An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python

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Name Size
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Pond s Python Practice 002 How to find minimum needed guesses.mp4 125.8 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Python Programming Timer driven running text message Codeskulptor.mp4 115.7 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Programming in python - Draw shapes on canvas.mp4 107.2 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Coursera GT Introduction to Physics Lab 1.mp4 73.8 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/GT Coursera lab 2.mp4 73.6 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Lab 4.mp4 34.1 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Python Programming Basics - Local Vs Global Variables.mp4 30.7 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 0b - Variables and assignments/2 - 3 - --We want... a shrubbery!-- (15-46).mp4 29.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1b - Logic and conditionals/4 - 4 - Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock (15-55).mp4 29.6 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Pond s Python Practice 005 Timers.mp4 29 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6a - Classes/13 - 4 - Classes for Blackjack (11-28).mp4 27 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6b - Tiled images/14 - 4 - Blackjack (14-38).mp4 26 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 0a - Expressions/1 - 1 - Introduction (11-30).mp4 25.4 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1a - Functions/3 - 3 - More operations (17-10).mp4 24.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6b - Tiled images/14 - 1 - Tiled images (15-06).mp4 24.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Pond s Python Practice 003 - Local and Global Variables.mp4 24.2 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6a - Classes/13 - 3 - Working with objects (13-24).mp4 24.2 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 0a - Expressions/1 - 2 - CodeSkulptor (11-22).mp4 22.6 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4a - Basics of lists/9 - 3 - Motion (14-01).mp4 22 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/lab3 final video.mp4 20.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 0a - Expressions/1 - 3 - Arithmetic expressions (13-24).mp4 20.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5b - Dictionaries and images/12 - 3 - Visualizing iteration (13-33).mp4 20.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2a - Interactive applications in Python/5 - 1 - Event-driven programming (13-13).mp4 20.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1b - Logic and conditionals/4 - 2 - Conditionals (10-39).mp4 19.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6b - Tiled images/14 - 3 - Programming tips - 6 (13-55).mp4 19.7 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5a - Mouse input and more lists/11 - 1 - Mouse input (12-23).mp4 19.3 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5a - Mouse input and more lists/11 - 3 - List examples (11-34).mp4 19.3 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2b - Buttons and input fields/6 - 4 - Programming tips - 2 (13-32).mp4 18.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2a - Interactive applications in Python/5 - 3 - SimpleGUI (11-27).mp4 18.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5b - Dictionaries and images/12 - 1 - Dictionaries (12-18).mp4 18.2 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Pond s Python Practice 001 - Week 1 Mini project.mp4 18.1 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4a - Basics of lists/9 - 1 - Lists (11-04).mp4 17.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 0b - Variables and assignments/2 - 2 - Saving in CodeSkulptor (9-35).mp4 17.4 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5a - Mouse input and more lists/11 - 2 - List methods (11-32).mp4 17.3 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 3a - Drawing canvas/8 - 4 - Stopwatch- The game (9-52).mp4 17 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6a - Classes/13 - 1 - Object-oriented programming - 1 (9-34).mp4 16.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5b - Dictionaries and images/12 - 2 - Images (11-00).mp4 16.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 3a - Drawing canvas/8 - 1 - Timers (9-58).mp4 16.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2b - Buttons and input fields/6 - 1 - Buttons (10-48).mp4 16.1 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4a - Basics of lists/9 - 2 - Keyboard input (9-25).mp4 16 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1a - Functions/3 - 1 - Functions (15-47).mp4 15.8 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6a - Classes/13 - 2 - Object-oriented programming - 2 (8-43).mp4 15.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Pond s Python Practice 004 - Event Driven Programming.mp4 15.3 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5b - Dictionaries and images/12 - 5 - Memory (12-48).mp4 15.1 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1b - Logic and conditionals/4 - 3 - Programming tips - 1 (16.03).mp4 14.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1b - Logic and conditionals/4 - 1 - Logic and comparisons (10-05).mp4 14.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4b - Keyboard control/10 - 1 - Velocity control (9-22).mp4 14.1 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5b - Dictionaries and images/12 - 4 - Programming tips - 5 (10-30).mp4 14 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5a - Mouse input and more lists/11 - 4 - Iteration (12-34).mp4 13 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4b - Keyboard control/10 - 4 - Pong (11-51).mp4 12.7 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2a - Interactive applications in Python/5 - 2 - Local vs. global variables (11-23).mp4 12.1 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6b - Tiled images/14 - 2 - Visualizing objects (8-02).mp4 12 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4a - Basics of lists/9 - 4 - Collisions and reflections (12-09).mp4 11.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1a - Functions/3 - 2 - Visualizing functions (7-19).mp4 11.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 3a - Drawing canvas/8 - 3 - Programming tips - 3 (7-10).mp4 11.2 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 0b - Variables and assignments/2 - 1 - Variables (11-03).mp4 10.9 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 3a - Drawing canvas/8 - 2 - Visualizing drawing and timers (6-19).mp4 10.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2b - Buttons and input fields/6 - 5 - Guess the number! (6-56).mp4 9.7 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2b - Buttons and input fields/6 - 2 - Input fields (9-34).mp4 9.5 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2b - Buttons and input fields/6 - 3 - Visualizing events (5-35).mp4 8.7 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4b - Keyboard control/10 - 2 - Visualizing lists and mutation.mp4 8.4 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4b - Keyboard control/10 - 3 - Programming tips - 4 (3-44).mp4 5.7 MB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4a - Basics of lists/collisions_and_reflections.pdf 395 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4b - Keyboard control/pong_note.pdf 229 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 5b - Dictionaries and images/images.pdf 207 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6b - Tiled images/tiled_images.pdf 196 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 4b - Keyboard control/velocity_control.pdf 196 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 1b - Logic and conditionals/rpsls.pdf 177 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 3a - Drawing canvas/canvas_and_drawing.pdf 175 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 2b - Buttons and input fields/buttons.pdf 120 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Week 6b - Tiled images/Blackjack.pdf 94 KB
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Links.txt 174 B
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python/Python Programming Basics using codeskulptor/Student Video Forum.txt 74 B
Name Size Peers
Private.25.02.18.Emma.Evans.Anal.Introductions.XXX.2160p.MP4-WRB[XC] Video 8.3 GB 107
Private.25.02.16.Silvia.Soprano.Anal.Introductions.XXX.1080p.HEVC.x265.PRT Video 714 MB 91
Hodel R. An Introduction to Mathematical Logic 2013 Application 1.1 MB 75 Video 468.2 MB 51
Davidson P. Turbulence. An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers 2ed 2015 Application 56 MB 47
[math-science-tech] An Introduction to Modern Stellar Astrophysics by Bradley W. Carroll .. PDF Application 43.8 MB 43
Private.25.02.16.Silvia.Soprano.Anal.Introductions.XXX.1080p.MP4-WRB[XC] Video 2.5 GB 35
[ ] Udemy - Introduction To Business - Foundations And Practices Video 1.2 GB 28
Introduction to Engineering and Scientific Computing with Python - David E. Chapra, Steven C.epub Ebook 20 MB 25
Mukhopadhyay S. Measure and Integration. An Introduction 2025 Application 10.2 MB 24
Introduction - Entrada Forçada (Monica Mattos, Ju Pantera, Agatha Meirelles, Priscila Ferrari, Bianca Rios).avi Video 698.9 MB 20
Berg J. An Introduction to Interfaces and Colloids. The Bridge..Nanoscience 2024 Application 76.8 MB 20
Mitra A. Introduction to Numerical Methods..for Students in Engineering 2ed 2023 Application 13.2 MB 19
Judaism_ A Very Short Introduction - Norman Solomon.epub Ebook 2.5 MB 19
[philosophy] What Fanon Said_ A Philosophical Introduction to His Life and Thought by Drucilla Cornell PDF Application 2.3 MB 19
Li G. Introduction to the Finite Element Method and Implementation 2021 Application 178.8 MB 19
[medical] Introduction to Neuropsychopharmacology by Floyd E. Bloom .. PDF Application 20.7 MB 18
Private.25.02.16.Silvia.Soprano.Anal.Introductions.XXX.2160p.MP4-WRB[XC] Video 6.2 GB 17
[ ] Python for Kids - A fun and engaging introduction to programming concepts using Python Ebook 1.4 MB 15
Seacord R. Effective C. An Introduction to Professional C Programming 2ed 2024 Application 5.9 MB 14
