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Name Size
Commodore/0070491542 Hands-On BASIC for the Commodore 64 [Peckham 1984-04-01] {6ED591DC}.pdf 17.5 MB
Commodore/0246123427 Commodore 64 Graphics and Sound [Money 1984-05-24] {F5395C3C}.pdf 7.4 MB
Commodore/0246124423 Advanced Machine Code Programming for the Commodore 64 [Stephenson & Stephenson 1984-06-21] {62DA0B59}.pdf 8.3 MB
Commodore/0262017202 The Future Was Here_ The Commodore Amiga [Maher 2012-04-13] {881B3E49}.pdf 5.2 MB
Commodore/0442272669 A Guide to Programming the Commodore Computers_ Teacher's Guide [Presley & Eliason] {66D7B3D7}.pdf 6.3 MB
Commodore/0442273754 A Guide to Programming the Commodore Computers [Presley 1983-10-01] {1C1D3718}.pdf 54 MB
Commodore/0672222930 Commodore 64 Starter Book [Titus, Larsen & Titus 1984-04-01] {304DB05F}.pdf 29.3 MB
Commodore/0672223147 The Tool Kit Series_ Commodore 64 Edition [Buchholz & Dusthimer 1984-01-01] {A01303D2}.pdf 3.9 MB
Commodore/0672223554 Mostly BASIC_ Applications for Your Commodore 64 (book 1) [Berenbon 1984-01-01] {8F8E81CB}.pdf 11.1 MB
Commodore/0672223562 Mostly BASIC_ Applications for Your Commodore 64 (book 2) [Berenbon 1984-04-01] {9A79DA8F}.pdf 19.4 MB
Commodore/0672225166 Commodore 64 and 128 Programs for Amateur Radio & Electronics [Carr 1987-01-01] (duplex) {FED66A8B}.pdf 10.5 MB
Commodore/071561777X Using the 64 (Commodore 64) [Gerrard 1984-05-01] {919AC3E2}.pdf 8.7 MB
Commodore/0715617818 Sprites & Sound on the Commodore 64 [Gerrard 1985-08-01] {E6A11E4D}.pdf 7.8 MB
Commodore/0715618067 Impossible Routines for the Commodore 64 [Bergin 1985-05-01] {435B7CCE}.pdf 4.6 MB
Commodore/0715618741 CBM 64 Graphics (Commodore 64) [Hampshire 1985-11-07] {6FE2FA44}.pdf 4.5 MB
Commodore/0715618997 40 Best Machine Code Routines for the Commodore 64 [Greenshields 1984-10-04] {B779264F}.pdf 3.6 MB
Commodore/0810461722 I Speak BASIC to My Commodore 64 [Jones 1983-01-01] {C7A5370D}.pdf 20.9 MB
Commodore/0810476207 Commodore 64 Assembly Language Programming [Bush & Holmes 1984-01-01] {CA894830}.pdf 14.4 MB
Commodore/0817631585 The Commodore 64 Music Book_ A Guide to Programming Music and Sound [Vogel & Scrimshaw 1983-01-01] {A9F077C0}.pdf 9 MB
Commodore/0817631674 The Commodore Puzzle Book_ BASIC Brainteasers [Lee & Scrimshaw 1987-01-01] {8E70BDE0}.pdf 2.4 MB
Commodore/0830601406, 0830606408 Commodore 64 Graphics & Sound Programming [Krute 1983-01-01] {A7E15669}.pdf 17.5 MB
Commodore/0830604839, 0830693831 Electronic Projects for Your Commodore 64 and 128 [Iovine 1989-01-01] {D8B90449}.pdf 36.9 MB
Commodore/0835907880 Commodore 64 Puzzlements_ [Kohl 1984-01-01] {E836EE17}.pdf 7.7 MB
Commodore/083590797X, 0835907910 Commodore 64 Data Files_ A BASIC Tutorial [Miller 1984-01-01] {BA0BF660}.pdf 8 MB
Commodore/0835930912 Inside Commodore DOS [Immers & Neufeld 1984-01-01] {D9F347BA}.pdf 7.2 MB
Commodore/0835941817 Make Your Commodore 64 Sing [Bogas 1984-10-01] {0BD193C8}.pdf 4.7 MB
Commodore/0874550149 Compute!'s Personal Accounting Manager for the Commodore 64 and 128 [Frechette 1985-01-01] {0485B352}.pdf 31.6 MB
Commodore/0874550610 Compute's Machine Language Games for the Commodore 64 [1986-08-01] {6B6741E3}.pdf 18.5 MB
Commodore/0874550629 The Complete 64 (Commodore 64) [] {5F9D4800}.pdf 20.8 MB
Commodore/0874550823 Mapping the Commodore 64 & 64C [Leemon 1987-04-01] {F8E4BA10}.pdf 12.3 MB
Commodore/0874550858 Machine Language Routines for the Commodore 64_128 [Heimarck & Parrish 1987-04-01] {B943A287}.pdf 31.2 MB
Commodore/0874550955 Compute!'s Third Book of Commodore 64 Games [1987-04-01] {18DBB809}.pdf 27.8 MB
Commodore/0880561122 More Than 32 BASIC Programs for the Commodore 64 Computer [Rugg & Feldman 1983-05-01] {2A3ABAE2}.pdf 18.7 MB
Commodore/0881341169 Commodore 64 Fun and Games [Jeffries, Fisher & Sawyer 1984-01-01] {22C3D9DA}.pdf 19.5 MB
Commodore/088190001X The Elementary Commodore 64 [Sanders 1983-06-01] {7AD7F5F1}.pdf 19.6 MB
Commodore/0881901725 Kids & the Commodore 64 [Carlson 1983-01-01] {95D4B5C2}.pdf 16.4 MB
Commodore/0886930677 Commodore 64_ An Intelligent and Intelligble Guide for the Inquisitive Adult [Heil & Martin 1984-03-01] {9DB9B403}.pdf 18.7 MB
Commodore/0893033197 Assembly Language Programming with the Commodore 64 [de Jong 1984-09-01] {583F169E}.pdf 28.6 MB
Commodore/0893033804 Commodore 64_ Getting the Most From It [Onosko 1983-01-01] {7375F266}.pdf 30.8 MB
Commodore/0893036528 Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and Other Commodore Computers [Butterfield 1984-01-01] {3F6D4B38}.pdf 11.2 MB
Commodore/0893036528 Machine Language for the Commodore 64, 128, and Other Commodore Computers (rev. and expanded ed.) [Butterfield 1984-01-01] (inappropriately re-uses ISBN from previous edition) {8625DEA6}.pdf 25.7 MB
Commodore/0895863103 How to Program Your Commodore 64_ BASIC for Beginners [Shipman 1987-01-01] {CB327D47}.pdf 46 MB
Commodore/0895881268 The Easy Guide to Your Commodore 64 [Kascmer 1983-01-01] {664C4939}.pdf 12.7 MB
Commodore/0907563384 Mastering the Commodore 64 [Greenshields 1983-10-01] {0F83FB11}.pdf 4.5 MB
Commodore/0907792170 Dr. Watson Computer Learning Series_ Beginner's Assembly Language Programming for the CBM64 (6510) [Bush & Holmes 1983-11-01] {00D008D0}.pdf 7.5 MB
Commodore/0914845624 The Amiga_ Images, Sounds, and Animation on the Commodore Amiga [Boom 1987-01-01] {B1485097}.pdf 85.5 MB
Commodore/091643902X The Machine Language Book of the Commodore 64 [Englisch 1984-04-01] {6E67ACEB}.pdf 9.6 MB
Commodore/0916439038 Tricks & Tips for the Commodore 64 [Gerits, Englisch & Angerhausen 1984-12-01] {9C0856B0}.pdf 13.5 MB
Commodore/0916439054 The Graphics Book for the Commodore 64 [Plenge 1984-12-01] {7F5F5320}.pdf 20.4 MB
Commodore/0916439062 The Advanced Machine Language Book for the Commodore-64 [Englisch 1985-01-01] {AE4A029D}.pdf 9.1 MB
Commodore/0916439321 Forth Language for the Commodore 64 with Graphics, Sound and Assembler [] {5FC787CE}.pdf 1.4 MB
Commodore/0916439631 COBOL for the Commodore-64 [] {1CB9BD70}.pdf 3.9 MB
Commodore/0916688585 Commodore 64 Sight & Sound [Anderson 1984-01-01] {B35A5457}.pdf 3.9 MB
Commodore/0916688682 The Commodore 64 Idea Book [Ahl 1984-01-01] {A2D285B6}.pdf 3.4 MB
Commodore/0928411001 The Amazing Adventures of Captain Comal (book 2) (Commodore 64) [1984-06-01] {1E40191C}.pdf 3.7 MB
Commodore/0931145007 Assembly Language for Kids Commodore 64 [Sanders 1984-08-01] {E20088F0}.pdf 20.5 MB
Commodore/0942386205 Compute!'s First Book of Commodore 64 [1983-01-01] {538CE8AA}.pdf 23.6 MB
Commodore/0942386213 Compute!'s First Book of Commodore 64 Sound and Graphics [1983-01-01] {CAF99D4C}.pdf 22.9 MB
Commodore/094238623X Mapping the Commodore 64 [Leemon 1984-01-01] {1689CCB7}.pdf 28.4 MB
Commodore/0942386299 Compute!'s Reference Guide to Commodore 64 Graphics [Hellborn 1983-11-01] {5486CB9D}.pdf 22.4 MB
Commodore/0942386337 Compute!'s Vic-20 and Commodore 64 Tool Kit_ Kernal [Heeb 1985-08-01] {A2BF889B}.pdf 26.2 MB
Commodore/0942386345 Compute!'s First Book of Commodore 64 Games [1983-11-01] {700F6F10}.pdf 17.3 MB
Commodore/094238637X 64 Games for Kids (Commodore 64, BASIC) [Kidd & Kidd 1984-02-01] {7EB6E547}.pdf 24.8 MB
Commodore/094238640X All About the Commodore 64 (vol. 1) [Chamberlain 1984-01-01] {9A8FE9A2}.pdf 22.3 MB
Commodore/0942386426 Creating Arcade Games on the Commodore 64 [Camp 1984-03-01] {91DF34C8}.pdf 29.5 MB
Commodore/0942386442 Compute!'s Second Book of Commodore 64 [1984-11-01] {2A0463F3}.pdf 32.8 MB
Commodore/0942386450 All About the Commodore 64 (vol. 2) [Chamberlain 1985-03-01] {CB533530}.pdf 43.4 MB
Commodore/0942386485 Compute!'s Machine Language Routines for the Commodore 64 [1984-01-01] {8FA5825C}.pdf 22.7 MB
Commodore/0942386507 Programming the Commodore 64_ The Definitive Guide [West] {70E1BEB8}.pdf 55.9 MB
Commodore/0942386523 Programming the VIC_ The Definitive Guide to the Commodore VIC-20 Computer [West 1987-01-01] {27696BB5}.pdf 11.1 MB
Commodore/094238654X Compute!'s Beginner's Guide to Commodore 64 Sound [Heilborn 1984-06-01] {DC69C63A}.pdf 18.3 MB
Commodore/0942386558 Compute!'s Commodore Collection (vol. 1) [1984-07-01] {875D5DD8}.pdf 18.7 MB
Commodore/0942386647 Compute!'s Second Book of Commodore 64 Games [1984-01-01] {A815CA2A}.pdf 22.6 MB
Commodore/0942386701 Compute!'s Commodore Collection (vol. 2) [1984-12-01] {50093373}.pdf 22.1 MB
Commodore/0942386728 Compute!'s Third Book of Commodore 64 [1984-01-01] {59F74EBE}.pdf 24.5 MB
Commodore/0942386779 Compute!'s Kids and the Commodore 64 [Carlson 1984-01-01] {8A14AAEA}.pdf 15.3 MB
Commodore/0942386868 Compute!'s Data File Handler for the Commodore 64 [Standage, Darling & Standage 1985-02-01] {C836C6D7}.pdf 22.8 MB
Commodore/094640805X Commodore 64 Machine Code Master [Lawrence & England 1983-07-01] {BD24ECB1}.pdf 6.6 MB
Commodore/0946408114 Commodore 64 Adventures [Grace 1983-01-01] {22FDDA0C}.pdf 48.9 MB
Commodore/0946408475 Machine Code Games Routines for the Commodore 64 [Roper 1984-06-21] {D0DF159C}.pdf 5.5 MB
Commodore/0948015071 Pascal 64_ Complete Pascal Compiler for the Commodore 64 [] {34ABE1BE}.pdf 2.6 MB
Commodore/0961242205 Inside the Commodore 64 [French 1984-01-01] {6E29E1DC}.pdf 10.1 MB
Commodore/096920860X The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology [Hildon 1985-01-01] {A4BEB526}.pdf 26.4 MB
Commodore/0969208618 The Transactor Book of Bits and Pieces #1_ For All Commodore Computers! [1986-01-01] {93ABFF44}.pdf 7.9 MB
Commodore/1785463179 The ZX Spectrum Book_ The Ultimate Collector's Guide (Includes the Commodore 64 Book) (3rd ed.) [2016] {2F17FF5E}.pdf 60.2 MB
Commodore/2871230021 What's Really Inside the Commodore 64 [Bathurst 1984-01-01] {141BFBCD}.pdf 6 MB
