009) (digital-Empire).cbr 36.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - The Amazing Spider-Man 01 (of 03) (2008) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 44.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - The Amazing Spider-Man 02 (of 03) (2008) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 48.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Secret Invasion - The Amazing Spider-Man 03 (of 03) (2008) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 54.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v01 02 [S&S1940][re-edit]-c2c.cbz 69.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v04 01 (#37))[S&S1944][now c2c] -L246+Yoc-Sooth-Novus.cbz 36.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v04 08 (#44)[S&S1944][diff ver]-c2c -Soothsayr-Novus+a nonny moose.cbr 47.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v04 10 (#46)[S&S1945][diff ver]-c2c -Soothsayr-Novus+Yoc.cbz 52.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v05 06 (#54)[S&S1945][diff ver]-c2c -Soothsayr-Novus+Yoc.cbr 50.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v08 11 (#95)[S&S1949][newRescan-ctc]-L246.cbz 37.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v3 12 (1944 Street & Smith) (c2c) (soothsayr-movielover-Novus).cbz 63.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v4 01 (1944 Street & Smith) (c2c) (soothsayr-movielover-Novus).cbz 64 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Shadow Comics v4 03 (1944 Street & Smith) (c2c) (soothsayr-movielover-Novus).cbz 66.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Showcase '96 10 (1996) (RoyalTalon-Novus-HD).cbr 99.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Simpsons Comics 228 (2016) (c2c) (GreenManGroup-DCP).cbr 31.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Simpsons Comics 229 (2016) (c2c) (GreenManGroup-DCP).cbr 31.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Sparkler Comics 011 [United1942][noCF]L246.cbz 47.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Sparkler Comics 023 [United1943][noCf]L246.cbz 44.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Sparkler Comics 084 [United1948][ctc]L246.cbz 34.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Special Agent 002 (1948 Parents') (c2c) (JVJ-Soothsayr-Novus).cbz 20.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Special Agent 003 (1948 Parents') (c2c) (JVJ-Soothsayr-Novus).cbz 21.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Spellbound 012 (Atlas.1953) (c2c) (Gambit-Novus).cbr 41.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Spider-Man Newspaper Strip - The Mutant Agenda (1993-12-06 to 1994-03-01) (NW-Empire).cbr 80.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Spider-Man Promo (Fruit Roll-Ups) 01, 02, 04 (missing 03 & 05) (Marvel & Fruit Roll-Ups) (1995) (Webrip) (Ranger1966).cbr 530 KB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Star Wars Special -C-3PO 1 (c2c) (2016) (Empire-Adventurers).cbr 181.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Star-Lord 007 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla).cbz 36.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 001 (1987) (And Have Not Charity... Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 24.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 002 (1987) (The World Well Lost for Love! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 26.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 003 (1987) (Goodbye to All That! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 004 (1987) (Walk on the Wild Side! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 005 (1987) (The Snows of Yesteryear Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 006 (1987) (Returning! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 20.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 007 (1987) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 42.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 008 (1987) (If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 20.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 009 (1987) (African Genesis! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 26.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 010 (1988) (Hierarchies! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 22.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 011 (1988) (This Earth, This Realm Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 23.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 012 (1988) (...Make Thee Mightier Yet! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 17.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 013 (1988) (Ascent Into Hell Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 014 (1988) (Apogee Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 015 (1988) (On Having No Head Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 016 (1988) (Go Ask Alice! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 017 (1988) (This Old Man Came Rolling Home! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 19.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 018 (1988) (A Touch of Your Hand Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 21 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Strange Tales 019 (1988) (Servants of the Secret Fire! Only) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 23.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superdupont - The Revival (digital) (2015) (Grodbeldekk-Empire).cbr 73.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman & Bugs Bunny 01 (of 04) (2000) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 37.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman & Bugs Bunny 02 (of 04) (2000) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 38.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman & Bugs Bunny 03 (of 04) (2000) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 40.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman & Bugs Bunny 04 (of 04) (2000) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 43.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman - The Man of Steel, 1992-03-00 (#11) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 39.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman - The Man of Steel, 1998-06-00 (#82) (scan) (MaidOfMight-Novus-HD).cbz 62.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman and Bugs Bunny, 2000-05-00 (#01) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 37.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman and Bugs Bunny, 2000-06-00 (#02) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 38.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman and Bugs Bunny, 2000-07-00 (#03) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 40.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman and Bugs Bunny, 2000-08-00 (#04) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 43.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Superman, 1998-07-00 (#138) (scan) (MaidOfMight-Novus-HD).cbz 60.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Taffy Comics 011 (1947 Orbit) (c2c) (JVJ-tilliban-Novus).cbz 62.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tarzan (Dell) 010 (Jesse Marsh Yrs. v.2 Archive excerpt).pm.cbz 31.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Adventures of Superman, 1998-06-00 (#560) (scan) (MaidOfMight-Novus-HD).cbz 50.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Adventures of Superman, 1998-07-00 (#561) (scan) (MaidOfMight-Novus-HD).cbz 57.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Best of Star Wars Insider v02 (2016) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbr 260.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Fury of Firestorm, 1986-02-00 (#46) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 39.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Fury of Firestorm, 1986-03-00 (#47) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 36.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Fury of Firestorm, 1986-04-00 (#48) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 35.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The House on the Borderland (c2c) (Vertigo) (2000) (Empire-OT).cbr 693.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Jewish Brigade 001 - Vigilante (2016) (Europe Comics) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr 41.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Legend of Wonder Woman 004 (1986) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 43 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Legend of Wonder Woman, 1986-06-00 (#04) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 30.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Outsiders 023 (2009) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr 34.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/The Sire 003 (2011) (Digital HD) (Hourman-DCP).cbr 38.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Thief of Thieves 009 (2012) (Digital-HD) (Nahga-Empire).cbr 34.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 020 [United1937][no ifc,ibc,bc,ow,pgs13-18-Tarz]L246.cbz 39.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 053 [United1940][now ctc]L246.cbz 49.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 078 [United1942][ctcPg1-2borrowed]L246.cbz 48.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 086 [United1943][missing2cfs]L246.cbz 43.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 087 [United1943][ctc]L246.cbz 49 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 089 [United1943][missing2Pgs-1Abner,1CapKids]L246.cbz 38.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 091 [United1943][ctc]L246.cbz 41.9 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 092 [United1944][missing1Cap&KidsPg]L246.cbz 41.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 108 [United1945][ctc].L246.cbz 24.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 113 [United1945][ctc]L246.cbz 34.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 114 [United1946][c2c]L246.cbz 35.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 123 [United1946][ctc]L246.cbz 35.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tip Top Comics 126 [United1947][ctc]L246.cbz 35.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Tokyo Ghoul v06 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz 297.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Transformers Prime - Beast Hunters Special 01 (2013) (IDW) (Webrip) (Ranger1966).cbr 9.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Uncle Scrooge 014 (2016) (c2c) (GreenManGroup-DCP).cbr 46.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Undertaker 02 - The Dance of the Vultures (F) (2015) (Scanlation) (phillywilly).cbr 146 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/USA Comics 008 [Timely1943] -TC-SidneyCostello+K.cbz 68.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/USA Comics 012 [Timely1944] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 61 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/USA Comics 015 [Timely1945] -TC-SidneyCostello+Yoc.cbz 32.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/USA Comics 017 [Timely1945][altScan]-TC-SidneyCostello+comicwanderer.cbz 28 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Vigilante, 1984-07-00 (#10) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 37.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Vigilante, 1984-08-00 (#11) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD).cbz 65.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/VR Vixen 001 RE-EDIT (Talon - London Night - 1997).cbr 60.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Wake 18 - Psychoholocaust (Ouash) (Scanlation) (English).cbr 103.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/War of the Independents 001 (2015) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-TheEvilGoat).cbr 62.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/War of the Independents 001.5 - Curse of the Cortes Stone (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-TheEvilGoat).cbr 45.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/War of the Independents 002 (2015) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-TheEvilGoat).cbr 46.8 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/War of the Independents 002.5 - Vengeance (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-TheEvilGoat).cbr 37.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/War of the Independents 003 (2015) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-TheEvilGoat).cbr 46.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/War of the Independents 004 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-TheEvilGoat).cbr 62.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 001 (2009) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 79.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 002 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 76.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 003 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 72.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 004 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 69.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 005 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 69.3 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 006 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 78.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 007 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 82.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 008 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 55 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 009 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 54.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 010 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 52.5 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 011 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 51.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Web of Spider-Man 012 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons).cbr 60.4 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/What If V2 045 (1993) (MrWoodman).cbr 33.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Witch Doctor - The Resuscitation (2011) (Digital-HD) (Zone-Empire).cbr 37.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Witches Tales 017 (1953 Harvey) (c2c) (JVJ-tilliban-Novus).cbz 40.6 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Wonder Care Presents - The Kinder Guardians 003 (2015) (Digital HD) (Hourman-DCP).cbr 20.2 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Wynter 004 (2015) (Digital HD) (Hourman-DCP).cbr 26.7 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/X-Factor 001 (1986) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire).cbz 81.1 MB
Hitlist Week of 2016.06.22/Yosemite Sam 054 (1978) (Gold Key).cbr 18.3 MB
