Python Fundamentals

Size: 642.5 MB
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Name Size
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/10.Laziness and the infinite.wmv 32.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/ 28.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/11.Shipping working and maintainable code/01.Introduction and unittest.wmv 22.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/11.Shipping working and maintainable code/02.Debugging with PDB.wmv 16 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/09.Stateful generator functions.wmv 14 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/09.Writing binary files.wmv 11.9 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/08.Importing from the Python Standard Library.wmv 11.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/02.Intalling Python 3 on Windows.wmv 11.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/11.Dictionary.wmv 11 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/12.Set.wmv 10.9 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/03.String.wmv 10.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/01.Introduction to the Python Fundamentals course/05.Python Overview, part 2.wmv 10.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/06.Main Functions and Command Line Arguments.wmv 9.9 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/12.Batteries included for iteration.wmv 9.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/11.Shipping working and maintainable code/07.Summary.wmv 9 MB
Python Fundamentals/11.Shipping working and maintainable code/05.Installing third-party modules.wmv 9 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/08.Example - Booking seats.wmv 8.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/01.Introduction to the Python Fundamentals course/04.Python Overview, part 1.wmv 8.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/11.Shipping working and maintainable code/04.Distributing your programs.wmv 8.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/09.Scalar Types - int, float, None and bool.wmv 7.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/08.Generators.wmv 7.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/09.Putting it all together.wmv 7.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/04.Initializers.wmv 7.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/04.Strings (continued).wmv 7.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/01.Introduction.wmv 7.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/11.Generator .wmv 7.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/12.While Loops.wmv 6.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/09.Defining implementation details.wmv 6.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/07.Python Culture and the Zen of Python.wmv 6.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/06.Managing files with try..finally.wmv 6.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/03.Function arguments in detail.wmv 6.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/14.Summary.wmv 6.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/05.Variable scoping.wmv 6.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/05.List.wmv 6.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/13.Summary.wmv 6.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/08.Documenting Your Code Using Docstrings.wmv 6.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/06.Significant Whitespace in Python.wmv 6.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/13.Summary.wmv 6.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/11.Summary.wmv 5.8 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/12.Inheritance and implementation sharing.wmv 5.8 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/04.Distinguishing Between Module Import and Module Execution.wmv 5.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/02.Tuple.wmv 5.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/14.Closing with context managers.wmv 5.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/07.Exceptions as APIs.wmv 5.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/02.Writing text files.wmv 5.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/11.Fractal images.wmv 5.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/10.The Whole Shebang.wmv 5.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/05.The Read-Eval-Print-Loop or REPL.wmv 5.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/06.Shallow copies.wmv 5.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/08.Summary.wmv 5 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/13.Summary.wmv 4.9 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/04.Range.wmv 4.8 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/11.Conditional Statements.wmv 4.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/02.Argument passing.wmv 4.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/07.Iteration protocols.wmv 4.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/10.Reversing and sorting lists.wmv 4.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/15.Summary.wmv 4.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/10.Summary.wmv 4.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/10.EAFP vs. LBYL.wmv 4.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/14.Summary.wmv 4.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/05.The Python Execution Model.wmv 4.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/04.Installing Python 3 on Mac OS X.wmv 4.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/12.Reading binary files.wmv 4.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/11.Polymorphism and duck typing.wmv 4.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/13.Platform-specific code.wmv 4.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/13.Collection protocols.wmv 4.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/10.OO with function objects.wmv 4.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/01.Introduction.wmv 4.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/03.Reading text files.wmv 3.9 MB
Python Fundamentals/01.Introduction to the Python Fundamentals course/02.Python Promo.wmv 3.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/01.Introduction to the Python Fundamentals course/03.Course Structure.wmv 3.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/04.Dictionary comprehensions.wmv 3.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/02.Creating, Running and Importing a Module.wmv 3.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/08.More on list.wmv 3.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/04.Programmer errors.wmv 3.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/03.Handling exceptions.wmv 3.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/13.File like objects.wmv 3.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/07.Context managers and with-blocks.wmv 3.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/01.Introduction.wmv 3.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/07.List repetition.wmv 3 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/01.Introduction.wmv 3 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/02.List comprehensions.wmv 3 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/05.Files as Iterators.wmv 2.9 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/05.A second class.wmv 2.8 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/05.Bytes.wmv 2.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/09.Documenting Your Code With Comments.wmv 2.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/08.Exceptions, APIs, and protocols.wmv 2.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/03.Installing Python 3 on Linux.wmv 2.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/07.Everything is an object.wmv 2.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/02.Defining classes.wmv 2.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/11.Clean-up actions.wmv 2.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/01.Introduction.wmv 2.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/06.Lists.wmv 2.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/04.Python's type system.wmv 2.3 MB
Python Fundamentals/02.Getting Starting with Python 3/10.Relational Operators.wmv 2.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/10.Bitwise operators.wmv 2.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/05.Filtering predicates.wmv 2.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/01.Introduction.wmv 2.1 MB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/01.Introduction.wmv 2 MB
Python Fundamentals/11.Shipping working and maintainable code/03.Virtual environments.wmv 1.9 MB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/06.Moment of Zen.wmv 1.8 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/02.Exceptions and control flow.wmv 1.7 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/08.For-loops.wmv 1.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/09.Do not guard against type errors.wmv 1.6 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/03.Defining Functions and Returning Values.wmv 1.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/02.Strings.wmv 1.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/03.Instance methods.wmv 1.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/06.Collaborating classes.wmv 1.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/07.Dictionaries.wmv 1.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/04.Modularity/07.Sparse is Better than Dense.wmv 1.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/05.Imprudent error codes.wmv 1.5 MB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/01.Introduction.wmv 1.4 MB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/04.Appending to text iles.wmv 1.2 MB
Python Fundamentals/01.Introduction to the Python Fundamentals course/01.Introduction.wmv 968 KB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/06.Re-raising exceptions.wmv 909 KB
Python Fundamentals/05.Objects/06.Moment of Zen.wmv 839 KB
Python Fundamentals/10.Files and Resource Management/08.Simple is better than complex.wmv 824 KB
Python Fundamentals/11.Shipping working and maintainable code/06.Moment of Zen.wmv 798 KB
Python Fundamentals/03.Strings and Collections/03.Moment of Zen - Practicality beats purity.wmv 792 KB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/03.Set comprehensions.wmv 786 KB
Python Fundamentals/09.Classes/07.Moment of Zen.wmv 780 KB
Python Fundamentals/06.Collections/09.Growing lists.wmv 660 KB
Python Fundamentals/08.Iterables/01.Introduction.wmv 478 KB
Python Fundamentals/07.Handling exceptions/12.Moment of Zen.wmv 410 KB
Name Size Peers
Johnson R. Python 3 Fundamentals. A Complete Guide for Modern Programmers 2024 Application 1.4 MB 126
Machine Learning Fundamentals A Python-Based Course Video 4.2 GB 22
[] Udemy - Python for Finance Investment Fundamentals & Data Analytics Video 3.4 GB 10
[ ] Python for Finance - Investment Fundamentals and Data Analytics Video 3.4 GB 7
[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Coursera - Data Science Fundamentals with Python and SQL Specialization Application 731.5 MB 7
JavaScript For Beginners A Complete Beginners Guide To Learn The Fundamentals Of JavaScript, Python, SQL & Java Application 2.1 MB 1
[ ] Udemy - Complete Python Programming Fundamentals And Sample Projects Video 2.1 GB 5
Master Python Fundamentals Become Python Developer(python3) Video 1.3 GB 39
Programming Fundamentals using Python and C++ Video 1.9 GB 22
[ ] Coursera - Data Science Fundamentals with Python and Application 673.9 MB 17
[ ] Master Python Fundamentals - Become Python Developer(python3).zip Application 1.3 GB 15
Skillshare - Blender 2.81 Python Scripting Fundamentals (2020) Video 1.3 GB 10
[] Udemy - Python for Finance Investment Fundamentals & Data Analytics Video 1.5 GB 9
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Python for Finance Investment Fundamentals & Data Analytics Video 1.5 GB 5
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Fundamentals of Programming using Python 3 Video 4.1 GB 3
Muller M. Fundamentals of Music Processing...Python...2ed 2021 Application 111.5 MB 2
[ ] Udemy - Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Application 1.6 GB 72
[ ] Udemy - The fundamentals of Python Programming Application 1.3 GB 60
[FreeAllCourse.Com] Udemy - Python for Finance Investment Fundamentals & Data Analytics Video 1.4 GB 42
Python Fundamentals Video 642.5 MB 41
