Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Gilmore - A Dictionary of the English Bible and its Origins (2000).pdf |
12.6 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Evans - Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies; a Guide to the Background Literature (2005).pdf |
11.1 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Resseguie - Narrative Criticism of the New Testament; an Introduction (2005).pdf |
10.5 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/The Bible, So Misunderstood, It's a Sin, Newsweek, January, 2-9, 2015.pdf |
8.5 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Humphrey - From Q to 'Secret' Mark (2006).pdf |
7.6 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Bremmer (Ed.) - The Apocryphal Acts of Thomas (2001).pdf |
7.4 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Shanks - Freeing the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Other Adventures of any Archaeology Outsider (2010).pdf |
6.2 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Taylor - The Essenes, the Scrolls, and the Dead Sea (2012).pdf |
5.5 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Shinan & Zakovitch - From Gods to God; How the Bible Debunked, Suppressed, or Changed Ancient Myths & Legends (2012).pdf |
5.2 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Joseph - Jesus, Q, and the Dead Sea Scrolls; a Judaic Approach to Q (2012).pdf |
3.8 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Wills - What the Gospels Meant (2008).pdf |
3.7 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Walck - The Son of Man in the Parables of Enoch and in Matthew (2011).pdf |
3.4 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Jacobsen (Ed.) - The Discursive Fight over Religious Texts in Antiquity (2009).pdf |
3 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Thuesen - In Discordance with the Scriptures; American Protestant Battles Over Translating the Bible (1999).pdf |
3 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Law - The Historical-Critical Method; a Guide for the Perplexed (2012).pdf |
2.8 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Lemche - Biblical Studies and the Failure of History; Changing Perspectives 3 (2013).pdf |
2.8 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Steinberg - The Lost Book of Mormon; a Journey Through the Mythic Lands of Nephi, Zarahemla & Kansan City, Missouri (2014).epub |
2.8 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Tongue - Between Biblical Criticism and Poetic Rewriting; Interpretative Struggles Over Genesis 32 22-32 (2014).pdf |
2.4 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Leonard - Codex Schoyen 2650; a Middle Egyptian Coptic Witness to the Early Greek Text of Matthew's Gospel (2014).pdf |
2.3 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Li - Greek Indicative Verbs in the Christian Palestinian Aramaic Gospels; Translation Technique and the Aramaic Verbal System (2013).pdf |
2.2 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Sheppard - The Craft of History and the Study of the New Testament (2012).pdf |
2 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Krosney - The Lost Gospel; the Quest for the Gospel of Judas Iscariot (2006).epub |
1.8 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Davies - Biblical Criticism; a Guide for the Perplexed (2013).pdf |
1.8 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Zsengeller (Ed.) - Rewritten Bible after Fifty Years; Texts, Terms, or Techniques (2014).pdf |
1.8 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Feldman & Goldman - Scripture and Interpretation; Qumran Texts That Rework the Bible (2014).pdf |
1.6 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Fitzmayer - The Interpretation of Scripture; In Defense of Historical-Critical Method (2008).epub |
1.5 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Collins - The Dead Sea Scrolls; a Biography (2013).pdf |
1.3 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Lennox - Seven Days That Divided the World; the Beginning According to Genesis and Science (2011).epub |
1.1 MB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Barnstone & Meyer - The Gnostic Bible, Rev. Ed. (2011).epub |
1022 KB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Hoffman - The Bible's Cutting Room Floor; the Holy Scriptures Missing from Your Bible (2014).epub |
970 KB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Asimov - In the Beginning ...; Science Faces God in the Book of Genesis (1981).epub |
959 KB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Enns - The Bible Tells Me So... Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It (2014).epub |
731 KB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Thompson - The Bible and the Age of the Earth; Scripture and Science Series, 2e (2003).pdf |
545 KB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Barnstone & Meyer (Eds.) - Essential Gnostic Scriptures; Texts of Luminous from the Ancient and Medieval Worlds .. (2010).epub |
423 KB |
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 31/Wells - Who Was Jesus; a Critique of the New Testament Record (1989).epub |
401 KB |