Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE

Size: 212 MB
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Name Size
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/ExampleUserControl.g.i.cs 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 170 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication_Content.g.i.cs 604 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication_MarkupCompile.i.cache 327 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/ExampleUserControl.xaml 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/ExampleUserControl.xaml.cs 660 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/Fleet.xml 744 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/Program.cs 478 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/SimpleConsoleApplication.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/ToolWindowState.txt 257 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/03-Identify/Solution/IdentifyingWindows.sln 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 171 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/Program.cs 478 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/SimpleConsoleApplication.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/04-GiantList/Solution/GiantList.sln 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/SimpleConsoleApplication.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 473 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/Program.cs 478 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/SimpleConsoleApplication/SimpleConsoleApplication.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/05-Dialogs/Solution/Dialogs.sln 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 296 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj.user 228 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 744 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj.user 228 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/06-SolutionExplorer/Example/Example.sln 997 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 147 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/PinningEditors.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/Readme.txt 66 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/07-TabbedEditors/Solution/TabbedEditorsTour.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 301 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 569 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll 7 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/08-PinningTabbedEditors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/09-ArrangeToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/10-WindowNavigation/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/11-DockedWindows/Solution/DockedWindows.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/12-FullScreenMode/Solution/FullScreen.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 144 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/ConsoleApp/TextFile1.txt 84 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/13-AutoHiding/Solution/AutoHiding.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 144 B
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Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/14-WindowLayouts/Solution/Workspaces.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 150 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/15-MenusAndToolBars/Solution/MenusAndToolBars.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 150 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/16-CustomizingMenus/Solution/CustomizingMenus.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 150 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/17-MultipleMonitors/Solution/MultipleMonitors.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.pdb 18 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 724 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.pdb 18 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/NameGenerator.cs 269 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 455 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/18-ContextAwareToolWindows/Solution/ContextAware.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 145 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/19-QuickLaunch/Solution/QuickLaunch.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 147 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/20-SizingWindows/Solution/SizingWindows.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe 22 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp.vshost.exe.manifest 490 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/ConsoleApp.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 147 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/App.config 189 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/Book.cs 277 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/BookStore.cs 570 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/Fleet.xml 875 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/ConsoleApp/Program.cs 232 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/obj/Debug/TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs 0 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/femalenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/malenames.txt 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGenerator.cs 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/NameGeneratorLib.csproj 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/NameGeneratorLib/surnames.txt 806 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.Designer.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Application.myapp 475 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Resources.resx 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb 3 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/My Project/Settings.settings 279 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.Designer.vb 9 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.resx 48 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/AboutBox.vb 1 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/App.config 188 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.Designer.vb 5 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.resx 64 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/LoginForm.vb 855 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.Designer.vb 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.resx 84 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/SplashScreen.vb 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/WindowsFormsApp/WindowsFormsApp.vbproj 6 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Solution/TouchingTheIDE.sln 2 KB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/Exercise Files/21-TouchInTheIDE/Simulator.bat 85 B
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/001 Welcome.mp4 4.5 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/002 Using the exercise files.mp4 1.7 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/003 Using the Start screen.mp4 15.4 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/004 Exploring the About screen.mp4 9.5 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/005 Identifying the IDE tool and document window types.mp4 10.7 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/006 Exploring the IDE windows.mp4 10.8 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/007 Using the dialog windows.mp4 7 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/008 Viewing solutions and projects in the Solution Explorer.mp4 9.4 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/009 Working with the tabbed editors.mp4 14.1 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/010 Pinning tabbed editors.mp4 8.7 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/011 Arranging and grouping the tabbed editors.mp4 10.3 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/012 Exploring windows navigation.mp4 11.7 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/013 Docking tools windows.mp4 10.3 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/014 Entering full-screen mode.mp4 10.1 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/015 Auto-hiding windows.mp4 7.8 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/016 Using the window layout tools to manage your tools windows.mp4 9.6 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/017 Working with menus and toolbars.mp4 7.2 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/018 Customizing menus and toolbars.mp4 7.2 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/019 Working with multiple monitors.mp4 8.6 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/020 Exploring context-aware tool windows.mp4 9.2 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/021 Using Quick Launch.mp4 9.6 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/022 Sizing windows.mp4 5 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/023 Using touch in the IDE.mp4 7.5 MB
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 - Getting Comfortable with the IDE/024 Goodbye.mp4 1.5 MB
Name Size Peers 1 GB 1
Lynda Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 05 Code Editors Tutorial Video 528.2 MB 14
Lynda - Visual Studio 2013 For Windows Store Developers Video 343.2 MB 8
Lynda - New Features Xamarin and Visual Studio 2017 Application 809.7 MB 6
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 07 - Understanding Project Types Video 727.7 MB 4
Lynda - Visual Studio Essential Training - 03 Exploring Projects and Solutions Video 198.1 MB 3
[ ] Lynda - Visual Studio Tools for Azure Application 174.3 MB 3
Lynda. Visual Studio 2012 Essential Training Video 1.5 GB 3
Lynda - Visual Studio Essential Training - 04 Surveying the Programming Languages 366 MB 3 - Visual Studio 2010 Essential Training Video 1.3 GB 3
Lynda - Visual Studio Essential Training - 11 Data Tools Video 679.1 MB 2
[ ] Lynda - Visual Studio- Source Control with Git and Application 293.1 MB 2
Lynda - Visual Studio Essential Training - 06 Debug and Troubleshoot Code Video 652.9 MB 2
Lynda - Visual Studio Essential Training - 04 Surveying the Programming Languages Video 208.7 MB 2
Lynda - Visual Studio Essential Training - 00 Setup and Configuration Video 47 MB 2
Lynda - Visual Studio 2015 Essentials 02 Getting Comfortable with the IDE Video 212 MB 2
Lynda - Visual Studio 2010 Essential Training 1.1 GB 1
Lynda - Visual Studio Team Services The Basics Video 176.7 MB 1
Lynda - Visual Studio 2013 For Web Developers Video 262.5 MB 1 Application 1.1 GB 1
