Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020

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Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter06/ 0 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/README.txt 72 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter10/ 103 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter03/ 117 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/ 123 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter06/ 131 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/ 153 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter02/ 182 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/ 186 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/ 188 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter09/ 188 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/ 253 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/imitation_learning/ 782 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/imitation_learning/ 799 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/cyclegan/ 839 B
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter06/ 1 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/ 1 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/ 2 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter03/ 2 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/ 2 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/imitation_learning/ 2 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter06/ 2 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/ 3 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/ 3 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/ 4 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/ 4 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/imitation_learning/ 4 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/nmt_rnn_attention/ 4 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/cyclegan/ 4 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/ 4 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter10/ 5 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter09/ 5 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter02/ 6 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/ 7 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter02/ 7 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/transformers_textgen.ipynb 7 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/imitation_learning/ 7 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/ 7 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/ 8 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/ 8 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/ 8 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/sentiment_analysis.ipynb 9 KB
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Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter03/ 10 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/cyclegan/ 10 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/nmt_rnn_attention/ 11 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/ 14 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/lstm_gru_count_1s.ipynb 21 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/transformer.ipynb 24 KB
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Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter03/resnet.ipynb 35 KB
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Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter02/transfer_learning_tf_keras.ipynb 42 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter08/nmt_rnn_attention/rnn_attention.ipynb 63 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter07/simple_rnn_count_1s.ipynb 69 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter06/word2vec_visualize.ipynb 69 KB
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Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/SoftwareHardwareList.pdf 198 KB
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Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter05/cgan.ipynb 724 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter09/data/test_examples.tfr 803 KB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/mask_r-cnn.ipynb 1.4 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/source_1.png 1.5 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/yolov3.ipynb 1.6 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/imitation_learning/data/ 1.8 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/source_2.png 1.8 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter04/faster_r-cnn.ipynb 1.9 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter06/war_and_peace.txt 3.1 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020.djvu 8.2 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter11/imitation_learning/data/data.gzip 12.3 MB
Vasilev I. Advanced Deep Learning with Python...2020/Code Files/Chapter09/data/train_merged_examples.tfr 12.7 MB
