An Introduction to Permaculture

Size: 12.1 GB
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Name Size
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroforestry/Silvopasture.avi 292.1 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Appropriate Technology with Anil Gupta.mp3 31.2 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Introduction to Coffee_ Interview w_ Patrick Stewart 1.mp3 31 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Interview w_ Suzanne Nelson.mp3 30.4 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/CSA_ Interview w_ Elizabeth Keen.mp3 29.2 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/CSA_ Interview with Monte Skarsgard.mp3 28.5 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Agricultural Biodiversity_ Interview w_ Rex Dufour.mp3 28.4 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Equal Exchange_ Fair Trade According to the _Answer Man_.mp3 28 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Interview w_ Dr. Walter Kaiser.mp3 27.9 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/The Politics of Food.mp3 27.2 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Sharing the Harvest_ Elizabeth Henderson on CSA.mp3 27.2 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 1.mp3 23.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/The Starbucks Challenge and The Fair Trade Consumer 1.mp3 18.4 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Highland Andean Crops_ Emigdio Ballon.mp3 14.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Microhoophouse Gardening with Chuck O'Heron-Alex.mp3 14.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_/Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 2.mp3 10 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Bill Mollinson - Global Gardener Series 1-4/Global Gardener 4 - Urban.avi 300 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Bill Mollinson - Global Gardener Series 1-4/Global Gardener 2 - Dry lands.avi 299.9 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Bill Mollinson - Global Gardener Series 1-4/Global Gardener 3 - Cool climates.avi 299.9 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Bill Mollinson - Global Gardener Series 1-4/Global Gardener 1 - In the tropics.avi 299.7 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution copy/04 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 17.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution copy/03 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 15.6 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution copy/08 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 11.9 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution copy/19 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 3.5 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution copy/18 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 3 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution copy/16 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 2.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution copy/17 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 2.6 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/15 8a.mp3 45.1 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/55 28a.mp3 45 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/57 29a.mp3 44.8 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/20 10b.mp3 44.8 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/31 16a.mp3 44.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/22 11b.mp3 44.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/54 27b.mp3 44.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/39 20a.mp3 44.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/40 20b.mp3 44.5 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/36 18b.mp3 44.5 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/29 15a.mp3 44.5 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/58 29b.mp3 44.4 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/23 12a.mp3 44.4 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/21 11a.mp3 43.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/43 22a.mp3 43.6 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/Permaculture Design Course 1983 copy/59 30a.mp3 30.1 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Bill Mollison/[Permaculture] Bill Mollinson - In Grave Danger of Falling Food.avi 349.6 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Geoff Lawton/Greening the Desert - Geoff Lawton -Permaculture in Action copy.avi 5.6 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.1 - Cloning Mushroom Tissue.mp4 163 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.8 - Master Culture Slants.mp4 130 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.6 - Lets Learn Agar.mp4 121.5 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.3 - 5 Steps to Perfect Grain Spawn.mp4 120.9 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.7 - Lets Do Straw 2.mp4 108 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.4 - On Sawdust, Woodchips.mp4 104.8 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.5 - Sporeprinting and Syringe Making.mp4 102.8 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.7 - Strain Isolation.mp4 101.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.8 - On Horse Manure.mp4 94 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.2 - Casing Layer Preparation.mp4 86.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.2 - Sterile Innoculation Procedures.mp4 60.1 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.5 - Grain to Grain Transfers.mp4 48.8 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.3 - Innoculating Substrate Bags.mp4 37.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.6 - Lets Do Straw.mp4 25.9 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Growing Mushrooms_/Let's Grow Mushrooms!/Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.4 - Rye Grass Seed Preparation.mp4 13.8 MB
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An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/Fukuoka Related/Bonfils - Refutations.pdf 594 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/Fukuoka Related/Bonfils Winter Wheat.pdf 279 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/Fukuoka Related/Bonfils - Winter Wheat Physiology.pdf 190 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/Fukuoka Related/Bonfils - Nat Ag Winter Wheat in N Europe.pdf 61 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/Fukuoka Related/Bonfils - Forage Trees.doc 24 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/Masanobu Fukuoka Makes Seedballs.avi 42.3 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/The Natural Way of Farming - The theory and Practice of Green Philosophy.pdf 6.2 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Masanobu Fukuoka/The One Straw Revolution -READ THIS-.pdf 3.1 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Misc Videos/An Inspiring Story About Planting Trees/L'homme qui plantait des arbres - The Man Who Planted Trees (1987).avi 93 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Misc Videos/Non Conventional Homes/Non Conventinal Homes.avi 246.5 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Misc Videos/Permaculture in practice.avi 399.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Misc Videos/Compost Heated Shower.avi 12.3 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/Paul Stamets - LOHAS 2006 - The Mysteries of Mycology.avi 138.3 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/trailer for 'The 11th Hour'.avi 19.1 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/Paul Stamets on Living Green podcast - 2007.mp3 18 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/Bioneers - Gaian Wonders of the Co-Evolutionary Dance.mp3 12.4 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/01.jpg 207 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/05.jpg 65 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/03.jpg 61 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/04.gif 32 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/Thumbs.db 24 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/02.jpg 23 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World.txt 17 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World/Paul Stamets - streaming videos.txt 671 B
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/shrooms/[ebook]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.CV.pdf 35.2 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/shrooms/[ebook]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.pdf 24.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Paul Stamets/shrooms/[ebook-drugs]Mushroom Cultivator-A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home-Paul Stamets and J. S. Chilton-Agarikon Press-1983-0961079800.CV.pdf 22.7 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Robert Hart/Permaculture_Robert Hart/Permaculture_Robert_Hart_Forest_gardening.avi 399.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Robert Hart/Permaculture_Robert Hart/Torrent downloaded from 47 B
An Introduction to Permaculture/Seed Balls/Seedballs/New Document Microsoft Word (5).doc 422 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Seed Balls/Seedballs/wdrawing.jpg 122 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Seed Balls/Seedballs/whinge.jpg 73 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Seed Balls/Seed Ball Story.avi 56.2 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Seed Balls/Ecovalles - Seedballs.avi 14.9 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Seed Balls/ 600 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Holzer Raised Beds -Pics.jpg 3.1 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Holzer Fruit Tree Plantings 1 -Diagram -LRG.JPG 2.4 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Holzer Raised Bed -Diagram -LRG.JPG 2.2 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Holzer Fruit Tree Plantings 2 -Diagram -LRG.JPG 1.5 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Important Workers -Diagram -LRG.JPG 889 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Holzer -Large stones grow large veg .jpg 811 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Training as fruit tree attendant.doc 40 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Shock Transplanting Trees -Holzer.doc 39 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Torrent collection/Raised Beds and Ridges txt.doc 35 KB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Farming with Nature - A Case Study of Successful Temperate Permaculture.avi 349.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Permaculture - Sepp Holzer - Aquaculture - Synergy of Land and Water.avi 313.9 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Sepp Holzer/Farming with Terraces and Raised Beds.avi 284.6 MB
An Introduction to Permaculture/Read me.doc 657 B
Name Size Peers
Arora S. Introduction to Machine Learning 2023 Application 24.5 MB 82
Kakoty N. Introduction to Embedded Systems and Robotics. A Practical Guide 2024 Application 6.5 MB 73
Gibson G. The Music of Physics. An Introduction to the Harmonies of Nature 2024 Application 41.3 MB 71
Plantz R. Introduction to Computer Organization. ARM Edition...A64 Assembly 2025 Application 557.4 MB 69
Shitov A. A Language a Day.A brief introduction to 21 programming languages 2024 Application 1.3 MB 60
[ ] Udemy - Introduction To Azure Crash Course Video 1.3 GB 44
[instructional] Introduction To Nuclear Engineering_ A Study Guide by Supathorn Phongikaroon PDF Application 8.4 MB 41
David Lyon - 2024 - Surveillance꞉ A Very Short Introduction (Politics) Audio 142.6 MB 35
Larsen D. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2024 Application 188.7 MB 34
Jaeger J., Starfield A. An Introduction to Applied Mathematics 1974 Application 141.7 MB 32
Ertel W. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3ed 2024 Application 12.9 MB 29
[math-science-tech] An Introduction to Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis by Muhammad Akram Tahir EPUB Ebook 19.6 MB 25
Hilpisch Y. Reinforcement Learning for Finance. A Python-Based Introduction 2025 Application 31.4 MB 23
Cormen Th., Leiserson Ch. et al. - Introduction to Algorithms, 4th Edition - 2022 Application 40.2 MB 22
[ ] Udemy - Introduction to Neo4j with Python, LangChain and OpenAI Video 571.6 MB 22
Stow D. Oceans. A Very Short Introduction 2017 Application 6.2 MB 20
Introduction to Cloud Computing on AWS for Beginners [2022] Video 2.4 GB 19
Syd Barrett - An Introduction to Syd Barrett (2010 Rock) [Flac 16-44] Audio 358.8 MB 17
Luca Palmieri - Zero To Production In Rust An introduction to backend development - 2022.pdf Application 2.3 MB 16
Machine Learning, 2 Books in 1 - An Introduction Math Guide for Beginners to Understand Data Science Application 4.3 MB 15
