Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 |
4.1 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/01 Introduction/002 Complexity theory.mp4 |
56.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/02 Setup/001 Installing LiClipse.mp4 |
11.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/001 Linked List introduction.mp4 |
35.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/002 Linked list implementation.mp4 |
60.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/003 Binary search tree introduction.mp4 |
31.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/004 Binary search tree implementation - Node.mp4 |
50.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/005 Binary Search Tree implementation final.mp4 |
31.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/006 AVL trees introduction.mp4 |
61 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/007 AVL tree implementation I.mp4 |
40.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/008 AVL tree implementation II.mp4 |
76.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/009 Heaps introduction.mp4 |
45.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/010 Heap implementation I.mp4 |
32 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/011 Heap implementation II - heapsort.mp4 |
37.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/012 Hashtable introduction.mp4 |
69.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/013 Ternary search trees introduction.mp4 |
44.5 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/014 Ternary search trees implementation I.mp4 |
33.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/03 Data Structures/015 Ternary search trees implementation II.mp4 |
21.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/001 Graph theory.mp4 |
29 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/002 Breadth-first search introduction.mp4 |
11.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/003 Breadth-first search implementation.mp4 |
23.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/004 Depth-first search introduction.mp4 |
9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/005 Depth-first search implementation.mp4 |
17.9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/006 Shortest path introduction.mp4 |
38 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/007 Dijkstra algorithm.mp4 |
65 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/008 Bellman-Ford algorithm introduction.mp4 |
13.1 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/009 Bellman-Ford implementation.mp4 |
74.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/010 Spanning trees introduction.mp4 |
36.4 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/011 Kruskal algorithm I - The union find data structure.mp4 |
67.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/012 Kruskal algorithm II.mp4 |
27.9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/04 Graph Algorithms/013 Prims-Jarnik algorithm.mp4 |
45.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/05 Other Problems/001 Red-black trees.mp4 |
60.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/05 Other Problems/002 Splay trees.mp4 |
64.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/05 Other Problems/003 Coloring problem.mp4 |
58.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/05 Other Problems/004 Backtracking - N queens problem.mp4 |
29.5 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/05 Other Problems/005 Euler cycles - chinese postman problem.mp4 |
41.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/06 Basic Sorting Algorithms/001 Bubble sort.mp4 |
19.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/06 Basic Sorting Algorithms/002 Insertion sort.mp4 |
18.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/06 Basic Sorting Algorithms/003 Merge sort.mp4 |
17.9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/06 Basic Sorting Algorithms/004 Quicksort.mp4 |
19 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/06 Basic Sorting Algorithms/005 Counting sort.mp4 |
18.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/06 Basic Sorting Algorithms/006 Radix sort.mp4 |
26.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/07 Machine Learning - Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 |
22.1 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/08 Machine Learning - Regression/001 Linear regression introduction.mp4 |
23.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/08 Machine Learning - Regression/002 Linear regression example.mp4 |
21.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/08 Machine Learning - Regression/003 Logistic regression introduction.mp4 |
43 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/08 Machine Learning - Regression/004 Cross validation.mp4 |
20 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/08 Machine Learning - Regression/005 Logistic regression example - sigmoid function.mp4 |
46.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/08 Machine Learning - Regression/006 Logistic regression example II.mp4 |
16.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/08 Machine Learning - Regression/007 Logistic regression example III - credit scoring.mp4 |
51.4 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/001 K-nearest neighbour introduction.mp4 |
37.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/002 K-nearest neighbour introduction - normalize data.mp4 |
10.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/003 K-nearest neighbour example I.mp4 |
8.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/004 K-nearest neighbour example II.mp4 |
7.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/005 Naive bayesian classifier introduction.mp4 |
45.7 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/006 Naive bayesian example.mp4 |
20.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/007 Support vector machine SVM introduction.mp4 |
19.5 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/008 Support vector machine example I.mp4 |
10.9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/09 Machine Learning - Classification/009 Support vector machine example II - image recognition.mp4 |
22.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/001 Decision trees introduction.mp4 |
31.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/002 Decision tree example I.mp4 |
5.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/003 Decision tree example II - iris data.mp4 |
49.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/004 Pruning and bagging.mp4 |
14.5 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/005 Random forest introduction.mp4 |
10.3 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/006 Boosting.mp4 |
12.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/007 Random forest example I.mp4 |
8.9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/10 Machine Learning - Tree Based Algorithms/008 Random forest example II - enhance credit scoring.mp4 |
8.9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/11 Machine Learning - Clustering/001 K-means clustering introduction.mp4 |
34 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/11 Machine Learning - Clustering/002 K-means clustering example.mp4 |
17.1 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/11 Machine Learning - Clustering/003 DBSCAN clustering introduction.mp4 |
25.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/11 Machine Learning - Clustering/004 Hierarchical clustering introduction.mp4 |
22.9 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/11 Machine Learning - Clustering/005 Hierarchical clustering example.mp4 |
13.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/12 Machine Learning - Neural Networks/001 Introduction.mp4 |
16.6 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/12 Machine Learning - Neural Networks/002 Simple example - logical AND table.mp4 |
30.1 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/12 Machine Learning - Neural Networks/003 Training a neural network.mp4 |
36.1 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/12 Machine Learning - Neural Networks/004 Complex neural networks.mp4 |
34.8 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/12 Machine Learning - Neural Networks/005 Applications of neural networks.mp4 |
25 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/12 Machine Learning - Neural Networks/006 Deep learning.mp4 |
11.2 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/12 Machine Learning - Neural Networks/007 Neural network example - XOR problem.mp4 |
25.1 MB |
Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python/13 Outro/001 Final words.mp4 |
6.2 MB |