
Size: 119.9 MB
Magnet link

Name Size
80s/007 - Licence To Kill (1989) (Quixel).rar 135 KB
80s/10th Frame Bowling (1988) (Access) [v2].rar 27 KB
80s/20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1988) (Coktel Vision).rar 240 KB
80s/2400 A.D. (1988) (Origin Systems).rar 619 KB
80s/3-Demon (1983) (PC Research Inc).rar 23 KB
80s/4th and Inches (1987) (Accolade).rar 73 KB
80s/4x4 Off-Road Racing (1988) (Epyx).rar 89 KB
80s/8088 Othello (1985) (M.W. Bayley).rar 2 KB
80s/A Mind Forever Voyaging (1985) (Infocom).rar 2.8 MB
80s/A Nightmare on Elm Street (1989) (Westwood Studios).rar 227 KB
80s/A-Maze (1989) (Wizard Games).rar 11 KB
80s/A10 Tank Killer (1989) (Dynamix).rar 1 MB
80s/Aaargh! (1988) (Arcadia).rar 406 KB
80s/Ace (1987) (Cascade).rar 24 KB
80s/Ace 2 (1987) (Cascade).rar 29 KB
80s/Ace of Aces (1987) (Artech).rar 64 KB
80s/Action Fighter (1989) (Core Design).rar 62 KB
80s/Action in the North Atlantic (1989) (General Quarters).rar 115 KB
80s/Adventure Construction Set (1987) (Electronic Arts).rar 151 KB
80s/Adventures in Math (1983) (IBM) [v1.00].rar 83 KB
80s/Adventures in Serenia (1986) (Sierra).rar 65 KB
80s/African Raiders-01 (1986) (Tomahawk).rar 102 KB
80s/Afterburner (1989) (Unlimited Software).rar 349 KB
80s/Air Trax (1983) (Presearch Incorporated).rar 11 KB
80s/Airball (1987) (MicroDeal).rar 129 KB
80s/Airborne Ranger (1988) (MPS Labs).rar 268 KB
80s/Aldo Again (1989) (David & Benjamin Ibach).rar 23 KB
80s/Aldo's Adventure (1987) (David & Benjamin Ibach).rar 16 KB
80s/Alf (1988) (Alien Productions).rar 83 KB
80s/Alice in Wonderland (1989) (Robin Johnson).rar 96 KB
80s/Alien Syndrome (1987) (Sega).rar 203 KB
80s/Alley Cat (1984) (Synapse).rar 29 KB
80s/Alter Ego - Female (1983) (Activision).rar 356 KB
80s/Alter Ego - Male (1983) (Activision).rar 360 KB
80s/Amazing Maze (1983) (Donovan W. Foster) [v1.2].rar 24 KB
80s/Amnesia (1986) (Cognetics Corporation).rar 299 KB
80s/Ancient Land of Ys (1989) (Kyodai).rar 1.5 MB
80s/Andromeda Conquest (1982) (Avalon Hill).rar 63 KB
80s/Annals of Rome (1986) (PSS).rar 50 KB
80s/Antarctic Adventure (1984) (Friends Software).rar 28 KB
80s/Anti-Ballistic-Missile (1982) (Davis Disk).rar 22 KB
80s/AntiXonix (1985) (D. Pavlovsky).rar 15 KB
80s/Apache Strike (1989) (Activision).rar 186 KB
80s/Arcade Volleyball (1988) (Vladimir Zakharov).rar 25 KB
80s/Archipelagos (1989) (Logotron).rar 92 KB
80s/Archon (1984) (Mission Accomplished).rar 22 KB
80s/Arctic Fox (1986) (Dynamix).rar 65 KB
80s/Arkanoid (1988) (Taito).rar 77 KB
80s/Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of Doh (1989) (Taito).rar 127 KB
80s/Arnhem (1985) (Cases Computer Simulations).rar 22 KB
80s/Aspar GP Master (1989) (Dinamic).rar 152 KB
80s/Astro Blaster (1988) (Rolf Franzon).rar 75 KB
80s/Astrotit (1987) (Rudeware).rar 30 KB
80s/Autoduel (1988) (MicroMagic).rar 206 KB
80s/Avoid the Noid (1989) (BlueSky Software) [cga].rar 122 KB
80s/Avoid the Noid (1989) (BlueSky Software) [ega].rar 227 KB
80s/Axe of Rage (1989) (Palace Software).rar 383 KB
80s/Backgammon (1987) (ShareData).rar 42 KB
80s/Bad Cat (1988) (Rainbow Arts).rar 578 KB
80s/Bad Street Brawler (1987) (Beam Software).rar 50 KB
80s/Ballyhoo (1986) (Infocom).rar 1.3 MB
80s/Barbarian (1989) (Mastertronic).rar 192 KB
80s/Barbarian 2 (1989) (Palace Software).rar 344 KB
80s/Batalia (1986) (The Right Brothers).rar 26 KB
80s/Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988) (Ocean).rar 139 KB
80s/Battle Chess (1988) (Interplay) [ega].rar 488 KB
80s/Battle Chess (1988) (Interplay).rar 719 KB
80s/Battletech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception (1988) (Westwood Associates) [v1.03].rar 392 KB
80s/Battlezone (1983) (Atari).rar 42 KB
80s/Beast (1986) (Dan Baker).rar 7 KB
80s/Below the Root (1984) (Telarium).rar 237 KB
80s/Bert and the Snake (1983) (Bill Piazza).rar 27 KB
80s/Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1985) (Muse).rar 41 KB
80s/Beyond Columns (1989) (Brad P. Taylor) [v1.1].rar 16 KB
80s/Beyond the Titanic (1986) (Apogee).rar 74 KB
80s/Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor (1987) (Infocom).rar 236 KB
80s/Bionic Commando (1988) (Pacific Dataworks International).rar 190 KB
80s/Block Out (1989) (P. Z. K. Development Group).rar 76 KB
80s/Blockade (1986) (Don Laabs) [v2.01].rar 22 KB
80s/Bombuzal (1989) (Image Works).rar 85 KB
80s/Bootcamp (1989) (Konami).rar 574 KB
80s/Bop 'n Wrestle (1986) (Beam Software).rar 57 KB
80s/Border Zone (1987) (Infocom).rar 131 KB
80s/Boulder Dash (1984) (First Star).rar 11 KB
80s/Boulder Dash 2 (1985) (First Star).rar 15 KB
80s/Bouncing Babies (1986) (Dave Baskin).rar 24 KB
80s/Boxer Rebellion (1982) (K.L. Carpenter).rar 39 KB
80s/Bridge Hopper (1989) (I. Harness).rar 21 KB
80s/Bruce Lee (1987) (Datasoft).rar 37 KB
80s/Bubble Bobble (1989) (NovaLogic).rar 337 KB
80s/Bubble Ghost (1988) (ERE Informatique).rar 46 KB
80s/Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1984) (Sega).rar 24 KB
80s/Budokan - The Martial Spirit (1989) (Electronic Arts).rar 665 KB
80s/Bureaucracy (1987) (Infocom).rar 2.6 MB
80s/Burger Blaster (1987) (unknown).rar 19 KB
80s/BurgerTime (1982) (Data East).rar 18 KB
80s/Bushido (1983) (Ebenel Enterprises).rar 42 KB
80s/Butt Slam (1989) (JoeWare).rar 24 KB
80s/Cabal (1987) (Interactive Designs) [cga].rar 287 KB
80s/Cabal (1987) (Interactive Designs) [ega].rar 574 KB
80s/California Games (1988) (Epyx).rar 215 KB
80s/Captain Blood (1988) (Exxos).rar 1.8 MB
80s/Carrier Command (1988) (Realtime Games).rar 146 KB
80s/Cartooners (1989) (ITDA).rar 373 KB
80s/Castle Adventure (1985) (Kevin Bale).rar 35 KB
80s/Castle of Kroz (1989) (Apogee).rar 33 KB
80s/Castle Wolfenstein (1983) (Muse).rar 53 KB
80s/Caveman Ugh-lympics (1989) (Dynamix).rar 684 KB
80s/Cavequest (1985) (Lightwave Consultants) [v1.1].rar 50 KB
80s/Caverns of Bob! (1985) (Bob Robert).rar 25 KB
80s/Caverns of Gink (1985) (Tony Ginko).rar 25 KB
80s/Caverns of Kroz (1988) (Apogee).rar 31 KB
80s/Caverns of Zoarre (1984) (Thomas Hanlin III) [v1.0].rar 41 KB
80s/Centipede (1983) (Atari).rar 17 KB
80s/Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess (1989) (Exxos).rar 350 KB
80s/Championship Backgammon (1987) (Spinnaker Software Corporation).rar 140 KB
80s/Championship Boxing (1984) (Sierra On-Line).rar 73 KB
80s/Chess 8088 (1984) (Don Berg) [v2].rar 4 KB
80s/Chessmaster 2000 (1986) (The Software Toolworks).rar 79 KB
80s/Circus Attractions (1989) (Golden Goblins).rar 755 KB
80s/Circus Games (1987) (A Studio).rar 66 KB
80s/Circus Maximus (1985) (Avalon Hill).rar 44 KB
80s/Classic Concentration (1988) (Softie).rar 151 KB
80s/Coach (1989) (New Era Software).rar 18 KB
80s/Codename Iceman (1989) (Sierra).rar 2 MB
80s/Commando (1986) (Quicksilver).rar 37 KB
80s/Conflict in Vietnam (1987) (MicroProse).rar 76 KB
80s/Conqueror (1989) (Rainbow Arts).rar 69 KB
80s/Cosmic Crusader (1982) (Funtastic).rar 17 KB
80s/Countdown to Doom (1987) (Topologika).rar 58 KB
80s/Crack of Doom (1989) (Beam Software).rar 89 KB
80s/Crazy Digger (1986) (Val).rar 22 KB
80s/Crime and Punishment (1984) (Mindscape).rar 18 KB
80s/Crosscheck (1986) (Xel-Ha Associates).rar 36 KB
80s/Crossfire (1982) (Sierra).rar 5 KB
80s/Cutthroats (1984) (Infocom).rar 80 KB
80s/Day of the Viper (1989) (Accolade).rar 166 KB
80s/Deadline (1982) (Infocom).rar 2.5 MB
80s/Death Sword (1988) (Designer Software).rar 47 KB
80s/Deathtrack (1989) (Dynamix).rar 401 KB
80s/Deep Space - Operation Copernicus (1987) (Sir-Tech).rar 941 KB
80s/Defcon 5 (1989) (Cosmi).rar 478 KB
80s/Defender (1983) (Atarisoft).rar 16 KB
80s/Defender of the Crown (1987) (Cinemaware).rar 176 KB
80s/Demon Stalkers - The Raid on Doomfane (1988) (Micro Forte).rar 439 KB
80s/Demon's Forge (1987) (Mastertronic).rar 59 KB
80s/Demon's Tomb - The Awakening (1989) (Silhouette) [v1.00].rar 267 KB
80s/Desert Rats (1986) (Cases Computer Simulations).rar 26 KB
80s/Devastator (1984) (Compute Magazine).rar 24 KB
80s/Dick Francis - High Stakes (1986) (Angelsoft).rar 81 KB
80s/Die Hard (1989) (Dynamix).rar 492 KB
80s/Dig Dug (1983) (Atari).rar 13 KB
80s/Diplomacy (1984) (Avalon Hill).rar 44 KB
80s/DND (1986) (R O Software) [v1.12].rar 65 KB
80s/Donald Duck's Playground (1986) (Sierra).rar 99 KB
80s/Donald's Alphabet Chase (1988) (Westwood Associates).rar 117 KB
80s/Donkey Kong (1983) (Atari).rar 24 KB
80s/Dr Ruths Computer Game of Good Sex (1986) (Avalon Hill).rar 103 KB
80s/Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989) (ReadySoft).rar 2.6 MB
80s/Dragons (1986) (F.A. Willshaw).rar 9 KB
80s/Dream Zone (1988) (Naughty Dog).rar 525 KB
80s/Drug Wars (1984) (John E. Dell).rar 23 KB
80s/Dungeon Master (1989) (FTL Incorporated).rar 859 KB
80s/Dungeon Master (1989) (FTL).rar 868 KB
80s/Dungeon Masters Assistant - Volume 2 - Characters & Treasures (1989) (Strategic Simulations Inc) [v1.2].rar 45 KB
80s/Dungeon of Shalan (1988) (Softdisk).rar 19 KB
80s/Dungeons of Kroz (1989) (Apogee).rar 37 KB
80s/EGA-Roids (1986) (Designer Software).rar 23 KB
80s/EGAbomb (1988) (Rad Delaroderie).rar 34 KB
80s/EGAwalls (1989) (Polik).rar 36 KB
80s/Elevator (1986) (Wordworks).rar 22 KB
80s/Elite (1987) (Realtime Games).rar 44 KB
80s/Empire - Wargame of the Century (1985) (Interstel) [v1.1].rar 47 KB
80s/Empire - Wargame of the Century (1988) (Interstel) [v2.05].rar 141 KB
80s/Enchanter (1983) (Infocom).rar 87 KB
80s/Encounter (1984) (Cory Bruening).rar 23 KB
80s/Evets (1988) (Steve Ackerman) [v2.03].rar 97 KB
80s/Eye of Horus (1989) (Denton Designs).rar 353 KB
80s/F-15 Strike Eagle (1985) (MicroProse).rar 17 KB
80s/F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1989) (MicroProse) [v451.01].rar 339 KB
80s/Face Off! (1989) (MindSpan).rar 527 KB
80s/Fahrenheit 451 (1985) (Telarium).rar 169 KB
80s/Fallen Angel (1989) (Emerald Software).rar 152 KB
80s/Feud (1988) (Binary Design).rar 37 KB
80s/Final Frontier (1989) (Mirrorsoft).rar 204 KB
80s/Fire and Forget (1988) (Titus Interactive).rar 66 KB
80s/Fire Fighter (1985) (Eben Sprinsock).rar 16 KB
80s/Five-A-Side Indoor Soccer (1986) (Mastertronic).rar 29 KB
80s/Fleet Sweep (1983) (Mirror Images).rar 33 KB
80s/Flightmare - The Ultimate Expedition into Horror (1984) (Peter Adams).rar 13 KB
80s/Floppy Frenzy (1982) (Windmill Software).rar 35 KB
80s/Fooblitzsky (1985) (Infocom).rar 49 KB
80s/Ford Simulator (1987) (The SoftAd Group).rar 112 KB
80s/Ford Simulator 2 (1989) (The SoftAd Group).rar 260 KB
80s/Frightmare (1989) (Cascade).rar 29 KB
80s/Frogger (1983) (Konami).rar 15 KB
80s/Galactic Battle (1989) (Softdisk).rar 38 KB
80s/Galaxian (1983) (Atari).rar 10 KB
80s/Galaxy Trek (1983) (Larry E. Jordan) [v2.1].rar 44 KB
80s/Galaxy! (1989) (Jay Wilt).rar 36 KB
80s/Game Over (1988) (Dinamic) [Spanish].rar 77 KB
80s/Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams (1988) (Tom Snyder Productions).rar 253 KB
80s/Gapper (1986) (unknown).rar 24 KB
80s/GATO (1983) (Spectrum Holobyte).rar 70 KB
80s/Gauntlet (1988) (Mindscape).rar 113 KB
80s/Gauntlet 2 (1989) (Mindscape).rar 217 KB
80s/Genghis Khan (1989) (Koei).rar 360 KB
80s/Ghostbusters 2 (1989) (Dynamix).rar 995 KB
80s/Goody (1987) (Opera Soft).rar 33 KB
80s/Grand Prix (1989) (Hole in the Wall) [v1].rar 58 KB
80s/Guardians of Infinity - To Save Kennedy (1989) (Paragon Software).rar 2.7 MB
80s/Guild of Thieves (1987) (Magnetic Scrolls).rar 534 KB
80s/Hacker (1985) (Activision).rar 431 KB
80s/Hacker 2 - The Doomsday Papers (1989) (Activision).rar 101 KB
80s/Hamil (1987) (Topologika).rar 49 KB
80s/Hard Hat Mack (1984) (TMQ Software).rar 18 KB
80s/Harley Davidson - The Road to Sturgis (1989) (Incredible Technologies).rar 546 KB
80s/Harpoon (1989) (Three-Sixty Pacific) [v1.386].rar 2.1 MB
80s/Harpoon - Signature Edition (1989) (Three-Sixty Pacific) [v1.31se].rar 2.1 MB
80s/Heavy Metal (1989) (Access).rar 275 KB
80s/Helicopter Simulator (1987) (Sierra On-Line) [v1.00].rar 49 KB
80s/Hollywood Hijinx (1986) (Infocom).rar 1.6 MB
80s/Hostage (1989) (Infogrames).rar 440 KB
80s/Hoyle's Book of Games - Volume 1 (1989) (Sierra).rar 559 KB
80s/Icon - The Quest for the Ring (1984) (Macrocom).rar 60 KB
80s/Impact! (1988) (Audiogenic).rar 58 KB
80s/Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (action) (Tiertex) (1989).rar 258 KB
80s/Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Ancients (1987) (Angelsoft).rar 76 KB
80s/Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1989) (Mindscape).rar 84 KB
80s/Infidel (1983) (Infocom).rar 73 KB
80s/Into the Eagle's Nest (1987) (Visionware Inc).rar 63 KB
80s/Iron Lord (1989) (UBI Soft).rar 630 KB
80s/Iskib (1989) (Scott Ramsay).rar 24 KB
80s/J-Bird (1983) (Orion Software).rar 20 KB
80s/James Bond 007 - A View to a Kill (1985) (Angelsoft).rar 79 KB
80s/James Bond 007 in - Goldfinger (1986) (Angelsoft).rar 87 KB
80s/Janitor Joe (1984) (Kevin Bales).rar 28 KB
80s/John Madden Football (1989) (Electronic Arts).rar 154 KB
80s/Journey (1989) (Infocom).rar 1.7 MB
80s/Jr. Pac-Man (1988) (Thunder Mountain).rar 21 KB
80s/Jumpman (1984) (Eypx).rar 64 KB
80s/Jungle Hunt (1984) (Taito).rar 31 KB
80s/Kangaroo (1984) (unknown).rar 19 KB
80s/Karateka (1986) (The Connelley Group).rar 54 KB
80s/Keef the Thief (1989) (Naughty Dog).rar 760 KB
80s/King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988) (Sierra On-Line) [v2.0] [agi].rar 1.1 MB
80s/Kingdom of Kroz (1987) (Apogee).rar 29 KB
80s/Knight Exchange (1988) (Softdisk).rar 56 KB
80s/Kult - The Temple of Flying Saucers (1989) (ERE Informatique).rar 220 KB
80s/Laser Surgeon - The Microscopic Mission (1987) (Synergistic Software).rar 95 KB
80s/Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance (1989) (Activision).rar 271 KB
80s/Lawn Mower (1987) (Christopher D. Orr) [v2.0].rar 41 KB
80s/Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1986) (Infocom).rar 101 KB
80s/Leygref's Castle (1986) (Frank Dutton).rar 33 KB
80s/Life and Death (1988) (Software Toolworks).rar 345 KB
80s/Line Wars (1989) (Patrick Aalto).rar 47 KB
80s/Livingstone Supongo (1988) (Opera Soft) [Spanish].rar 32 KB
80s/Lode Runner (1984) (Brøderbund Software).rar 33 KB
80s/Lombard RAC Rally (1989) (Red Rat Software).rar 190 KB
80s/Lords Of Conquest (1985) (Eon Software).rar 77 KB
80s/Mad Mix (1988) (Topo Soft).rar 27 KB
80s/Magnetic Crane (1989) (Dialog).rar 210 KB
80s/Manhunter - New York (1988) (Evryware).rar 928 KB
80s/Manhunter 2 - San Francisco (1989) (Evryware).rar 1.1 MB
80s/Marble Madness (1986) (Atari).rar 175 KB
80s/Mean 18 (1986) (Microsmiths Inc).rar 86 KB
80s/MegaTraveller - The Zhodani Conspiracy (1989) (Paragon Software).rar 421 KB
80s/Metal Gear (1987) (Ultra Games).rar 220 KB
80s/Metropolis (1987) (Arcadia).rar 117 KB
80s/Mickey's Space Adventure (1986) (Sierra).rar 262 KB
80s/Micro League Baseball (1984) (Micro League Sports Association).rar 244 KB
80s/Micro League Baseball 2 (1989) (Micro League Sports Association).rar 159 KB
80s/Microsoft Decathlon (1982) (Microsoft).rar 35 KB
80s/Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 (1988) (subLogic).rar 258 KB
80s/Midnight Rescue! (1989) (The Learning Company) [v1.01] [Super Solvers].rar 403 KB
80s/Midwinter (1989) (Maelstrom Games).rar 316 KB
80s/Mind Mirror (1985) (Electronic Arts).rar 380 KB
80s/Mindwheel (1986) (Synapse).rar 782 KB
80s/Mine Shaft (1983) (Sierra On-Line).rar 5 KB
80s/Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1988) (Sierra) [ega].rar 255 KB
80s/Moebius (1987) (Origin).rar 240 KB
80s/Montezuma's Revenge (1984) (Parker Brothers).rar 18 KB
80s/Moonmist (1986) (Infocom).rar 98 KB
80s/Moonwalker (1989) (Emerald).rar 413 KB
80s/Moraff's Revenge (1988) (MoraffWare).rar 111 KB
80s/Ms. Pac-Man (1983) (Atari).rar 17 KB
80s/MTV Remote Control (1989) (Softie).rar 195 KB
80s/Murder on the Atlantic (1988) (Intracorp) [v1.0].rar 95 KB
80s/Murders in Venice (1989) (Cobra).rar 419 KB
80s/Nebulus (1987) (Hewson).rar 86 KB
80s/Netherworld (1989) (Hewson).rar 106 KB
80s/Neuromancer (1989) (Cabana Boy).rar 1 MB
80s/Night Mission Pinball (1982) (subLogic).rar 24 KB
80s/Night Mission Pinball (1988) (subLogic) [v3.0].rar 36 KB
80s/Ninja (1986) (Mastertronic).rar 28 KB
80s/Nobunaga's Ambition (1989) (Koei).rar 190 KB
80s/Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It (1987) (Infocom).rar 127 KB
80s/Novatron (1982) (VeriSoft Works).rar 18 KB
80s/Nuclear War (1989) (New World Computing).rar 541 KB
80s/Obliterator (1989) (Psygnosis).rar 214 KB
80s/Ocean Ranger (1989) (Activision).rar 118 KB
80s/Oil Imperium (1989) (Relin Software).rar 319 KB
80s/Oligopoly (1988) (P. C. Design Associates).rar 290 KB
80s/Oo-Topos (1987) (Polarware).rar 112 KB
80s/Operation Wolf (1989) (Taito).rar 587 KB
80s/Pac-Gal (1982) (Al J. Jiménez).rar 20 KB
80s/Pac-Girl (1982) (Al J. Jiménez).rar 22 KB
80s/Pango (1983) (Sheng-Chung Liu).rar 12 KB
80s/Paperboy (1988) (Magpie Computer Developments).rar 53 KB
80s/Paratrooper (1982) (Orion Software).rar 6 KB
80s/PC-Man (1982) (Orion Software).rar 8 KB
80s/Pipe Dream (1989) (The Assembly Line).rar 85 KB
80s/Planet of Lust (1989) (Free Spirit).rar 202 KB
80s/Planetfall (1983) (Infocom).rar 85 KB
80s/Plundered Hearts (1987) (Infocom).rar 97 KB
80s/Populous (1989) (Bullfrog).rar 161 KB
80s/Prince of Persia (1989) (Brøderbund).rar 462 KB
80s/Project Neptune (1989) (Infogrames).rar 416 KB
80s/Prophecy - The Fall of Trinadon (1988) (Activision).rar 224 KB
80s/Psychic War - Cosmic Soldier (1989) (Kyodai).rar 201 KB
80s/Qix (1989) (Alien Technology Group).rar 362 KB
80s/Quest for the Timebird (1989) (Infogrames).rar 446 KB
80s/Rack 'Em (1988) (Artech).rar 96 KB
80s/Rad-Warrior (1987) (Epyx).rar 38 KB
80s/Rampage (1989) (Bally Midway).rar 118 KB
80s/Red Lighting (1989) (Strategic Simulations Inc) [v1.0].rar 117 KB
80s/Red Storm Rising (1989) (MicroProse).rar 378 KB
80s/Remote Control (1989) (Softie).rar 195 KB
80s/Return to Doom (1988) (Topologika).rar 92 KB
80s/Revenge of Defender (1989) (Logotron).rar 358 KB
80s/Risk (1989) (Mastertronic) [v1.9].rar 201 KB
80s/Roadwar 2000 (1987) (Westwood Associates) [v1.0].rar 109 KB
80s/RoadWar 2000 (1987) (Westwood Studios).rar 95 KB
80s/Roadwar Europa (1987) (Westwood Associates) [v1.0].rar 88 KB
80s/RoadWar Europa (1987) (Westwood Studios).rar 88 KB
80s/Robotron 2084 (1983) (Atari).rar 16 KB
80s/Rockford (1987) (Synergistic Software).rar 155 KB
80s/Rockstar! (1989) (Wizard Games).rar 147 KB
80s/Rogue (1984) (Epyx).rar 44 KB
80s/Rollo and the Brush Brothers (1984) (Windmill Software).rar 18 KB
80s/Romance of the Three Kingdoms (1989) (Koei).rar 242 KB
80s/Round 42 (1986) (Elven).rar 23 KB
80s/Rush'n Attack (1989) (Banana Development).rar 72 KB
80s/Seadragon (1983) (Adventure International).rar 29 KB
80s/Seastalker (1984) (Infocom).rar 85 KB
80s/Sentinel Worlds 1 - Future Magic (1989) (Electronic Arts).rar 300 KB
80s/Serve and Volley (1988) (Artech Studios) [iso].rar 121 KB
80s/Seven Spirits of Ra (1987) (Macrocom).rar 92 KB
80s/Sex Vixens from Space (1988) (Free Spirit).rar 193 KB
80s/Shadows of Mordor (1988) (Beam).rar 88 KB
80s/Shamus (1984) (Synapse).rar 15 KB
80s/Shawl (1986) (AcademySoft).rar 17 KB
80s/Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (1987) (Infocom).rar 139 KB
80s/Shogun (1988) (Mastertronic).rar 93 KB
80s/Sid Meier's Pirates! (1987) (MicroProse).rar 293 KB
80s/Silent Service (1985) (MicroProse).rar 62 KB
80s/Silly Master Blaster (1985) (Russco).rar 22 KB
80s/Silpheed (1988) (Game Arts).rar 438 KB
80s/Sim City (1989) (Maxis).rar 335 KB
80s/Skate Rock (1987) (Bubble Bus).rar 84 KB
80s/Skullduggery - Adventures in Horror (1989) (David Jewett) [v3.1].rar 55 KB
80s/Skyfox 2 - The Cygnus Conflict (1988) (Dynamix).rar 168 KB
80s/Snack Attack 2 (1982) (Funtastic).rar 13 KB
80s/Soko-Ban (1984) (Spectrum Holobyte).rar 73 KB
80s/Solo Flight (1985) (MicroProse).rar 409 KB
80s/Son of Stagefright (1989) (Mike McCauley).rar 128 KB
80s/Sopwith (1984) (BMB Compuscience).rar 26 KB
80s/Sopwith 2 (1985) (BMB Compuscience).rar 22 KB
80s/Sorcerer (1984) (Infocom).rar 85 KB
80s/Space Ace (1989) (ReadySoft).rar 2.3 MB
80s/Space Commanders (1983) (Columbia Data Products).rar 10 KB
80s/Spacewar (1986) (B. Seiler) [v1.71].rar 8 KB
80s/Speedball (1988) (The Bitmap Brothers).rar 267 KB
80s/Spellbreaker (1985) (Infocom).rar 100 KB
80s/Spy Hunter (1984) (Bally Midway).rar 24 KB
80s/Spy vs Spy 3 - Arctic Antics (1987) (First Star).rar 44 KB
80s/Squynch Adventure (1988) (M. & T. Frank).rar 63 KB
80s/Star Command (1988) (Strategic Simulations Inc).rar 286 KB
80s/Star Goose (1988) (Logotron).rar 67 KB
80s/Star Quake (1987) (Bubble Bus).rar 50 KB
80s/Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternative (1985) (Simon & Schuster).rar 123 KB
80s/Star Trek TNG - The Transinium Challenge (1989) (TRANS Fiction Systems).rar 428 KB
80s/Starcross (1982) (Infocom).rar 68 KB
80s/Starflight (1986) (Binary Systems).rar 294 KB
80s/Stargate (1985) (Atari).rar 20 KB
80s/Starglider (1986) (Argonaut).rar 49 KB
80s/Starglider 2 (1989) (Argonaut).rar 113 KB
80s/Starship Invasion (1984) (Thinking Machine Associates).rar 26 KB
80s/Stationfall (1987) (Infocom).rar 98 KB
80s/Stephen King - The Mist (1985) (Angelsoft).rar 79 KB
80s/Storm (1988) (Mastertronic).rar 27 KB
80s/Street Rod (1989) (Logical Design Works).rar 379 KB
80s/Striker (1985) (Derek Williams) [v1.2].rar 43 KB
80s/Strip Poker (1985) (Artworx).rar 42 KB
80s/Strip Poker 2 (1988) (Artworx).rar 253 KB
80s/Stunt Car Racer (1989) (Microplay).rar 244 KB
80s/Styx (1983) (Windmill Software).rar 23 KB
80s/Super Huey (1988) (Cosmi).rar 15 KB
80s/Super Huey 2 (1988) (Cosmi).rar 20 KB
80s/Super Nova (1986) (Apogee).rar 114 KB
80s/Super Pinball (1987) (Russco).rar 40 KB
80s/Suspect (1984) (Infocom).rar 92 KB
80s/Suspended (1983) (Infocom).rar 77 KB
80s/Suzuki's RM250 Motocross (1989) (Dynamix).rar 511 KB
80s/Sword of the Samurai (1989) (MicroProse).rar 1.3 MB
80s/Tapper (1983) (Bally Midway).rar 37 KB
80s/Tark Simmons in - The Demon of Dark Desire (1988) (W. P. Kegelmeyer).rar 162 KB
80s/Tass Times in Tonetown (1986) (Interplay).rar 722 KB
80s/Tau Ceti (1987) (Crl Group).rar 36 KB
80s/Telengard (1985) (Avalon Hill).rar 54 KB
80s/Temple of Apshai Trilogy (1985) (Epyx).rar 66 KB
80s/Tennis (1985) (Imagic) [French].rar 38 KB
80s/Test Drive (1987) (Distinctive).rar 136 KB
80s/Tetris (1986) (AcademySoft).rar 14 KB
80s/The $100,000 Pyramid (1988) (Box Office) [v1.3].rar 78 KB
80s/The Adventures of Captain Comic - Planet of Death (1988) (Michael A. Denio).rar 76 KB
80s/The Amazing Spider-Man (1989) (Oxford Digital Enterprises).rar 103 KB
80s/The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in - Dr Doom's Revenge (1989) (Paragon Software) [v1.2].rar 452 KB
80s/The Ancient Art of War (1984) (Evryware).rar 135 KB
80s/The Ancient Art of War (1989) (Evryware) [enhanced].rar 224 KB
80s/The Ancient Art of War at Sea (1987) (Evryware).rar 166 KB
80s/The Bard's Tale (1987) (Interplay).rar 2.1 MB
80s/The Black Cauldron (1986) (Sierra).rar 279 KB
80s/The California Raisins - and the Cereal Factory (1988) (StarSoft Development Laboratories).rar 114 KB
80s/The Dam Busters (1985) (Sydney Development Corp).rar 37 KB
80s/The Duel - Test Drive 2 (1989) (Distinctive).rar 354 KB
80s/The Electric Crayon - Dinosaurs are Forever (1988) (Merit Studios).rar 79 KB
80s/The Exterminator (1983) (Windmill Software).rar 16 KB
80s/The Faery Tale Adventure (1989) (MicroIllusions).rar 1.1 MB
80s/The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 (1989) (The Software Toolworks) [v1.15].rar 267 KB
80s/The Fool's Errand (1989) (Manley and Associates).rar 519 KB
80s/The Golden Fleece (1989) (Jim MacBrayne).rar 81 KB
80s/The Golden Wombat of Destiny (1988) (Huw Collingbourne) [v1.2].rar 72 KB
80s/The Great Escape (1987) (Denton Designs).rar 42 KB
80s/The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy (1987) (Infocom).rar 125 KB
80s/The Hobbit (1983) (Beam).rar 215 KB
80s/The Hunt for Red October (1988) (Oxford Digital Enterprises).rar 138 KB
80s/The Last Mission (1987) (Opera Soft).rar 29 KB
80s/The Last Ninja (1988) (Activision).rar 274 KB
80s/The Lurking Horror (1984) (Infocom).rar 621 KB
80s/The Magic Candle (1989) (Mindcraft).rar 434 KB
80s/The Sentinel (1987) (Firebird).rar 48 KB
80s/The Soccer Game (1989) (New Era Software).rar 107 KB
80s/The Sporting News Baseball (1988) (Designer Software).rar 105 KB
80s/The Third Courier (1989) (Synergistic Software).rar 597 KB
80s/The Three Stooges (1987) (Cinemaware).rar 496 KB
80s/The Train - Escape to Normandy (1988) (Artech Studios).rar 130 KB
80s/The Usurper - The Mines of Qyntárr (1988) (Sir-tech Software) [v5.30].rar 79 KB
80s/The Witness (1982) (Infocom).rar 79 KB
80s/The Wizard of Oz (1985) (Telarium).rar 102 KB
80s/Thunder Blade (1989) (Sega).rar 273 KB
80s/Tigers in the Snow (1982) (Strategic Simulations Inc).rar 92 KB
80s/Times of Lore (1988) (Origin).rar 251 KB
80s/Tintin on the Moon (1987) (Probe Entertainment).rar 118 KB
80s/Tomahawk (1987) (Digital Integration).rar 36 KB
80s/Tongue of the Fatman (1989) (Activision).rar 501 KB
80s/Topgun (1986) (Ocean).rar 30 KB
80s/Total Eclipse (1988) (Incentive).rar 75 KB
80s/Transylvania (1985) (Polarware).rar 87 KB
80s/Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (1988) (Probe Entertainment).rar 25 KB
80s/Trinity (1986) (Infocom).rar 167 KB
80s/Trojan (1987) (Pacific Dataworks International).rar 260 KB
80s/Trolls Tale (1984) (Sierra).rar 101 KB
80s/Trust and Betrayal - The Legacy of Siboot (1987) (Mindscape).rar 609 KB
80s/Tunnels of Armageddon (1989) (LDW) [v2.0].rar 819 KB
80s/Tunnels of Armageddon (1989) (LDW).rar 247 KB
80s/Turbo (1987) (Doug Ross) [v1.0].rar 16 KB
80s/TV Sports - Football (1989) (Cinemaware).rar 369 KB
80s/Ulises (1989) (Opera Soft) [Spanish].rar 88 KB
80s/Up Periscope (1988) (Actionsoft) [v1.05].rar 80 KB
80s/Uridium (1988) (Hewson).rar 51 KB
80s/Vectorball (1988) (Mastertronic).rar 23 KB
80s/Vegas Gambler (1987) (Logical Design Works) [v1.1].rar 110 KB
80s/Vermeer (1988) (Ariolasoft) [German].rar 93 KB
80s/Vette! (1989) (Sphere) [v1.02].rar 163 KB
80s/Video Casino (1987) (Mastertronic).rar 50 KB
80s/Video Trek 88 (1982) (Windmill Software).rar 87 KB
80s/Virus (1988) (Rainbird).rar 36 KB
80s/Vision of Aftermath - The Boomtown (1988) (Chivalry Software).rar 1.8 MB
80s/Voodoo Island (1985) (Angelsoft).rar 77 KB
80s/Vulcan (1987) (Cases Computer Simulations).rar 27 KB
80s/Wall $treet Raider - The Corporate Simulation (1988) (Michael D. Jenkins) [v2.1].rar 180 KB
80s/War in Middle Earth (1989) (Synergistic Software).rar 865 KB
80s/Wargame Construction Set (1988) (Westwood) [v1.0].rar 115 KB
80s/Warship (1988) (Strategic Simulations Inc) [v1.0].rar 80 KB
80s/Wasteland (1988) (Interplay).rar 790 KB
80s/Wayne Gretzky Hockey (1989) (Bethesda Softworks).rar 964 KB
80s/Weird Dreams (1989) (Best Ever Games Company).rar 486 KB
80s/Welltris (1989) (Sphere).rar 219 KB
80s/Wheel of Fortune (1987) (Softie).rar 70 KB
80s/Wheel of Fortune - Golden Edition (1989) (Softie).rar 74 KB
80s/Wheel of Fortune - New Second Edition (1988) (Softie).rar 88 KB
80s/Where Time Stood Still (1988) (Denton Designs).rar 78 KB
80s/Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) (Silent Software).rar 241 KB
80s/Willy the Worm (1985) (Alan Farmer) [v2.0].rar 16 KB
80s/Win, Lose, or Draw (1989) (Buena Vista).rar 125 KB
80s/Windsurf Willy (1989) (Silmarils).rar 161 KB
80s/Windwalker (1989) (MicroMagic).rar 498 KB
80s/Wings of Fury (1989) (Unlimited Software).rar 202 KB
80s/Winnie the Pooh - In the Hundred Acre Wood (1985) (Sierra).rar 101 KB
80s/Wishbringer (1985) (Infocom).rar 93 KB
80s/Wizball (1987) (Sensible Software).rar 76 KB
80s/World Class Leader Board (1989) (Access) [v5.50].rar 349 KB
80s/World Darts (1987) (Melbourne House).rar 24 KB
80s/World Games (1986) (Designer Software).rar 136 KB
80s/World Karate Championship (1986) (Designer Software).rar 48 KB
80s/X-Fighter (1986) (Wordworks).rar 23 KB
80s/X-Men - Madness In MurderWorld (1989) (Paragon Software).rar 654 KB
80s/Xenon (1988) (The Bitmap Brothers).rar 118 KB
80s/Xonix (1984) (Ilan Rav & Dani Katz) [v1.0].rar 28 KB
80s/Xonix (1984) (Ilan Rav & Dani Katz) [v2.2].rar 29 KB
80s/Yacht Racing Simulator (1986) (Geoff Brayford & Associates).rar 74 KB
80s/Yes Prime Minister (1988) (Oxford Digital Enterprises).rar 166 KB
80s/Yuppi's Revenge (1988) (Ariolasoft) [German].rar 113 KB
80s/Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (1988) (LucasFilm Games).rar 247 KB
80s/Zany Golf (1988) (Sandcastle).rar 377 KB
80s/Zaxxon (1984) (Sega).rar 9 KB
80s/Zombi (1986) (UBI Soft).rar 89 KB
80s/Zoom! (1988) (Discovery Software).rar 142 KB
80s/Zork 1 - The Great Underground Empire (1981) (Infocom).rar 74 KB
80s/Zork 2 - The Wizard of Frobozz (1981) (Infocom).rar 75 KB
80s/Zork 3 - The Dungeon Master (1982) (Infocom).rar 67 KB
80s/Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz (1988) (Infocom).rar 701 KB
80s/ZorkQuest - Assault on Egreth Castle (1988) (Tom Snyder Productions).rar 243 KB
80s/ZorkQuest 2 - The Crystal of Doom (1989) (Tom Snyder Productions).rar 246 KB
80s/Zyll (1984) (IBM) [v1.00].rar 25 KB
Name Size Peers
Various Artists - 80s Workout Hits (2025) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 376.1 MB 112
Various Artists - Awesome 80s Hits 80 Classics From The 80s (2024) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 766.4 MB 66
VA - The Hits Album Later 80s (3CD) (2024) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 604 MB 51
VA - Greatest 80s 100 Best Songs (2024) Audio 986 MB 39
Various Artists - 80s Dance Hits (2022) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 531.1 MB 15
Various Artists - 80s Radio Hits (2024) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 626.9 MB 12
Various Artists - 80s Hits (2022) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 452.6 MB 8
Various Artists - 80s Top Tracks (2022) FLAC [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 1.3 GB 8
80s New Wave - Dance Night At The Temple Sampler (2021) MP3 Audio 340.4 MB 8
80s Hits (2022) Audio 452.6 MB 8
Various Artists - 100 Greatest 80s (2024) FLAC [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 2.7 GB 6
VA - 2017 - 100 Hits 80s Pop (5 CD)[MP3] Audio 910.7 MB 6
Tom Beaujour, Richard Bienstock. Nöthin' but a Good Time - The Uncensored History of the '80s Hard Rock Explosion (2021) Audio 484.6 MB 6 - 80s Buildup (2023) [Tamil - 1080p HQ HDRip - HEVC - x265 - [DD5.1 (192Kbps) + AAC] - 1.6GB - ESub].mkv Video 1.8 GB 5
Various Artists - 80s Mixtape The Greatest Hits (2023) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 327.9 MB 5
VA - Just Can't Get Enough - New Wave Hits of the '80s, Vol. 11 (1995) [FLAC] Audio 412.9 MB 5
New Italo Disco 80s Audio 1.5 GB 5
Various Artists - Born in the 80s (2022) Mp3 320kbps [PMEDIA] ⭐️ Audio 823 MB 4
The 80s Pure Pop Album (2CD) (2023) Audio 297.1 MB 4
VA - Sensation 80s -The Ultimate Funk & Disco Classics (2022) Audio 354.8 MB 4
